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[b]A Message From The [i]Islands Post[/i][/b]

We are unsure at this time however we are trying to get our legal analysts on it. This bill was quickly put into congress and quickly voted on, we haven't had enough time to get through all of the papers yet we do find it possible - and disturbing - that some aspects of local governments may be limited. What we definitely know now, is that the President and Congress will keep their titles.

[i]-Editors of The Islands Post[/i]

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[quote][center][u][b]Statement from the Kingdom of Cochin[/b][/u][/center]

The Kingdom had embarked upon a strategic alliance with United States of the Islands with the express belief that it is a nation that values its sovereignty as much as we do ours and is thus an ally worth defending. We are extremely troubled at the new law under which United States of the Islands apparently subjugates its sovereignty to Austria. While we have no say in decisions taken by the United States of the Islands, the Kingdom feels strongly that it cannot continue a strategic alliance with a nation or an entity that has subjugated its sovereignty to another nation.


KP Varma,
Minister of External Affairs,
Kingdom of Cochin[/quote]

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[quote][center][b][u]Dispatch from the United Federation of the East[/b][/u][/center]

The United Federation of the East congratulations the new Viceroy. From my interactions with her I have found her nothing but honorable.

I would encourage our Cochin friends to give the Austrians a chance before cancelling. They are a very friendly once you get to know them.


Yuan Jia, August Imperator of the United Federation of the East[/quote]

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We have no doubts regarding the good intentions of Austria and our qualms are not towards that matter. Our qualms is that we have undertaken a promise to defend a nation which it does not hold sovereignty over itself. The Kingdom had embarked upon a strategic alliance with United States of the Islands, an alliance of such value that it cannot be done with a less than sovereign entity. There is a larger measure of uncertainty when dealing with an entity whose sovereignty is controlled by yet another nation.

- KP Varma,
Minister of External Affairs,
Kingdom of Cochin

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While I don't disagree with the logic, you did not quite understand my point. My point was that you should reach out to the Austrians, who are quite sovereign rather than sacrificing the entire relationship.

-August Imperator Yuan Jia

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[b]Private To The King of Cochin[/b]

I would hope that you can stick with us just a little longer. I am trying to get President O'Reilly to overturn this bill since he has 24 hours to change his mind. I and Vice President McNeil are much more against this law then you can imagine. It [i]is[/i] a unconstitutional act and I do hope we can get take it out of law.

Susan O'Neil
[b]Chief Diplomat of The United States of The Islands[/b]

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[b]Austrian Bill's Constitutionality Now Officially Questioned[/b]


This morning the Mayor of Douglas formally asked the New Dublin District Judge for a trial on the constitutionality of the Austrian Law recently passed by President O'Reilly. No official word has been given from the Orange House however several members of the Republican Party said they would stand by the bill. Many members of the Conservative Party also supported the bill however the Independent Party seems to be moving away from support of the bill. We can only assume that President O'Reilly, the leader of the Independent Party, might have an opinion similar to his colleagues.

Protests have swelled in Douglas with both sides lining the streets. As of now the supporters of the law seem to be outnumbered however that can change quickly.

We still do not have the law itself in our hands however we expect to get an exact copy of it when the law goes to court.

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[size="6"][b]Immense Trade With The Athenian Federation and Ireland in Question[/b][/size]

[b]Immense Trade With the Athenian Federation[/b]


Today the Athenian Federation and the United States have started a new massive trade agreement. The agreement mostly pertains to the United States exporting materials and products which is outstanding for the USI. The agreement went into action earlier this week. With this, stocks have rallied an enormous [color="#00FF00"]+500[/color]. Nearly seven more [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steel_mill"]mini-mills[/url] have opened in the past few days. It also seems that because of this large amount of trade investors and buisness owners are looking to the almost deserted Western Isles to set up shop. President O'Reilly stated earlier that, "Trade with our allies is something we have to embrace and appreciate. Exporting is the best way to become a great economic power of the world."

[b]Ireland in Question[/b]


With the independence of Ireland a seemingly mute amount of government actions and chatter have seemed to be taking place. Vice President McNeil stressed that if the "rebel government" is ignoring the needs of Irish citizens then it will lead to political turmoil in the British Isles in the future. It seems that not even a single law has been passed since the withdraw of USI troops from the island. A special committee was formed to look over and see if the rebel government is neglecting the Irish people.

[i]-Islands Post[/i]

Edited by PresidentDavid
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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1315198559' post='2795117']
China would like to take this time to advise the USI, to learn from our lessons of failed industrialization policies between 1959 and 1961 and [u]not[/u] attempt miniaturized steel mills.


Because of the small size of the Island mini-mills are necessary in some parts. Many of them have been expanding or expanded. We thank you for your advice.

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Perhaps the UFE does not realize that modern mini-mills tend to be electric arc furnace facilities for scrap melting. The small size of the USI dictates that it should not attempt to waste space by attempting to facilitate a full-blown iron and steel industry. The USI has wisely chosen the best way to go with development, and for this Grand Papua congradulates the USI.

Grand Papua would like to facilitate trade with the United States of the Islands. We shall sent someone once the British Crisis is over.

Edited by Kankou
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[b]Austrian Bill Declared Unconstitutional![/b]

Two courts found that the Austrian Bill was unconstitutional and would infringe upon the sovereignty of the United States in even basic aspects. It was show that local police, parts of the military, and several members of government would loose power and be under Austria.

[i]-Islands Post[/i]

Edited by PresidentDavid
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[b]Crops Ablaze[/b]


The Western Isles are currently under attack from devastating fires which are burning literally tons of potential food. Since the Island has had an accountable population up rise combined with a look towards industry and manufacturing farm land has shrunk and become in higher demand which means many family and commercial farmers have already or have started purchasing property in the Western Isles which is vastly uninhabited. The land was tax free from the local and Federal government so long as it was farmed and kept up for the next ten years.
These fires have caused a state of panic for many farmers who are getting ready to harvest their crop. Many, like Joe Letterman, have tried piling dirty or destroying crops on the edges of their farms to keep fire from engulfing their crop but many have come to no prevail.

The Governor of The Western Isles recently declared a State of Emergency and we discovered that either today or tomorrow the President will be making a flight to the Western Isles to see the damage. What the overwhelming problem with this is that the United States depends on these crops for the winter. There are reserves but 85% of them were used in the Ireland Fiasco and the remainder are in grain silos - half of them are in the Western Isles. It is unclear what the President will do to prevent an National Tragedy at this time.
-Islands Post [/i]

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The Kingdom of Cochin is sending a flotilla of freighters with surplus food products to ease the food emergency in United States of the Islands.

- Ministry of External Affairs

[quote]xxx Classified xxx

United States of the Island

The recent surrender of sovereignty by United States of the Islands to Austria has put the Kingdom of Cochin at a troublesome situation. While we value the alliance we hold with the United States of the Islands and the strategic advantages accrued by this alliance, we consider our alliance and our commitment to the defense of United States of the Island to be in question when United States of the Islands itself is not the ultimate arbiter of its own affairs.

We request an audience with your government so that our concerns may be expressed in detail and the issues be cleared out. We thus request that an audience may be granted to Mr. KP Varma, our Minister of External Affairs to meet with the current Government of United States of the Islands.

We hope that your recent agrarian disasters may be got past and that the war in your region does not engulf your own nation.

Yours Sincerely,

HH Kerala Varma,
The King of Cochin

xxx End xxx[/quote]

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[quote name='Sir Keshav IV' timestamp='1315997122' post='2800302']
[i]Monaco-Valencia offers all our surplus grains to the USI following their tragedy.[/i]

[b]-Monaco-Valencia External Affairs Ministry[/b]

The United States thanks Monaco for their generosity and charity and we can't wait for the shipment to arrive.

Edited by PresidentDavid
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The Kingdom of Cochin[/b]

We thank you very much for your generosity in these troublesome times, I hope I get this situation under control. I am getting word from my intelligence agency that it may have been some type of attack on the United States although that is currently unconfirmed.

Also, the bill which put the United States as a ViceRoyalty of Austria was found unconstitutional thus making it void. I will still be more than willing to either talk to any of you personally or have a closed session of congress and let you address my congressmembers. Again, the law was found unconstitutional by the Supreme Court and so it was thrown out. Thank you again, my friend, for all of your generosity.

David Anthony O'Reilly
The President of The United States

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[quote]xxxx Classified xxxx

To: David Anthony O'Reilly
The President of The United States


If the vassaldom of United States of the Islands under Austrian sovereignty is indeed rescinded we see no reason to worry about our alliance. I hope you would still grant an audience to our Minister of External Affairs to discuss means and ways by which we can further strengthen our alliance.


HH Kerala Varma,
The King of Cochin

xxxx End xxxx[/quote]

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[font="Franklin Gothic Medium"][b][color="#008000"]National[/color] [color="#FF8C00"]Call[/color][/b][/font] [i][b][color="#FF0000"]To Arms[/color][/b][/i]


Just the other day President O'Reilly signed in a National Call To Arms. It is the first Presidential Declaration (OOC: Executive Order) given in United States history. It has called all service members into active duty, giving them 72 hours to show up to their designated military posts. Thousands of soldiers have been pouring into to barracks and facilities across the country as thousands more are being deployed into active duty in Scotland.

This National Call To Arms is a sign that we may be very close to war with the revolutionary government of England which, the Orange House has reported, "Has not given any attempt to Diplomatic Talks regarding the safety of civilians, preventing war, or to access conservative options both sides could take to lesson the damage of the fragile infrastructure of Scotland". Nearly three thousand Westlanders in the Western Isles organized and had a peaceful protest for the English to stop their acts of aggression. No acts of violence have erupted.

But what does this all mean for the USI economy? We got a memo on the 20th which read, "Factories of the country are being requested to begin creating military supplies and loading ammunition."

The country seems to really be, in [color="#FF0000"]War Mode[/color].

[i]-Islands Post[/i]

Edited by PresidentDavid
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