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An ultimatum to Portugal

Zoot Zoot

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[quote name='Yawoo' timestamp='1296248327' post='2607901']
The Kingdom finds it hard to believe that a Marine Corporal would so easily give up his nation without the use of torture or other illicit methods. As the Corporal is not alive to tell his tale today, the Kingdom can not support the England's wishes to try one of Portugal's highest ranking government members with such flimsy evidence.
Portugal thanks Ireland for their support against the English.

[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1296248671' post='2607914']
In regards to the ultimatum itself, the Athenian Federation seriously doubts the accuracy of the charge but will give Great Britain the benefit of the doubt. If the suspect is held on Athenian ground in Great Britain we can support it for now.
We thank Athens for their continued support of Portugal, and the Brotherhood.

[quote name='Chancellor Patrick' timestamp='1296250688' post='2607944']
The Alaskan Republic supports the Portuguese.
Portugal thanks Alaska for their support.

[quote name='Vedran' timestamp='1296253125' post='2607984']
"The Union of Arctica does not recognize this as acceptable evidence. A confession is not enough when it could have been extracted in any number of ways. Due to the prevalence of so-called inquisitors in the UK, it is likely that the confession was obtained under duress, and likely torture. Torture, while not an effective way of gaining information, is a very effective way of obtaining fake confessions such as what we suspect this to be. There is simply not enough evidence, and what there is, the British government had every motive to fake.

The Union of Arctica urges Portugal not to abide by this ridiculous demand, unsupported by good evidence.

The nations of the world no longer fear the British Empire. Times have changed, and the British need to be made to understand that. Through solidarity with the Portuguese people against the British demands we will show them this."
Portugal thanks Arctica for their support.

As to Ivory Coast's aggressive movements, we will only say this: This is not your fight. Your untested and rushed recruits would fall faster than drops of rain against our cold, battle-hardened troops. Do not make the mistake of sending your men to fight where they are not needed.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1296302941' post='2609410']
As for Arctica, we are NOT the British Empire. We do not expect to be feared, we do not expect all nations to kneel before us and do as we command. Those days are long gone.[/quote]

"Clearly you do, as you expect Portugal to be so afraid as to hand over their government officials to you on the basis of a baseless ultimatum. And you expect that the larger world will tolerate hostile demands that belong in the 19th century. These are all mistakes that you have made. The truth is, you dare not attack Portugal because you know, if you do, all the nations of the world will look at the Portuguese people and see themselves, being fed demands and ultimatums by hostile states. And then you will have lost your credibility as a respectable state. To save face, you realize you must withdraw your demand. If you absolutely must have Roybal, you should learn from your mistakes. Produce credible evidence next time - if your claim is indeed true - and approach Portugal diplomatically instead of with threats on your tongue and a fist in your hand, as this will get you nowhere with any but the most spineless and fearful of governments."

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Where was Arctica when Portugal laid an ultimatum against Britian? Nowhere. Take your hypocrisy and don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Great Britian urges Portugal to release the turncoat within your ranks. We have a man presently in custody known as Stetson Vienay who will testify against the councillor, aswell against the Portuguese government for separate offences.

On my phone, had a little to drink.
I'm also lying about Stetson, but he will be in my custody for the trial if you accept to give up the councillor.

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Stetson Vienay is wanted by Portugal for possessing a military-grade firearm - which is illegal in Portugal. However, we will not let this sway our decision. Councilor Roybal will not be given to the British - this is the last time we will say this. In addition, we will not allow British soldiers to violate our sovereignty again. Was your vacation in Porto not enough for you? Do you wish to torment the nightmares of Portuguese children, forever afraid of the "English Brute" who wants to see all of Portugal burn? If that is your wish, invade. We will fight, and we will not stop fighting until all of your soldiers are six feet under the ground.

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It was not Britian that resolved to carpet bomb Porto and massacre it's civilians. We are not ignorant to the warcrimes and civil injustices commited by your Government against your civilians.

That is what Stetson will testify in court.
This is your final chance to see sense and avoid war.

Comply with our ultimatum and hand him over.

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"My fellow Councilors, I have grave news. Unfortunately, I will not be serving on this council any longer."
"What is your reason for this resignation, Councilor Montez?"
"Because I know the things that Councilor Roybal has done, and it makes me sick to think I serve alongside him when I know he ordered the murders of innocents in Porto, Guarda and abroad. Did you not read the Global Research article?"
"We have all read it, Councilor Montez. What are you getting at?"
"What I am getting at is that we have declined the British ultimatum several times - but they have not attacked yet. Why?"
"I don't know. The Army is still on a defensive-"
"SHUT THE HELL UP WITH THE ARMY! The British are afraid of evoking Athens' wrath. If we are in a full-out war against the British, then it endangers the British alliance with Athens. They are too afraid to come and get him themselves!"
"That proves nothing Montez!"
"No, it proves everything. Montez, Echevarría, tone down your arguments. Councilor Montez is right. Councilor Roybal will be turned over to British authorities."
"As you wish Councilor Osorio."
[center]After much debate, we have decided to reverse our decision. Councilor ROybal will be released into British hands, but will be tried in an Athenian court of military law, and to be treated humanely. If these two conditions are not met, Portugal will be forced to declare war on Great Britain on the grounds of threatening the life of a government member.[/center]

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Although we do not believe for a minute the British accusations against the Councilor, it would be folly to damage our relations even more with the British. Do note that we asked for the Councilor to be treated humanely, if this is not met then the entire ultimatum and our decision is irrelevant and we will be at war regardless.

OOC: Basically Zoot told me that he has, and I quote, "lost all passion for [this] war". :/

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"Portugal has betrayed its own government official to maintain relations with Britain, relations that did not prevent them from making baseless threats and accusations. Perhaps these feeble relations are worth more to them than their honor, more than the pride of its people who expect their government to defend them because they are loyal citizens.

And now they surrender a high official to keep Britain happy, and they do this while admitting the accusations are false. They are a shame to the free world, those peoples that trust their government to protect them from foreign aggression, and a shame to those governments that keep and value this trust.

The government of Portugal has thus failed its people, and in doing so, has shown that the desires of foreign aggressors are valued over the security of its own citizens. It has shown today that it is a spineless establishment not worthy of leadership, and the Portuguese people should take this episode to heart the next time they are in trouble and think their leaders will protect them. Because there's a very good chance they won't."

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1296411992' post='2611275']
"This action was for the best. Wars turn out bloody and messy. If it can be avoided, it should."
"When international support is on your side and the aggressor has incentive not to go to war - namely his alliances - you don't capitulate."

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Ivory Coast is foolish to think Britain would have made good on its threats in the face of such international support for Portugal.

Nonetheless, it is a betrayal of the most pathetic kind to surrender an innocent (as the Portuguese claim) leader to face trial for allegedly false crimes. The capitulation of Portugal's people to Britain's unreasonable demands, the betrayal of their leader by the people of Portugal, is noted.

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We thank Portugal for their cooperation in this matter.

If a Portugeuse helicopter could deliver Roybal and one observer to HMS Ark Royal, presently in international waters off your coast, the Royal Navy will take Roybal to Portsmouth where he will be taken to the Athenian Consulate in Birmingham.

Edited by Zoot Zoot
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