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Satellites don't exactly move in space. They are stationary, in geosynchronous orbit WITH the earth. So, they DO move actually, about 17000 mph, or at the exact same speed as the spot they are to own OVER the earth. They don't orbit.

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[quote name='Merlinus' timestamp='1307987406' post='2730646']

Satellites don't exactly move in space. They are stationary, in geosynchronous orbit WITH the earth. So, they DO move actually, about 17000 mph, or at the exact same speed as the spot they are to own OVER the earth. They don't orbit.

Not all satellites are geosynchronous, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satellite

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[quote name='Aggressivenutmeg' timestamp='1308001354' post='2730760']
Not all satellites are geosynchronous, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satellite

And GEO is too high for quality satellite imagery so the satellites in question must be in LEO.

EDIT: Or MEO with some loss of quality.

Edited by iKrolm
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I have 5 sats ingame, and i keep about four of them geostationary over separate regions above Zargathia. The fifth one is more of a wildcard, but it still won't go and spy on stuff on another continent too far for me to do a thing about for the lulz.

That's just my interpretation though, and my reach hasn't been that big. I generally stick to x2 or x3 my SoI in terms of what i can respond to.

Edited by Amyante
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[quote name='Amyante' timestamp='1308006132' post='2730795']
I have 5 sats ingame, and i keep about four of them geostationary over separate regions above Zargathia. The fifth one is more of a wildcard, but it still won't go and spy on stuff on another continent too far for me to do a thing about for the lulz.

That's just my interpretation though, and my reach hasn't been that big. I generally stick to x2 or x3 my SoI in terms of what i can respond to.

Satellites aren't actually limited to the amount in-game, having a single satellite in-game is a requirement to have military satellites but the numbers aren't 1:1

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I am calling God Mode. Korea lost all basing in Alaska when its nation collapsed and became a UFE protectorate. I did not restore Korean independence alongside an alliance, nor did I RP them allowing back into the Alaska facilities. I think its fairly common sense that the UFE would not overlook something like this, or allow a nation they have poor relations with to have back major radar equipment.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1308235287' post='2732410']

I am calling God Mode. Korea lost all basing in Alaska when its nation collapsed and became a UFE protectorate. I did not restore Korean independence alongside an alliance, nor did I RP them allowing back into the Alaska facilities. I think its fairly common sense that the UFE would not overlook something like this, or allow a nation they have poor relations with to have back major radar equipment.

The Joint Base, according to the original lease treaty, is the property of Procinctia following the collapse of the first Ursalia. (ARTICLE IV). Since Triyun never RPed seizing any Procinctia, it is not possible for him to have RPed anything concerning the base. Therefore, the enclave of Procinctia on the Alaskian mainland was free of any RPs that Triyun might have done in Alaska. Morever, there has been no real IC indication of "bad" relations between the GKF and UFE except for the short argument over territorial waters. Any such venomous relations would be based on things other than OOC, which has no place in RP.

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1308236850' post='2732421']
LOL, are you serious? Korea collapsed.. and the GKF thing is your follow on. They are two entirely separate entities, hence this base in the Aleutians doesn't exist to you.
While we could discuss the problems of whether the current Greater Korean Federation is the successor of the former Greater Korean Federation, there is one thing you need to know: the Joint Base is in Anchorage, as in Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1308237463' post='2732427']
I'm aware its part of UFE territory, I did not give it to you.
It was never part of UFE. Thank you very much.

*Waits for a more logical rebuttal than "I know it even if I never RPed it"*

Edited by Kankou
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As Korea ceased to exist as an independent entity for a prolonged period of time all existing treaties or other arrangements that existed were cancelled unless reinstated at a later date. As no agreements have been restored they aren't valid. In essence the base is fully Procinctian now and all rp's using it after the fall of Korea are in fact illegal.

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Yes it was, as the United Federation of the East has protectorate over Alaska and it has protectorate over Alaska and had it over Korea. All of Korea's stuff is as a result of UFE granting it. The UFE specifically seized Anchorage here, but we've held Alaska uncontested as a protectorate for months. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=100668&view=findpost&p=2684712

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1308237088' post='2732423']
While we could discuss the problems of whether the current Greater Korean Federation is the successor of the former Greater Korean Federation, there is one thing you need to know: the Joint Base is in Anchorage, as in Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson.

It doesn't really matter whether it is your successor state or not. They are two separate entities. When your first collapsed, you lost your joint-base, and you didn't show any inclination when you rerolled to reoccupy it. You can't be rerolling and then claiming occupancy all over again when your original government and forces went poof, bye bye.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1308237718' post='2732432']
The UFE specifically seized Anchorage here, but we've held Alaska uncontested as a protectorate for months. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=100668&view=findpost&p=2684712

I suppose that post should be sufficient to say that UFE occupies Procinctian territory. Thanks for pointing that out, and I'll get to editing in a bit.

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The post is still BS, I find it highly unlikely that anyone could detect with a satellite alone an aircraft which only went hypersonic and started moving when it was moving over the pole. Further I find it highly unlikely that the Koreans could make any claim of knowing which aircraft it was an tracking it all the way TOO England, when there are hundreds of aircraft which take off from Fort Beihai and land there in any given week.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1308239547' post='2732453']
The post is still BS, I find it highly unlikely that anyone could detect with a satellite alone an aircraft which only went hypersonic and started moving when it was moving over the pole. Further I find it highly unlikely that the Koreans could make any claim of knowing which aircraft it was an tracking it all the way TOO England, when there are hundreds of aircraft which take off from Fort Beihai and land there in any given week.

And again he has a point, Kankou can you explain how you noticed the attack when it was launched from Alaska, all the way to England?

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1308239547' post='2732453']
The post is still BS, I find it highly unlikely that anyone could detect with a satellite alone an aircraft which only went hypersonic and started moving when it was moving over the pole. Further I find it highly unlikely that the Koreans could make any claim of knowing which aircraft it was an tracking it all the way TOO England, when there are hundreds of aircraft which take off from Fort Beihai and land there in any given week.
Check what you wrote:

[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1306082645' post='2716619']
Twelve of the missiles were launched from the runways of the Alaska base, flying into the upper atmosphere detonating their scram jets, to accelerate over the open Polar Region, and only showing up on English radar as they bore down on their cities at near Mach 16 speed.[/quote]

I get the impression that the missiles were launched from [b]rockets[/b], which would obviously be suspicious given that you have twelve launches at almost the same time, and also chaos in the UK sometime after. Also, I think I mentioned that I have over 10,000 people checking the data from my system 24 hours a day.

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No, the missile, the falcon, I used specifically is designed to take off under turbojet power like a conventional aircraft and then accelerate using its scram jet. The best you could claim is you say twelve aircraft with feint radar signatures take off from Fort Beihai and headed towards the North Pole. Thats it. By the way that happens several times a day at Fort Beihai.

Edited by Triyun
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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1308242119' post='2732484']
No, the missile, the falcon, I used specifically is designed to take off under turbojet power like a conventional aircraft and then accelerate using its scram jet. The best you could claim is you say twelve aircraft with feint radar signatures take off from Fort Beihai and headed towards the North Pole. Thats it. By the way that happens several times a day at Fort Beihai.
I have not seen a single indication that the Falcon was designed such a way in any of your posts so far. In addition, it would be obvious to tell the difference between an aircraft and a cruise missile. After all, radar is not the only thing available: I have this thing called IMINT satellites.

Also, who on earth uses "launch" to mean "take off like a plane"? This is beyond simple semantics.

Edited by Kankou
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Then you've failed to read them. The first thread that the Falcon was used in was specifically RPed as having the capability.


"Launching after the B-10s due to their superior speed, [b]the Falcon was a cruise missile with the range and speed comparable to an intercontinental ballistic missile. The weapon utilized a wave rider configuration and took off under turbojet power which meant that unlike a ballistic missile which is detectable from a satellite to launch, the Falcon was not."[/b]

Further the idea that you could see a object moving that fast over all this territory with visual technology?

I have someone to object to this:

[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1307983637' post='2730606']
You're mixing up economical and physical restraints. My point about the satellites was that it is physically impossible to have all the instant detection that most people take for granted. Only someone who has over ten thousand people looking at the constant incoming data from stationary satellites has any chance to do the instant detection so dreamed of by everyone in RP (http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=97109&view=findpost&p=2575964). Another line of argument, focusing on physics, would be needed, Triyun.

So you just happened to insta detect in the few minutes that it happened, twelve aircraft and get a visual ID while they were moving at a decent speed, and find out they were cruise missiles even though the images I've given of the Falcon suggest it does not look like a cruise missile?

Right... Tbh, this seems much more the fact that you want to make an OOC deal, and are grasping for straws than anything else.

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