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Cloak and Dagger

Markus Wilding

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In the army base outside Guarda, the top Brotherhood's Fist commanders were gathered around a table, on it a map of Portugal. Along with the military commanders, Councilman Roybal was present, overlooking the map. He was the first to speak. "It is agreed then. The dissenters must be punished to make an example." Major Agosto, in charge of the 1st Brotherhood's Fist Division, noted the difficulty in carrying this operation out. "Major, the soldiers will know the importance of this. We all took an oath to the Brotherhood when we joined, and so did the men. Are we clear on the objectives?" Indeed they were. The 1st Brotherhood's Fist Div. was to hunt down political dissenters in Lisboa, Sintra and Villa Franca de Xira. The 2nd Brotherhood's Fist Div. was to do the same in Guarda, Coimbra and Viseu. The 3rd Div. was to look in Porto, and if necessary, hunt them down should they flee to other countries. If the 3rd Div. is ever found in a country, Portugal would simply say it had no knowledge of the Fist ever beginning this "hunt" and would deny any involvement. The men would understand, and each was given a cyanide tablet to keep in his pack should they need to "travel" and get caught.

Roybal in the meantime, gave the sergeants and lieutenants the names and faces of the high-value targets, the ones that Portugal needed eliminated, [i]now.[/i]

Gian Quintero
Lia Armas - Assumed to be in Labrador, assumed dead and search ended due to Labrador's fall
Faraón Bustos
Clotilde Guerra - Traced to the Democratic People's Republic of Maine, traitor inside government is helping to find and eliminate her
Arquelao Vigil
Amankaya Reséndez - Traced to the Xinyan Republic, killed. Team is likely KIA

OOC: This can be considered an open RP. If you wish to have a dissenter in your country for the Fist to track down, please PM me and I will give you further details on each dissenter. By PMing me you agree to allow the Brotherhood's Fist to infiltrate your country. If they are caught or not will be decided through PM. Additionally, if you wish to be a dissenter inside Portugal not connected to any nation, please PM me.

Edited by Markus Wilding
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For the 1st Div., their priority was on one woman - Lia Armas. She was a particularly troublesome dissenter, fighting as a guerrilla for the Democrats in the Portuguese Civil War. Even now, she made things tough for the Brotherhood. Open protests (which weren't allowed under Portuguese law), letters to state-run papers (which never printed the letters, but forwarded them to the Brotherhood) bashing the Brotherhood and even outright attacks against the Brotherhood's Fist made a lot of men in the 1st Div. want her dead. They approached her dilapidated apartment complex and entered. Three men were assigned to her apartment, the other twenty kept a watch on the other citizens to ensure no leaks got out. The three soldiers knocked on Lia's door and politely asked her to surrender. No response came from inside. The three kicked down the door and expected her to be inside, shooting at them. Instead, they found an empty apartment. The leader swore and ordered the other two to begin searching for where she went.

An hour later of searching, one of the soldiers reported to their sergeant. "Sir, we found out where she was headed." The sergeant smoked a cigarette and glared at the soldier. "Where? Tell me now." "She went to Labrador, sir. A search of her computer confirmed she bought tickets on a one-way flight. She tried to delete the emails, but our technician found them." The sergeant allowed a smile to slip onto his lips. "Get to Labrador. Now."

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Amankaya Reséndez knew she had been very, [i]very [/i]lucky to make it to the Xinyan Republic. Even at the moment when the Brotherhood's Fist soldier had demanded documents of her, documents that would have permitted her to be imprisoned by the Brotherhood, Reséndez had known that she could not remain safely in Portugal. In order to escape, she had been forced to kill the soldier with a firearm that, due to Brotherhood restrictions, she legally was not permitted to own--but in these times, nothing that threatened the power of the Brotherhood and its dominion over Portugal in all matters was legal anymore.

Fleeing Portugal, and (she believed) the grasp of the Brotherhood and its Fist, Reséndez had chosen to flee to the Xinyan Republic; a small nation, in general neutral to most international matters that did not concern it, the Republic was, by Reséndez's point of view, the perfect place to hide out for a time. If anything, the heavy military presence in Xinyan would serve to deter and discourage an attempt by the Fist to pursue her.

Unknown to herself, however, Reséndez was being observed and marked with suspicion by an organisation that no one beyond its own operatives and the highest ranking government and military officers in Xinyan knew of. Direction Central--the secretive intelligence and national security agency of the Republic. At the moment, Direction Central was unaware of Reséndez's intentions or reason for being in Xinyan, but its operatives remained wary of the fugitive.

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The 3rd Div. in Porto now knew Reséndez had fled Portugal. To where though, they didn't know. There was nothing in her home to indicate where she had gone and she left practically no trail. It appeared finding her would be impossible. At least, until a Brotherhood soldier decided to question airport security and clerks on if they had seen her, showing her picture and running her name around. After enough time, one of the clerks in the Porto International Airport recognized her, saying she had bought a ticket to the Xinyan Republic. The lieutenants didn't want to risk a run-in with Xinyan MPs at the airport, and decided to make a call to the higher ups on what to do. This call was wired directly to Councilor Roybal.

[quote]"What is it?"
"Councilor, we have evidence on the location of one of the dissenters, Amankaya Reséndez."
"What of it? Track her down and kill her."
"There is a problem, Councilor."
"Which would be [i]what,[/i] Lieutenant?"
"She is in the Xinyan Republic. If we arrive by plane, we may be caught at the gates and she may elude our grasp forever. If we go via sea, we'll have to evade patrols through Zagarthia."
"Take the risk. In the armory near Guarda, there are shortened weapons issued to paratroopers, including PAR-39u assault rifles and PSR-88P sniper rifles. Arm your team with them, and get into Xinyan. You have cyanide pills, use them if you need to."
"Understood Councilor."[/quote]

It was decided a seven-man team would be sent into the Republic. Since the PAR-39u took plastic magazines, they could hide them in their civilian outfits and be able to smuggle them through metal detectors. The ammunition itself would prove to be a challenge, since it was full-metal and would set off X-rays and metal detectors. It would have to be hidden deep inside their false suitcases, covered up by items that would hopefully cover them. To make it seem like they were only coming for sport, airsoft versions of their guns and magazines were bought and packed with it. If they pulled this off, they would all earn medals they could never talk about.

Labrador was amazingly easier. A civilian freighter headed for the Alaskan Republic would drop off a rowboat off the Disparu coast, and from there the five-man team would row their way into Labrador. This would all have to be under the cover of darkness, and they were ordered to move only at night. Each of the teams were given maps of the countries geography and city locations to study before the operations began.

Edited by Markus Wilding
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After an extensive search of Guarda, Clotilde Guerra was traced to the Democratic People's Republic of Maine. Unlike others, she had hitched a ride on a boat to her new home. The Latin immigrant wouldn't find much solace in Maine, though. Already the Fist were making plans to hunt her down and execute her. The plan for Maine would be similar to Labrador's; a civilian freighter would drop off a small rowboat, the four-man team inside. They too were ordered to move under the cover of night and to only enter large towns and cities if they had definitive proof she was there. In the meantime, the other two teams were preparing for their operations. It wouldn't be long before the dissenters were hunted down one-by-one and executed.

The seven men began heading to Xinyan via airplane. Their travel credentials listed them as businessmen on a meeting with a non-existent client from Portugal who was trying to set up a company in Xinyan or Zagarthia. The weapons inside the suitcases were products made in Portugal for the airsoft company the client wished to begin. The ammunition, if it was found, would be explained away as to help the client make the correct adjustments to his products. The men hoped they wouldn't need to use their cyanide pills.

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Setson Vienay had donned casual clothing that any teenager would wear in Portugal. A slightly tight red hoodie, skinny black jeans and red skater sneakers, as to not arouse suspicion. He was in Lisboa, the heart of Portugal and his goal was to escape to England. After packing up clothing, ID and money, as well as two pistols with a total of 30 magazines in his car, he revved up his hybrid and began to the nearest north western port.

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Setson's car would be stopped by a Brotherhood patrol posted on a highway leading to Porto. The stop itself was a toll booth, but instead of taking tolls, the soldiers posted inside checked the ID's of any travelers. With their new authority came the power to stop any vehicle, regardless of occupants, and demand their ID. Setson's initially didn't raise any suspicions among the soldiers, but the Brotherhood were taking no chances with dissenters or spies infiltrating and damaging Portugal from within. The soldier handed Setson is I.D. back to him and asked him where he was going, why he was leaving Lisboa and what he planned on doing.

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"You may go." The officer watched Setson's car drove away.

In Porto, the search for dissenters continued strong. People were dragged out onto the streets, men, women, teachers, students, and businessmen alike were persecuted. All but the ones the Brotherhood deemed the most dangerous were handcuffed. The others were told to watch quietly. Three had been lined up - a schoolteacher who bashed the Brotherhood in his teachings, a businessman who tried to make a deal with the English and a man who had done nothing but wrote letters. A Brotherhood captain took out his Makarov pistol and readied it, sliding a fresh magazine in. "This is what happens when you smear the name of the Brotherhood! Let this be a lesson to you all, dissenter or otherwise; Bite the hand that feeds you, and it will bite back twice as hard. The first to learn this lesson is this schoolteacher. He taught our children to rebel against us, to reject the hand we have so graciously extended to ensure you are all safe and protected." The captain leveled the Makarov on the man's forehead. "If you are faint of heart, look away." A single shot ended his life. "The other two are this businessman, who tried to make a deal with the British, and this man who wrote anti-government letters." Two Brotherhood's Fist soldiers took away the body of the teacher, tossing it onto a truck. Another shot rang out, ending the businessman's deals forever. Before raising the Makarov to the last man, he asked him, "Give me one reason why I should not kill you." The man simply stuttered as he attempted to explain his position. "Too late." The last and final shot killed him. The bodies would be taken to a crematory and burnt beyond recognition, and the state would hold a short funeral service.

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The 747 had a rough flight. One woman was particulary nervous and wanted no other Portugese citizens near her, which was odd considering all the passengers were Portugal. As soon as the large ship landed, she was thrown off and banned from the airport for a 5 year period.

That was alright with her. This is where she would start a new life. And she'll start with the nearest bank.

After replacing all of her current currency with Labradorean currency, she placed all four thousand dollars into her pockets. One of the employees raised an eyebrow, St. John's police would never be able to return her money if it was stolen, but didn't say a thing. Lia scowled at the employee. She wasn't risking with a bank account.

After getting the money, she grabbed a city map from the bank's information center. She sat on a bench and looked carefully over the city. The high residential areas were a great place to blend in, but the apartments were full and the ones that weren't were way too expensive. Purchasing a house or even renting a room was way out of the question. She studied the western half of the city. All commercial businesses. The center was residential. The Southern part was all tourism crap, such as the "famous" harbor and many museums. The Northern was industry, a terrible place to hide. And eastern? The poorer part of the city.

Lia thought for a second. Why not just move to some northern village wher they would never identify or locate her? Or how about western Labrador, where all of the cities were under extreme survelliance and a group of soldiers who might possibly be looking for her would never be able to pull off an attack? Asuming that they even would come after her that is.

On second thought, living in those places would cost too much money. Everybody knows Western Labradorean tax rates are horribly high. Eastern St. John's would have to do. Besides, hiding in the millions of people that live here should be easy enough. She was sure she could find a cheap apartment to stay at and a quick job. Her life was being erased. What a happy ending!

She headed towards the dollar store, bought cheap make-up and hair coloring, and left towards eastern Labrador in search of apartments.

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The operatives tracking Reséndez had chosen a bad time to take on their mission. With the heightened tensions in East Asia at this point, airport security had been vamped up higher than ever. As the Fist operatives stepped off the plane into the Xinyan City International Airport (the only major international airport in Xinyan), on either side of the exit of the plane was a soldier of the military police, their eyes hidden behind the visors of their combat helmets, standing, it seemed, without the slightest movement.

The security would not lessen as the Fist operatives moved further into the airport. Many civilians from other parts of the world, unused to this kind of security, shuffled past the MPs with suspicious and almost frightened eyes. In line for the metal detectors, the Fist operatives could see they were about to be in some deep trouble; up ahead, further MPs were arriving, accompanied by a man who wore a pair of jeans and a coat, within which was concealed an automatic pistol. The man was a Direction Central operative, though by his clothing he may have appeared as simply a government officer overseeing the MPs. His hands were clasped behind his back as he paced and watched over the MPs. An order had come in from the department of military affairs itself; a potential risk, the slightest possibility of a threat. The Direction Central agent bit his lip slightly; it may have seemed extreme, but if it eliminated a threat to the people's safety, could it be considered an overreaction?

"Excuse me, sir," the highest ranking MP stated to the businessman who stood at the head of the line. "Apologies for any inconvenience, but by order of the Guofangbu, we must search your suitcase and person." The businessman looked disgruntled, but had no choice but to comply. After he passed without result, the next man in the line was searched as well--and the next person, going further and further down the line...

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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1294955998' post='2574383']
"You may go." The officer watched Setson's car drove away.

In Porto, the search for dissenters continued strong. People were dragged out onto the streets, men, women, teachers, students, and businessmen alike were persecuted. All but the ones the Brotherhood deemed the most dangerous were handcuffed. The others were told to watch quietly. Three had been lined up - a schoolteacher who bashed the Brotherhood in his teachings, a businessman who tried to make a deal with the English and a man who had done nothing but wrote letters. A Brotherhood captain took out his Makarov pistol and readied it, sliding a fresh magazine in. "This is what happens when you smear the name of the Brotherhood! Let this be a lesson to you all, dissenter or otherwise; Bite the hand that feeds you, and it will bite back twice as hard. The first to learn this lesson is this schoolteacher. He taught our children to rebel against us, to reject the hand we have so graciously extended to ensure you are all safe and protected." The captain leveled the Makarov on the man's forehead. "If you are faint of heart, look away." A single shot ended his life. "The other two are this businessman, who tried to make a deal with the British, and this man who wrote anti-government letters." Two Brotherhood's Fist soldiers took away the body of the teacher, tossing it onto a truck. Another shot rang out, ending the businessman's deals forever. Before raising the Makarov to the last man, he asked him, "Give me one reason why I should not kill you." The man simply stuttered as he attempted to explain his position. "Too late." The last and final shot killed him. The bodies would be taken to a crematory and burnt beyond recognition, and the state would hold a short funeral service.
Setson drove past while the killings were going on and saw the soldier kill each of the men.

[i]Holy crap! I better get out of here soon![/i]

He quickly drove off to a small hotel and, after getting settled, went to walk around near the port to see if he could get a ride to England.

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The first operative made sure he knew exactly where his cyanide tablet was. If his magazines were caught (he was the only one of the seven to seriously consider hiding them under his clothes - the others thought it too impractical) he was sure to be questioned. Before he was to be searched, the operative behind him spoke up in Portuguese-accented Chinese; "Sir, before my associates and I are searched, please keep in mind we are here to explore an airsoft company start-up in Xinyan and Zagarthia. It will not be unusual to find what appear to be weapons, but we assure you, they are merely electric and gas-operated versions of the weapons we wish to create. And please excuse my friend here. This is his first time traveling outside Europe." He motioned to the Fist soldier in front of him, who was by now visibly shaking with fear.

Setson would probably find a small fishing boat, the owner lazily asleep on deck, tied to the harbor.

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The military police glanced suspiciously at the 'associates', picking up on the strange accent in the man's Chinese. If he spoke the truth, then there would have been record of the business at hand...but that was not the duty of the MPs, thankfully; these troops had spent hours and hours at this airport, checking without result every single passenger who passed through, and the last thing they would have wanted to do was check if these business associates had proper accounts, records, and documentation. That was up to what they believed was the Department of Industry and Business (though nearly all accounts that went through the Department were also checked by Direction Central).

After checking the airsoft guns and determining they were, indeed, not actual guns, the MPs stepped back, and the Direction Central officer stepped forward. He looked the Fist operatives over with no hint of his thoughts in his eyes or movements, and then placed registered tags on the airsoft guns, allowing them to be tracked by the number and code on the tag. "Apologies for the inconvenience," the officer stated. "In these times, no one can truly be too careful. If you would proceed on through the checkpoints, you can ask one of the civil officers for further help and they will direct you to a nearby Department of Business office, where you can continue with your...'exploration'."

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As each man was cleared, they continued on their mission. The group checked into a hotel, changed into civilian clothing and set out onto the city. Three men stayed behind to keep a watch on the rooms and to make sure if they ran into trouble, the weapons could be easily grabbed. The men also had the foresight to bring the silencers needed on their weapons, so "loud" shots wouldn't be heard if necessary. The four men sent out began searching the surrounding area, asking everyone they could if they had seen a certain woman. Her face was distributed among the populace, and the civilians were told she was a wife of one of the men who had lost contact with her before the Portuguese civil war who they believed had fled here. The canvassed the neighborhood and disappeared from sight once they deemed it necessary. Reséndez would not elude their grasp this time.

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One woman seemed to have indeed recognised Reséndez before. "I believe I saw this lady...checking into a hotel," the woman stated to the Fist operatives. "A Portuguese woman certainly stands out around here," she gave a small chuckle. "Anyway, if you want to find her, it shouldn't be difficult. The government requires hotels to keep records and IDs on any who register to stay, so I'm sure you would be capable of obtaining such information if you put in a request with the civil department."

The Fist operatives, however, as they went about their business, were regarded with a measure of suspicion by patrolling militsiya. Eventually, a number of soldiers approached the Fist operatives. "Excuse me," one of them, an officer, said. "As I understand it you are searching for someone. While we cannot allow you to continue to distribute pictures and leaflets, if needed you can be directed to an office where an official inquiry will take place." It seemed if the Fist operatives wanted to track down Reséndez, they would have to involve the Xinyan government in it.

Edited by dotCom
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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1294969445' post='2574588']
The first operative made sure he knew exactly where his cyanide tablet was. If his magazines were caught (he was the only one of the seven to seriously consider hiding them under his clothes - the others thought it too impractical) he was sure to be questioned. Before he was to be searched, the operative behind him spoke up in Portuguese-accented Chinese; "Sir, before my associates and I are searched, please keep in mind we are here to explore an airsoft company start-up in Xinyan and Zagarthia. It will not be unusual to find what appear to be weapons, but we assure you, they are merely electric and gas-operated versions of the weapons we wish to create. And please excuse my friend here. This is his first time traveling outside Europe." He motioned to the Fist soldier in front of him, who was by now visibly shaking with fear.

Setson would probably find a small fishing boat, the owner lazily asleep on deck, tied to the harbor.

Setson approached the owner of the fishing boat and gently awoke him, afterwards he whispered "Any way I can get a ride on that boat?"

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[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1294975343' post='2574657']
One woman seemed to have indeed recognised Reséndez before. "I believe I saw this lady...checking into a hotel," the woman stated to the Fist operatives. "A Portuguese woman certainly stands out around here," she gave a small chuckle. "Anyway, if you want to find her, it shouldn't be difficult. The government requires hotels to keep records and IDs on any who register to stay, so I'm sure you would be capable of obtaining such information if you put in a request with the civil department."

The Fist operatives, however, as they went about their business, were regarded with a measure of suspicion by patrolling militsiya. Eventually, a number of soldiers approached the Fist operatives. "Excuse me," one of them, an officer, said. "As I understand it you are searching for someone. While we cannot allow you to continue to distribute pictures and leaflets, if needed you can be directed to an office where an official inquiry will take place." It seemed if the Fist operatives wanted to track down Reséndez, they would have to involve the Xinyan government in it.
They now had most of what they needed. Next, they only had to find this hotel, which would be very hard in this city. It seemed almost everywhere they turned, there was another hotel.

The operatives stopped dead in their tracks once the captain began talking. They relaxed a bit as he spoke further, but still maintained an air of a heightened sense of tension in their speech and posture. The lead operative of the five began speaking to the captain. "Ah, we thank you for the offer. It appears somebody has seen the woman we are looking for, thankfully. We only need to know which hotel she is in. Would it be possible for us to obtain that information?"

[quote name='kitex' timestamp='1295014171' post='2575042']
Setson approached the owner of the fishing boat and gently awoke him, afterwards he whispered "Any way I can get a ride on that boat?"
The fisherman, although annoyed at this teen waking him from his nap, groggily replied "Eh, depends on where you wanna go...I'ssleepin' 'ere..." A single bottle of Slavorussian vodka bounced onto the deck of the small boat.

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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1295046044' post='2575445']
They now had most of what they needed. Next, they only had to find this hotel, which would be very hard in this city. It seemed almost everywhere they turned, there was another hotel.

The operatives stopped dead in their tracks once the captain began talking. They relaxed a bit as he spoke further, but still maintained an air of a heightened sense of tension in their speech and posture. The lead operative of the five began speaking to the captain. "Ah, we thank you for the offer. It appears somebody has seen the woman we are looking for, thankfully. We only need to know which hotel she is in. Would it be possible for us to obtain that information?"
"As said," the militsiya replied. "If you wish to obtain such information from the government, you will need to process an official inquiry. If the civil officers approve the inquiry, a search can be done; if it is rejected, then nothing more can be done." He gave instructions on how to reach a nearby civil office, and then he and the troops turned and returned to their patrol.

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The lead muttered "Of course..." under his breath in Portuguese, he ordered the other four to head back to the hotel and await further orders. If necessary, they would turn the entire city over to find and kill her, even if it meant getting themselves killed. This sudden change in tactics was brought on by now knowing she was in the city and the want of just getting it done. The leader, now on his own, headed to the civil office to find out once and for all where she was. This city would be Reséndez's grave.

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The eyes of the Direction Central officer were cynical and quite disbelieving as he heard the words of the officer from the Guomin Jun, who was under the impression he was speaking to a superior officer of the army. The soldier had just given a report and orders from the Xinyan High Command, and the Direction Central officer seemed non too pleased with what had been said.

"They want us to investigate an, ah....unusual occurance?" the officer sneered, his voice heavy with irony. "Because it is highly unusual for a group of Portuguese to be in the Republic." He was about to tell the soldier to see if he could find "more such matters of the utmost national importance" when the soldier held out the classified report given to him concerning these 'Portuguese tourists'. The officer read over them with a curious eye; this explained quite a bit more than the soldier himself had known enough to say.

"I see...I will deal with this, then," the officer turned abruptly. Direction Central, it seemed, may or may not be about to mobilise into combat for the first time.


In Xinyan City, a civil officer sat in uniform, reading the Xinyan Tongxunshe newspaper lazily. When the leader of the Fist operatives entered, the civil officer laid down her newspaper and straightened her back up. "What can I do for you?" she said to the Fist operative.

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The operative put on his best smile and said "Yes, I am looking for a Amankaya Reséndez. She is the wife of one of my associates who fled before the civil war. We had heard she was here, can you help us find her?"

In the hotel room, the "businessmen" slipped civilian clothes on, loaded up backpacks with their gear (one man carried a paratrooper version of the PSR-88 in his pack in case a sniper was needed) and set out. They now only needed to wait before the leader gave them the signal and location of Amankaya. Once this was done, it would be weapons free.

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"One moment please..." the civil officer turned back to her computer, and, without a word to the operative for a moment, consulted with a superior, giving details concerning the operative's inquiry before turning back to him. "If you can first provide proof of your associate's relation to Amankaya Reséndez, I can perform a search on purchases, registrations, and documents to such a name. I cannot perform such a search until proof of this is given, if you understand."


Meanwhile, the Direction Central officer, accompanied by four Direction Central agents, had set off towards the hotel the 'businessmen' had registered at, ostensibly to inquire as to why the businessmen had no registered account of their business in Xinyan.

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