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UFE Rehabilitates Veterans of Armies Past


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[b]CNN, Beijing[/b]


[b]Official News Release[/b]

Tiananmen Square was filled today as the March of the Volunteers blared across Beijing. The first annual celebration commemorating the Neo Triyunican Empire and its glorious achievements. Military veterans from the great wars of justice from the wars of the Neo Triyunican Empire were honored by the People's Liberation Army. The People's Liberation Army has announced that veterans of the previous People's Liberation Army would be considered veterans of the current People's Liberation Army marking the political rehabilitation of the standard army of all previous Chinese regimes which have pursued meritocratic socialist ideals.

Premier Wei in his speech has said, "The Neo Triyunican Empire was one of the greatest manifestations of Zeonic Ideals. The Empire ranging from Urumqi in the West to Okinawa in the East was a truly glorious manifestation of Pan Asian Ideals. Its glorious meritocratic socialist ideal reminds us Asia should not seek to divide itself by ethnic groups by rather, but rather should stand united opposing the nefarious influence of foreign imperialists rather than squabble about ethnicity. This is the highest ideal of both China's multi-ethnic identity and the necessary march of proper revolutionary thought.

While the new government has political differences with past regimes, we think it is important to acknowledge the sacrifices of common soldiers who have fought for the goals of freedom for all of East Asia. Today we honor them."[/quote]

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The Greater Korean Federation recognizes this move, and will also commit itself to consider the veterns as heroes of the Federation also. Just as the rightful forces crushed the Neo Japanese Imperialists, may the two Federations be united in its march toward peace!

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"Though nations may disappear and ideas may crumble into the dust, the men and women who shed blood, sweat and tears for it do not. Wars are instruments of politics for which the ordinary soldier is just a pawn. It is thus extremely honorable of United Federation of the East to honor the old soldiers and martyrs of the Neo Triyunican Empire even though the nation and ideology that they served are gone forever. A soldier of China is no different from a soldier of Germany or a soldier of Cochin. There was a time when the history of a people were lost with the loss of its political identity, but let us not forget the sacrifices of any soldier, no matter their ideology or the flag they served. Thus we echo the United Federation of the East in saluting the soldiers of the Neo Triyunican Empire."

- Message from His Highness Kerala Varma,
The King of Cochin.

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The people of Numeria welcome stability in our coastal neighbors to the North and are pleased to see reconciliation between the old and new regimes. High Chancellor Drake also sends his personal regards to the wonderful women of China and extends his private invitation to any hotties* that wish to visit his fair city.

*Non hotties are invited too (there are lower level Numerian Party members that also need love), but must bring along 3 hotties for admission

Hail NTE!

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