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No More Pirates on the Baltic Sea

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[url="http://www.hanseaticleague.net/Treaty/nopirates.pdf"]Download Treaty[/url]

[font="Century Gothic"]No More Pirates
on the
Baltic Sea

THL and TRE Protectorate Treaty

The Hanseatic League and The Russian Empire wish to grow closer in friendship as well as to help and support each other for the benefit and common good of both of our great alliances. Today with this protectorate TRE and THL promise to uphold the articles stated below.

Article 1

Each signatory shall show the utmost respect to each other’s alliances and their members. If any article below is violated the signatories agree to inform each other of it and work to find a solution to fix any problem that may arise. The Russian Empire and The Hanseatic League agree to seek to promote peace between each other both now and throughout the future.

Article 2

Each party agrees not to conduct espionage operations against each other of any sort nor aid them in any way. If espionage is discovered, each alliance agrees to inform each other immediately to stop the espionage from continuing, active espionage by either alliance will forfeit the treaty.

Article 3

The Hanseatic League and The Russian Empire agree to support and protect each other from all acts of aggression through military intervention as well as financial and diplomatic aid.

Article 4

The Russian Empire will request its members to vote for the Senate Candidate of The Hanseatic League and or any candidate they endorse or support.

Article 5

The Russian Empire, must receive the approval of The Hanseatic League before making 3rd Party treaties with alliances outside of what is stated in this agreement. The Russian Empire also agrees to give all future treaties with The Hanseatic League first priority when making negotiations.

Article 6

Each signatory agrees to give each other 96 hours before any cancellation takes place, and in the case that the treaty is canceled it shall only occur after peaceful negotiations are made directly between the two alliances.

Signatories for The Hanseatic League
Highlanderr - Grand Master
Der Rote Baron - Master of War
Prince Oberyn - Master of Propaganda
Stageidea - Master of Communication & Research

Signed for The Russian Empire:
Alexei Romanov, - Emperor of The Russian Empire
sfmcrfuller, - Prime Minister
Adolf von der Goltz - Minister of Internal Affairs


Edited by stageidea
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I am very pleased to sign this agreement with THL and grateful that they accepted it, they are wonderful friends and I am looking forward to seeing both of our alliances prosper both now and throughout the future !


HM Emperor Alexei Romanov

Edited by Alexei Romanov
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