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Procintia Restoration Coalition


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A rather charismatic and bright-eyed character walked through a darkened room, lit only by the ethereal glow of a mess of computer monitors. Despite his apparent youth, he had a vast number of stock holdings, particularly in the technology sector - where his own work came into play. He sat himself down in a bean-bag chair, a half eaten bowl of strawberry ice cream in one hand and a mouse wheel in the other as he scrolled through a half-written writ of code. Ziggy, who had miraculously survived the nuclear holocaust that transpired in the Aether Empire was independently wealthy, but independently lonely and sad. He'd gained some fifty pounds over the intervening time and he was daily depressed at the continued drop in world affairs.

The [I]evil[/I] Aether Empire, whom he formerly worked for and then betrayed to sabotage "Operation Moses" was now a bitter enemy... but the world had it's share of villains beyond Aether. Humanity was on the brink of destruction, it stood to die a death of unquestioning obedience at the hands of it's sadistic rulers, whose only will was the subjugation of others for their own expense. Nations were the pyramid scheme that had been running since the dawn of time. The slaves supported the wealth of the civilians, the civilians the military and the military the leaders and as long as nobody fought the power, nobody would be hurt... so long as everyone followed the one rule of all who held power, "obey". Obediance was the rule, you could not kill today, but if ordered you should kill tomorrow.

Ziggy had gone over the situation many times, he longed to save the world because he ultimately longed to save himself. He was haunted by his own inner daemons and memories and questioned his value to himself and others. It was thus, by fateful decision that he chose to make a willful act of charity and change. Ziggy was going to save the world.

He was going to start with Procintia.


At 11:06 AM, a strange event took place near the waters of Procintia. A lone white helicopter chartered by Ziggy was requesting to land on the island - on board was the digital key to unlock $300,000,000 in funds. One of several "aid" packages the boy intended on giving to Procintia to aid in reconstruction efforts and repairing radiation damage.

[QUOTE]My name is Ziggy, outcast of evil

I beg asylum of you and humbly ask that you give me a chance to explain myself and my cause which brings me to this shore. [/QUOTE]

He would first save himself by saving Procintia - then he would save the world, but Procintia would be his gauntlet.

OOC: This is a reference to IG actions of sending 3 mil to Procintia. I intend on continuing this action until Procintia is rebuilt to about 4k infra. For some odd reason, it's something I've always wanted to do. If you want to join along too, maybe Generalissimo will kindly let you jump in. Join me in rebuilding Procintia (by sending him aid)! Join the coalition to save the world!

Another item of importance is that this allows me to reintroduce Ziggy - who will be important to my future Role-Play (somehow, someway). I have plans to eventually see the Aether Empire destroyed and the power of my IG nation will fall to some other nation if possible (I want to try and make a combined nation). I can't say whom this will be, but I am fairly confident that the actions here with Ziggy will prove to be an important factor in that development. I have found that satisfying my RP evil villains is spilling a bit too much into my RL world, so maybe if I play kinder better characters that can spill over instead. RPing to a better person? Who knows? But however it turns out, I hope you'll help me rebuild Procintia!

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It took several hours for anyone from Procinctia to answer as the ‘government’ only had access to one radio transmitter operated occasionally by an amateur radio enthusiast.

Catalina Martinez, in charge of what passed as Procinctia’s government, considered the broadcast from Aether Empire’s exiled supreme emperor.
Ziggy, the self-proclaimed outcast of evil was calling.
This so-called villain actually had a following in Procinctia similar to that Generalissimo had in many countries. For all of that man’s alleged ‘evil’ he was a distant ally of Generalissimo, how bad could he be?
Granting the wayward overlord asylum was a dangerous proposition. Ziggy has enemies, common knowledge to anyone paying attention, powerful enemies who wield incredible influence. Anyone who [b]*thought*[/b] about harboring Ziggy stood to lose everything. . .
. . .but Procinctia didn’t have a lot to loose.
Ziggy is a calculating man whose every subtle movement advanced unseen gambits. Catalina reasoned if he was coming here there had to hidden agenda, something buried deep. Would this outcast risk exposure without purpose?

Procinctia’s temporary leader made her decision and grasped the microphone, “This is Catalina Martinez, interim administrator of Procinctia’s transitional [i]government[/i], your request is being. . . processed.
Please proceed to Saint George City, Saint George Island, a representative hear your request.”

In the Saint George City ruins Catalina waited for her visitor atop a bullet-ridden car.[center][img]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x251/CyberNationsStuff/DestroyedCity.jpg[/img]
Ruins of Saint George City, Saint George Island[/center]

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[QUOTE] “This is Catalina Martinez, interim administrator of Procinctia’s transitional government, your request is being. . . processed.

Please proceed to Saint George City, Saint George Island, a representative hear your request.” [/QUOTE]

[B]"Thank you very much. My only regret is that I couldn't provide you with a better dialogue."[/B] Ziggy responded.

The white helicopter banked around St. George city as it looked for an appropriate place to land the bird. For the sake of simplicity however, divine fate would have it that a single person on top of a bullet ridden car would catch the eye of the pilot and a small clearing nearby was chosen to land the helicopter. As the whirling sound of the blades moaned to a lower register, the door opened and Ziggy carefully ducked his head out, a vegi-burger in one hand and a soft-drink in the other.

Sticking the burger in his mouth, he freed up enough room to grab what would appear to be an important looking black suit-case... were it not for the array of childish stickers set across it's frame.

Of course, it was perhaps possible that Ziggy himself wasn't what was expected either. Ziggy was, after all, a teenage boy in a comfy XL T-shirt and cargo pants, with a ketchup stain on the pants and a newly manifested pair of zits, one on his nose and one on the right side of his neck. The latter one was giving him the greatest urge to obliterate it at the moment, but he was reserved in the presence of a guest and mostly because he was eating. What most spoke of his leaving a path of chaos behind him however, was his hair, which apparently had yet to be combed. The most tidy thing about him were his sneakers, which thankfully he was old enough to tie himself.

Promptly swallowing the remnants of the burger he proudly left the helicopter, briefcase in hand, and declared to the heavens, [B]"Have no fear! I! Ziggy of the Human Salvation Committee am here to save the nat- Dear lord, that is cold!"[/B], and then promptly, he ran back into the climate controlled chopper, shivering up a blue streak.

Apparently, in the mix of building a plan to channel funds into Procintia and getting a helicopter to charter him there, Ziggy had somehow forgotten to pack a warmer attire - something that should always be considered when traveling to the [I]North Pole[/I]. He would thus remain inside the helicopter for the next couple of minutes, leaving an odd silence outside before poking his head out once again and speaking to Catalina.

[B]"You wouldn't happen to have anything warm with you, would you? I was somewhat- hasty in my packing arrangements ."[/B]

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There weren’t usually of helicopters out this way, long before it touched down Catalina figured it was uninvited guest. There were few solid places to land a chopper in the ruins; it was likely going to be across from her, minutes later she was proven right. That figure who emerged from the aircraft wasn’t expected, it was hard to believe this unkempt boy was the once supreme emperor. He couldn’t be that dense, as overlord this had to be obfuscating stupidity. A brilliantly nefarious maneuver to catch her off guard, it had to be, what else could it be?
Still, it might be worth it to rise to the bait.

Catalina unceremoniously tossed her military trench coat into the helicopter, “Mainlander weakling, it’s the middle of summer.”

Without the coat she was left in her ridiculous barmaid outfit, an unfortunate side effect of operating the government out of her cantina.[center][IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x251/CyberNationsStuff/barmaid.jpg[/IMG]
Catalina’s indecent Tropico-esque barmaid outfit[/center]

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Catalina knew it was going to be a long day. . .

Out of Character Response[quote name='The Disco Commandant' timestamp='1285737373' post='2467795']generalissimo, are we ever going to hold that debate in my country :V ?[/quote]Yes, [i]debate[/i] http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=92810
I am incapable of posting an entirely out of character post in an in character forum, the results are often lackluster.

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OOC: O_O what happened to my last post?


[QUOTE] Catalina unceremoniously tossed her military trench coat into the helicopter, “Mainlander weakling, it’s the middle of summer.”[/QUOTE]

[B]"O_O"[/B] Or at least if one could make such a face into a word, that would be Ziggie's initial response. He was going to ask if she was going to be cold dressed in that, but then again she had just called him the weakling - which implied that she was rather acquainted with the weather. Even still he was soon aware that if he wore the over-coat, it would drag across the ground which wouldn't quite do either. Even still, he spent the next minute in the conundrum of how to return the over-coat before eventually responding, [B]"Thank you, but I think this might by a bit too long for me. Maybe we could just run to someplace warm? Is there someplace nearby?"[/B]

Well, at least Ziggy hoped there was someplace on Procintia with a fireplace...

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“You want a fire?” Catalina walked to a nearby abandoned bullet-ridden car conveniently filled with firewood and newspaper, lighting a flare she tosses it into the vehicle’s gastank, and causally steps back as immediate area erupts into inferno. The questionably attired woman turned to look at the fire “This is now someplace warm, let’s have a civil conversation,” Spinning rapidly around Catalina pointed a small revolver at Ziggy’s head, “Ziggy, the outcast of evil, is there something you wanted to discuss? What brings the villain amongst villains, an ever-elusive once supreme emperor of a notorious Aether Empire to this otherwise peaceful island?”

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[QUOTE="Generalissimo"]“Ziggy, the outcast of evil, is there something you wanted to discuss? What brings the villain amongst villains, an ever-elusive once supreme emperor of a notorious Aether Empire to this otherwise peaceful island?”[/QUOTE]

[B]"Wait a minute!"[/B] Ziggy paused, considering the true irony of the fact that there was now someplace warm, but he was compelled to [I]freeze[/I] from the weather and in static posture as a gun was pointed at him, [B]"When did I become the supreme emperor of the Aether Empire! I mean... I know I did a lot of things for them and maybe [I]villain among villains[/I] is proper and all but- are we talking about the same person? Also, I'm here to restore the island of Procintia... I bring money. I want to make up for all the bad I've done in my life, I want to be at home in the world."[/B] Ziggy points to the suitcase...

[B]"Also. What happened to Generalissimo?"[/B] He looked back in a confused manner... [B]"Wait! You couldn't have taken him hostage could you? Are you the head of the elite ninja squad sent by Martins!"[/B]

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“Elite squad of ninjas sent by Martens? What do you know about that? Only someone involved with Marten’s elite ninja special forces would know. . . [b]You’re working with Martens![/b] Hold on. . . did you say suitcase full of money? That changes everything. . .,” the indecently dressed woman lowered her firearm from Ziggy's head, “I’m Catalina Martinez interim administrator of a proposed reformed Procinctia’s temporary transitional government. It is a sincere pleasure to make your acquaintance o’ great lord of evil, I am a humble servant of your darkness?”

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[QUOTE]“Elite squad of ninjas sent by Martens? What do you know about that? Only someone involved with Marten’s elite ninja special forces would know. . . You’re working with Martens! Hold on. . . did you say suitcase full of money? That changes everything. . .,” the indecently dressed woman lowered her firearm from Ziggy's head, “I’m Catalina Martinez interim administrator of a proposed reformed Procinctia’s temporary transitional government. It is a sincere pleasure to make your acquaintance o’ great lord of evil, I am a humble servant of your darkness?” [/QUOTE]

Ziggy had finally given up on the whole evil leader thing, he figured that he may as well just go along for the ride. Pity, given that he wanted to escape the darkness of his past - only to be made the evil villain of all in the end.

[B]"Well, not being shot works for me just fine. So, yes, I have access to $300,000,000 here and I was wondering if we could possibly discuss the reconstruction of Procintia. You, know, do some radiation cleanup, rebuild the roads, get indoor heating an airport? We just really need a go-ahead and I can get people moving on the reconstruction business - perhaps you even have some personal ideas! Wadya think?[/B]

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