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Organcia Under Attack


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"Good morning everyone rise and shine!!! It looks like today is going to be a beautiful September 6th!" said news reporter John Tucker as he sat at his desk, "First we will move onto the headlines:
-Today Mars incorporated has begun letting out reports of what they let into the Nile as far as waste products go. Because Organcia has a 0-tollarance level for polluting our main water source, the Mars corparation met their requirements of almost no pollution into the water
-President Kennedy announced that he hopes to have Organcia having very good relations with the Kingdom of Finland in the future
-Stability continues to go down in Africa as we watch the Tanzania war esculate and grow worse by the day

Now we are going to Bryan Reilly in downtown Port Juliet. How are things looking Bryan?"

The screens on the TV's changed to a man red hair and a ruspy red beard, "Everything looks great here John! I am in Juliets downtown area and it is bustling just like any other Monday monrning. We're here because today the-" gunfire erupted in the background and the camera man, along with Bryan, both hit the ground. Screams and shreaks were heard as Bryan fixiated the camera

"John I don't know what just happened but there seems to have been firing comming from the Finance Center of Organcia building and-" a loud explosion was heard and the camera feed was cut. "Bryan can you hear me? Bryan??" a little static was heard but nothing else and John wasn't sure what to say. He looked at his supervisor and then back at the camera, "We will uh.. Be right back after these messages.." the screens of Organcia switched to commercials while John stood and said, "What the hell is going on!!!!"

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Dante shakes his head, his own nation embroiled in the midst of a major conflict.

[B]"What is Africa coming to these days? Europe? We must put an end to this conflicts and stabilize our piece of paradise. The Aether Empire would aid Organcia in this great time of need at their request, via aid, or in the case of unwarranted attack, military assistance. Unfortunately, fate has caught us both at a bad time and we have our own war to finish."[/B]

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[color="#4169E1"][i]32th Floor of the Finance Center of Organcia Building[/i]
Arnold Allen

"Hey Jeff how you doing dude." Jeff stepped into the elevator beside Arnold, "I'm doing fine man." they heard a couple of blasts but didn't think much of it. A man ran into the elevator and then Arnold said, "What floor friend?" the man seemed to be talking to himself for a moment but then looked at Arnold and said blandly, "33 floor." Arnold gave a smile and patiently waited. After a few seconds the doors opened and them portly man ran out. The door closed and then opened to the next floor, allowing Arnold and Jeff to step out. The second they did, they flew up, hit the ceiling, and fell down all the way to the 31 floor. The explosion was so large that it dug out two floors from underneath it and one on top. John opened his eyes. His forehead was on his right arm and he was laying down. All he could hear was this annoying ringing sound, showing he was temporarily deaf. When he raised his head off of his arm he saw it was covered in a layer of red, thick blood. He had a deep gash in his forehead and was disorientated. Something else... Where is Jeff???

[i]Blue Line Subway, 200 feet below the surface[/i]
Shepard Leonard

Shepard waited eagerly for the next train to come. Today would be his first day working in the Finance Center of Organcia (FCO) building. He had just been promoted to have a corner office with a beautiful view of downtown. The subway came into view and the brakes made a screech as it slowed down to the platform. Crowds of people stuffed themselves into the cars so Shepard just went into the last car. Time went by as the cars slung along the sleek tracks. Then the lights flicked and everyone flew forward, the brakes screeched, and all the lights were black. Then a voice came over a intercom, "Hello ladies and gentlemen. This is your captor speaking." [/color]

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[color="#4169E1"]Port Juliet, Organcia: The Capital
Chancellor Juliet

"Okay everyone, before we get this meeting started I wanted to know if anyone has seen John?" all of the ministers and advisers looked around and shook their heads. Suddenly the doors wooshed open, "I'm sorry I'm late everyone!" Juliet got a big smile on her face, "John! Always fashionably late." John eagerly walked to his chair next to Juliet's but Juliet stood up and gave him a tight hug. All of the ministers and advisers either looked down or at a different part of the room. The flirting fling between John and Juliet was something that the entire government knew about, but noone ever said anything about because of the respect they had for their leaders. Once they both un-embraced themselves they both sat down. "Okay so has anyone gotten any word from Finland? What did the Queen think of the braclet I sent her??" Juliet looked with eyes of wonder at her chief adviser and the woman shiepishly said, "No ma'am. We havn't heard anything yet but I'm sure she will love it."

John looked at Juliet, "You sent something to a MONARCH and you didn't let me sign it!!" the minister of Internal Affairs rolled her eyes, "Here we go..." Juliet giggled, "Maybe if she calls then I will let you say hi." a couple of the ministers smirked because they knew that was tourcher to the poor young man. Then Charles walked in with his fine black suit on, "Madam Chancellor. I have a message for you from..." he looked at the other people in the room, "Go ahead Charles, these are the people that help run your nation." Charles looked down for a moment and then said, "There have been uncomfirmed reports that someone has set off a bomb in the Finance Center of Organcia building..." Juliet's face quickly turned serious, "What...?" [/color]

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"Unfortunately peace can only be held for so long, even here in Africa where peace is almost natural now. While it is unfortunate that this is true I am not surprised that it is not. We will provide support if Organcia needs it. While war is always inevitable, it is our duty to quench it as quickly as possible."

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[b]Port Sudan[/b]

"What resources do we have available?" Dellion asks the group of assembled officers.

"Third Heavy Brigade Combat Team is up and ready, but that will leave us wide open," Chargin' Charlie Beckwith responds.

"How are the 22nd and the 23rd shaping up?" Dellion asks the two nervous looking Colonels who command the units in question.

"We've taken on our new vehicles, upgraded our basic loadouts, and have been training out in the back country for the last week," replies Colonel Dugala.

"I'm not willing to send the the 3rd up north to assist Organcia if we have to, but I'm not allowing foreigners into the country if I can possibly avoid it. We have to be ready to move. Consolidate your units, Beckwith will be in overall command, and I want you moved to the border within two days. Once you get the go order I want you to descend on Port Juliet and support the Organcian government. Keep in mind these are fellow Sudanese we are talking about, try not to shoot everyone in sight," Dellion commands the two men.

"Sir, the 22nd and 23rd and Mech Infantry with no heavy armor," Beckwith points out.

"Yes, I realize this, suggestions?" Dellion asks.

"We have the 4th HBCT's two armored battalions nearly ready for service. We can easily pull a battalion from the 3rd and temporarily assign it to my force," Beckwith suggests.

"That would give the 4th HBCT units some time to work up with a more experienced unit," Dellion notes as he approves this suggestion.

[b]Legion Announcement[/b]

Forces are being moved towards the Organcian border to assist if needed. Call us and we'll respond.

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John looked down for a moment then up at the cameras, "Ladies and gentlemen we have breaking news. We have unconfirmed reports that a [i]high-powered explosive device[/i] has just gone off around the 30th floor of Finance Center of Organcia building. Again those are unconfirmed reports." the televisions switched to a picture of the burning building on the right and John on the right. The building was missing a big chunk of it, something like three floors and a lot of room that was once covered with office materials and people. "We are not exactly sure who has done this or what has happened." he put his hand to his earpiece, "Okay... I have just gotten conformation that Bryan and his camera man is alive. He gave us a report saying that gunfire erupted because the man jumped threw security when an alarm went off. Unfortunately he was not hit..." the view zoomed in to the street around the building, "As you can see there are many firetrucks and police cars down there... I am not sure how they could even come close to putting any of this out... Hang on we have more breaking news here... Yes okay the Chancellor Limo is currently going down Port Street. We are not sure exactly why the Chancellor has been evacuated but there are several more cars behind the limo..." John talked for a while longer, probably trying to keep his viewers calm and collected, and said after a few more minutes of talking, "Everyone if you can, please do not call 551 unless you are in a legitimate emergency."


Port Juliet, Organcia: The Capital
Chancellor Juliet

"Yes ma'am... And gunfire was also heard..." two armed men brushed by Charles. They had on black military uniforms and black sunglasses to match. The first with a deep voice said, "Madam Chancellor you need to leave [i]now[/i]." She looked back at her ministers and the President. "I am not going anywhere until you give everyone in this room a ride along with me." Charles quickly stepped in through to doorway into the room, wanting to go along with the ride.
The staff of the building watched as the Chancellor, President, and ministers all rushed to the outside and each piled into a limo. Charles, Juliet, and John having their own private one of course. They zoomed off with the Organcian flag fluttering on the little 5 inch flags in the front of the car. All the lights along Port street turned green and the others turned red on the opposing streets. One of the armed men in the front handed Juliet a red cell-phone (a secure line).

"Madam Chancellor I am sorry to contact you on such short notice. I have the National Guard on standby with requests to drop paratroopers over the city. Whatever is happening, we need to keep stability. You are currently being brought to a secret location beneath the ground." Juliet paused for a moment, "I give you the goahead, just have civil defense block out all stations for a few minutes and give a emergency report that any paratroopers dropping over the city are national guard. I don't want our citizens acting friendly fire on our own men." the general put his finger on the hang-up button, "Yes Madam Chancellor."

Juliet turned on her limo TV to channel 38 and John tucker was talking, "-one if you can do not call 511 unless you have a legitiment emergency... I am going to let you all go for a moment because the department of Civil Defense has a emergency brodcast message.." the screen went black for 15 seconds and then a recording came on, "THIS IS A MESSAGE FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL DEFENSE. PLEASE STAY INDOORS. ARMED ORGANCIAN FORCES ARE TO BE PARASHOOTING INTO PORT JULIET WITHIN THE HOUR. PLEASE DO NOT BE ALARMED. THIS IS NOT A TEST. THIS IS A MESSAGE FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL DEFENSE." the message kept replaying and Juliet sighed and laid back in agony as helicopters and Hercules began to get ready to transport men to the city. She looked down at her pager and saw she had several messages, already, from other heads-of-state and other governments. [i]God help us[/i] is all she could think. [/color]

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