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Savoonga Municipal School Sarah Tintagyl Fanclub


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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1281670733' post='2413820']
"This one. In addition, the Hansa intervened against those that were wrong according to most of the world's definition. The basic tenets of human rights and morality agreed with the Hansa."

"Involvement in a war is not restricted by this statement. Forgive me if I worded it in a way that could be construed or twisted into saying so. To sum up our stance on Tintagylism as short as we can, we look down upon it because it has created a global political envirnonment that looks down upon conservatism and enshrines liberalism, in spite of any flaws or merits either spectrum has. That is our main point."

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[quote name='Shatner' timestamp='1281671084' post='2413828']
"Involvement in a war is not restricted by this statement. Forgive me if I worded it in a way that could be construed or twisted into saying so. To sum up our stance on Tintagylism as short as we can, we look down upon it because it has created a global political envirnonment that looks down upon conservatism and enshrines liberalism, in spite of any flaws or merits either spectrum has. That is our main point."
"Tintagylism does not look down upon conservatism or enshrine liberalism - in fact, it embraces both. Tradition and a deep respect for culture and desire for a gradual change is a well-respected attribute of Tintagylism; indeed, that they did not attempt to wipe out other cultures but instead adapted itself to each individual group it became one with is evidence of this. The conservative aspects of Tintagylism are more apparent when you look into the followers: a religious, highly cultured group of people that in some ways wishes to emulate eras past. Tintagylism is also a pioneer of liberalism, as it has been widely repeated that Tintagylists believe that freedom and equality are among the most important concepts to be implemented in the world. Tintagylism opposed not conservativsm tyranny and oppression, something that falls under both self-proclaimed conservative and liberal regimes."

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"Perhaps the Hansa did not engage in what we are talking about, but the ramifications of their actions have left other governments with a false template and self-proclaimed liscence to police the world. If this new government follows a higher form of Tintagylism, there isn't much for us to worry about. However, the ideology Tintagylism is not synonymous with the Hansa anymore and that fact forms part of the basis of our argument. The contemporary ideology isn't what it was years ago."

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[quote name='Shatner' timestamp='1281679895' post='2414061']
"Perhaps the Hansa did not engage in what we are talking about, but the ramifications of their actions have left other governments with a false template and self-proclaimed liscence to police the world. If this new government follows a higher form of Tintagylism, there isn't much for us to worry about. However, the ideology Tintagylism is not synonymous with the Hansa anymore and that fact forms part of the basis of our argument. The contemporary ideology isn't what it was years ago."

"Ah, but Tintagylism never changes. Much like how liberalism and conservatism never change, only how we tend to twist words to suit our goals. Tintagylists were not the world police and did not stick their nose into everything during the Golden Age of Tintagylism, but instead offered advice and advocated for diplomatic resolution to conflicts. Their major goal was to bring down an oppressive government that has been accused of things such as ethnic cleansing; their major goal was to oppose an ideology that advocated submission to the state and eradication of culture until only one remained. They intended to spread diplomatic solutions and attempt to get cultures to embrace each other, to have nations see each other as brethren rather than enemies. Any nation that attempts to use the Tintagylist name and does not follow the tenets of Tintagylism is not a Tintagylist nation at all.

"So perhaps your argument shouldn't be against Tintagylism but for those who would seek to use it to further their own gains by looking down upon conservatism and enshrining liberalism. Rockets have sent us to the Moon and Mars and back and created wonderful technologies but have also been used extensively in war for death and destruction, but we do not fault the makers of the rocket for their use - we fault the abusers."

ooc: by "makers of the rocket" I mean the inventors, not the country that makes them :v:

Edited by Sargun
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[quote name='Shatner' timestamp='1281669469' post='2413776']
Not incorrect. We grow tired of the absolutist views that nations exhibit on the international stage. And your statement does not contradict what we were saying. Tintagylism by your definition still utilizes over-interventionism and while the Hansa took on nations greater than themselves, they did so with an unstoppable coalition behind them.

And you cannot define who is right. The Hansa intervened against those that were wrong accordingto their definition.
We did define it...those nations that oppress, and seek to conquer for conquest's sake, are the ones who feel the wrath of a true Tintagylist nation.

And you say the Hansa had a coalition behind them...but they could not know that at the moment they declared war. The coalition formed [i]after[/i] their declaration, [i]without[/i] their prior knowledge--and it was hardly unstoppable...it was simply that the would-be conquerors folded in on themselves like a house of cards. had they resisted, it would have been a bloody battle.

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[quote name='Subtleknifewielder' timestamp='1281739057' post='2414944']We did define it...those nations that oppress, and seek to conquer for conquest's sake, are the ones who feel the wrath of a true Tintagylist nation.

And you say the Hansa had a coalition behind them...but they could not know that at the moment they declared war. The coalition formed [i]after[/i] their declaration, [i]without[/i] their prior knowledge--and it was hardly unstoppable...it was simply that the would-be conquerors folded in on themselves like a house of cards. had they resisted, it would have been a bloody battle.[/quote]"If you’re referring to the Hansa’s interference in Greater Nordlandic Reich’s operation Fall Freiherr and the invasion of the Mannerheim Republic, it wasn’t Hansa’s alliance that brought down that government. In aftermath of Generalissimo’s failed gamble for peace in the World Congress Special Open Session a resolution, World Congress Resolution One, was enacted demanding immediate Nordlandic withdrawal. Answering Generalissimo’s appeal a vast international coalition assembled to combat Greater Nordlandic Reich, yet before a single soldier could be deployed Nordland collapsed completely, folding to international pressures. Generalissimo, who lead a country that at the time had but one soldier (Generalissimo himself), single handedly bought down the allegedly mighty Greater Nordlandic Reich – all of which has nothing to do with Tintagylism. That's how it's taught in Procinctia's schools."

Edited by Generalissimo
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[quote name='Jordosaur94' timestamp='1281670655' post='2413816']We recognize this nation that has recently been founded in the frozen wasteland that is the Aleutian Islands.[/quote][i]Savoonga Municipal School Sarah Tintagyl Fanclub[/i] welcomes recognition from Imperial Hudson Reich, we hope to embrace our [i]Canadian-Germanic-Imperial[/i] partners as friends.

[quote name='Jordosaur94' timestamp='1281670655' post='2413816']*Private*

"Is that a girl, with a GUN?!"

"A Desert Eagle, to be exact. And if you think about how she's running a nation AND she's a big fan of that Tintagyl lady, you know you wouldn't want to screw around with her."[/quote]The Desert Eagle is merely something Ai carries for school, old Procinctia's mandatory girl's physical education classes included handgun marksmanship.

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[i]"At this point, the government of Vauleyo-Buryatia shall further examine the situation before a decision is made to recognize this 'Savoonga Municipal School Sarah Tintagyl Fanclub', although I must admit it is concerning that a nation is being fashioned from what appears to be an alarming personality cult around the former Hanseatic Leader. I sincerely hope that our concern is misplaced."[/i]-Dr. Y. Petrovic

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"Chairman?" Wei asked. Jia sighed, "This is really a country?" he asked. "Yes sir, others have recognized it, Vauleyo just did."

Jia paused, "$%&@, ask to setup an interest section in their embassy, I'm not dealing with this !@#$, I have actual countries to plan the bombing of."

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[quote name='Generalissimo' timestamp='1281760893' post='2415378']
"If you’re referring to the Hansa’s interference in Greater Nordlandic Reich’s operation Fall Freiherr and the invasion of the Mannerheim Republic, it wasn’t Hansa’s alliance that brought down that government. In aftermath of Generalissimo’s failed gamble for peace in the World Congress Special Open Session a resolution, World Congress Resolution One, was enacted demanding immediate Nordlandic withdrawal. Answering Generalissimo’s appeal a vast international coalition assembled to combat Greater Nordlandic Reich, yet before a single soldier could be deployed Nordland collapsed completely, folding to international pressures. Generalissimo, who lead a country that at the time had but one soldier (Generalissimo himself), single handedly bought down the allegedly mighty Greater Nordlandic Reich – all of which has nothing to do with Tintagylism. That's how it's taught in Procinctia's schools."
"it was already stated it wasn't the alliance itself that brought the Reich down...but rather shoddy internal politics. Infighting even in the face of an outside enemy tends to do that. Although I would note that the Hansa most certainly did deploy soldiers--from the holdings they had in Eyrope at the time. I was one of them."

~HRH Hannah Asgeirsson


[/b]"Of course, if they want to believe it was Generalissimo, let them. It does no harm...and it was certainly very much a combination of diplomacy and military pressure."

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[i]Savoonga Municipal School Sarah Tintagyl Fanclub[/i] on Tintagylism.
[i]Savoonga Municipal School Sarah Tintagyl Fanclub[/i] defines Tintagylism as depicted by Sarah’s book [i][u]Tintagylism: Philosophy of Peace and Progress[/i][/u], and was not aware of additional definitions until today. Our ideology draws from this text, and anyone who wants to know where we stand merely has to read [i][u]Tintagylism: Philosophy of Peace and Progress[/i][/u] in depth to completely understand our perspective.

[i]Savoonga Municipal School Sarah Tintagyl Fanclub[/i] on cults of personality.
Most, if not all, nations are centered around core nationalist-political-religious-founding-ideological figures. [i]Savoonga Municipal School Sarah Tintagyl Fanclub[/i] is a cult of personality, and so is a significant majority of countries – we’re just a little more honest about it. How many states do leaders control with personality cults, perpetuating regimes through indoctrination and blind dogma?
Procinctia’s educational system, where we were all schooled, encouraged a mythology of sorts – some might say cult of personality concerning Generalissimo. If this were true, having found Sarah’s light ourselves, wouldn’t it follow we broke free of institutional indoctrination?

[b][i]Savoonga Municipal School Sarah Tintagyl Fanclub, declares independence as a sovereign nation[/i] thread’s duality of topics.[/b]
A) Announcement of Independence (concluded)
B) International Debate About Tintagylism (ongoing)
C) Ai Yorishiro interveiw (no questions yet asked)

Edited by Generalissimo
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[b]Garret Murray of the North Pacific Broadcasting Corporation:[/b] "This is a question for Ms. Yorishiro. Where exactly are you located? Your claims seem to be to Bering Island, yet you are the Savoonga Municipal School Sarah Tintagyl Fanclub? I only ask because there is a settlement on St. Lawrence Island named Savoonga, which is part of one of our federal territories."

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Ai replies to her first question, from Garret Murray, “I awknowlage North Pacific Commonwealth’s current authority concerning Saint Lawrence Island, but this country’s name reflects our origins. We were all, and despite an extended absence technically might still be, students at Savoonga Municipal School in Savoonga Village on Saint Lawrence Island when it was part of Procinctia. We all reside on Bering Island but once lived on Saint Lawrence Island, which like all of the Bering Islands, was incorporated into Procinctia until very recently. As I recall, and experienced personally, there was a massive relocation of war orphans to Saint Lawrence following postbunker relocation in the aftermath of the [i]Procinctia-Republic of War Conflicts[/i] who constitute an overwhelming majority of our population."

Edited by Generalissimo
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[size=1]Guy in the back, probably freelance reporter[/size][/center]"[i]Savoonga Municipal School Sarah Tintagyl Fanclub[/i] carries significant similarity to something else, as a nation founded and run exclusively by schoolgirls, reeks an unfortunate resemblance to the miserably failed [i]Girltopia[/i] experiment – is there a connection?”

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[quote name='Generalissimo' timestamp='1282281734' post='2424074'][center][img]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x251/CyberNationsStuff/citizen_journalist-1.jpg[/img]
[size=1]Guy in the back, probably freelance reporter[/size][/center]"[i]Savoonga Municipal School Sarah Tintagyl Fanclub[/i] carries significant similarity to something else, as a nation founded and run exclusively by schoolgirls, reeks an unfortunate resemblance to the miserably failed [i]Girltopia[/i] experiment – is there a connection?”[/quote]Ai quietly sighed before replying to that guy in the back's inquiry, “I missed Girltopia’s entire existence due to time lapse during our expedition from Saint Lawrence to Bering, everything I know about Girltopia comes from a two minute internet search, so I’m apologizing in advance if any of the details are a little off.

Girltopia was an absolute matriarchy by social construct, in contrast we believe in absolutist gender impartiality. Girltopia had males but horrifically oppressed them, while our gender homogeny is more of an oversight. When we left Saint Lawrence wasn’t a single male student in Savoonga Village, or on that island, so there weren’t any boys in the club. In the final conflict with Republic of War our generalissimo said Procinctia would fight to the last man over surrender, and unlike those Nordlandic liars, Generalissimo actually really meant it.”

Edited by Generalissimo
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