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An Ordo Paradoxia Announcement

the wompus

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[quote name='Son of Taeper' timestamp='1280864604' post='2399808']
Better at this than Liverpool are at football perhaps :lol1:

Nation Name: Son of Taeper
Nation Rank: Ranked #828 of 1,581 Nations (52.37%)

Nation Name: Liverpool FC
Nation Rank: Ranked #57 of 1,581 Nations (3.61%)

You were saying?

Edited by StevieG
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Hello again, Son of Taeper.You see, I joined OP exactly 1 day Before the War, I didn't know OP was going to war when I joined, I didn't find out until I saw OP nations attacking LE. As soon as I saw that I decided to help out, since I was of course an Applicant, the first thing I did was find a decent target, I saw JarHeads (LE member) and attacked him. After Update another War slot cleared up, so I decided to find yet another target, I couldn't find anyone in my range that looked "strong" enough to give me a good fight. Then it hit me, I saw Kong's nation with a Seniority of 3 days on the LE AA, I knew he was an applicant, so the first thing I thought was that LE Cadet were already in the transition period, as such I looked in LE Cadet and it was indeed true, you guys only had about 3-4 on the AA, when I remember you having 6-8. Anyways, I saw you, you were the same Nation Strength as me etc, so I thought "Hey, maybe this person can give me a good fight, and since they're are switching over, I might as well." Anyways, please stop with this silly argument about "Oh so OP is attacking a 2 member alliance", when you know that isn't the case. My attack wasn't approved by OP, I did it because I saw LE Cadet was moving into the LE AA, however, maybe if you or Debo talked to OP Gov or just looked at my Seniority, you would've known there was a possibility of me just picking random targets (Brilliant I know right). As for the Bad Company issue, since you think their attack was sanctioned by a Government member and you want us to do something about it. Does that mean that LE will attack the member from "The Abyss" that attacked me? You see, it works both ways. Anyhow, I think I've made my point.

o/ Fun war
o/ Paradoxia


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[quote name='kulomascovia' timestamp='1280865738' post='2399832']
You guys let Confusion into OP? lol

no need for that, Confusion has "grown up" from what he used to be in past rounds to be honest.

Edited by ADude
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[quote name='Son of Taeper' timestamp='1280863705' post='2399792']
You know exactly who I am Cowboy. - [color="#0000FF"]Sure I know who you are, from last round. But I am sure you do not want to rehash that. [/color]

Most of my posts are backed by what OP are posting on this thread so sure, it may not be accurate. - [color="#0000FF"]Your false claims, doctored quotes and preposterous accusation have already been redressed.[/color]

I might ask if you are the official voice of OP though?? I recall masking you as a Dip to our boards but nothing more than that. Could you explain your position for us please? - [color="#0000FF"]I am one of the four OP government leaders. I have been in OP government since its inception. I am currently the Grand Defender, in charge of all military activity and have been since the start of OP.[/color]

Reason I'm asking is because it is quite obvious from his posts, dec, and alliance, that Mushroom is a full member. The 2 extra guys you brought in later from Bad Company were not smarter. - [color="#0000FF"]As I said above, your false claims, doctored quotes and preposterous accusation have already been redressed.[/color]

Sorry, but Lol. All we have heard is whinging so far. - [color="#0000FF"]Not from me or any other OP member.[/color]

We had no apologies for what you refer to as an unofficial attack on Cadet. - [color="#0000FF"]And I can assure you that one will not be forthcoming since one is not warranted.[/color]

And yes, I am the official voice of LE cadet. Bacon is the official voice of LE. You are? - [color="#0000FF"]As I said above, I am one of the four government leaders of OP. What I post is accurate and represents the Alliance.[/color]

If you have any more specific questions, I am sure that we will answer them directly. As to your other claims and accusations, they have been spoken to and completely debunked.

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[quote name='StevieG' timestamp='1280864806' post='2399815']
Its been explained time and again that he was only an applicant at the time of the attack, and had no access to target lists which DID NOT include LE Cadet. Understand?

Reading comprehension is obviously not your strong suit. Youve been told numerous times that OP did not bring in those 1 or 2 nations to attack LE.

So now you are changing from accusing us of "complaining" to "whingeing". Nope, its not whingeing, its called having a dig.

Weve had no request from LE Cadet for us to apologize for a mistaken attack. :P What we did receive was attacks from LE Cadet, and LE Cadet members moving over to LE then engaging us. Why do you want an apology? Do you want us to peace out with LE Cadet?

Cool, chill, think football.

(maybe not the last as it is obviously a sore point for any Liverpool fans atm.)
Take over might not be high on the agenda for LE (excuse the words take over guys) but we sure are fighting an uphill battle.
I think I may have hit on a soft point here and much as I don't want to dwell on it I would be interested to know how a guy that is new to the game (not talking football here) can come into an alliance and pick a target out of thin air to attack and lo, that target is not even in the same alliance that the rest of his guys are fighting!!!
How lucky is that??
Then, one guy says the attack was intentional, another says it was a mistake, and a third effectively says Cadet should not be defending the war.
We like wars guys, but don't attack us and then whinge (as I suggested would happen in my first post) when stuff goes bad on you.


Talking of simple, it doesn't take much to pop some apostrophes and commas into a post. I was never too good at reading as you well pointed out, but it does help me understand your post if you get those little bits in.
Helps us all I suppose. Just a small point (no pun intended).

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[quote name='Thomasj_tx' timestamp='1280867414' post='2399870']
If you have any more specific questions, I am sure that we will answer them directly. As to your other claims and accusations, they have been spoken to and completely debunked.
Sorry my friend, I have been accused of doctoring an OP quote.
That is a bit of an insult to my mind.
Needs addressing.
Point us to it please.

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[quote name='Son of Taeper' timestamp='1280870461' post='2399935']
Sorry my friend, I have been accused of doctoring an OP quote.
That is a bit of an insult to my mind.
Needs addressing.
Point us to it please.


Here is Paul's post where he said....

[quote name='paul711' timestamp='1280856653' post='2399627']
I would like to add Taeper that as a cadet you showed a willingness to defend LE; as it shows on your recent war page a war with the reason "hands of LE" on 7-28-10. [b]Maybe that is the reason you were targeted[/b].


And here is where you misrepresented what Paul said....

[quote name='Son of Taeper' timestamp='1280861409' post='2399733']
[i]You say I was targeted [b]by OP[/b][/i] but other OP members say there was no target and no axe to grind.
It looks a bit of a lame excuse.


There you go.

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Not getting into further drama on this.

LE Cadet was in the process of coming home regardless of the OP war; due to lack of war opportunites for the few Cadets. Debo and SoT have been main-AA LE'ers; and were in Cadet as Cadet leaders for the round. The move was in progress at the time of OP's blitz (waiting on a slowpoke to move, Captains last to leave; that sorta thing)

As to the war. We fight. That's all that counts. I'm having fun engaged with 6 OP'ers.

No LE'er save myself is to post in this thread.

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[quote name='Morte Vallta' timestamp='1280873488' post='2399991']
As to the war. We fight. That's all that counts. I'm having fun engaged with 6 OP'ers.

Bacon, I am glad to hear that you are having fun, as are we.

I hope that I was not responsible for the gag order. Just flet it important to clarify and correct some misrepresentations and misspeaking. I always enjoy people posting in Hal's excellent DoW's.

I am sure that you know we came to respect LE given our long history over the past many rounds and your long history in TE.

o/ Fun war

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[quote name='Frostfirefox' timestamp='1280891450' post='2400342']
Good luck to both sides =3

Thanks! But I think that luck flew out the door days ago. :)

And I find your art interesting!

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I love you guys and I have nothing but respect for both of you. If you weren't fighting each other I would gladly jump in.

On the off chance you guys decide to join forces and take on all of TE I am in.


This weekend I think I will be jumping into the fire regardless of whats going on. pm me if you need a partner in crime.

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[quote name='Son of Taeper' timestamp='1280869972' post='2399929']
Cool, chill, think football.

(maybe not the last as it is obviously a sore point for any Liverpool fans atm.)

Talking of simple, it doesn't take much to pop some apostrophes and commas into a post. I was never too good at reading as you well pointed out, but it does help me understand your post if you get those little bits in.
Helps us all I suppose. Just a small point (no pun intended).
Thats about the best you can do. Start attacking an off topic area :P Its laughable really. I am chilled, and have been LOLing while reading your posts.

As for my grammar, I think its pretty decent, if not perfect. Go through all my posts if you dont beleive me. I dont bother with apostrophes, but my commas and periods are there for you to easily read my messages. I am actually quite surprised that you are using another strange avenue of debate. Never mind, youve been given a gag order, as you have not done yourself any favours so far.

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How bout' we let this fade away, and get back to the real topic at hand?

I'm having a blast! Great blitz! Great war! Always a pleasure losing pixels with you guys.


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