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Selling tech 3mil/100

General Ian

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I sent him 3m and he deleted the deal upon expiration. I sent a pm reminding of tech due and that was deleted as well.

I will gladly rescind this if he pays up.....but as of now the slot he is advertising should be delivering my tech!

Buyer Beware on this guy.

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[quote name='the wompus' timestamp='1279854608' post='2385300']
I sent him 3m and he deleted the deal upon expiration. I sent a pm reminding of tech due and that was deleted as well.

I will gladly rescind this if he pays up.....but as of now the slot he is advertising should be delivering my tech!

Buyer Beware on this guy.

Thanks for the warning, it appears as if he is ripping us off. I sent him a tech deal reminder earlier today checked back later, my message was deleted as well as the exchange of 3 mil... good thing i screenshot our exchange.


I have full screenshot for picky people if needed

Edited by Polish Germany
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Hehehehehehe! This is funny as heck! It took long enough for you all to catch on! I've gotten over 30mil from ripping you guys off lol. EEjack. Trust me I've been playing this game over two years with different nations I know perfectly well how a tech deal works. You guys make me laugh! Thank you much I needed it. And meine, I don't care about ur little threats! Do whatever u want, my nation is self sufficient. Well if any of you wanna tech deal the rate is my usual! 3mil/0! LOL

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[quote name='General Ian' timestamp='1280640482' post='2396819']
Do whatever u want, my nation is self sufficient.

I'm happy for you. You have found a way to derive joy out of a simple game, a simple transaction, by being a thief, a liar and a cheat.

Congrats - you won your game.


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Well thanks eejack! Considering this is a silly game I don't really care about being a liar and a cheat lol. And nolaureltree000 1 I am in peace mode, so I can't get raided. 2 idc about my alliance I don't participate in it anyway, the only reason I'm in it is so I could get the tech deals in the first place. And 3 if I ever wanted another tech deal I wouldn't be posting that I am cheating people on the CN forums. I would tell you guys what I do in RL, but then I would start being honest! And we can't have that now! But let me tell you that what I do in RL makes this lying and cheating and all these threats seem incredibly silly and ridiculous! I have real threats to deal with in my RL, so you people getting so worked up over imaginary money in an imaginary game is really quite funny. And I can't wait for one of you little kids to post some crap and then say I'm lying bout all of it and that I am 5 lol. When that time comes.... LOL

Edited by General Ian
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[quote name='General Ian' timestamp='1280664748' post='2396986']
Well thanks eejack! Considering this is a silly game I don't really care about being a liar and a cheat lol. And nolaureltree000 1 I am in peace mode, so I can't get raided. 2 idc about my alliance I don't participate in it anyway, the only reason I'm in it is so I could get the tech deals in the first place. And 3 if I ever wanted another tech deal I wouldn't be posting that I am cheating people on the CN forums. I would tell you guys what I do in RL, but then I would start being honest! And we can't have that now! But let me tell you that what I do in RL makes this lying and cheating and all these threats seem incredibly silly and ridiculous! I have real threats to deal with in my RL, so you people getting so worked up over imaginary money in an imaginary game is really quite funny. And I can't wait for one of you little kids to post some crap and then say I'm lying bout all of it and that I am 5 lol. When that time comes.... LOL
Well if you act like this in RL i guess you wont be around to even play CN much longer... keep being a little delinquent by all means.

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[quote name='General Ian' timestamp='1280664748' post='2396986']
Well thanks eejack! Considering this is a silly game I don't really care about being a liar and a cheat lol. And nolaureltree000 1 I am in peace mode, so I can't get raided. 2 idc about my alliance I don't participate in it anyway, the only reason I'm in it is so I could get the tech deals in the first place. And 3 if I ever wanted another tech deal I wouldn't be posting that I am cheating people on the CN forums. I would tell you guys what I do in RL, but then I would start being honest! And we can't have that now! But let me tell you that what I do in RL makes this lying and cheating and all these threats seem incredibly silly and ridiculous! I have real threats to deal with in my RL, so you people getting so worked up over imaginary money in an imaginary game is really quite funny. And I can't wait for one of you little kids to post some crap and then say I'm lying bout all of it and that I am 5 lol. When that time comes.... LOL

sounds like a full-of-!@#$ 5 year old with no RL to me. go get him midgets! :D

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[quote name='General Ian' timestamp='1280692285' post='2397304']
Thanks thoughberry! LOL exactly what I said! Some of you are even stupider than I thought! And yes polish Germany I will keep doing what I'm doing, but what I do IS legal. Regardless, you guys have fun with ur silly little game!
you can't do it sanctioned :P

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[quote name='General Ian' timestamp='1280692285' post='2397304']
Thanks thoughberry! LOL exactly what I said! Some of you are even stupider than I thought! And yes polish Germany I will keep doing what I'm doing, but what I do IS legal. Regardless, you guys have fun with ur silly little game!

You are still delinquent.

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[quote name='General Ian' timestamp='1280664748' post='2396986']
Well thanks eejack! Considering this is a silly game I don't really care about being a liar and a cheat lol. And nolaureltree000 1 I am in peace mode, so I can't get raided. 2 idc about my alliance I don't participate in it anyway, the only reason I'm in it is so I could get the tech deals in the first place. And 3 if I ever wanted another tech deal I wouldn't be posting that I am cheating people on the CN forums. I would tell you guys what I do in RL, but then I would start being honest! And we can't have that now! But let me tell you that what I do in RL makes this lying and cheating and all these threats seem incredibly silly and ridiculous! I have real threats to deal with in my RL, so you people getting so worked up over imaginary money in an imaginary game is really quite funny. And I can't wait for one of you little kids to post some crap and then say I'm lying bout all of it and that I am 5 lol. When that time comes.... LOL

well since you don't care, your not in our alliance anymore! You got the money now what are you gonna do with it lol? buy a little infra? no one will want you in there alliance, you wont be able to get more tech deals and you cant come out of peace cause your gonna get ZI'd.. don't get what the point of that was....??

well now everyone knows...just ignore him hes not even worth the posts:)

Edited by matarrese97
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oh and obviously you don't no how to play the game.... you cant even buy the right improvements. you have no trades.. you have like 300 tech and you dont even have 1000 infra...I thought you have been playing for 2 years??

Edited by matarrese97
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  • 2 weeks later...

[quote name='EEjack' timestamp='1281455479' post='2409726']
This "player" has all of his aid slots open so keep an eye out for him posting here about stealing tech money.

He cant use them... i had him sanctioned

EDIT: Nevermind anyway... he deleted

Edited by Polish Germany
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