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National Economics RP


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I've wanted to RP a credit rating company, and so had been thinking of various ways to compare countries. After some thought, here is what I've come up with:

Base: (Avg. Gross Income Per Individual Per Day) x Citizens x 36500 x Tech Multiplier

Tech Multiplier: 1 + (Tech/10,000)

If anyone wants to be part of the credit rating statistics, please post your Avg. Gross Income Per Individual Per Day x Citizens. This is only for those that want to join, so feel free to comment. Thanks!

Edited by Kankou
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Why is Asphalt in this? Because it is in your nation, right?

Take Asphalt out, I don't get why it is in there.

But here is my economy:


I am pretty sure I did that right, lets see:

155.65 x 19,035 x 36500 (ignored my tech mulitplier) = 107,690,512,500


Seems fair. I guess.

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I don't think economics is realistic in CN RP. If say someone gets ZIed by still has the wonders for a space program, social security, super highways, universal health care, a weapons research complex, pentagon, strategic defense initiative, etc. realistically they would not be able to afford all this stuff, but they would still have it in game.

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The hell does Asphalt have to do with a nation's economy? What about all the other bonus resources? And the regular resources? They are all things which provide services and bonuses to your nation, so if you include one you have to include them all.

This is unrealistic by any means.

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I originally had calculuated resource multipliers (see the following for what I had in mind), but after running numbers over and over, I decided to wipe out resource multipliers. Too much work on my side.

Original Plan

Construction: 1.045
Asphalt: 1.06
Uranium: 1.035
Affluent Population: 1.075

[quote name='Triyun' date='16 July 2010 - 06:36 PM' timestamp='1279326945' post='2375257']
I don't think economics is realistic in CN RP. If say someone gets ZIed by still has the wonders for a space program, social security, super highways, universal health care, a weapons research complex, pentagon, strategic defense initiative, etc. realistically they would not be able to afford all this stuff, but they would still have it in game.

This is more for myself (as I said, wanted to do credit rating RPs) and for others who may want to RP economics. I'm not forcing anyone to follow this or make this a rule. With a different opinion for everyone, and the complexities of international economics, it would be stupid to try and install a set rule.

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