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When the Man Comes Around

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There's a man goin' round, takin names...[/i]

The Executive Minister's footsteps sounded heavy as he followed the two scientists leading him towards a secluded niche within Temple Secundus' interior. As the majority of scientists within the NoN were female, the sound of his footsteps was met with the loud clicking of heels on bare steel.

<<The Abaddon-class Intercontinental Ballistic Missile is the first weapon prepared for test today my Lord...>>

The Executive Minister said nothing as one of the women spoke up, as if he were in a trance or a bout of contemplation.

[i]An' he decides who to free and who to blame...[/i]

"This 35 meter long weapon is a three-stage fission-fusion-fission weapon, with a projected operational range of 14,000 kilometers at a velocity of 7.6 kilometers per second."

Both women spoke of the newest addition to the Nodic arsenal, one of such dire consequences and severe capabilities as if they were analyzing microbes in a petri-dish.

<<Barring any mishaps during this maiden voyage, the Abaddon and its accompanying variants will be placed under the jurisdiction of the Executive Ministry via the Strategic Command Agency>>

"This weapon will serve our purposes well, my Lord. It is more powerful and technically more sophisticated than the two-stage Apollyon variant we tested earlier. That version will serve as our Intermediate Ranged Ballistic Missile..."
Everybody won't be treated all the same.[/i]

<<This test will serve to evaluate all three stages of ballistic flight- Boost, Mid-Course, and Terminal. >>

"Obviously, every precaution that may be taken has been done so due to the nature of this weapons test. The Abaddon will be launched from this secure location towards a desolate portion of Antarctic Ocean off of our holdings in the area. This is a full powered warhead we will be firing, and care has been given to the locals that our forces there are in the process of transporting hazardous materials."

The Executive Minister remained silent as they spoke, nodding his head every once in a while. Soon, they came to a reinforced bulkhead that signaled their proximity to the launch facility that was integrated with the Temple.

<<Five of these 210 ton missiles will be housed here for security in the case of all out war. Our Temple's hardened defences will make it impossible to detect or destroy this... fall back arsenal in the case of catastrophic military defeat*. The rest shall be dispersed to several dedicated launch facilities within our holdings...>>

"Care WILL be taken to ensure that such transfers happen during the windows of opportunity where little to no foreign satellites are above us, so as to ensure secrecy."
There'll be a golden ladder reaching down...[/i]

Stepping to a particular section of the outermost bulkhead revealed a security checkpoint. Several Elite Cadre were arrayed around the first of many reinforced doors that lead to the Silo segments of the facility. They said nothing as the dignified group approached, saluting the EM as he strode by.

After a series of such occurrences, they arrived at their final destination. Behind several meters of ballistic glass, stood Abaddon himself.

"Ladies... its... beautiful..." was all the EM could gasp.


[left][i]When the man comes around...[/i]

<<This test will consist of a 'holding period' of six seconds with the silo doors open, followed by first-stage ignition to ensure no initial misfire in the crucial Boost Phase ascent>>

The large figure of the EM turned to look at the relatively beautiful woman as if being shaken from a stupor. He nodded, crossing his arms behind him.

"My Lord, they are expecting us in the Control Room..."

Already signs of the imminent launch we at hand. Jets of pressurized gas were visible within the Silo. Final preparations were ongoing.

"If it is permissible, I wish to view the launch of this weapon from here..." the request was laughably unnecessary. If he wished, the EM could have sat atop the missile itself.

<<Of... of course my Lord... Whatever you desire>> was all the lead scientist could muster.

[i]The hairs on your arm will stand up.[/i]
[b]<<<WARNING: Missile launch imminent. All personnel report to action stations. This is not a drill. Say again, this is NOT a drill.>>>[/b]

The atmosphere was tense as the occupants of the facility, save the EM and his entourage, began the furious task of rushing to complete all final checks and preparations. This test was to be treated as a live firing in response to hostile enemy action. The Nodic declaration of its Nuclear Program would be intentionally void of a 'No-First-Strike' policy.

Placing a hand to her headset, one of the ladies nodded repeatedly- in a conversation with Missile Command. After a few moments, she returned her hand to her side and 'about-faced' to meet the EM.

<<My Lord, the Strategic Command Agency has confirmed Abaddon's clearance for launch. All they require of you is your blessing to fire>>
At the terror in each sip and in each sup.[/i]

Without his gaze leaving the Missile in its berth, he crossed his arms decisively and said,

"You have it."

The woman immediately placed her hand to her headset in a flurry and ordered,

<<SCA, you have Alpha and Omega, I repeat Alpha and Omega has been authorized!>> with urgency. She ceased catering to the EM at this moment, she had a job to do, and she would keep communication with Control via headset as per the wishes of the EM to remain at the viewport.

The automated intercom system blared again as klaxons began sounding. The Launch facility had become a scene of apocalyptic fury.

[b]<<<WARNING: All personnel, missile launch in TEN>>>[/b]
Will you partake of that last offered cup?




[/b][i] Or disappear into the Potter's ground?[/i]


[/b][/i]"I have waited a long time for this... At last, the we will take our rightful place in this world," The EM said behind his helmeted head.

[/b]"Once again, we stand upon the broken bodies of our enemies... Victorious... but not unscarred."[b]


[/b]"Our enemies have failed to deny us this right. They sought to test our resolve... our strength..."[b] [/b]the EM was in the midst of a monologue it seemed. Both women could do naught but stare at their leader in puzzlement.

[/b]"They will know that we are the Nation of Nod... none will ever dispute our rule, again..."[b]

[i]When the man comes around[/i]
[/i]As the engines of Abaddon ignited, the trio was bathed in a brilliant flash of light and heat. The women immediately covered their eyes, although they were safe behind the polarized shielding, the sight of the weapon's might was almost too much to bear as the huge Monstrosity began its ascent up and out of view. Finally, after it was clear of the silo, they turned to see the EM with his arms outstretched, his head back, as if bathing in the test's magnificence.
Hear the trumpets, hear the pipers. [/i]

With no time to gawk, the lead woman placed her hand to her headset once again. She did not need to ask a thing, as the sound of dozens of people cheering reached her ear. The Abaddon had undergone a perfect launch, and was thundering down range.

[i]One hundred million angels singin'.[/i]

"My Lord?" the other Lady tentatively reached out to the EM, who was still caught up in his revelry, it seemed.

<<My Lord,>> the other woman interjected with force. The EM lowered his arms at her tone as if finally sated.

"Hm?" was all he said.

<<My Lord, I am glad you are pleased with our work, as we exist to serve the Brotherhood, if you would turn your attention to this monitor...>>

The woman was relieved that the EM was returning to sanity, it seemed. Soon, the three were infront of a panel that displayed live feed of a camera attached to the ICBM's warhead. The video was mute, as the sound of the sky tearing itself apart before the missile's might would be deafening.

[i]Multitudes are marching to the big kettle drum. [/i]

"Here we see the missile has reached its Midcourse stage over the Indian Ocean, my Lord."

<<Primary indicators suggest the weapon is approaching its apex of around 500** kilometers above the Earth's surface>>

After a few minutes several explosive pins were seen blowing away the bottom most third of the missile.

[i]Voices callin', voices cryin'.[/i]

"We have a successful termination of the first stage my Lord... we are now in the Midcourse Stage."

[i]Some are born an' some are dyin'. [/i]

<<We're nearing the target area now, second stage has been ejected!>>
It's Alpha's and Omega's Kingdom come. [/i]

"Abaddon is now in its Terminal Phase!"

The scientists were excited, the Abaddon-class had proven its flight worthiness. Now was the time for its warhead to prove its worth. The normally 2 Mt*** was at a severely reduced capacity to limit nuclear fallout. All that was required today was a final proof of concept. Proof that the Nation of Nod had attained nuclear capability.

[i]Till Armageddon, no Shalam, no Shalom. [/i]

The EM stared intently at the screen as the surface of the Earth became visible once more. Soon the feed was cut and replaced with footage of an observation aircraft well out of the blast wave and subsequent radiation.

"The Ocean looks so serene..." the Executive Minister thought to himself, "I should have been a poet."

The missile struck true, detonating a few hundred meters below the surface of the chilling water. Even with this new video feed's limited audio, observers could not help but feel a noticeable absence of sound for a brief moment. This brief moment of serenity was lost, however, as the nuclear bloom, an almost perfect sphere of vapourized water and energy formed.

The audio screeched not unlike a horribly distorted whistle or feline screech.
Then the father hen will call his chickens home. [/i]

The lead scientist turned to the EM, she gasped, as if out of breath,

<<My Lord. I am proud to announce the Nation of Nod, under the Executive Ministry is now nuclear capable, none shall ever threaten us again.>>

The Executive Minister shook his head,

"Don't be so sure... let us speak of the Now," he said dismissively.

"I want our Ministry of Foreign Affairs to issue a wide scale broadcast on what we have achieved today. Furthermore, I want our people out in the streets in celebration by noon time.****"

"Yes, right away Milord"

<<Of course, Executive Minister>>

[i]The wise men will bow down before the throne. [/i]

The two women hurriedly left the EM by the monitor. He followed their departure with his gaze for a moment before returning it to the screen. He watched the mushroom cloud billow outwards, silently tracing its outline with his finger.

[i]And at his feet they'll cast their golden crown.

[/i]It was only until the cloud began to dissipate did the EM leave his portal of destruction. Soon his heavy footsteps echoed once more throughout the corridors.
When the man comes around.[/i]

*OOC: Hidden Silo.

**OOC: Or whatever is the appropriate terminal altitude for such a weapon, PM please.

***OOC: Or whatever I'm permitted to have at first world, this is going to be my nuke from now on. PM please.

****OOC: The obvious is free for anyone to comment IC'ly.

Edited by Executive Minister
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*private*"Sir it seems that the Nation of Nod has launched their first nuclear weapon." a random intendant said.

"Oh really? Hmm, well there goes that bargain chip of our deal. Ah well we're good enough friends now that it won't matter will it General Mao?" General Abraham Lincoln said to his cat.

"We congratulate our neighbor and ally on joining us in the nuclear circle. May our nations bring peace and prosperity to the lands with our power!" Lincoln

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The Kingdom of Cochin is saddened to see yet another nation attaining nuclear capability, we lament more on that fact that nuclear weapons are needed for a nation's security. We hope Nation of Nod would never have to launch this weapon in anger.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' date='05 July 2010 - 10:49 AM' timestamp='1278341367' post='2360253']
Las Malvinas is saddened to see yet another nuclear state.
Congratulations on your new toy, Might we ask what is your strategic policy?
IE, is it a first strike Policy?

[i]"To take a rather circuitous route in answering your query, we will state the following, which we hope other like-minded individuals take to heart.

The Nation of Nod has never questioned any nation in regards to its Strategic engagement OR defense protocols. We have no intention to do so in the future. This being said, we shall simply answer you with this old adage,

'Do unto others as you would have done to you'."[/i]

[quote name='Lord Zephyr' date='05 July 2010 - 11:25 AM' timestamp='1278343523' post='2360266']
"We congratulate our neighbor and ally on joining us in the nuclear circle. May our nations bring peace and prosperity to the lands with our power!" Lincoln

[i]"Brotherhood. Unity. Peace...

Peace through Power."[/i]

[quote name='king of cochin' date='05 July 2010 - 11:26 AM' timestamp='1278343569' post='2360267']
The Kingdom of Cochin is saddened to see yet another nation attaining nuclear capability, we lament more on that fact that nuclear weapons are needed for a nation's security. We hope Nation of Nod would never have to launch this weapon in anger.

[i]"Take heart, Kingdom of Cochin, and rejoice in the fact that the Nation of Nod has never imposed its will upon others with nuclear weapons... Our warriors prefer to satiate their blood lusts the 'old fashioned' way. As for launching these weapons in anger, know that it is with cold, steeled heart that a true Soldier of Nod kills his enemy.'"[/i]

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"Your Majesty, Nod has now obtained nuclear weapons."

The smile that graced Hannah's lips was anything but pleasant, though she was certainly pleased. "Good. It is about time they became capable of [i]really[/i] standing up to their bullies."


"Australia congratulates the Nation of Nod on the new weapons in its arsenal. May they bring devestation to those who would oppress you."

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