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Maroon Defense Coalition


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The members of the Maroon Defense Coalition vow to defend and uphold the character and honor of the Coalition. Henceforth, we unite under this, the banner of the MDC, to promote the strength and welfare of our alliance.

I. Membership

* To attain membership, a nation must pledge an oath to the Maroon Defense Coalition in the offsite forum.

* Membership can be denied by the Council of Coalition Affairs.

* Membership may be revoked by either a 50% +1 majority in the General Assembly or by a 4/4 vote in the Council of Coalition Affairs.

II. Imperial Council

* The Maroon Defense Coalition will be lead by the Imperial Council, consisting of two rulers, the two Emperors of the Coalition

* Decisions that are made by the Imperial Council must be approved by a 2/2 vote

* Should an Emperor step down from his position, he will designate a replacement

* The Imperial Council holds veto powers over both Councils

* The Imperial Council will be responsible for appointing the Imperial Chancellor of the alliance

* In times of war, the Emperors will make all decisions of the Coalition based on the opinions and ideas of the War Council

III. Imperial Chancellor

1) The Imperial Chancellor will be the appointed assistant to the Emperors

2) The Imperial Chancellor will assist the Emperors in chairing in the War Council

3) The Imperial Chancellor will retain his position for life, unless ordered to step down by all Councils or both Emperors

4) In the event that an Emperor is absent for more than three days, the Imperial Chancellor will "fill-in" for him/her in all Council votes.

5) The Imperial Chancellor will also act as an advisor to the Emperors

IV. General Assembly

The General Assembly is made up of all members of the Coalition and will be charged with voting in the elections for the Councils and have the ability to expel a member with a 51% majority, but may not expel an emperor without proof of treason. They may also vote on Charter amendments (see Article VII)

V. Elections

Below are the two Councils which will be elected by the General Assembly. Elections will take place at the beginning of every month with nominations taken from the General Assembly 5 days before the elections take place. Voting will take place for a period of 48 hours, after which the four members with the most votes in each Council will be elected. Members may only run for one Council at a time and Councilmen can be elected an unlimited number of times.

A. War Council

1) The War Council will be comprised of four elected members.

2) The War Council will be responsible for issuing military policies, declarations of war approved by the Emperors, preparing the military for such an event and ensuring the overall safety of the Coalition.

B. Council of Coalition Affairs

1)The Coalition Council will be comprised of four elected members.

2)The Coalition Council will be in charge of foreign relations, assigning ambassadors and the day-to-day running of the alliance.

3)The Coalition Council can deny a nations application to the alliance with a 4/4 vote.

VI. Officers of the Coalition

1) Officers of the Coalition will be designated by the Emperors

2) Officers of the Coalition will be assigned to certain special tasks, depending on what's needed in a specific field

4) Councilmen may request that an Officer of the Coalition complete a certain task

5) An Officer of the Coalition can serve for as many missions as the Emperors choose

VII. Charter Amendments

Any member may propose a charter amendment to the General Assembly. Discussion will take place for no more than 48 hours and a majority vote of 70% +1 must vote in favor of it in order for it to be amended into the charter.


IRC #mdc at subzero.coldfront.net

Aid for building, arcade at the forums, and free booze/ livers.

What more could one ask?

Edited by Captain Ikarius
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MDC is a place like no others with fun forum atmosphere and proud, loyal and honourable members. It is where your ideas and energy can really make a difference. We sometime get excessively drunk at inappropriate times, disregard social norms and indulge every whim.

Follow the link provided by Capt. Ikarius above and join MDC!


Edited by laosurfer
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Laosurfer wrote:

MDC is a place like no others with fun forum atmosphere and proud, loyal and honourable members. It is where your ideas and energy can really make a difference. We sometime get excessively drunk at inappropriate times, disregard social norms and indulge every whim.

Follow the link provided by Capt. Ikarius above and join MDC!

Captain Ikarius wrote:

Do what he says.

...'cept for the "indulge every whim part", that's only on Mondays.

Dude, I thought it was everyday except on Monday!


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