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God's Will Bloc Discussion and Activities

Maelstrom Vortex

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"The problem is that most of the evidence was obliterated in the blasts themselves. There's some video footage at an off site recording location where the first boat was boarded and the first nuclear device was located, but that's about all. Other than that, a man claiming to be from and living in Novak claimed responsibility, the problem is we do not know if he tells the truth and we can't strike out against just anyone over the incident without a clear idea of where the attack came from."

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Do we have any idea who this man's connections were? He *had* to have had compatriots. We must find them before they carry out another such operation - and then identify the nation responsible for allowing them to access their nuclear materials.

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"From what we know the men on the ship were all willing to give their lives for their cause.. that said they cannot repeat the same attack. As for the nuclear materials, we're having the Germans take a look at it and see if they can get a trace on the residues. We're still waiting to see if they can achieve any additional results."

"Either way, the U.S. is ready to bear the burden of this aggression for the sake of World Peace and not turning the earth into a rotting nuclear fireball."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' date='01 July 2010 - 03:04 PM' timestamp='1277989424' post='2356544']
"From what we know the men on the ship were all willing to give their lives for their cause.. that said they cannot repeat the same attack. As for the nuclear materials, we're having the Germans take a look at it and see if they can get a trace on the residues. We're still waiting to see if they can achieve any additional results."

"Either way, the U.S. is ready to bear the burden of this aggression for the sake of World Peace and not turning the earth into a rotting nuclear fireball."
OOC: Already verified that it's an unknown reactor.
See: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=87972&view=findpost&p=2351953

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"We've reviewed the transcripts. People aren't always going to agree with your domestic laws, but it's not really their place to intervene. However, please watch your tone in dialogue. They are baiting you. They want you to do something stupid and attack them or provoke them. Best way to handle this kind of a situation, is to ignore the jackals."

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## Now taking place at the Green Briar Resort, instead of on a conference call. ##

"The nation of Alvonia is hereby recognized by the United States to speak on the floor. Its representative may step forward and address the membership of the body."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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"Well, since I'm here, obviously Alvonia wishes to apply for membership. In terms of government, Alvonia is composed of an elected Parliament with 100 members, ranging from any party be it fascist, socialist, communist, and even the new "Nuke Qatar" party. With the Parliament, the Director cannot enact new laws, commence military operations, declare war, mobilize the army, etc. etc. without 80% approval from Parliament. The Director himself is chosen every four years determined by whichever party has the majority in Parliament. Parliament members are replaced every two years. Any questions?"

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