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God's Will Bloc Discussion and Activities

Maelstrom Vortex

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The United States begins a conference call with the leaders of the states of God's Will.

"Well ladies and gentlemen, the alliance assembly has been a great success. I want to thank you all for your commitment to our shared principles. That said, the first order of business is to determine a location for the assembly of our representatives on a ground we all favor and where we shall feel safe. That said, I propose the Green Briar Resort in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia of the United States as our official place of operations. It is one of the safest locations in all of North America with a fully functional fall-out shelter beneath in event of the worst situations. Feel free to propose your own locations. We will begin voting as soon as everyone has had a chance to either endorse a concept or put forward one of their own." Caudill said over the phone.

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Other nations will have 72 hours hence (real-time starting now) to commit their own proposals, if not then with 4/6's ratification the Green Briar will become the default selection of this committee. Delegations will have permanent lodgings complete with fully encrypted and secured data lines on the resort as the official joint-embassy location for pact members if this selection is authorized. So well encrypted even we won't be able to read the communications for the respect of your privacy. Please prepare your ambassadors as semi-permanent appointments to this position, again.. if this becomes the final selection.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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We would like to bring up an alternate suggestion: although safety and confidentiality are two of the most important factors in choosing a headquarters, it is my opinion that we are currently leaving out some others. For example, will transportation to such a secluded space be very difficult? And won't internal operations within headquarters be much easier with the high-tech products found in a thriving city than in a rural, undeveloped area? In fact, many of the past headquarters, such as the UN and NATO, were based in urban environments. Therefore, I propose thaqt the headquarters be based in the Port of Houston, Texas, a fully developed city due to efforts by the former Commonwealth of Texas, which also happens to be a major, convenient hub for international travel. The city, with newer technology emerging everyday, also has the full capacity of providing security for any major defense bloc headquarters.

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"If I'm not mistaken there are airfields near the Green Briar Resort already in nearby major metros. Given we do not expect a great deal of traffic as they are intended as residential accommodations in the region and the remote location actually make it unnecessary to have vast freeway networks. It may be reclusive, but that's the point.. to have an area for our delegates to operate in peace and security. Due to the fact the U.S. has two competing locations we will not make an official decision ourselves but let the bloc decide where best to situate as a whole. We need only two more votes to make the final decision. Thus we are abstaining to keep the federal government neutral in the matter."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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[quote name='zzzptm' date='16 June 2010 - 09:02 PM' timestamp='1276740148' post='2340167']
Houston's closer, but the resort has less humidity.

We vote resort and build a proper airfield there to accomodate the increased traffic.
Likewise, the resort gets very cold for us southerners and is very prone to blizzards. Houston's humidity issue, however, can be easily solved with a visit to the nearby beach. It also has the commerce and industry that West Virginia lacks. However, we will abide by the federal governnment's decision to abstain, and thus, we will obey it.

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We see the resort in West Virginia as the most secure of the two locations. Texas has a much closer proximity to the 2nd Tahoe Republic who has been teetering on yet another war. The eastern United States seems, in our opinion to be..well safer. Problems with climate will, we are certain, be addressed by the indoor climate conditioning and wouldn't the so called "high technology" that would be necessary already be ready at the location?

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With 4/6 votes in favor at the least.. Green Briar is our new meeting facility for our delegations. We congratulate the State of West Virginia on being the host of our new organizational abode. As a consolation prize an economic development package is being granted to the city of Houston which will remain the hub of the Federal Space Program.

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"The United States has recently been the target of several terrorist attacks originating out of the GLP, due to this and the inability of the GLP current government to stop the attacks.. and the use of their instrumentation in the attacks, we are calling for your support to remove the threat to our people as per our defense clause. Do we have your support?"

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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As we speak our Air Assault Corps Paratroopers are mobilizing. They should be in the air within the hour. The initial deployment will be 3800 Officers and Soldiers, with another 7600 arriving over the next week due to transport limitations. Should you require more we can have another 3800 airbourne once our transport aircraft return.

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"We can help on our end with the transport limitations. We're opening straight highway sections in Northern Michigan to act as temporary runways and closing them to regular traffic. Most of northern Michigan is under an evacuation order due to potential conflict in the region. We thank Timministan for its support."

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OoC: Taken from [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=87295&view=findpost&p=2344736"]this post[/url].

[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' date='21 June 2010 - 12:47 AM' timestamp='1277095627' post='2344736']
As part of operation "Liberate the GLP" the United States is waging a hearts and minds campaign seeking to reverse the damage performed by domestic terrorists in the GLP. We hereby request our allies assist us if possible in staging a large-scale radiation cleanup in the GLP as well as the distribution of fungicides in their agricultural regions due to a biologically engineered fungus destroying their food supply.

IC: "We have already asked for permission from the American and GLP governments if we could send in cleanup crews to the most affected areas. Specifically, we intend on sending crews to the blown nuclear power plant and Lake Nipissing, as well as irradiated areas near the Saint Lawrence Seaway."

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"Texas has been attacked and devastated by two 1000 kiloton nuclear bombs. We are unsure who is responsible for this attack as of yet, so we are only asking that you activate the mutual support clause for now. Will you help us?"

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[quote name='zzzptm' date='30 June 2010 - 11:46 AM' timestamp='1277923569' post='2355438']
This is a serious matter, indeed. What proof do we have?
OOC: [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=42831&st=4100&gopid=2355660&#entry2355660"]http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=42831&st=4100&gopid=2355660&#entry2355660[/url]

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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