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Chihuahua Summit


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Atlantis Minister of Foreign Affairs Lawrence Cannon moved about the conference room, making sure the last minute preparations were being taken care of. This was the site of where the negotiations and discussions would take place, and he wanted to make sure it was pristine. He glanced at his clock, 5:00. The other parties would be arriving shortly, and Cannon waited eagerly, slightly anxious, to meet the others.

OOC: Closed to Atlantis, Louisiana, HAE, Chiapas, Himynamistan, Kùutsmil, Amerikanisches Reich


Edited by Californian
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Otto walked alone in the hallway and propped the door open to the conference room. He stared at Mr. Cannon roaming around like a bee. He stared at him for a bit, laughing a little to himself that he hadn't noticed him watching him. Otto then walked in and sat down, Mr. Cannon didn't even noticing. He just cocked his head and continued to stare at the frantically busy man.

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Emperor Holihan strode regally into the room, trailed by his bodyguard and retainer, Roxas. They sat at one end of the table and waited for negotiations to begin. He was already annoyed that the HAE was somehow excluded from the Northern Mexican Protectorate.

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First Speaker Zzzptm Nezahualcoyotl entered, resplendent in his suit made of threads spun from quetzal feathers. The blue-green shimmers played well in the fluorescent lighting.

Several maps were visible in his pile of papers. Only the edges were visible, but the various participants drew their own conclusions about what was printed on them.

He set down a small plastic bottle full of an orange liquid: Tampico Punch...

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Minister Cannon finished his preparations and looked behind him... it appeared two of the representatives had already arrived. Quickly he mosied on over and greeted the men, asking them how their flight was and if they needed anything. Not much later, more of the representatives began trickling in and Mr. Cannon greeted each one, curious to see the men he would be negotiating with. The HAE man and bodyguard seemed perturbed, but Cannon didn't quite make out any hostility from them. And the Himynamistan man's sit was quite...peculiar, though Cannon couldn't help but approve of the man's eccentricity.
"Very well, it appears only the delegation from Louisiana and Chiapas have yet to arrive."[/i]

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The Louisianan diplomat hastily entered the room, seeing almost everyone else had arrived he offered up the explanation for his lateness. "Ah, apologies gentlemen, my plane took hostile fire along the way, and had to be re-routed and escorted by my nation's Air Force."

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"Hostile fire from the Tahoe Republic I assume. As you well know Coalition forces are currently engaging Tahoe forces, and kicking some booty I must say. However, the current war does not really affect our current proceedings.

As you all well know, Louisiana, Holy American Empire, and Atlantis hold a joint-protectorate over much of Northern Mexico. We have provided Mexico with the security and aid needed for it to continue functioning until a suitable local government has formed. The delegations from the Amerikanisches Reich and Community of Chiapas are two such local governments. Atlantis is more than willing to provide them with land to better help their people.

Anyways, we are still waiting for Chiapas however the floor is now open to any discussions you all may have."

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"Imperial forces are in possession of the entire Baja Peninsula. Though we are a third party, we'd prefer the Coalition begin their assault at some point so we may as well, without suffering additional losses." The Emperor recalled various figures. "The war is going well, but we have other strategic concerns to think of. Such as the state of Mexico."

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Walking into the conference room, Subcomandante Marcos was astonished as the bourgeois nature of the gathered representatives and heads of state. Sitting down, knowing he was late, Marcos listens to the exchanges and the debriefing of the situation at hand. The speaking of war as a tool to get what one wants does not surprise Marcos, but neither does it influence a bias into the goals he has laid out for himself. The Subcomandante spoke in response to Emperor Holihan's remarks on the progress of the conflict:

"[i]Mientras que en la clasificación es un comandante militar que no puedo olvidar que cualquier decisión tomada en el campo de batalla tiene efectos negativos para la población y su gente. Los zapatistas, la encarnación de la stuggles y trabajos del pueblo de México, llena de todo corazón el apoyo de la expulsión de los ocupantes invasores. Sin embargo, no también desean intercambiar a continuación, un ocupante de otro, y como tal, deseo de vivir libres y autónomas de los estados asolados por conflictos que habitan en América del Norte.[/i]"

A translator that accompanied Marcos repeats:
"While I in rank are a military commander I cannot forget that any decision made on the battlefield has adverse effects on the population and its people. The Zapatistas, the embodiment of the stuggles and labours of the people of Mexico, full heartily support the driving out of the invading occupiers. However, we do not also wish to then exchange one occupier for another, and as such, wish to live free and autonomous from the conflict-ridden states that inhabit North America."

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"Atlantis and Louisiana forces are currently engaging Tahoe in Cuba. Considering how far it is from the homeland, it should fall relatively soon. After that, Atlantis plans to support HAE troops and engage Tahoe from Mexico."

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"Atlantis is more than welcome to join our invasion; whether as a combined front or separate using Imperial supply convoys. After all, we face a common enemy." He turned to the Zapatan using a corrupted form of Imperial. "The land of Baja is ours, not yours. It was bought at a heavy price to us in machines and men, families which will never be complete again. We will do with it as we see fit."

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Turning calmly to the esteemed royalty, "[i]Ah, usted habla de la tierra, ya que es una herramienta del estado para vender y comprar en una ilusión de la gana y se pierde el poder. Tengo entendido que la tierra es propiedad de las personas que lo habitan, no por la nación cuya bandera vuela por encima de ella.[/i]"

("Ah, you speak of land as it is a tool of the state to sell and to buy in an illusion of gained and lost power. It is my understanding that the land is owned by the people that inhabit it, not by the nation whose flag flies above it.")

"[i]...pero es el enemigo común como por qué estamos aquí. Luchamos por diferentes razones, pero para más o menos el mismo resultado. La adquisición de territorio por la influencia.[/i]"

("...but it is the common enemy to as why we are here. We fight for different reasons, but for more or less the same outcome. The acquisition of territory for influence.")

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"Your understanding differs from ours, then. The Empire exists solely because Imperial concerns surpass those of the local government and people. From the people rises the power of the Empire, but we will not be denied our claims born of our blood."

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Otto shifted eye contact with all the parties as they entered and took notice of all of them. He was somewhat unsettled by being in a room with combatants of a one-time strong ally of his nation but didn't try and show it.

"I'd be careful to discuss plans among strangers, friends." Otto smirked. "Not that I would reveal anything. But I would leave that discussion for another time, possibly when non-participants are not present. I don't think the point of the conference is to discuss war matters anyways."

He continued, "Amerikanisches Reich didn't really collapse like before, but the power of the State faded into a more local, regional government. Amerikanisches Reich's presence in the world stage declined and national functions stopped. We're looking to reverse that. We wish to gain some land back, I believe saying this will help steer the discussion in the right way,"

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"[i]¿A continuación, tomar la política estatal y lo convierten en un asunto personal? Yo no diría que para ser una manera saludable para administrar un estado justo y equitativo - pero eso no es de mi preocupación en este momento. Me preocupa con la gente del norte y centro de México, así como los pueblos nativos de las zonas suroeste de la región.[/i]"

("You then take state policy and make it a personal matter? I would not guess that to be a healthy way to administrate a fair and just state - but that is not of my concern at the moment. I am concerned with the people of north-central Mexico, as well as the native peoples of the southwestern areas of the region.")

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"So long as our wishes are respected, we have no problem whatsoever with restoring a valued friend to the world stage." He smiled at Otto, a face he hadn't seen in a long time. "I'm sure your skill with holding together nations will be needed in Mexico's future." He turned to the Zapatan.

"Whatever do you draw that from?"

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"[i]Como el soberano de su nación, asumo que las principales decisiones de política exterior y doméstica provienen de su escritorio? Como he dicho, sin embargo, el gobierno de su nación no es de mi interés o de la del Ejército Zapatista ni la del pueblo de Chiapas.[/i]"

("As the sovereign of your nation, I assume that major foreign and domestic policy decisions come from your desk? As I said, though, the governance of your nation isn't of my concern or of that of the Zapatista Army nor that of the people of Chiapas.")

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Otto looked at Holihan, holding direct eye contact, "I'm glad to hear that. What are the 'wishes'? I am hearing requirements in place of 'wishes'."

After hearing Zapatan, Otto spoke again, "My concern for land is the former holdings of the CFNA. North-eastern Mexico."

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