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A joint press release

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[/center][center][b][size=5]A JOINT ANNOUNCEMENT [/size][/b][/center][center]

The following is a stipulated facts sheet, agreed upon by both UCN and Europa. We hope this helps clear up the confusion.

On April 22nd, 2010, following several weeks, if not months, of discussions of a possible merger, tensions reached a boiling point within UCN. Several threads had been opened regarding the name of the new alliance, with no clear winner (Each time a winner would come near, another "better" name would be suggested). Keep in mind, alliance-wide consensus was not required as per the UCN charter for picking the name, but was merely being done to make the membership feel more in-control. When a member by the name of Ransom posted in the name thread, both flamebaiting and belittling myself (Ernesto Che Guevara), I decided that enough was enough. I'd made threats about leaving in the days leading up to this event, but this was the last straw. I posted my resignation, and a flood of resignations followed. I then left for three days to a speech tournament.

In my absence, the two remaining council members of UCN decided that disbandment was the best option. They had planned on telling the alliance slowly, and making sure all members found a place to go before they finally closed the doors. However, a thread was opened on the OWF announcing the disbandment. I assure you, this was an unofficial announcement.

With this announcement posted, UCN's leaders were unable to communicate clearly with Joamer and Erik, two UCN members interested in keeping the alliance alive. The leaders had no idea how energetic, enthusiastic and ready to take charge these two were, and if they had known, they would not have shut UCN down. But I digress.

In the confusion, albeit before the OWF announcement, the UCN forum admin (Not affiliated with the government at the time) shut the boards down, with "UCN HAS DISBANDED" at the top. I assure you he did this not out of spite, or to abort UCN's rebirth, but merely because he did not know what was happening and did what he thought was best at the time. Again, had it not been for the deadly cocktail mix of events leading to this explosion, this would not have been the outcome. This breakdown in simple methods of communication are one of the main reasons for the back and forth on the OWF between former UCN gov and Erik/Joamer. I will preemptively agree that communication on IRC would have made everything easier.

In an effort to help keep UCN alive, two former members, Lewis Cowper and Darkfox, stepped forward. I thank them immensely for this. Again, we had no idea how many people wanted to keep UCN alive, and we think if it were not for them, the rebirth would not have gone as (Dare I say) smoothly as it did.

The back and forth between the newly formed Europa and the reborn UCN was due in large part to a communications breakdown. Tensions were high, but I can safely say that had it not been for the interjection of outsiders claiming to know what was going on, the virtual explosion would not have happened. For my part in the disintegration, as well my outrage and hateful speech on both these and the UCN forums following what happened, I apologize once more. For our part in this disintegration, Europa's government apologizes. Now, some facts:

*UCN's old forums ARE online, for use as archives
*UCN IS alive and kicking. Their URL, for those without it, is at [url="http://www.cn-stravaganza.net/ucn/index.php"]http://www.cn-stravaganza.net/ucn/index.php[/url]
*UCN and Europa ARE allies, and have a treaty to prove this point
*IF you mess with one of us, you mess with us both. We're like inbred siblings, we really DO love each other.
*THE current governments of either alliance are on very good terms with one-another

Personal note from me (Che):

Erik, Joamer, I am sorry I ever doubted you two. You are doing a fantastic job. Keep it up!

Signed for Europa:
[font="'Trebuchet MS"][color="#666666"]Minister of Silly Walks -- Grand Ayatollah[/color][/font]
[font="'Trebuchet MS"][color="#666666"]Ernesto Che Guevara (Chax) -- Strawberry Ayatollah[/color][/font]
[font="'Trebuchet MS"][color="#666666"]Vielwerth -- Vanilla Ayatollah[/color][/font]
[font="'Trebuchet MS"][color="#666666"]Kongo Jack (Deebo) -- Mint Ayatollah[/color][/font]
[font="'Trebuchet MS"][color="#666666"]
[font="'Trebuchet MS"][color="#666666"]
[font="'Trebuchet MS"][color="#666666"]Signed for UCN:[/color][/font]
[font="'Trebuchet MS"][color="#666666"]GiveMeWater -- Head of State[/color][/font]
[font="'Trebuchet MS"][color="#666666"]Erik -- Minister of Interior [/color][/font]
[font="'Trebuchet MS"][color="#666666"]LewisCowper -- Minister of Foreign Affairs[/color][/font]
[font="'Trebuchet MS"][color="#666666"]Joamer -- Minister of Defense [/color][/font]
[font="'Trebuchet MS"][color="#666666"]

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Well at least this crazyness has been cleared up. It seems clearer now. Some facts seem a bit fuzzy.

It doesn't matter though. Friendships are solidified through hardship.

o/ UCN
o/ Europa

Edited by Dexomega
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