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The Soviet League and National Liberation

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Between the National Liberation Front and the League of Soviet Nations, April, 24, 2010

The contracting parties, reaffirming their desire for the establishment of a system of collective security in the red sphere, based in the participation of all the red alliances, irrespective of their social and state system, which would make it possible to unite their efforts in the interests of securing peace in red, mindful, at the same time, the situation present in the rest of the world as a consequence of the ratification of different blocks, which provides for the establishment of military groupings in the shape of "blocks", which increases the threat of war and creates a menace to the national security of peaceable states, being persuaded that in these circumstances the peacable states of the Red Sphere should take the necessary measures for safeguarding their security, and in the interests of maintaining peace in red, guided by the principles of Socialist Cooperation and Proletarian Internationalism, being desirous of further promoting and developing friendship, co-operation and optional defense, in accordance with the principles of respect for the independence and sovereignty of states, and also with the principle of noninterference in their internal affairs, have resolved to conclude this Treaty of Friendship, Co-operation and Optional Defense, nd have for that purpose appointed as their plenipotentiaries:

who, having presented their full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed as follows:

Article 1

The Contracting Parties will refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force, and to settle their international disputes peacefully and in such manner as will not jeopardize international peace and security.
In case force is absolutely necessary, it will never be used against one another

Article 2

The Contracting Parties declare their readiness to participate in a spirit of sincere cooperation in all international actions designed to safeguard international peace and security, and will fully devote their energies to the attainment of this end.

Article 3

The Contracting Parties shall consult with one another on all important international issues affecting their common interests, guided by the desire to strengthen international peace and security.
They shall immediately consult with one another whenever, in the opinion of any one of them, a threat of armed attack on one or more of the Parties to the Treaty has arisen, in order to ensure joint defence and the maintenance of peace and security.

Article 4

The Contracting Parties shall consider a declaration of war by a third party upon a signatory to this treaty a casus belli for the other signatory. Members are encouraged, but not required, to assist each other by any means possible.

Article 5

The Contracting Parties declare that they will act in a spirit of friendship and cooperation with a view to further developing and fostering economic and cultural intercourse with one another, each adhering to the principle of respect for the independence and sovereignty of the others and non-interference in their internal affairs.

Article 6

The present treaty shall remain in force until after 72 hours of notice in the event that either signatory wishes to cancel this agreement.

Signed for the National Liberation Front:


deSouza, Central Committee

Signed for the League of Soviet Nations


Robster, President of the Party[/center]

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