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Join the Terran Empire


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Joining an alliance is an important part of the wider game.

Without the protection of an alliance, raiders will attack you. Your first 5 or so days, the game prevents such attacks.

An alliance will also help you get good resource trades and tech deals so you can make money to improve your nation faster, and other helpful advice as well.

Also, an alliance provides the community needed to keep the game enjoyable. Without an alliance the game becomes a boring monotony of paying bills and collecting taxes.

Within an alliance, you can meet friends, and take on alliance positions such as diplomat or tech manager, and possibly work your way up to higher gov positions.

Not all alliances are alike. Some treat new nations better than others.

I view our position as one to help you make the most of your nation and the game.

We specialize in helping new nations.

Try us, and I am sure you will like us.


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I would like to invite you to join our alliance. We are currently a mid-sized and growing alliance, but still small enough to be free of the drama that mires many alliances, but we are led by experienced players. We all get along very well, and assist each other in getting trades and tech deals, and personally teach newer players how to best improve their nations. In the Terran Empire, you will never feel like you are just another number. We can offer very solid protection, as well. There are gov positions available if you like to participate in alliance affairs. We are a strictly no-raid alliance. Come check us out, it's a good place to be. http://s1.zetaboards.com/CN_Terran_Empire Please ask me if you have any questions. Yuurei. Chancellor Prime of Terran Empire

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Joining an alliance is an important part of the wider game.

Without the protection of an alliance, raiders will attack you. Your first 5 or so days, the game prevents such attacks.

An alliance will also help you get good resource trades and tech deals so you can make money to improve your nation faster, and other helpful advice as well.

Also, an alliance provides the community needed to keep the game enjoyable. Without an alliance the game becomes a boring monotony of paying bills and collecting taxes.

Within an alliance, you can meet friends, and take on alliance positions such as diplomat or tech manager, and possibly work your way up to higher gov positions.

Not all alliances are alike. Some treat new nations better than others.

I view our position as one to help you make the most of your nation and the game. 

We specialize in helping new nations.

Try us, and I am sure you will like us.



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