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Official La Cosa Nostra Announcement

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Good Evening, Ladies and Gentleman. It is for the benefit of the public and the glamour of the mob, that I will be releasing this information today. Whether it affects you or not, it is best that you know, for it may affect you soon. This announcement is big. La Cosa Nostra big.

The past few days have been encouraging for the Family, as you may know we have two new members of government, and we're being flooded with new applications. It is for your sake, and for your sake only, that I am posting our new government lineup here:

[quote][b]The Family[/b]
The Don - [i]Blind Murder v2[/i]
The Underboss - [i]Captain Oliver[/i]
Consigliere - [i]Georgelopez[/i]
Capo of Internal Affairs - [i]Lunagron[/i]
Capo of Finance - [i]Vinny[/i][/quote]

With this new flush of applicants, it has been decided that we will now be tending to an academy, to filter out all trigger-happy fools that may attempt to join our ranks. La Cosa Nostra will be protecting the "LCN Associate" AA indefinetly. If you see one of our associates, please treat him like he's a part of the mob, and we'll have no problems. Capisce?

La Cosa Nostra has also taken the time to revise our charter, and we have made a few necessary changes. Our new charter reads as thus:

[quote][b]I. Preamble[/b]
It is the family's duty to protect it's members and help them grow, while always being ready to defend any friend of the family at a seconds notice.

[b]II. Being Made[/b]
Any nation may apply for membership into La Cosa Nostra as long as they follow and adhere to the following conditions. The nation must not be at war. The nation must not be on any ZI lists. They must not owe anything to previous alliances. The nation must sign up on La Cosa Nostra's designated forums and post a formal application in the format provided. It must include but is not limited to:
[quote]Nation Ruler:
Nation Name:
National Strength:
Recruited By:
Link to Nation:[/quote]

[b]III. Hierarchy[/b]
The government of La Cosa Nostra will consist of one Capofamiglia (hereafter known as The Don), one Sotto Capo (hereafter known as The Underboss), one Consigliere (hereafter known as the Advisor), four Caporegimes (hereafter known as Capos), and four Capodecinas (hereafter known as Deputies). None of these positions are elected.

The Don is the supreme commander of La Cosa Nostra and can overrule or veto any decision made by other ranks. He can singularly decide to sign any treaties, go to war with any alliance (whether aggressive or in the defense of an ally), any remove/add any member to government as he sees fit. The Don serves for a lifetime or until he resigns.

The Underboss is the second in command of La Cosa Nostra and oversees all other positions. The Underboss can temporarily take over as The Don if The Don is away for over three days. He may also act as The Don if The Don knows he's going to be away for a period of time. In case of The Don's resignation The Underboss will take over and appoint a new Underboss.

The Advisor is The Don's personal assistant. It is his job to advise him on all things involved in the alliance. The Advisor is third in command and would take over if The Don and The Underboss were away for an extended period of time.

The Capo's duties are to organize and run their departments and help stabilize the general membership of La Cosa Nostra's membership. No Minister outranks another, and in case of The Don, Underboss, and Advisor leaving the four Ministers would have a vote to see who would be The Don. Each Minister is named and described below:
*Capo of Internal Affairs' job is to watch admissions into the Family and manage all recruitment efforts.
*Capo of Foreign Affairs' job is to manage diplomats to La Cosa Nostra and her own ambassadors to other alliances.
*Capo of Finance's job is to organize all aidfalls, organize tech deals, set up trade circles, and teach nations about how to grow their nation.
*Capo of Defense's job is to organize battalions and make sure La Cosa Nostra is prepared for war at any time, with any alliance.

The Deputies duties are to assist the Capos in their line of work. There will be four Deputies, each assisting one Capo. Each Deputy must be picked by the Capos and approved by The Don or Underboss.

[b]IV. Hit and Runs[/b]

[i]A. Whacking[/i]
No member of La Cosa Nostra may attack another nation during peacetime. No member may spy attack another nation during peacetime. Breaking these rules can result in expulsion from the family.

[i]B. Organized Hits[/i]
Should La Cosa Nostra be engaged in war, all targets must be approved by either The Don, The Underboss, or The Minister of Defense. La Cosa Nostra offers and encourages nuclear first strikes. Spying of LCN's nuclear weapons is considered a nuclear first strike and an act of war.

[b]V. Amendments[/b]
Any member of La Cosa Nostra may put forth a recommendation to edit the Charter of La Cosa Nostra which is to be approved by The Don. The Don can approve or reject the amendment without input from any other member. The Don can also change the Charter at will.[/quote]

Before this release can come to an end, I must announce one more matter of importance. La Cosa Nostra is looking for tech buyers (and sellers). We've devised a program to assign buyers to sellers, so ingenious, so devious... well... it cannot simply be expressed in words. Sign up at http://www.lcntechnology.tk to be assigned to a 3m/100t deal.

Now, we will be answering questions. If you'd like to submit a question, post it in a comment, below.
Blind Murder v2, The Don of La Cosa Nostra
Captain Oliver, Heroic twin of the Evil Loliver, Savior of the Penguin Mafia, and Underboss of La Cosa Nostra
Georgelopez, Savior of Organized Pug Crime, Consigliere of La Cosa Nostra
Lunagron, the Prophet of LCN, Caporegime of Internal Affairs
Vinny, Head Chicken and Pr0nstar of LCN, Caporegime of Finance


Edit: Fixed a quote tag

Edited by Captain Oliver
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[quote name='Randalla' date='21 March 2010 - 11:09 PM' timestamp='1269230975' post='2232853']
You have the full support of the Amazon Nation. Keep up the excellent work, boys. :awesome:

[quote name='Omniscient1' date='21 March 2010 - 11:15 PM' timestamp='1269231307' post='2232867']
cool announcement and nice government. Keep up the good work ;)

[quote name='Reagan' date='22 March 2010 - 04:01 AM' timestamp='1269248498' post='2233028']
Very nice. Doing it right.

I :wub: u guys!

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