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Order of the Sword Q&A


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[quote name='Gopherbashi' date='01 March 2010 - 09:58 PM' timestamp='1267499012' post='2210690']
I would advise against holding your breath on that one.
Wrong quote, but Skinny left for TSO. I'll also be expecting your merge into them :)

[quote name='mitchh' date='02 March 2010 - 12:55 AM' timestamp='1267509627' post='2210954']
/me waves at Beezy
Oh hey man. Ummmm so I tried to get my Ipod back and your alarm went off so I busted the window with my sword. So... um... Sorry about that :\

[quote name='rsoxbronco1' date='03 March 2010 - 06:13 PM' timestamp='1267658292' post='2213069']
When are you going to leave the TOP side of the web and join the C&G side where you belong?

Also, next time you're in #paradox, say hi for me.
When we absorb Athens ;)

[quote name='CarterOz' date='03 March 2010 - 07:10 PM' timestamp='1267661741' post='2213111']
Why is OTS so awesome?

Oh wait, that's because of BEazy. :wub:

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