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"This is only a Rumor..."

Sarah Tintagyl

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[i]Parliament House, Darwin
The Private Quarters of Lady Sarah Tintagyl[/i]

"This is absolutely embarrassing." The Duchess of Brisbane threw down her bifocals on the mahogany desk in front of her. Beyond that, two men, Christopher McDohl, the Hanseatic Commander of Ground Forces, Robert Porter, the Admiral of the Hanseatic Navy, and Valeria Sangral, Commander of the Lillian Guards, they, dressed in their best uniforms shifted nervously in their seats as Sarah buried her head in her hands and sighed. "You know I told Hannah, I told her at the beginning of this monotonous affair that anything involving more than three nations of the world was a bad idea, she has the naivety that I did in the past. Not quite as bad." She said thinking of the administration she had chaired as President of the Nordic Confederacy. "She is much smarter than I, though I'm getting the same vibes of hegemonic power at the moment and I believe the time is now to place a vote to Her Majesty to withdraw from this alliance."

McDohl's face lit up in surprise. "Ladyship? Really, do you really intend to bring that up to Parliament? Is that wise?"

"I don't see the problem with it, I am representing my citizens of the Duchy, and I can tell you right now that the recent moves of the Diamond Pact does not sit well with me. Whatsoever."

Australia in present times had been full of shifting elements of various ideologies and none was greater than a rising cynicism coming from Brisbane and many of the Hanseatic merchant and aristocratic classes. While political ideologists believed the negative reactions to Diamonds as coming from the recent war between the Sarnungians and the Nodians, Sarah knew full well that from the beginning of the formation and the realization of just how similar the Diamonds Pact was the the now defunct alliances of the Eurasian Union and other hegemonic powers, albeit, they were much more successful than the Eurasians could ever hope to boast, the Diamonds still left a weary feeling in Hanseatic stomachs. This weary feeling had begun to manifest in the form of civil demonstration throughout Brisbane, in that the Queen, Grand Duke, and Parliament had not exemplified the Tintagylic Principles in governance, which pretty much came down to the fact that a nation that had spent its entire existence against the formation and strength of mega-alliances that governed the world with an iron fist. It wasn't so much the fact that Diamonds had done these things, though there was a bit of uneasiness about what was going on in Africa, it was the principle of what Hanseatic people stood for and with the further pushing of selective nations, the Hanseatic citizenry only continued their protest.

This of course placed Sarah between a rock and hard-place. Most of the Promised Lander representatives of government had fully supported this move when it had been proposed to the crown and Sarah had not been as vocal as perhaps she should have been, however, that just meant that she would have to make up for her folly at the present time. What scared her the most however was what Lillians and other agents had overheard in aristocratic circles, talks of that the government was controlled by Promised Land and that the Grand Duke was using the Queen as more of a puppet than anyone gave Her Majesty credit for. Indeed, there were more representatives of Promised Lander nationality in Parliament and with the Hanseatic population divided between the various ethnic communities, made it even harder for any real delegation for the benefit of the Hanseatics to get across Parliament floor. This growing distrust of the aristocrats, combined with the weakness of the Crown to deal with the Melbourne Fiasco, the near war with Furion, and now with the recent dissent in Tasmania, the Crown's weakness for handling international and internal issues had made all of Brisbane speak in hushed tones with rising nationalism due to the Exodus Celebrations.

"What I am concerned with Gentlemen, Lady Sangral, is that the talk of the aristocrats and the merchant class is getting almost as unsettling as the world normally is and as much as I refuse to let the talk of idle fops get in the way of our political process. The louder they talk the more unsettling it becomes and therefore I have to act in some fashion."

"Do you think it would be better to address them properly then Ladyship? Instead of going to Parliament about the rumors." Said Porter.

"I would agree with you if I was unsure that the rumors were true, but even in the highest circles of Brisbane society those are the words that have been shared. So you see the spot we're being forced into. Its not that people are hateful of the government, I just believe they see it as becoming ineffective."

"Well what do the people understand? They elect their representatives!" Valeria stood up angrily. "There is no need for any civil dispute when all that needs done is a replacement of those representatives in power." She sighed and closed her eyes. "It hurts to know that it is our countrymen that have been the source of this discontent. Its not right, Hanseatics are better behaved than this."

"Civil discontent is a part of all nations Valeria. Look at how the Commonwealth erupted in near open rebellion when I took the post as Nordic President. Mistakes are made just as easy as the right decisions are, but we rule in accordance to the people, not to ourselves and if there is discontent then something is going wrong that must be addressed. The problem is that its not so much representation that it is, that events are happening that are almost beyond our control. Tasmania comes to mind." She sighed again. "As I said, I won't be as vocal since you three asked me to a bit more reserved. But it will be brought up, both Diamonds, and Tasmania, I see a lot of problems in the future, problems which I would rather not deal with." Sarah turned in her chair and looked out towards Lillia Palace in the distance, she sighed and placed her glasses on her nose. "I should have stayed on Niue-Hansa."


[i]Cathedral Complex, Brisbane
The Office of Her Excellence, Bishop Eliisa Malkinin[/i]

"They are overstepping their boundaries, I'm beginning to wonder about their loyalty to Queen and Country and more so their loyalty to Holy Mother Church." Eliisa crumbled the report about the growing religious concern in Tasmania and stood up from her chair and walked over to the long gilded window that looked out over the city and out into the harbor. The sun was beginning to set behind the complex, but the waning light made the sea turn a dark indigo color. She smiled at the color, truly breathtaking as she removed her red hat of the Bishopric and tucked it under her robes. "And of course barely anything has been done to nip this rebellion in the bud."

"Rebellion your Excellence?" Said Father Michael Lang, one of the deacons of the cathedral, who had just returned from his travels in Brisbane. He wore thin wire rimmed glasses and had balding gray hair over a tired old face. "I don't think it is as bad as rebellion."

"On the contrary Brother. I think this is just the beginning of a series of problems that will bode quite negatively on the entire Australian population." She moved away from the window and turned to Lang, smiling. "Walk with me, its far to stuffy in here to carry on a conversation." They moved out of the cathedral offices and out into the gardens below Eliisa's quarters as the nightingales had begun to sing in the trees. "We have a problem Michael, and it is a problem that I do not want to reach the shores of Australia. I have been paying close attention to the news coming from around the world about this little experiment that the Dragonisians are pulling and for as much as it is not a threat to the political process, at the moment, there is now doubt that it could rise to influence those in power already. Something that cannot happen here."

"Correct me if I'm wrong Excellence." Lang said shyly. "Would not that be against Tintagylic philosophy, denying entry of beliefs? I mean for the Lord Bless Them, there are still Nords and Kyos on the islands."

"Yes and we know just how influential Nordic and Kyo policy is in Parliament. I wouldn't even give them a sliver on a chart. As much as it might pain Sarah, the Hansa is less welcoming than the Promised Landers are or ever were. However, in all honesty, I have no great concern as to what happens beyond the borders of the Duchy, considering the Promised Land past with the Dragonisian state and saying this cult is a continuation of that state." Eliisa stopped and shook her head. "For the love of God Michael, they think they see their dead Emperor, next they're going to be saying that he was the Second Coming of Chri-" She shuddered. "No, I don't even want to think about that, that would cause far too much trouble to our state and for Australian Catholicism."

"Something then to bring up to the congregation in the future? Or the Council of Bishops?"

"Not at all or at least not right away. While there is no doubt that the Cultists are growing, that is not to say that their religion will take root on the mainland. However, we must prepare for the chance that it does, and that means that I refuse to see the existence of cultist moves inside this Duchy. This area is Catholic and will be Catholic to stay, the Hanseatics in Tasmania have their own distrust of the new religion. I fear the worst for Tasmania. The Dragonisians are becoming far too nationalistic to think that secession isn't what is being planned. Sarah and Her Majesty are just too blind to see anything different, its actually quite sad. I have little faith in either of them anymore, they are past their times."

"The Aristocracy has been saying the same thing Excellence."

"Then they had better realize that if things do not brighten up for the people of this Duchy, if the answers are not delivered to us, what are we supposed to think. Advances have to be good for everyone and the allowance of anything regarding that religion's expansion will not end well for the people of this state. Mark my words Michael." Eliisa looked over at the fountain that gently babbled its crystal water into a marble bowl. "Its so peaceful, I just pray that it will last. I truly pray to God for solace and serenity." She crossed her hands and closed her eyes. "The Hansa depends on it."

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[i]Meeting of the Council of Duchies and the House of Commons
Parliament House, Darwin[/i]

Sarah leaned back in her chair and looked at the congregation to her left and right, the monthly meeting between the Dukes and Duchesses, along with their main constituencies and representatives was never something she looked forward to. It reminded her of the Student Council meetings way back in her childhood, the way the meetings were set up. Sarah, along with the other dukes and duchesses sat near the center of the floor, behind them in an ascending pattern were the representatives from particular districts in their Duchy. Each of the Dukes and Duchesses had a small desk in front of them with a microphone attached so that they could speak from their seats, the only one who never really took advantage of this was Sarah, the Hanseatic Diet had always been a seat of chaotic politics, papers in the air and the Lady Protector having to sit in the center and endure either the cheers or threats of the representatives around her. Though in a way, considering how loud the Hanseatic representatives normally were, things hadn't changed a great deal, just the fact that the Promised Landers got a taste of how policy was made in the old Diet.

In front of her, laying on the desk was the petition that she was to present to Parliament, unanimously agreed by the Representative Council of the Duchy. Titled the Diamond Withdrawal Act, it asked for the immediate call for Parliament and Royal Vote to move away from the Diamond Pact after of course, reinforcements in the form of military hardware and White Cross workers were sent to Africa. While Hanseatic citizens refused to acknowledge this as their war, there was the necessary honor that needed to be kept with their neighbors in Africa, no matter what popular support for the campaign allowed.

"In conclusion..." The sound of the Duke of Polynesia's voice jarred Sarah from out of her daydream as she turned over towards him, it was her turn to speak next. "...the Alvonian presence in Kiribati and the Marshalls, while friendly is posed to some concern and my Duchy asks for addition naval services from at least the Brisbane and Apophis regions to monitor these foreigners. There is a great deal of concern from the Kyo, Fuyo, and Nordic populations there that they are being treated unfairly. Lady Tintagyl can I count on that support?"

Sarah jerked back and ran her hands through her hair. "The ethnic groups that you speak of have pushed for their independence movements since the Hansa first annexed those islands years ago. There is no cause for concern because, I have listened to their complaints for far too long to consider them anything more than an annoyance to governance." A loud jeer came from a few of the Polynesian representatives, but were quickly silenced as she continued. "Therefore, while I will permit the movement of at least one of our aircraft carriers to the region, there is no strong desire to do anything more than the minimum. The Alvonians are not a threat and they never will be, nor do the minority populations have anything to worry about than continuing to bark at the Duchy of Brisbane for my own sins crafted during the Commonwealth era. However, what you see as sins, I see and had seen as a necessary movement from this country, I will not regret that now, nor did I then. Does your Grace have any other questions about then how I run my Duchy?"

The Marchar Duke nodded his head and sat back down. "I believe you have the floor then Ladyship."

Sarah nodded and stood up from her seat, taking the rough draft of her speech with her. It had always been a challenge for her and one she enjoyed doing to herself, not having the speech perfected and then perfecting it on the floor. She believed it sharpened the senses and if and when she did screw up, it was time to interject humor inside, until she was able to recover. But impromptu was easily her favorite, it always had been, and it would remain as such.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of Parliament, Your Graces, and Your Excellency, Duke Harlem." Sarah turned her head up to the Grand Duke who ran the Parliament meetings. "As you are all no doubt aware, the recent turmoil in the world, particularly regarding the recent wars in Africa have spurred a great deal of regret and sympathy from myself and the greater population of my Duchy, has caused a wave of civil unrest to grip Brisbane and the surrounding cities calling for action of this government against outside forces that we believe seek to influence Australian politics. I would like to begin with the greater Hanseatic opinion of the Diamonds Pact. While there are many advantages for belonging in such a pristine, strong, and some might say benevolent alliance, there has been a great deal of doubt to this alliance's ability to conduct itself in a proper manner."

"Lady Tintagyl." Said one of the Polynesian representatives. "Are you implying that the insults from the Cochinians are valid to what is going on in Africa. Surely you don't honestly think that they have any credibility whatsoever."

"That is not my position at all Excellency. The arguments of the world community has been conducted without change for years. Leaders that have barely an ounce of sense in their bodies talk at deafening volumes about how the world should be run according to their ideologies and policies. I have no great love for the people of Cochin, just as I have no great love for the people of Africa. What concerns me Excellency is that the principles that this Duchy and that this country has held itself by for the past age is slowly beginning to corrupt itself."

A wave of jeers and insults came from all sides of Parliament, along with equally loud cheers mainly from the Brisbane constituency.

She continued. "The people of the Duchy of Brisbane, those that make up the mainland of what was once the Hanseatic Commonwealth have a strong history of opposing global hegemony and warmongering."

"Your followers had no problem in declaring war against Nordland Lady Tintagyl! Perhaps you should rethink your words on what makes a global hegemon, you quite fit the bill."

"And the traitors of Aginor were one of the most embarrassing moments in our country's history you lout!" Screamed a Brisbane Representative.

"Gentlemen please." Sarah stuck her hand out as she continued to pace around the center of the room. "No matter what sins we have committed in the past and I realize that there were many, there is no reason that we should not push to make good what we have done now. What has occurred in Africa is the final straw for a people that have been weary of this alliance since its formation a year ago. While Diamonds is most definitely not the failures that the Eurasian Union and other blocs as we have seen formed since the Valkyrie War, it shows the same hegemonic tendencies to dominate the greater portion of the world. Personally, my views of the world have grown extremely cynical of late and the naivety that I once possessed as Lady Protector has all but failed me, the world is divided into regional blocs that force foreigners and undesirables out of the region and essentially all we are doing is fighting for these regional blocs. No, I would rather take my chances fighting and dying in my homeland then policing the world as a global hegemon, something that I have despised my entire life. I will refrain from addressing the point that for all these regional blocs, the Rebel Army is still allowed to maintain positions in Korea, Ecuador and so forth. No Australia can easily take care of itself without the help of Diamonds, in addition setting up particular countries for success while others are left in the dust. Therefore, given the desired demand from my Duchy as well as the recent developments on the global scale, I humbly submit the Diamonds Withdrawal Act for immediate vote of this Parliament and to Her Majesty."

Immediately the room erupted in a series of taunts, insults to the former Lady Protector and her representatives. Whilst, the Brisbaners yelled and took to their feet in an equal volume. Parliament was filled with discourse, while Sarah turned to Anthony and the other Promised Lander representatives and dukes for their own input and arguments and this was only the beginning.

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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The tensions in Brisbane reverberated across the border, due to the close bond that had developed between the Hanseatic people and the citizens of New South Wales. While there was certainly no solid evidence of any wrongdoing, or the expectation of anything more serious, the bad feeling caused more than a few hairs to stand on end, especially amongst the minority with Finnish ancestry.

OOC: Your filibusters always make for great reading [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif[/img]

Edited by Silhouette
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Anthony had nodded as Sarah acknowledged his presence...to be honest, he had been expecting something like this for a little while, though he hadn't been sure who it would first be from. Wallace stared calmly, serenely, the practiced politician as he raised a single eyebrow at the impassioned speech, his hands resting on the cane with a tip as silver as his hair. Few others were as calm as they, excepting the Tasmanian representative, who remained out of most discussions.

"My fellow representatives, Lady Tintagyl," Daniel Jackson stood up to address the assembly, glaring at the woman from Brisbane. "You forget that Promised Land has always opposed hegemony anywhere it is perceived. This is one of the strongest reasons we have never particularly cared for Tahoe. You should know this! However, I do not perceive the Sarnungian Republic's recent actions as that of a Hegemon! I view this as a land disupte, pure and simple...they are doing what their Treaty of Aphrike obliges them to..."

The rest of his words were drowned out by a chorus of boos, surprisingly the most strong from the delegations of former Promised Land. When it looked like there was going to be no end to the name-calling and jeers of the crowd, the Grand Duke stood and called for silence--he got it, and a red-faced Jackson sat quietly.

He was replaced by Westly Davies. "The Duke of Adalaide is correct in one thing--Promised Land always has, and always will even as part of a greater, unified nation, oppose hegemony when and where it can. However, in his other statement, I believe you can see that he is quite in the minority here...the treaty of Aphrike was founded by bullies, and it is clear now that the Sarnungian Republic is no exception."

"Couple that with the fact that in general, Nod has actually been looked upon favorably by many of my people..." his expression grew hard "...if you recall, Somalia was attacked with biological weapons under my watch, when they were at war with Nod. I did not wish this, but it could not have been possible unless a goodly number of our own citizens favored action against the attackers! We have, and never will, support hegemony!"

With that, he gritted his teeth, and instead of sitting, walked out.

Anthony stood, this time having a few words of his own. "Before debate on this goes further, I have received word that a motion has been introduced to the Pact that the Sarnungian Republic be disciplined by removing their full-member status within it. Last reports seemed to indicate that it was heavily favored."

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[i]"You forget that Promised Land has always opposed hegemony anywhere it is perceived. This is one of the strongest reasons we have never particularly cared for Tahoe. You should know this! However, I do not perceive the Sarnungian Republic's recent actions as that of a Hegemon! I view this as a land disupte, pure and simple...they are doing what their Treaty of Aphrike obliges them to..."[/i]

"Then if it is just merely a land dispute, what in God's name does Australia need to let her young men and women die for a speak of land that had barely any strategic value at all. Personally Your Grace, my views of Aphrike are nearly just as bad as Diamonds. Lets take a look at the mainstay of Aphrike shall we, Rebel Army, a nation that has dedicated themselves to the protection of Africa." Sarah glared. "Well why the hell do they need to have lands spread out across the world? Korea? Taipei? Ecuador? Do you see my point? I'm not saying that Sarnungia is a hegemon, not by themselves, however this pact does definitely have the makings of that of say a Eurasian Union, albeit..." She smiled. "Without the absolute failure."

"That is nothing more than a racist remark against Europeans! Your ancestry would do well to remember that!" A Conservative Finn called out.

"Hear! Hear!" Another Polynesian man yelled as Sarah finished her sentence, sending the Parliament into another round of screams, insults, and jeers at one an other.

"So let me ask this Lord Jackson, how can you say one thing about Tahoe and their bullying across North American and yet turn your back in Africa when nearly the same thing is going on. I didn't know that Adelaide harbored such rampant hypocrisy, but then again, the way you handled the Melbourne Fiasco, I guess I shouldn't be so surprised."

Another round of yelling, screaming, and taunts rocked the building as Sarah took a deep breath and threw down the papers in her hands on the desk across from her. Davies was next to speak, attacking Jackson's comment however before Sarah could express her agreement for his words, despite her actual feelings for the Duke of Perth, he walked out. Anthony rose then from his position as speaker and broke the arguments taking place.

[i]"Before debate on this goes further, I have received word that a motion has been introduced to the Pact that the Sarnungian Republic be disciplined by removing their full-member status within it. Last reports seemed to indicate that it was heavily favored."[/i]

"Your Grace." Said Sarah looking up at her past lover. "That does not change the minds of the Brisbane Constituency, we have had weary feelings about this Pact to begin with and whilst the demotion of one member might do well to convince us that it is not as bad as we once thought. I still demand that this Act be taken to a vote by the representatives. If Australia so desires to stay in this pact, that as the Honorable man from Perth said was essentially created by bullying powers, then unfortunately we will have to live with it for a time. However it has been said, Aphrike is most notably the more influential pact within Diamonds and I will not consider myself to wait hand and knee on the movements of powers that only wish to dominate that continent according to their own ideologies. Perhaps if the esteemed and wise Rebel Army leaders would understand that they are the picture of colonial hypocrisy, maybe I would change my mind. Until that time, I submit this proposal."

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[i]St. Catherine of Siena Cathedral, Brisbane
Evening [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFg05SpR7SM&feature=related"]Vespers[/url]Service[/i]

Brisbane Cathedral was always breathtaking at night, large iron chandeliers hung from the ceilings, slowly swaying back and forth, brightening the top of the cathedral as the light swarmed down like a ghost towards the stone floor. Along the sides of the church, more candles were lit, their flames flickering silently beneath the windows, dancing with themselves and illuminating the darkness of the stain glass windows. From the back of the church a loud sound of a door slamming shut brought the congregation to their feet as the choir at the front of the building began to sing softly, their voices like the angels creating a solace putting all hearts in the cathedral at ease. The chant continued stronger from the back, as a second congregation began to make its way down the center aisle towards the altar. Bishop Eliisa Malkinin was led in by a contingent of altar boys and deacons, as a golden vase hung from a chain in her hands, filling the church with the holy smells of incense. Approaching the altar, Christ's Crucifixion above her, she bowed down to her knees and kissed the ground before standing back to her feet as the cross that the deacons carried was set on the altar, whilst the altar boys dispersed, two to the bell tower of the cathedral to announce to the city that Vespers had started.

The great bell echoed loudly as the congregation's chant stopped and Eliisa turned looking down the cathedral and smiled, fixing the lace gloves on her hands. "Brothers and Sisters, thank you for joining me in celebrating this evening's vespers." She made the sign of the cross and bowed her head low again. "In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit." The congregation in turn blessed themselves as Eliisa began the next part of the prayer. "O God, come to my aid. O Lord, make haste to help me. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Alleluia." The phrase was repeated and the organ at the rear of the church blasted music loudly as the patrons broke forth into song and mass was continued as it was for all vesper celebrations, but what the people came across Brisbane and the Duchy was not just for the celebration of Mass, but for what came after the opening prayers. Lady Eliisa's Homilies were known wide across the Duchy for their stirring repertoire, their passion, and their strength of faith. The Bishop of the Australian Catholic Church was slowly building up a strong base of popular support to transform the Hansa and perhaps all of Australia into the nation and the people she saw fit to carry on God's work in a world of, chaos, strife, foolishness, and instability. St. Augustine would have it no other way.

"Brothers and Sisters." She began after taking the pulpit. "I am sure that you are all well aware of the recent protests inside our fair city because of the ineffectiveness of the Crown and its Parliament to act on the people's demands. Indeed, I expect no better from the Crown, though I would expect better from the people of this city, protesting can be done in ways not to cause a commotion that would cause our brothers and sisters across this great country to view this city with any such disdain. Though I can also understand your qualms with how things have been going for our people in the past weeks, months, and even years." She leaned over the pulpit and sighed. "This is a world of strife Brothers and Sisters, but we do not have the time nor is this the place to dwell on such dark discussion, as servants and children of the Almighty, we must take it upon ourselves to have the faith for this country and the world where their faith may have run dry and they wander without the logic or the desire to find something greater. To do this we must first have the strength to recognize our Christian strength, a strength that has been contested throughout the world in the forms of deadly cults, overly secular regimes that do not permit the flourishing of a Catholic population, and the greatest injury to our faith, the lack of any true Holy Father to unite us as a single universal family."

"So what then are we faced with then Brothers and Sisters, in our fair city where our faith in Christ is absolute, Brisbane is beset on all sides by the illogical. Without the guidance of a Holy Father we have looked to ourselves for this strength and we have found it. Countries have ridiculed us for our beliefs and yet the greater population welcomes faith with open arms. What has been accomplished by this Church in Australia nearly equals the strength that Pope Paul VII had during his trips around the world and that is something to be proud of. Brothers and Sisters, as the world continues down a more secular path, it is up to the faithful to continue their good works and to be the source of inspiration to those around us. I of course am not saying to flaunt the idea of strong faith everywhere you go, I personally find some missionaries to be quite a bother, especially those that never take no for an answer. However, instead of acting as agents of profession, faith is something to delve in humility and full understanding, it is with this humility that the world's strife will be defeated. Not by the volume of more defining voices, but by the calm and still voices sending serene ripples of action through the world, until everyone can discuss with the same serenity that we profess here. Finally, Brothers and Sisters, we must be on our guard against those who seek to usurp Holy Mother Church from her rightful place in at least the Australian territories and perhaps the world."

"There exists the expansion of a belief that a man, a human like myself or like all of you sitting in the pews has come back from the dead to profess what lays beyond this world. The Dragonisian people of Tasmania believe that their Emperor, now a God-Emperor or a Spirit-Ruler has come back from the dead to lead them to the Kingdom of Heaven. However, what is being charged here is nothing short of heresy. Tasmania is the nexus of this change, thousands of once believed to be loyal Australians, loyal to Holy Mother Church, loyal to Queen and Country have been showing signs of extreme nationalism and theocratic power that could eventually threaten our way of religious life in this Duchy, across Australia, just as it has already taken root in Tasmania. Australian Christians, both Catholic and Protestant are finding themselves among the minorities and this Cult is expanding, however it will not expand into Brisbane, this city or this Duchy. Hersey, so long as I and my compatriots still draw breath will not take root in one of the last free bastions of Christendom on this Earth. The faith of the world has always been struggling, has always been near leaderless, but I promise you this Brothers and Sisters. The Hanseatic people shall continue to persevere on the path that we know is righteous and leaderless or not, we have survived, and we will continue to survive. Baptized in the flame of hatred we were given a heart that knows no boundaries and a faith that will be forever rooted in his Lord, Jesus Christ. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Eliisa stepped down from the pulpit and folded her hands looking down at the floor as the bell signifying the closing of vespers with the Eucharist rang out for all the city to hear. It was a haunting melody, beautiful and terrible in its sound and it shook her to her core. Looking up to the ceiling and to the Crucifixion at the front of the Church she stopped and held her hands to the cross on her chest.


"Beautiful." She said. "Truly beautiful."

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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Nikolai laughs to himself as he cracks open his flask and downs another shot.

"Whatever happened to religious tolerance and love for you man?" he says, not noticing how loud he said it. A nearby woman looks at him and just glares. He shrugs and leaves, leaving a $5 bill in the collection.

He opens his cell phone.

"Old friend...We need to have a chat. We have a problem down south..."

Edited by Comrade
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[i]"Then if it is just merely a land dispute, what in God's name does Australia need to let her young men and women die for a speak of land that had barely any strategic value at all. Personally Your Grace, my views of Aphrike are nearly just as bad as Diamonds. Lets take a look at the mainstay of Aphrike shall we, Rebel Army, a nation that has dedicated themselves to the protection of Africa. Well why the hell do they need to have lands spread out across the world? Korea? Taipei? Ecuador? Do you see my point? I'm not saying that Sarnungia is a hegemon, not by themselves, however this pact does definitely have the makings of that of say a Eurasian Union, albeit...Without the absolute failure."
[i]"So let me ask this Lord Jackson, how can you say one thing about Tahoe and their bullying across North American and yet turn your back in Africa when nearly the same thing is going on. I didn't know that Adelaide harbored such rampant hypocrisy, but then again, the way you handled the Melbourne Fiasco, I guess I shouldn't be so surprised."
"You misunderstand," Jackson stated with a glare of his own. "This is not the same as Tahoe's bullying. Nod stepped in on land they they were not supposed to go, pure and simple. If..." He was nearly drowned out again, but he rose his voice to shout over the protests. "If anything, we should be defending the Sarnungians all the more! Sovereignty is a serious issue, and comparing Diamonds to the failed Eurasian Union will not change that fact. Perhaps..." again he had to raise his voice "...it was a poor choice of words to say simple land dispute. It is that, but it is also a sovereignty issue. How would YOU feel if a foreign army occupied, say, Brisbane?"

This time he felt no need to overcome the shouts and insults, his point made. A cruel point, perhaps, considering the history of th region, but the comment on the Melbourne riots had pricked his sensibilities.

The words from Davies brought a glare, but he felt no need to respond to such words. Anthony quietly whispered into an intercom to have the guards escort the former General back to his seat. He needed to be here for any decision to occur.

[i]"Your Grace." [/i]Anthony met her stare calmly, evenly, still aloof from the squabbles and petty insults that many of the parliament members were displaying.[i] "That does not change the minds of the Brisbane Constituency, we have had weary feelings about this Pact to begin with and whilst the demotion of one member might do well to convince us that it is not as bad as we once thought. I still demand that this Act be taken to a vote by the representatives. If Australia so desires to stay in this pact, that as the Honorable man from Perth said was essentially created by bullying powers, then unfortunately we will have to live with it for a time. However it has been said, Aphrike is most notably the more influential pact within Diamonds and I will not consider myself to wait hand and knee on the movements of powers that only wish to dominate that continent according to their own ideologies. Perhaps if the esteemed and wise Rebel Army leaders would understand that they are the picture of colonial hypocrisy, maybe I would change my mind. Until that time, I submit this proposal."

[/i]"I did not mean to imply we would not vote, Lady Tintagyl. But a true, good decision cannot be reached without having all the facts before us."

"And is it bullying when the nation being overwhelmed publicly and openly executes a man," Jackson interjected, "in brutal fashion, and live on camera as Nod has done? As they continue to do to those given the death sentence? They should have been torn down long ago!"

"That will be enough outbursts," Anthony said. "The next will result in the removal of the offending party, and their vote automatically nullified."

it was at this point a disgruntled Davies was escorted back into the hall by two Lillians. He threw a venomous glance at Anthony, knowing exactly who had had him brought back, but quietly took his seat.

"Now that we are all here, this issue needs to be decided for..." one of the elected representatives stood, obviously wishing to speak. "Yes, MP Dickens?"

"I would propose that instead of making a blanket statement of withdrawal, we instead issue an intent to withdraw should the disciplinary measure proposed in the Diamonds Pact fail to pass."

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[i]"This is not the same as Tahoe's bullying. Nod stepped in on land they they were not supposed to go, pure and simple. If..." He was nearly drowned out again, but he rose his voice to shout over the protests. "If anything, we should be defending the Sarnungians all the more! Sovereignty is a serious issue, and comparing Diamonds to the failed Eurasian Union will not change that fact. Perhaps......it was a poor choice of words to say simple land dispute. It is that, but it is also a sovereignty issue. How would YOU feel if a foreign army occupied, say, Brisbane?"[/i]

There was almost an immediate tantrum that ran through the delegates from the Duchy as Sarah's face contorted to the Duke in a form of absolute rage and shock. "A foreign army DID occupy Brisbane, a foreign country declared it the capital of their reactionary movement Your Grace and over twenty-five Lillians died to free it not only from the traitorous Queenlanders but the Dranaggian terrorists as well. I will not sit and listen to you compare a piece of desert in Africa to the Hanseatic capital city, however to remain civil I will acknowledge the statement that you make while it is clear that you have barely decided to open up your front door to what happens on your own goddamn continent."

"It would appear that once again the Ministers of Promised Land have no greater care for their Hanseatic Brothers and Sisters!" Said another Brisbane delegate, to which brought another round of jeering and taunts.

"No. Just Duke Jackson apparently." Sarah gawked and returned to her seat. But this was a normal meeting, though she chuckled setting back down, remembering how Parliament had been run at the beginning of the merger, she herself had been thrown out of the meetings numerous times before Anthony finally realized that Hanseatic and Promised Land government combined was a whole new beast. After sitting down she watched as Davies was forced to return to his seat and then Anthony spoke.

[i]"I did not mean to imply we would not vote, Lady Tintagyl. But a true, good decision cannot be reached without having all the facts before us."[/i]

"Of course I understa-"

[i]"And is it bullying when the nation being overwhelmed publicly and openly executes a man," [/i]Jackson interjected, [i]"in brutal fashion, and live on camera as Nod has done? As they continue to do to those given the death sentence? They should have been torn down long ago!"[/i]

"Did I say they were not barbarians? I have no love for Nod, none at all, however at the same time I don't believe the Sarnungians have acted in a way that any nation with a responsibility of power should. Think of Nod as lost children that need to be reeducated or even at most be brought into some kind of order. That kind of aggression will only force Africa in to many many more years of bloodshed, bloodshed that Australia need not commit her children to die in."

[i]"That will be enough outbursts,"[/i] Anthony said. [i]"The next will result in the removal of the offending party, and their vote automatically nullified."[/i] With Davies back in the room he cleared his throat. [i]"Now that we are all here, this issue needs to be decided for..."[/i] one of the elected representatives stood, obviously wishing to speak. [i]"Yes, MP Dickens?"[/i]

[i]"I would propose that instead of making a blanket statement of withdrawal, we instead issue an intent to withdraw should the disciplinary measure proposed in the Diamonds Pact fail to pass."[/i]

Sarah sighed at the proposal, she knew full well that her proposal would not be able to make the votes from the Promised Landers and possibly maybe even not Polynesia who sat between Pacifica and the Holy American Empire, relations in Diamonds was therefore supreme. Though at the same time, she realized that while Brisbane would settle after the Nodian war would end, what of the next wars in the future, would civil unrest grip the city, the cycle could no be allowed to continue. Between a rock and a hard place she closed her eyes and raised her hand. "I will support this measure." There was an immediate sigh from many of her representatives, but she knew a direct proposal would be blocked. This was the best she could do at the moment.

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A grey shrouded figure with perfect posture strode up to the chamber announcer and requested entrance into the chambers after passing through a metal detector and security. "I am Elizabeth Morrow, representative of the Cult of the Imperial Dragon Emperor, Citizen of Tasmania and the Queendom. I wish to address the court." Her eyes glowed a faint green from luminescent reptilian contacts beneath the depths of the cowl of her robe.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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OOC: This was a live RP performed on IRC. All characters actions on here are their owners statements and actions or of those granted permission to play such entities. Those of you who TL/DR this are missing out!

IC: Parliamentary Record Document and Meeting Notes

[quote]The Parliamentary Herald responded for the request to entry, "Of course Ma'm, though I should tell you that this is extremely unorthodox." He stepped out to Parliament, which had for a brief moment become quiet as the vote for Diamonds had been called into question. "Excellencies, Elizabeth Morrow of the Dragon Cult!"

The Brisbane Representative murmured, “Oh lord.”

Elizabeth Morrow followed the herald in quietly and looked around as she moved to a representatives Podium and stood as the body around her murmured. She pulled back her hood, revealing cascading black hair that went down past her shoulders like a waterfall of silk. The contacts stood in stark contrast to her body. Those inside the cult would know it represented her as at least a 3rd circle priest.

Elizabeth Morrow waited; she had expected to be prompted by the court to speak.

Sarah Tintagyl spoke, "Well, you have the floor Miss Morrow." She said with a bit of a confused demeanor "What have you come to talk to us about?"

A whisper went through several ranks of representatives from former Promised Land. So they were finally going to be hearing of this cult straight from the dragon's mouth, so to speak.

Elizabeth smiled and addressed the Duchess, "My Grace, I appreciate the great honor granted me to speak to this body. I have come because rumors abound in Tasmania. I have come to quell them and state the intent of our growing body clearly."

The representative from Brisbane stood up and spoke, “We've heard quite a great deal of these rumors, of you people taking hallucinogens as a way for worship and to what, see a man who was recently dead!”

Duchess Tintagyl inquired, “What rumors do you seek to assuage this body from?”

The Perth representative chimed in shortly after the Brisbane Rep spoke, "Perhaps, for one, why they insist on worshipping a man who is dead?"

Elizabeth nodded to the Brisbane rep, "To you he is dead. He lives on in all of us. In essence, he stands here before you even now, speaking by my lips. They are not hallucinations. They are visions. They guide our purpose." She then turns to the Duchess, "Your Grace, there are, from my awareness rumors of a desire for independence, of insurrection I want to reaffirm we are devoutly loyal to the noble sovereigns which granted us our Holy Isle from which our Emperor's Word sprang forth upon Bob." She then turned to address the Perth Rep, "As I explained, he is not dead. Death is but a door and time is but a window. He has returned to us in his own way, the Dreamer of our being.”

Sarah spoke, “The way that the Tasmanian people have behaved themselves is questionable, nationalistic tendencies to Dragonisia, massive conversion of the cult, I do speak for my Duchy and my nationality of Finnish descent that, people have started to feel that Australians are misplaced as much as the Nords and Kyos we have on the islands. The Marchar have an oath of loyalty to my family and my people, but such nationalistic tendencies are causation for concern.”

Anthony Harlem blinked, "How can you say he is not dead? I saw his body with my own eyes, dammit!"

Elizabeth turns and nods softly to the Duchess, "Our people have great pride in their history and their origins, this is true But we no longer see a state with borders as a viable way for the Kingdom of Heaven to fulfill its true purpose That said, where nations fall, we have no greater Sovereign than the Queen and this lovely nation" She turns and smiles to Mr. Harlem as he is speaking and responds after, "Do you still keep his amulet close?"

The Duchess continued, “Well if all you are is a practicing religion, though I may not disagree with your teachings, I will not involve myself in a debate of theological discussions. So long as open revolt does not come up it, I have no problem with a religion, even one as domineering as this.”

The entire thing disturbed Anthony. Maelstrom had been a personal friend of his, so he was touchy about the entire issue. He blinked at the question, "I do, but what does that have to do with it?" The suspicious tone was all too obvious.

Elizabeth smiled wider, "Then I suspect you see him still!" She then turned back tot he Duchess "The tolerance of the state is greatly appreciated and respected. We shall do every possible thing we can to make sure our membership fulfills its roles as productive citizens of the state. In fact we will strive to be the best in all-demographic regards Madame Duchess. Striving for the Perfection of Bob in the image of our Dreamer and his Christ are our eternal goal"

Sarah noted, “I would expect no less from subjects of the Crown.”

Elizabeth noted, "If the body has any other questions about us, I would be content to indulge any inquiry, for we are an open faith." She waited to see if there would be any further inquiry.

The Brisbane rep inquired, "Are any of your followers in the armed forces of any nation in the world?"

Anthony wondered how could she know what he had seen? He'd later put it down to some sort of hallucination, and surely that must have been what it was, but still something about the entire thing sent a shiver down his spine. But he hid it, and his words were even "I don't see why Her majesty would object to such loyal subjects"

The Brisbane rep asked again, "Does the cult endorse suicide bombing?"

Elizabeth looks to the parliament member making the inquiry about armed forces, "Our citizens serve as appropriate in their hosting nations."

The Darwin rep quietly laughs and is heard from his section before the offender is shushed

Elizabeth continued, "As for suicide bombing. We are highly against it unless a great atrocity has been committed and it is in the defense of an innocent people. We will throw down our saved souls for those of those who have yet to be saved.”

The Brisbane Rep insisted, "Define great atrocity. Vagueness is no friend."

Elizabeth described in response, "War crimes Nuclear attacks from the offending state chemical, and biological Attacks on civilian populations. Unprovoked attacks on neutral nations."

The Brisbane Rep probed a bit more, "Unprovoked attacks on neutral nations? What gives you the right to determine what kind of attack is unprovoked and what kind of nation is neutral?"

Elizabeth noted, "In the end, it is not an organizational decision. We do not know the conditions under which all of our members serve throughout the world. In the end, it is up to them to judge whether the situation on the ground is worth of such desperation. We do not make the determination as an organization is a personal choice."

The Brisbane Rep continued, "So you say that it is a personal choice to commit a suicide bombing, and you endorse the decisions of said personal choice? Please correct me if I am wrong."

Elizabeth sighed, "We, as an organization, cannot endorse or not endorse an act that is based on a situational event when there is no situation to make a judgment upon. I'm afraid you're asking me to solve a catch-22."

Sarah asked, "Just how far has the Cult expanded of late?"

Elizabeth noted, "We have outposts in Europe, Africa, and are the nationally endorsed state religions of two nations in Asia."

The Brisbane representative seemed troubled by the answer but let it slide "Where is your outpost in Africa?

She noted, "It is in Sudan, Sarnungian Republic, and we are seeking to expand to other regions nearby as well in due time."

He raised an eyebrow at that response and inquired further, "The Sarnungian Republic? Are any of your members enrolled in the military there?"

She nodded faintly, "Some are enlisted. Most are not. We have enrolled a good many persons in the militaries that have welcomed us in an effort to tend to the world's warriors an often overlooked caste by society who is most in need of faith at all times."

The Nordic Minority Representative objected, “That war is nothing to concern this nation about.”

The Brisbane representative continued his questioning, "That was not a direct answer to my question. Do you or do you not have any members in the military in the Sarnungian Republic?"

Elizabeth sighed, “I would say that you could extrapolate from that answer that the direct answer was, yes."

The Nordic Minority Representative noted, “This Tintagylist Government has had quite too many plays with the rest of the world, I do hope Miss Morrow that this Cult is not a foreign expansion method of ideology.”

The Brisbane Representative noted, "I don't like extrapolation, I like direct answers. So there are members of the cult that are actively fighting in Africa, in the Nod War?"

"We seek to convert those that will follow, that is all We have no agenda other than on the plane of the spirit and the will." She noted to the body in general.

Sarah remarked, “Would the honorable gentleman from Polynesia please with hold remarks that have no need to be uttered here!”

Elizabeth did her best to answer the Brisbane Rep’s question, “There are members of the cult both fighting for the Sarnungian Republic and for Sudan in the current conflict They chose to enlist locally to serve in the 'tending the world's warriors' program"”

Sarah asked, “They did it out of their own free will? Or because they were ordered?”

Elizabeth noted, "We thought about expanding the program into the Kingdom, but we already have a presence in the population and services here. We have not the right to command their lives. What they do is their choice and of their own faith alone."

The Brisbane representative inquired, "Do you endorse their decision?"

Thinking the Brisbane representative was referring to the decision of the faithful to enlist she responded, "Given they cannot see the future and could not have foreseen this war, yes, I do"

Sarah inquired about the conflict, “And the Diamonds Pact?”

Elizabeth, referring to the faithful in the World’s Warrior’s program remarked, “Their role now is to provide for the tending of the spirits of the men who must unfortunately fight this brutal conflict.”

The Brisbane Representative persisted, "Are any of your soldiers, in either the Republic or Sudan, actually fighting?"

Elizabeth responded to Sarah and her question of the Diamond pact while the Brisbane representative was interrupting,, “We have no opinion on national or global political affairs outside of viewing the calamity as an unfortunate tragedy as all wars are."

The Polynesian rep exclaimed, “That Pact has nothing to do with this discussion! This woman has gladly entertained our thoughts, they are not acting as a foreign power, a mercenary group of sorts perhaps.”

The Brisbane representative was getting on Elizabeth’s nerves, "They are not our Soldiers They are soldiers of Sudan and Sarnugian republic who happen to be members of our faith We have heard no reports as to whether or not they are directly involved yet. I would prefer to think of us as angels serving the world's most burdened persons. It is not the average soldier's fault they are on the front!"

The Polynesian Representative asked, “Through war?”

Elizabeth sighed, "If what you say is true, Sir, then almost all humanitarian organizations are warmongers."

Sarah stated firmly, “I would beg to differ.”

The Brisbane representative railed, "They are your members whether you like it or not! They are fighting a war that never should have been fought, and as such it can be extrapolated that since you endorse their decision you endorse the side that they are fighting! How can you endorse the use of nuclear weapons over civilian territories?"

Elizabeth kept herself from lashing out, keeping a firm response to the Brisbane Representative, "We have not endorsed such. We endorse their service to their state and that is all. Would you rather we not endorse service to the state?"

Sarah observed, “I believe that some endorsement has consequences, especially given the dramatic nature of this war.”

The Brisbane representative countered, "You say you do not have opinions on national or global political affairs, yet you endorse the use of members as soldiers on one side of a war." He did not ask a question, but merely let the statement stand.

Sarah responded to the Brisbane rep, “Both Sarnungia and NoN have over stepped their boundaries.”

Liz noted, "If we do not endorse the services of one state we cannot endorse the services of any. Including the Queendom.”

Sarah inquired, “As Cultists or as citizens Miss Morrow?”

Elizabeth sighed, "They're citizens where they are. We cannot instruct them not to serve their country. That would be like me instructing your citizens not to serve your country. That is not our role."

"Your excuse for supporting the use of nuclear weapons on civilians is that you must endorse one side to endorse others. Why not simply not endorse either, not support either side? This war is a troubling matter that has exposed the true colors of many nations, and is exposing yours as well.” The Brisbane representative observed.

Elizabeth countered, "It is a personal choice."
“Understood Miss Morrow, but it is problem of foreign service and being a citizen of this nation, not perhaps for you, but the Cult in general.” Sarah responded.

Elizabeth was tired of the badgering from the representative of Brisbane, "Representative from Brisbane, Good sir, I have done you the service of answering your questions, but I will not continue to do so as long as you make broad sweeping assumptions and put words in my mouth and barely allow me time to speak between questions. I think that is a pattern of behavior that should offend this body.” She then turned to Sarah, "I agree, it is a very personal Dilemma, Duchess."

The Duchess had other concerns, “Though I must ask, as Tasmania being the nexus of this Cult's existence and you converting people across the globe, do Cult leaders plan on bringing in foreign people to Tasmania? You see that could prevent an immigration problem that would not be allowed. We cannot have a mass religious migration to such a small island without some conflict arising.”

Elizabeth thought about this and then responded with due care, "We do not plan on the active movement of any persons throughout the world save through our ministries. It is possible that a tourist industry may boom due to pilgrimages. We would not encourage them to stay. We are already aware of the crowding issues upon the Isle. That is as much a danger to us domestically as it is to the Queendom."

The Brisbane representative interjected again, "It seems that broad sweeping assumptions are the only way of making a serious answer. I asked you a question and you seem intent on wiggling out of it. This war is a very important issue to the people of Brisbane, and the Cult's position on it - as well as having soldiers on the aggressive side of the war - can potentially be very, very troubling. Your statements do not provide clear and present thoughts. It is apparent, however, that further questioning will not create it Thank you for your answers, I have no more questions.”

The Duchess thought on Elizabeth’s response to her inquiry, “Very well, yes that would be a source of unneeded conflict to us. Tourism is accepted, but permanent settlement with already suspicion brewing would do nothing for this country.

Elizabeth reluctantly returned her attention to the Brisbane Representative, "That would be because you are giving me a question I cannot answer. I am not a dictator."

The Brisbane rep stood up again with a furious look on his face.

Elizabeth explained, "You are asking me to bend the wills of people across oceans and continents. It is something I cannot do. They have to make their own decisions based upon what happens where they are with the best knowledge of our moral structure which is definitely against suicide bombing unless there is a major atrocity committed.”

Sarah tried to calm things down, “Please both of you, there is no need for argument here Miss Morrow, you must understand my constituency is in a bit of a row, due to the war and the emergence of the cult on Tasmania with the rumors you addressed in the beginning of the meeting.”

Elizabeth nodded, "I understand Duchess, but if Government is best suited to have little power the Cult itself has even less. The representative from Brisbane is asking me to make decisions on behalf of other people whose circumstances I do not know fully."

The Brisbane representative stated, "You come to quell rumors. You speak for the cult. You should know their policies and endorsements. You are a representative, just as all of us are. We have better things to do than listen to a woman who does not even know what the people she represents would do!"

"Our policy is to let the individual decide," she shook her head as she replied, “based on our moral structures.”

Another line of inquiry compelled the Duchess, “A question I have is that you have come here, simply to introduce yourself or is there another reason you have made our audience?”

The Brisbane representative interrupted again, "If your moral structure has hundreds of your individuals supporting the side of people who use nuclear weapons unprovoked, then you have finally answered my question! Thank you. Nothing further.” He sat down with a look of disgust

She tried again to explain to the Brisbane rep their position, "No, they just have them following their orders and serving the ones who are also just following orders. We have no care for the actual actions of the state, but the people involved in the conflict."

Sarah asked for clarity, “So then you do not endorse the state, correct? It would be better to see you in the White Cross then on the field of battle Miss Morrow.”

Elizabeth noted, "That is correct. We are fully against the use of any WMD and consider ourselves politically impotent in a geopolitical sense. Well, many of those in the tending the world's warriors program are actually doctors themselves."

The Duchess probed, “But they fight? I do not mean to sound like I did ten or fifteen years ago, but peace must start from the bottom up, politicians will never learn, but the people that tote the firearms can.”

Elizabeth answered, "If they must, but by being there already they can get to so many in need. First responders on the front line are able to respond immediately to injury and to the broken faith of those around them. If you wait even a few seconds so many can be lost forever."

The Nordic Minority representative inquired, “You said that when Hanseatic tanks swarmed into Europe? Lady Tintagyl?”

The Brisbane rep tried to calm things, "This is not a place to discuss the past, however much of a grudge you may have."

Elizabeth tried to explain the position they were in by explaining how she would personally react, "On a personal basis, if I were in the condition of those serving the Sarnungian republic I would be doing my duty and serving the wounded and those losing faith. The individual soldier cannot be held accountable for the atrocities committed by the madmen who may lead their homeland. If I discovered I could convince sufficient numbers to pull from the cause I would perhaps try. It’s very situation dependent."

The Duchess continued, “Well I hope that the cult will eventually begin to turn away from warrior programs, and pull back on the road to war, the news of fighting does not aid well to this country, especially this current war.”

Elizabeth nodded, "But I would serve in the way I could best serve to alleviate suffering and change minds."

Sarah continued with a somewhat positive perspective, “However hopefully, you will be able to turn those people away from fighting.”

Elizabeth noted, "Well, you have to keep in mind those serving in militaries right now are a fraction of our population perhaps a hundredth of our total following.”

Sarah asked curiously, “Just what is the following of this religion?”

Elizabeth continued to explain why they had any military participation at all, "We hope to expand our morals to fill those of the hosting state in time" She nods "That is the long term goal"

Sarah probed a bit to get her onto the next inquiry, “Numerically?”
Elizabeth gave this question great thought…"Well if you count most of china; honestly it's very hard to say. We were set up before even the Dragonisian state and the Empire fell we are not new. We're just more noticed of late."

Sarah leaned back "Just how many countries have endorsed this as a national religion, former Dragonisian states to be sure, but what else?"

"Especially with the imminent return of our lord and the ignition of the Dragon's Eternal Flame our numbers have grown," She gets out a small file and looks it up.

"Imminent return?" The Duchess’ curiosity perked again.

Elizabeth responded to the Duchess’ state inquiry first, "Mandurastan and the People's Republic of China. Yes, the Dreamer is returning. We don't know when for certain, but it is forecast within the next four years. The prophecy says he will be heralded by a great fire in the sky centered within the Southern Cross."

The Brisbane rep groaned, "You honestly believe that never mind... This is getting tiresome Miss Morrow, while I would love to listen to the deep theories of your religion and prophecies, this is not the time to preach to us."

“I am merely conveying events that may be of cultural interest to the state.” She retorted. "There will likely be a great tourism surge when the First Twelve know of his return."

The Duchess sat up a bit more, "A prophecy? Well, if such a thing happens, I will be quite interested.” She whispered to herself, "I should tell Eliisa."

The Brisbane rep noted, "Of course, but your prophecies do not have a place here. I mean not to offend, but simply providing documents about your beliefs will be of better value."

Liz nods to the Duchess, "We will keep you updated on the time and the hour since it is of interest to you directly."

The Duchess looked perplexed, "Excuse me?"

"When the Dreamer makes us aware of a more precise time that the prophecy should be fulfilled we shall let you know." Ms. Morrow explained.

“Ah, of course. This should be interesting." The Duchess seemed a bit more relaxed with the clarification.

"Does the body have any more questions for me at this time? Some seem wearied by our discussions?" Elizabeth was a bit tired of the grilling, but still willing to serve her Emperor.

"No Miss Morrow, if there is, I will send a representative to you myself for answers." The Duchess noted

The Brisbane rep noted, "Nothing here."

Elizabeth Morrow curtsied in her robe and pulled up her cowl, "It has been an honor." She made her way out of the Parliament and went to eat lunch.


OOC: Subtle. Sorry you pinged out. If you have any more inquires from your reps feel free to have me fill them in the middle of this somewhere.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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[i]Cathedral Complex, Brisbane
Private Quarters of Lady Eliisa Malkinin, Bishop of Brisbane

[url="http://www.inquisitr.com/wp-content/Sean-Connery.jpg"]Brenden Moriarty[/url] considered himself lucky that he was not only an outspoken man in Parliament, but he was also a persuasive man outside of his work. Evening Vespers had ended hours ago and the security in Cathedral Complex was always tight, it would have been impossible for him to announce where he actually planned on going and still be allowed into the Cathedral, but after lying to one of the guards at the door saying that he needed to be able to say a prayer for a cousin of his who had become deathly ill yesterday he was allowed entry. As soon as Moriarty was past the line of sight of the guard however, he slowly moved against the shadows on the stone walls and crept out the back door of the cathedral into the gardens out back. From here it was a game of cat and mouse with the guards patrolling the grounds, but since they never expected anyone, if he kept silent he would easily pass through the scores of guards and push himself through a side door into the large stone building across from the cathedral, the Bishop's living quarters. The rest of the part was easy as Lady Eliisa never kept active guards inside her quarters, she found it an obstruction to her privacy and had always said if someone has that kind of desire to make it past city guards to speak with me or kill me, more power too them, but I'm not one to be trifled with. Moriarty laughed at the thought, the bishop of Brisbane was living proof of a liberal society. A female who was outspoken, strict and demanding, yet still managed to carry that touch of class that all Hanseatics held in high regard. Moriarty believed the same thing and as he approached the large oak doors that led into her office, a small light still shining underneath the door, he hoped that the class she had would be the thing to keep her from calling in her guards.

[url="http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs12/f/2006/332/0/7/Caterina_Sforza_by_Noldofinve.jpg"]Eliisa Malkinin[/url] had been burning the evening oil since Vespers, from eight o'clock she had been pouring over notes, letters, and reports on her desk. One was to craft a sermon for tomorrow, one that would hopefully be an improvement from her speeches yesterday and two days ago and she had a lot on her mind to make it work. Contrary to the beliefs of her opponents, Eliisa did not consider herself a revolutionary of any kind, she was not out to drastically reform Australia, or at least that had not been her goal from the start. As most members of the clergy, she saw Australia as one of the few last bastions of Catholicism in the world and considering the strength of Catholicism's past, that was a nightmarish statement to begin with. The Catholic community in her mind was divided, the previous Popes of Rome had failed the Church miserably and Tahoe, providing a path aside from Rome's weakness, congregations flocked to Archbishop Wood. Eliisa adamantly opposed this as she did most criticism for the Australian Catholic Church, but now with the rise in the Dragon Cult within Australia, this provided a direct threat to maintaining a strong and united Christian population. She firmly believed however, that is Australia could not be saved, she would die before the Dragonisians took Brisbane. All these thoughts running through her head, she had barely noticed how tight she was gripping her pen and laughed quietly to herself as she continued, interrupted then by a quiet knock on her door.

The Bishop's head jerked up for a moment, her peace of mind disturbed. "I wasn't expecting any..." She said quietly to herself. "Enter."

Moriarty hearing the approval of his entrance slowly opened the door and walked inside, hands clasped tightly behind his back and smiling over at the Bishop who sat all the way across the large office. Eliisa's office quarters was fashionably decorated, perhaps seemingly a bit much for a priest, though Hanseatic pomp and pageantry existed in all areas of society, including the Church. At the front of the room was a small seating area with two sofas, then a bare open floor of red marble, on the left side of the room hung various paintings, the Last Supper, the Crucifixion, and behind the Bishop's desk, a large portrait of St. Catherine of Siena, the patron saint of Brisbane. Eliisa watching the Parliamentarian walk into the room sighed as she buried her face into her hands. She was worn and in no state to receive guests, the curls were beginning to straighten on her long golden hair, her eyes could barely hold themselves open, and the monocle that she wore over her left eye, she could barely keep in place.

"I do hope I'm not disturbing Excellence, I just wan-"

"Mr. Moriarty, please, you realize it is quite late, what ever service you came for, I'm sure I could put it off until tomorrow. I have been working since Vespers and have a lot to prepare for tomorrow's Mass. What is it that you came for absolution of you sins, counsel, I'm sure it can wait the next eight hours."

"I would beg to differ Lady Bishop, I think the information I have for you is quite important. Especially given your recent sermon two days ago during Vespers. Which I thought was quite eloquent."

"You were at Vespers?" Her head raised up again, a half interested look in her eyes. "I didn't believe many of the politicians in the Duchy cared much for the Church. What...what did you think?"

"I try to go to Mass when I can, mind you, I am not a devout Catholic as the Duchess would be, but I try to show my face every once in awhile. Your sermons are particularly filled with fervor, especially about the recent changes in Australia and the world. You and I, Excellence, we see eye to eye on a lot of things. In fact it was one of the reasons I wanted to talk with you, if I could tonight." He smiled and stroked his beard. "Of course, if I am disturbing your beauty rest, I would be more than happy to leave. Another thing that makes a sermon more interesting is when you can actually look at the priest and listen not only to her words, but her looks as well."

Eliisa blushed as she took her monocle out of her eye, polished it against her red robes and put it firmly back in place. "Thank you, very much Mr. Moriarty. I'm glad to know that the political authority of this Duchy have a religiously opened mind. But what from my sermon did you want to talk to me about? Hopefully constructive criticism." She smiled as she walked over towards him, standing near one of the windows that looked out into the moonlit city of Brisbane.

"It isn't so much about the sermon itself, just what was addressed. I just came from a Parliament meeting in Darwin and things are not going as anyone hoped. If anything, the absolute opposite was achieved, even with the Brisbane Constituency trying to limit every push from the Promised Landers and the Polynesians. The Minorities are getting extremely loud as well, far too loud."

"And the Duchess?"

"As she always is. Resolute, but not willing to give the extra push, the rest of the government is weak and they look up to her, everyone in Duchy damn well do. But for the Kyos and Nords even to have the bravery to talk in Parliament is infuriating, the resolution that the people asked for, to withdraw from Diamonds is going to fail." Moriarty stopped as the Bishop laid her head on the glass of the window and looked out into the city. "Not only that...a Dragon Cultist was allowed to speak."

"What!?" Eliisa turned back and glared at the representative. "They were allowed into Parliament? To talk about what?"

"What else, their dogma, doctrine, and to dispel the rumors that have pretty much been coming from this city. Needless to say, the other Duchies were silent. I doubt the sincerity of this religion, did you know that they are actively fighting in the Sarnungian-Nod War?"

"A militarized cult? My god, that's almost as bad as the terrorism stories that come out of South America and this is right on our doorstep."

"The problem I have with this Excellence, is that there was a talk at length about loyalty to the Australian state, an endorsement of the state, but the Cultist talked in circles. First they said that many of the Cultists openly support and endorse the war in Africa. Then when they were called out on it, they said they didn't endorse states at all, which would mean they lack the loyalty to Her Majesty. Worse, they were talking about some prophecy, the return of the Dragon Emperor of sorts, you realize what will happen at that point. Nationalism, fervor, the return of their old leader."

"It would be the recipe for open rebellion against the state." She paused and turned back to the window. "But prophecy?"

Moriarty rolled his eyes. "A bunch of !@#$ if I say so myself, I barely believe in miracles, I'm most definitely not believing in the rantings of some crazed woman on Parliament floor." He smiled at the Bishop. "Prophecy is your field Excellence, not mine."

"This is getting serious Brendan. Their warrior program, openly fighting in the African War and talking about some prophecy, along with the suspicions building up in Tasmania." She sighed. "Even Duke Lupin is barely on our side, the man still wears a Dragonisian lapel on his suit. Sarah doesn't even wear anything openly Hanseatic anymore, what reason should he be allowed to do that." Eliisa shook her head at the representative then noticed his smile. Her eyes narrowed. "What could you possibly be smiling about right now? After news reaches the city there's going to be another protest for sure."

"You fail to disappoint Lady Eliisa. I was right in coming to you with my convictions instead of the Duchess."

"Mr. Moriarty?"

He grabbed her by the shoulders as her brown eyes widened, her left magnified slightly by the monocle. "The people of Brisbane are scared Excellence, they have been through so much in the past age that we can barely describe it anymore. You came from Finland as a ten year old yes? With your family after the exodus?"

"Yes, we lived in Turku but after Helsinki..."

"I'm a Welshmen that didn't move when your people came over the sea, we learned together and it was the Welsh and the Finns that build this country into what it is today. Respected, strong, compassionate. Not everyone might appreciate our comments, our concerns, but they always respect us and that is because of women like Lady Sarah, because of women like you Lady Eliisa. Excellence, we've been through enough, multiple attacks against our city, a civil war with the Queenlanders, and dozens more fiascoes and every time we have survived. But this, we are Hanseatics deep down and if the Dragonisians of Tasmania are allowed to boast their ethnicity, then by God we will boast ours. My Lady, the city looks up to you, the Duchy looks up to you, as much as they do Lady Sarah. She the voice of reason, you the voice of compassion and strength. Please, Lady Eliisa, don't let this city fall to the world, we've done too much to fall now. The Nords, the Queenlanders, everyone they think they could beat the Hansa. Never. Please, Eliisa, you can be the voice of a new age."

Her eyes were wide and her hands shaking just a bit, normally she kept a mask of strictness and apathy towards the world. It made her sermons stronger, it made her seem more powerful, but her she was melting looking up at the elderly representative. She had never guessed that the people of Brisbane thought about her like this, as their leader, as their spokesperson, as someone they could look up too. "I don't know what to say Mr. Moriarty, other than, thank you."

"You need not say anything Excellence, just realize that the entire city lends you their strength. You have to save this nation before its too late." He bowed to her and kissed her hand. "Sleep well Bishop, I look forward to listening to your sermon at Mass tomorrow." With that, he crept back out the door and vanished in the dark hallway. Eliisa continued to stand in near awe, as the door shut before turning back and looking out at the city. The times were changing fast and Brisbane once again was on the threshold of such violent revolution, she nodded her head and touched the window. "My city..." She turned and looked up at the Crucifix on the wall. "Lord have mercy on me, but I will not let this religion and I will not let this nation fall."

Brenden listened to her sentence right outside the door and smiled. "We know you won't Excellence, we know you would never fail us." With that he left the cathedral complex and back out onto the darkened streets of the Hanseatic capital.

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Elizabeth Morrow hadn't traveled far. She knew the people of Brisbane were the source of many of the rumors, she had been briefed by the Twelve. She was going to go Worship with her Christian brethren. She planned to attend services where Eliisa Malkinin spoke.. and if possible... procure a seat on the first row where she could watch her peer speak best. She would wear her crucifix around her neck as well.. to hammer home that Malkinin wasn't just attacking anyone. She was attacking a branch of her own faith.

She would walk in early that morning, oddly garbed compared to the rest of the faithful, but all the same prepared for services and head towards an empty seat near the front. The Cultists were brave. They would face their opponents in their homes. Her faintly glowing serpentine green contacts would almost certainly leave some uneasy.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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[i]"A foreign army DID occupy Brisbane, a foreign country declared it the capital of their reactionary movement Your Grace and over twenty-five Lillians died to free it not only from the traitorous Queenlanders but the Dranaggian terrorists as well. I will not sit and listen to you compare a piece of desert in Africa to the Hanseatic capital city, however to remain civil I will acknowledge the statement that you make while it is clear that you have barely decided to open up your front door to what happens on your own goddamn continent."[/i]

As a soldier, he knew those on the ground would have to be the first to react to any invasion. And if a foreign army landed on his doorstep, he would be the first to be repelling them with force. "Do not presume to say that I am ignorant of past events. I know very well Brisbane's history, and brought it up for precisely that reason. Another person would ask what makes your land any more important than another piece of land, but I understand how one's home, or that of a friend, will obviously be put in higher esteem than that of someone you are on, at best, neutral terms with. We must be more objective."

[i]"It would appear that once again the Ministers of Promised Land have no greater care for their Hanseatic Brothers and Sisters!"[/i] Said another Brisbane delegate, to which brought another round of jeering and taunts. Among them was a Darwin representative, who shouted back.

"It is utter arrogance to assume to say that he speaks for all of us!"

[i]"No. Just Duke Jackson apparently."

[/i]"No, I am simply objective on the issue. I don't let my emotions speak my words for me." His face no longer contained even an inkling of anger--he'd had time to make his point and gather his thoughts--so his words, while perhaps not entirely accurate, were correct when applied to the current moment.

The fervor of the earlier argument died down, and he actually listened to what the Duchess of Brisbane next had to say.

[i]"Did I say they were not barbarians? I have no love for Nod, none at all, however at the same time I don't believe the Sarnungians have acted in a way that any nation with a responsibility of power should. Think of Nod as lost children that need to be reeducated or even at most be brought into some kind of order. That kind of aggression will only force Africa in to many many more years of bloodshed, bloodshed that Australia need not commit her children to die in."
A murmer, instead of a round of insults, was the order of the day when Jackson simply nodded, acknolwedging the point without protest.

The original proposal, a blanket withdrawal statement, might, just barely, have passed. However, it had been extremely chancy--especially when some pointed out that they could not realistically see the Republic cesured for its actions if they simply withdrew themselves. With Lady Tintagyl's acceptance of the modified proposal, almost two-thirds of the representatives from Adelaide, Perth, and Darwin collectively approved of it. Most surprising of all, Jackson voiced his approval of the measure.

"While Nod are barbarians at times, the Sarnungian Republic could have exercised a modicum of diplomacy BEFORE the attack, as even barbarians occasionally listen to reason."

Once this vote was taken, the Dragon Cult member was announced and permitted to enter...


Anthony had been silent most of the round of questioning. This was an extremely sensitive issue for him. He did keep an ear out for what was being discussed, but it wasn't until after the representative had been escorted out that his mind put together all that had been happening. The Brisbane Representative's words bordered on outright badgering and insults, rather than productive criticism. After the meeting he met with them, explaining the conclusions he came to, then politely 'requesting' that a public apology be issued for such behavior. "After all, we are civilized beings."

He made it clear that if an apology were not issued, a public censure would be forthcoming.

OOC: No, not Sarah; rather the rep that kept asking repetitive questions. :P

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[i]St. Catherine of Siena Cathedral, Brisbane
[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0b-2H6fjod4"]Sunday Mass[/url] at High Noon[/i]

The sun was incredibly bright that Sunday morning in April, from her quarters across from the Cathedral, Eliisa looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. Her hair was perfectly straightened on top and curled down the bottom, her bishop's robes were freshly cleaned and her monocle polished to a perfect glisten. In her hand was the final perfection of her homily for Sunday mass, reflecting on everything she had learned in the past week and once again to show her people, the people of Brisbane, that Australia was indeed the last bastion of Catholicism in the world and must be held at all costs. Finally reaching for her hat, she placed it firmly on her head and let her arms hang down at her sides, it was time. A knock on the door moments later ushered in an entourage of Altar boys, deacons and lesser priests to make the walk with the Bishop across the gardens and then to the front of the Cathedral as was tradition for every Sunday Mass. They left the Bishop's Palace, the sun's golden rays piercing across a cloudless sky and walked in a great congregation across the square of the cathedral complex towards the front of the great church. Arriving there, two guards opened the doors wide as the patrons turned their heads back towards the doors, the sunlight beckoning Eliisa and her entourage forward down the center aisle towards the altar.

As her entourage entered the cathedral, the organ immediately began the opening hymn, the entirety of the cathedral standing up as Eliisa took the cross from one of the Altar boys and led the congregation down the aisle. As they walked, the hymn muttered softly from Eliisa's lips and growing in strength as she continued down the corridor. Finally reaching the front of the church, she placed the cross in front of the altar and as she had done at Vespers, knelt low to the ground and kissed the stone at the foot of the marble tabernacle as the organ slowly faded from sound and Eliisa looked out upon the congregation in front of her. As she did, the woman in the front row caught her eye, the woman's eyes were green and she was wearing the clothing that the Bishop had seen worn by the cultists in Tasmania and those that she had seen across the world; the news media did many of them justice. Then she saw the crucifix dangling around her neck and Eliisa smiled, not affected in the slightest by the almost reptilian nature of the woman's eyes. If they wanted to meet her on the field of rhetoric, she would most definitely oblige, though perhaps, not disappoint as well.

After saying the opening prayers, the deacons went through the readings of the Old Testament, along with a reading of psalms and a few other hymns. However, as Eliisa had sat against the back of the Church, the gears in her head began to turn slowly, trying to think of really how to get her message across to the people of her congregation. Finally as the last hymn before the gospel ended, Eliisa's face brightened as she carried the Holy Book towards the pulpit and opened to the Book of Matthew, precisely, Matthew 24:1, she cleared her throat and began to read.

"A Reading from the Gospel According to Saint Matthew."

"Praise to you oh Lord." Was the echo from the congregation.

"Jesus left the temple and was walking away when his disciples came up to him to call his attention to its buildings 'Do you see all these things?' he asked. 'I tell you the truth, not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.' The disciples came to him privately and asked 'Tell us, when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?' He answered 'Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name. claiming, 'I am the Christ,' and will deceive many. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginnings of birth pains. Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. At that time many will turn away from the faith and will be betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come." She bowed her head at the book in front of her. "The Word of the Lord."

"Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ." The congregation repeated again and this time took their seats. Now it was time for Eliisa to shine.

"All right, to begin with brothers and sisters, given the history that we have had in this city, I would expect no less from everyone to leave this cathedral in a state of shock to go to the supermarket and stock up, or at least the nuclear shelters. We have been through a great deal, everyone in this world has and I believe that is what we have to look at more than just the fear that the end is near, because to be honest with you, brothers and sisters, when the time arrives, not I, not you, not anyone will be able to do anything about it. I don't often believe in destiny or that the future is already written for us. However, I am positive that only God understand when the final moments of this world would be and I can assure you, I would never want that knowledge for my own. So we have Christ in the temple, exclaiming that the end is going to come and that the world will be beset by war, famine, plague, and people ask themselves. Well how do you know? The Nordic Wars? The Valkyrie War? The Gebiv War? The African War today? All massive amounts of death and destruction, some more so or less so than the war prior to it. But again, how do you know. And I would say to you brothers and sisters that we don't know. But since we do not know, that means full well that we must be prepared, we must be prepared at all times for the end and when I say that, I don't mean have the water bottles stacked. I mean, the faith that this congregation has, the good-works that it has done, that is how you prepare for that time. That is how when the floodgates open, you can stand and say, I am prepared because I did what I needed to do."

"Now we move on from simply realizing that the end might come at anytime, because in reality there are wars happening at all times, but what of the false prophets? How do I know that I am not being tricked? Brothers and sisters that is the true test of faith, today in the world our Catholic community is becoming smaller and smaller and we have seen our fair share of prophets claiming to give life everlasting whether through religion or other means. We have watched the Greater Catholic Community get torn apart by various popes all claiming power, men that used the Church as a military tool, fascist puppets, and now we find Rome and the Vatican lacking in anything substantial, it pains me to say it, but the Roman Church has failed and it now goes to us to bring about the revival of Catholicism in the world. The Tahoean Church pledges its own power, but its methods of approval, bullying, and coercion is not needed in this atmosphere, a Church that only seeks to implement a hegemony of sorts across the world that is almost as humorous and as sad as the leadership of the Rebel Virginian Bubba. No, brothers and sisters, I see this community, the community of Greater Australia as one of the last bastions of Catholicism in this world, that is not to say that others may exist and indeed they do, but they are small and are in need of the same revival that we ourselves must go through to survive in this ever secularizing world."

"As part of this revival there is also the false prophets that present them as an entirely new face, for this we need only look to our south, the Tasmanian people see themselves as followers of Christ and at the same time the followers of a new divine figure, the Dreamer. However, this path is a turning away from the path to salvation as any other path and many there have adopted this new Cult as their national religion. There is no excuse for the heretical rise of this as a way to turn the faithful of the Christian community to believe in an entirely new divine figure. To those of you that look down in Tasmania, you must ask yourselves this question. A faith that believes in something greater than Christ, a faith that while they profess the Christian Word must understand that there is nothing more to the path of Salvation that the Word of Christ, not the words or actions of Dreamers. They may promise you prophecy and miracle, but as it was said in the Gospel, you must be prepared for these signs as they are not the true signs and when the true sign appears, there will be such a majesty, that is when we will all understand. That is something that you will gain from faith and the good-works, that preparation, that preparation that is a necessity. God Bless."

Eliisa smiled as she bowed her head to the congregation and walked down from the pulpit as the cathedral burst forth into another series of hymns until the end of the mass and the presentation of the Eucharist to all those that would receive it. Finally the Mass came to a conclusion as Eliisa walked back up the aisle of the church, singing the closing hymn and greeting those on the edges of the pews as she walked, she made a special move to greet Elizabeth at the beginning, shaking her hand as she did with every other patron of the Mass and finally was able to exit the cathedral, the sun still shining an hour later. "That went quite well I think." The bishop smiled to herself. "Quite well."

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Miss Morrow nodded to Eliisa and spoke Eliisa at her pew on her way out, "You misunderstand us. The Dreamers are not greater than Christ, like your Saints or Popes... they serve Christ. This is no power greater than Christ, no deity greater than God. The only difference is the Dreamers are a whole soul, not a part of one as we are.. and they dream this world. You only have a part of a soul Eliisa, and as only part of one, you cannot be saved except if your Dreamer is both a Christian.. and continues to chose to have you as part of their dream. Let us hope you are not forgotten and that your Dreamer is Christan. I know I shall not be forgotten.. and that mine is." She waited if Eliisa had something to say in return.

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Eliisa smiled as she patted Elizabeth on the shoulder. "My dear, you are right, there is no power greater than Christ. But you are confused, you have a soul, we are Children of God for sure, but to say that you are only part of a soul." She shook her head. "No, you have a soul my child, you most definitely have a soul, a full soul. Just remember, no matter what, there is nothing keeping you from speaking directly to God, you need no 'Dreamer' to do this. Peace be with you, My Child." She continued walking down the aisle and outside of the Church, looked up to the sky and then back to her quarters. There was more to be done and her work was far from over.

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[i]St. Catherine of Siena Cathedral Complex,
The Private Quarters of Bishop Eliisa Malkinin

As soon as the great grandfather clock in her study chimed the start of Monday, Eliisa breathed a sigh of relief and put the book that she had been reading on the table in front of her. Yawning she stretched her arms and leaned over to take another sip of the tea cup she had next to her book. There were extra teaspoons of sugar to keep her up probably for the next three hours, but she was expecting important guests and even at this time at night she couldn't allow herself to look even remotely tired not in front of the Bishop of Darwin and the Bishop of Perth, Gerald Long and William Lindquist. Years ago, when the Catholic Church had begun to fall apart because of the schism between the Church of Rome and the Church in Jerusalem, the three Australian Bishops had come together and had placed forth their wishes to withdraw from the Roman Catholic Church as it was then, from that movement sprung the Australian Catholic Church of the present. However, Eliisa couldn't help but feel a bit of remorse for Rome, the historical seat of the Church was now vacant, the Roman Catholic Church essentially destroyed, and she began to lose herself in the thoughts of reviving Rome before a knock was finally heard on the door of her study.

A maid pushed the door open and peeked her head through the crack. "Lady Eliisa? His Excellence the Bishop of Darwin is here to make your audience."

"Send him in, please, and make two more cups of tea for my arriving guests."

"Of course Excellence."

After the maid disappeared back into the dark, Gerald stepped in slowly, he was an elderly man, beginning to bald with gray hair, a friendly and wise face wearing an old woolen jacket and black slacks, his white collar showing through the jacket. "Eliisa, you're still in your robes?" He laughed at the red robes covering her body.

"Not at all, these are just the under robes of the garments, I could never wear that cloak around and still be able to breathe."

He smiled and pulled her close. "You're as vigorous as usual, its good to see in a young clergywoman like yourself, I wish I had your strength when I was younger." Letting her go, he moved to the sofa across from where Eliisa had been sitting. "I also have to apologize about how long it took me to get here. My health isn't what it used to be. But do you have any idea when William is supposed to arrive?"

"I told him be here promptly at midnight. I understand he has a longer way to travel, but that just means that he should leave earlier, I've been able to arrive at every one of his meetings directly on time, there is no rea-" The door opened with a sudden gust of wind as Bishop William Lindquist moved into the room, his black hair messy and his thin eyebrows glaring at Eliisa, he wore blue traveling robes and draped them around his legs as he walked. "You're late William."

"So I see Eliisa. Though I never much liked this city to be honest, far too out of the way, why couldn't we have met in Darwin or Adelaide?"

"Because Brisbane has been the center of most of the political strife gripping Australia as of late." Gerald sighed, if there was one thing that he wished God would have given him, it would have been that Eliisa and William could actually cooperate. The middle aged Bishop of Perth, conservatively minded for an Australian could barely ever see eye to eye with the youthful and liberal Bishop of Brisbane, it was the comedy of the Australian merger, a Hanseatic and a Promised Lander and Gerald found himself in the middle. The problem was, he knew that Eliisa had the courage and charisma to lead the Church, William did not and he knew that was one of the main sources of their arguments.

"Anyways, you mind if we get down to business then. We don't have all night." Said William as he took his seat.

"Of course." As Eliisa began, the maids brought in the cups of tea as they had been asked. Eliisa cleared her throat and began. "You hopefully both realize just how dire the situation is becoming in both Brisbane, due to political unrest and especially in Tasmania with the insurgence of the Dragon Cult. A few days ago, one of the Cultists was allowed to speak in Parliament and despite any measure of arguing, especially from many of the Brisbane Representatives, there was no distinct action taken on Tasmania or possible Dragon growth on the mainland. This worries me, this cult could eventually grow to threaten all of Holy Mother Church in Australia."

"The Cult is that widespread?" Gerald's eyes widened. "I hadn't realized the growth had soared like that. Have they begun to convert on the mainland?"

"No, so far the government has been restricting passage. But who knows how long that will last."

"Surely you jest Eliisa!" William scowled. "They wouldn't dare step onto Australia, we are devout followers of the Christian faith, we would never convert to their heathen ways."

"The heresy is almost minute William, they believe that humans only have a partial soul and that the full soul is only recognized by something called a Dreamer. Small, but enough to present a danger to the faith. People are weakminded, no matter how much we can sugarcoat it, if this heresy is not stamped out then it will gain following. Perhaps not fast, but given the ties of the Promised Lander Duchies, as well as the nationalistic tendencies already arising, we can't waste any time."

"The Catholic community was never strong in Australia to begin with Eliisa, perhaps in the Hansa, but that has been a part of your culture and the people that you convert within the Duchy borders. We can't say the same for Greater Australia. Tasmania." He paused. "Tasmania, may already be lost."

"You realize that Tasmania is just the foothold they need to push into Australia itself."

"If we stay strong." Nodded William. "They won't be able to touch us."

"How strong can we honestly be William?" She sighed and took a sip of the tea. "Its not that I doubt our ability, its that I doubt the effectiveness of the Crown and Parliament to be able to successfully deal with this threat. They are militaristic, they are heretical, and they have the population convinced of prophecies about the returning of the 'Eternal Dragon Emperor', you can see why this is getting out of hand." She stood up and walked over to one of the bookshelves, fingering the covers. "William, Gerald, I came to a realization that we are one of the last bastions of the Catholic Church left in this world, besides Tahoe, Australia is it and we cannot allow it to be lost, even if it requires taking more drastic action." She clenched her fists and pounded them together.

William stared up at her curiously. "What action did you have in mind? Playing politics like the Church of the past?"

"That would be part of it, but more aggressive actions as well."

Gerald and William both nodded at each other. "At times drastic action is necessary Eliisa. What did you have in mind." Said the elderly bishop.

"I would like to propose the creation of an organization of sorts, one to be kept in the dark of the public, going back to our history, a combination of the Templars and the Inquisitors of old, an organization that would strive to protect the people of the Catholic faith in Australia and perhaps throughout the world. Along with that, the role of the Church in government is paramount as well, the recent changes, there is no doubt in my mind that this body as acted the most intelligently. The government must be able to understand our concerns instead of constantly having to preach them through homilies and teachings. The state, the Duchies, we are in a time of quasi-rebellion and strife, Australia must be preserved."

"There are a great many devout Catholics in Perth, probably for Promised Land, it is the most concentrated area. Brisbane for the Hanseatic Duchies. If we can consolidate our power, we can prevent those things that you spoke of." Said William.

"Then we will recruit among the faithful, they will know their purpose to protect the Church and shall have absolute loyalty to us three here." Eliisa nodded her head.

"An inquisition of sorts to root out heresy and protect the faithful." Gerald sighed. "We are treading on dangerous water here Eliisa. I hope you are prepared to take such a daunting task that you have set before yourself."

"There is no greater service than to protect Holy Mother Church Gerald, you should realize that."

"Yes, I wish I had your vigor, I believe this could solve many of the problems threatening us at the present time." He turned to William. "And you William, would you be up to the challenge of building our relations inside the government, the representatives in Parliament are key to keeping the heretics off the mainland and the Catholic population strong and united."

William glared first at Eliisa before turning back to Gerald and nodding his head. "No that is more than satisfactory. I wouldn't want to mess around with the sins that will be on Eliisa's hands."

"You say that as a threat." She spat back.

"Enough both of you." Gerald snapped. "Eliisa has done more than either of us here William, she has made the decisions on how to proceed and we must respect them. Now, if there is anything else to discuss, let us do so before we need to turn in for the night. I do trust that you have the space to put us up for the night here Eliisa." He chuckled.

"Of course. I'll have the maids prepare your rooms at once." She said as they began to walk out of the room, but stayed some distance back as the neared the doors.

"You aren't retiring as well Eliisa?" Said William with narrow eyes.

"No, I'm going to finish my tea and read a few more chapter of my book before sleep. I'll be up for breakfast tomorrow I assure you."

"Very well, have a good night Bishop." He said as she shut the doors behind him. After William and Gerald were out of the room, Eliisa pulled out a piece of paper from the book she had been reading and a pen on the table and slowly began crafting her plans for the future. Stewing in her head was her new offensive against the heretics in Tasmania, the Malleus Dei, God's Hammer would be brought down to defend the Australian Catholics already on Tasmania and if possible peaceful conversion back to Catholicism. However in the back of her mind, fearing the worst, they would be the first line of defense if this shaky balance of religion ever descended into the chaos she saw in her dreams.

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[i]St. Catherine of Siena Cathedral Complex,
The Private Quarters of Bishop Eliisa Malkinin

Eliisa leaned back in her chair and held her index finger on the bridge of her nose staring down at the [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=81255&view=findpost&p=2194581"]letter[/url] in front of her. She had always tried to keep an open mind about what was happening across Oceania, the fact that Australia and especially Brisbane was in civil strife along with the nationalism from Tasmania made her nervous, but nothing that made her doubt that eventual victory of the Church. Though from what she had believed would be a simple matter of converting heretics that had barely strayed from the Path was looking more and more as a crusade or more drastic measure needed to be taken and Malleus Dei, which she had believed to be drastic to begin with may have just been the first moves that the Church needed to do before a virtual underground conflict broke out between the faiths. Besides the Dragon Cult, the time as they had begun their conversions, various other religious movements had begun to rise, Islamic movements in Africa, among others, all threatening the existence of a strong and united Catholic Church. However for Australian matters, the Dragon Cult came first and foremost and it was apparent that they had already made their first moves on the young nun that she had sent to Hobart to investigate their movements.

The contents of the letter were disturbing in general. Cultist beliefs reflected an extremely heretical nature, the belief in a demi-god like figure existing between Christ and God that seemed more like a Pagan movement of polytheism. The idea that the world around them was literally not real, a figment of the imagination of the Dreamers and that the Dreamers, those demi-god like figures, could instruct the people of their faith that they could be forgotten for all eternity and that they were nothing more than a thought of the Dreamers. It was an image that perturbed Eliisa, that people could be so pessimistic to think that they could just be forgotten by a demi-god figure and that because of that their life had no purpose. But even worse was the last of the letter, that to be remembered by the Dreamer suicide was necessary to live eternally in salvation with either the Dreamer figure or Christ, that part of the letter she was not able to understand. However by that point, Eliisa had heard enough, needless martyrdom, heresy, it was time to unleash the power that she had against this heresy. Perhaps the Cult Council could frighten with conversions, but it was time to take the battle to the offensive.

"Broglie!" She pushed the letter back onto the desk and called out from her office. A few seconds passed before the doors opened and one of the black robes that had been her agents from the abbey walked in and bowed his head. He was an elderly man with his hood off his head, brown hair in a short cut, while his most signature feature was an eye that he kept close while he talked, even Eliisa had not seen him opened it, it made the man mysterious, yet he was the wisest of all of Eliisa's counsels.

"Yes Excellence. You called?"

"I just received a disturbing missive from Hobart, where one of the Malleus Dei were stationed, a young nun to be specific. She said that she had gone into the Dragon Great Temple where a man attempted to explain her their tenets and killed himself in fervor."

"My God. And the girl?"

"She's been given furlough. But this Cult has moved unopposed except in words for too long. I think its time we tighten our grip on Australia."

"Including Tasmania?"

"If possible, I would like to apply some pressure against them, not enough to push towards revolution or rebellion, but this letter confirms their heretical nature and that will not be tolerated. We need to do something, we can't just look at being loud while they go to convert the entire world. They're killing themselves Broglie, we can't allow this to continue and this worship of the Dragon Emperor must be removed immediately, at least on the mainland. We need to start marching to changing the government around." She paused. "The government, there are those in government that were good friends with the Dragon Emperor correct? In Promised Land I know, what of the Commonwealth. We have to stop this extension of Cult power in the upper levels of government. That is how they have gone around converting people, from the top to the bottom, full nations embracing religion because of their leaders and we can't allow that to happen here."

"The Empire fell before Her Highness came to power along with the death of the Emperor, the only one that I know of off by had that would have had contact with him before he died, would have been the Duchess."


"Yes Excellence."

Eliisa leaned over and ran her right hand through her hair. "Sarah couldn't be influenced by a Cult member, we would no about it, bu-" She thought for a moment and her eyes widened, her monocle nearly falling from her eye. She through about Sarah for a moment, her discussions in Parliament, the times she had seen her outside and the times she had been able to have closer discussions with her. There it hung down from her neck, maybe not now, but it had, the Dragon Pendant, it had appeared on leaders necks before she had seen on television and anytime they had those pendents it seems as though the cult flocked to those areas. It had to be, it just had to be. "The pendants!"


"Many of the leaders wear pendants, the Cult is famous for having some hallucinogenic power over people, those pendants are dangerous!" She stood up from her desk her face almost white with concern. "Get me a car and a few guards, we have to go to Solidor Manor, now! Get moving!"

"Oh course Excellence, but what are you planning?"

"I'm ending this heresy now."

Eliisa grabbed the letter, storming past Broglie as she lifted her robes running down the stairs of her quarters and out towards the city streets of Brisbane as fast as she could. There she got into a limousine that had just been called along with three of the Malleus Dei and drove off quickly towards Solidor Manor at the other end of the city. It would be of the highest priority and utter importance to not only the nation but the health of the Duchess of Brisbane as well, especially after this would be labeled as heresy. Arriving at the gates of the Manor, the Bishop and her guards were stopped by the Lillian Guards posted at the gates. Eliisa stepped out of the car, the light shining down from street lamps on her red robes.

"Ladies, please step aside now, I must see the Duchess, the matter is of the greatest importance." Said Eliisa stepping forward as the Lillians drew their swords.

"State your business Bishop, no one gets a free entry to see her Ladyship."

Eliisa stepped up to the guard and glared. "Do not bar me from seeing my friend, I know she keeps late hours and I must see her. You presume that my intentions are political and I assure you they are not."

"You said this is of importance."

"And it is, spiritual importance and a matter of Her Ladyship's health and the health of this nation. Do not stand in my way Lillian. The matter I speak of is heresy if it is not corrected right now."


"Let me pass."

The guards stared back with nervous looks on their faces before nodding and placing their swords back into their sheathes and opening the black gates of Solidor Manor as the Bishop, her guards, and the Lillians made their way to the mansion. They swept inside, startling the maids and other servants as they crossed the marble floors and staircases heading towards Sarah's bedroom at the end of the hallway on the third floor. Approaching it, Eliisa slammed on the door and then opened it to find Sarah at her vanity going over a few paper from a Parliament meeting a few days ago. She jumped into the air in surprise at the intrusion and glared at the Bishop and the rest of the guards as they pushed into the room.

"Eliisa! What is the meaning of this! What are you doing here!?"

"Where is your jewelry box Sarah? Where is the Dragon Pendant?"

"The pendant from Emperor Vortex? His funeral gift? Why?"

"It has hallucinogenic properties or something rather. Have you ever heard his voice in your head, have you ever hallucinated and he appeared in any form?"

Sarah's eyes widened. "Eliisa, what's going on? Does this have to do with the prophecy that the woman mentioned in Parliament?"

"It has everything to do with everything. Now where is the pendant!"

Sarah swallowed and turned back to her jewelry box, pulling out the pendent, the figure of the dragon emblazoned proudly in its metal, green jade eyes stared back at Eliisa almost dauntingly, sparkling mysteriously, hanging from a golden chain. With a sweep of her hand she took it from Sarah and threw it on the ground and brought her heel down on the pendant as hard as she could crushing it as hard as she could and grinding it into the carpet. "Eliisa!? What are you doing!? That was a gift!"

"And it is heresy. The Cult has extended into an unforgivable realm of what they believe is right within Christianity and it must not be allowed to exist in this country. I may not be able to do it to the Promised Lander Duchies, but I swore that I would not let it happen to the Hansa." She grabbed Sarah by the shoulder. "Please, you're my friend Sarah and I know from Parliament you are as scared as I am. I received a letter from a nun I sent to Hobart to investigate and what I got in return is disturbing to say the least. It is time we start playing on the offensive Duchess, we cannot just let this happen and talk about it with strong words. We must now take action." She took out the letter from her robes and handed it to Sarah.

"My lord. This is all true?" She lifted her head after reading it.

Eliisa sighed and picked up the ruined pendant and looked at it. "All too true I believe and we must prepare for something more than what we expected in the past against a threat that will kill themselves. But you will have opposition Emperor." She said to the pendant. "Like you always had, I swear it. You will not take this world if I still draw breath."

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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[i]Solidor Manor, Brisbane

Eliisa picked up the tea cup from the saucer and looked off into the pristine gardens that Sarah kept at her private manor on the outskirts of Brisbane. A Baroque fountain stood in the middle of the expanse of trees and white gravel pathways, and like the palaces of Europe in the Enlightenment there were scores of aristocrats that walked through the gardens, lovers in their arms listening to the birds chirping in the trees and exchanging sweet nothings near the fountain. The Bishop smiled and sipped from the cup and then turned to the Duchess sitting across from her. Sarah sat with a distressed look on her face, still thinking of the night before, she stared down deep into the brown tea on the table having not made a sound since they had come out on the veranda.

"When you said that you would bring Paris to the Pacific Sarah, I was only thirteen when you said that, couldn't say I really understood, but I think I understand now." Eliisa looked up at her and squinted her eyes "Is something wrong Your Grace?"

Sarah sighed and stirred her cup. "I was just thinking what happened last night, the letter, the pendant, everything. The protests have quieted down, but I don't know how we can keep them silenced. The only good news that I've been able to hear is that the Holy American Empire has withdrawn from Diamonds so that we can do the same in turn hopefully, considering that only Aphrike is the strong power within the pact now. That should silence it for sometime."

Eliisa nodded and rested her head on her hand. "Indeed, it would finally appear that things are turning out for the better. Politically at least." She leaned back and crossed her legs looking at the Duchess intently. "Sarah you know, you're quite lucky that we were able to get rid of that pendant when we did. I don't think we should be taking any chances with hallucinogens. Though I almost don't understand how a piece of metal has those properties anyways, the entirity of the world's leadership much be going crazy. You did hear voices in your head did you not?"

"I don't know, I received the pendant when I was South America, after I left the Hansa and the Civil War began. It moved like a snake in my hands and I started having strange dreams that I didn't want to take responsibility for my actions." She sighed again. "My life was so screwed up back then Eliisa. The Eurasians had formed, the country was collapsing and I felt like I had no control anymore, I probably was going crazy to be honest, but I haven't heard his voice in a long time and I haven't seen the Emperor's figure in my dreams for even longer. Though, a heresy really? The Cult is being listed as a heresy."

"The Church is starting to come back together and the Cult is being used as a catalyst, wrong, perhaps, but in truth it is a heresy and they are killing themselves to prove their faith, no sane leader would allow this to occur in their nations, which means we must put a stop to this now. Your Grace, these are Australian citizens killing themselves and it must stop now, you can understand right, if this were to get out to the entire world that Australia is doing nothing to stop this, how would that make the Queen look? The Parliament? You?"

"But Tasmania is almost a separate country given the growth of the Cult there. How can you just stamp out a religion that nearly all of Tasmania worships?"

"Tasmania is not outside of Australia and is subject to Australian laws and when religion oversteps the boundaries of what is safe and reasonable. Suicide is against Australian law is it not? It is murder of the self."

"Perhaps it might be time to bring this up to the Queen and the Grand Duke, this letter, at least until it is brought up to Parliament. We have to tread here lightly Eliisa. If we don't, it could lead to a revolution and open rebellion against the state."

"Your Grace, it we wait to long it might lead to open rebellion either way another question I have, why did Vortex send you that pendant as a gift?"

"The pendant, well I would say we were acquaintances of types. Friends if you will."

"Vortex was friends with Anthony Harlem as well then wasn't he? Were there any other members of the Promised Lander population that were close to the Dragon Emperor?"

"I...I don't really know, Anthony maybe because he is Sub-" Sarah stopped as Eliisa's left eyebrow raised in curiosity.

"The Grand Duke is what?"

"Because he was a good friend of his I believe, Anthony was always friendly with everyone."

Eliisa nodded and took off her monocle wiping it against her robes before standing up. "Yes, I understand fully Sarah, I have a great deal of respect for the Grand Duke, a great deal of respect and that is why he must know about what is happening in his country, especially given his people's connection to the Dragonisians, we cannot waste anytime. I suggest that very soon, you and I take a trip to Darwin to talk to the Grand Duke and Queen about the Cult and the findings of my agents. Do you think you could send a letter ahead of time, so its not just a surprise, or should I?"

Sarah smiled and stood up along with her friend. "No, Eliisa, I'll be fine doing it. I'll send it today and say we leave tomorrow then for Darwin?"

"I look forward to it Your Grace, I truly do." The Bishop bowed. "Now if you don't mind, I wouldn't mind strolling around the gardens and talk about things a bit more heart-warming, what do you think?" She said with a smile.

"It would be an honor Excellence." Sarah said and the two walked off laughing as they did.


Later that night a letter would arrive on the desk of Anthony Harlem in Lillia Palace.


I apologize for requesting an audience with you and Hannah so suddenly, however I have recently talked to Lady Eliisa Malkinin, the Bishop of Brisbane and she had given me evidence of disturbing findings in Tasmania that must be brought to the Crowns attention. If not, I fear that there will be world backlash that Australia cannot allow to occur. Therefore, I ask that both I and the Bishop be allowed an audience to bring these findings and problems to the floor. We are dealing with what could eventually be labeled religious heresy and is probably going to be labeled as such in the Duchy within the week. You might say that is a drastic measure, but after our audience, you may not think so anymore, we have learned that they are committing ritual suicide and per Australian law this cannon continue. I await your approval so that we can talk about this more at length in Darwin.


P.S. I would suggest getting rid of your pendant as well, it has hallucinogenic properties that may well be hazardous to people's health and I believe will be labeled as part of the heresy very soon.[/i]

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"Your Grace? Your Grace?"

Anthony blinked awake. He might have started awake if he hadn't known this particular aide could be trusted. As it was, his mind knew there was no immediate threat, and so he had to struggle to push aside the veil of sleep. Though that sleep had been riddled with strange dreams, and not of his chaotic past, but of something...something else. As he sat up, his hand almost instinctively went to the pendant hanging from his neck, while the other went to wipe the last vestiges of weariness from his eyes. Within a minute, he was fully awake, though he had thankfully had the presence of mind to wrap a blanket around himself to preserve his modesty.

"Yes, Penelope?" The woman smiled apologetically, handing him a letter. "They were going to leave this on your desk until morning, but I remembered that you had instructed us that anything from Lady Tintagyl in Brisbane should be brought to you at once."

Wordlessly, he took the envelope, nodding both his thanks and dismissal, and the woman backed out of the room to resume her duties elsewhere.

"Let's see what you have to say, Sarah," he murmured, opening the missive.

By the time he had finished, he was pacing the floor of his bedchamber. If not for the reasons stated within the missive itself, he would almost be prepared to let them continue to kill themselves. Any cult that condoned suicide in such a manner should naturally die out of its own accord. But...

He now stared at the pendant. For the first time in months, he drew the chain off his neck. "Surely, my friend, you would not condone such senseless sacrifice." Despite what he now knew, he couldn't bring himself to actually destroy the thing. Nevertheless, to be safe, he put it in a jewelry box that had belonged to his wife.

"Well, you have my attention, Sarah," he muttered, and as began dressing, he called a name.

"Reginald!" One of his personal guards, one that had been him since long before the unification. The man stepped inside the door.

"Yes, sir?"

Anthony smiled. None of that formal stuff for this man...they'd known each other too long. "Please tell my aide to re-arrange my schedule, and inform the Queen that S--Her Grace Lady Tintagyl will be paying us an urgent visit some time in the next few days--and with her will be the Bishop of Brisbane."

"Yes, Sir."

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William Lindquist had long and patiently served the Church, even in the face of such great disappointments and setbacks like the heretical maniac Bubba, and the later schism that developed when that man disappeared. He'd had a hard enough time winning converts in the largely Protestant Promised Land, without having those problems added to the mix.

But with the unification of the Church, and a hopefully uncontested man in position as Pope, he appeared to be having a little more luck. But that was not what concerned him now. As part of the unofficial 'trinity' of leaders in the Australian Church, he'd been informed of the recent disturbing reports Eliisa had received from her agents in Hobart.

Right at the moment, he was visiting one of the officers in the military, one Sergei Gogol.

"Thank you for taking the time to see me, General."

The man smiled. "Anything to oblige Mother Church. What business brings you here?"

William himself was not smiling as he explained that with the many threats that beseiged them from all Sides, the Church was in peril.

"Tell me what I can do, Father," a no-longer-smiling Gogol said earnestly.

"Tell me, My Child, have you ever engaged in Politics?"

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[i]Lillia Palace, Darwin
The Throne Room

Eliisa folded her hands as the limousine stopped outside of the tall iron gates of Lillia Palace. It had been a silent drive since they had left the night before, her, Sarah, and for the evidence of the letter, they had brought along Siana Aulin who in the presence of both the Duchess and the Bishop had spent the entire ride in a state of awe at what was going on. However, when she had found that she would be recounting her tale to the Queen and Grand Duke, her excitement had immediately been replaced with a sudden nervousness, but it was the greatest thing that Malleus Dei could ever ask for and indeed the movement that Eliisa had gained by what had happened in Hobart was exactly what was needed to place more pressure against the Cult in Australia. The problem was that the more pressure that was placed against them, the more the Cult would attempt to remove the constraints and given the nationalistic tendencies the Dragonisians had the situation could easily become dangerous. It was this danger that Sarah and Hannah would no doubt both want to avoid, likewise Eliisa, but at the same time, she realized that conflict might be inevitable it just had to come at a time when the Church was at its strongest and could sweep the Cultists in one attack. To do this, any influence in the Australian government first had to be on God's side, then, and only then, could they move.

The doors opened by three Lillian Guards who bowed to the Duchess, Bishop, and the nun, as they led them up to the inner gates of the palace. Eliisa had only been to Darwin a few times in her life, but she was happy with what had been done to the Promised Lander city. A touch of Hanseatic culture and pomp had engulfed the city as great statues to the Queen, her servants, and officials, along with a pantheon of historical figures had been built up all around the city. Throughout the palace it had the same designs of many of the baroque architecture in Brisbane that arose after the Exodus and it made Eliisa think how lucky she had been to come so far since being a young thirteen year old coming across the sky in jets from Turku to Brisbane years ago. She was now twenty-eight years old and one of the most influential figures in the Duchy, owing everything to the woman standing next to her and eventually the woman that they would see at the end of the large marble hallways. Being led up to the throne room, the three women were allowed through the great doors and walked down the hall shining of gold, where the Queen and the Grand Duke sat at the end.

"Presenting, Her Grace the Duchess of Brisbane, Sarah Tintagyl. Her Excellence, the Bishop of Brisbane, Eliisa Malkinin, and Sister Siana Aulin of Australian Catholic Church. Your Highness."

Hannah rose from her throne and smiled as she watched the three walk forward. "So, Sarah, I have heard from a little Birdie that things in Brisbane are beginning to quiet down and yet you come in full force to tell me the opposite I assume. Anthony has told me that you sent him a letter asking for an audience about the Dragon Cult and the disturbing rituals that they perform, to inform me of matters that may be detrimental to the Queendom."

"Yes Majesty, though I do not believe that either I or Eliisa should be the ones to be sharing what the Cult is up to, but someone who has seen it for themselves." Sarah turned and laid a hand on Siana's shoulder. "This is Siana Aulin, a nun from the Brisbane Parish, she was on assignment in Hobart and was able to visit the Dragon Great Temple, the disturbing findings are from her eyes."

Hannah nodded and beckoned Siana forward. "You may speak child. What did you seen in the Temple that is so dangerous to this state?"

Siana stepped forward and bowed her kneeling on the ground near the Queen's throne. "Majesty, please, forgive me for speaking out of line. I, when I went to the temple, I did so to gain information for Lady Eliisa about the inner workings of the Cult. However when I arrived, when both me and Father Gisborne arrived, it was as though they were waiting for us, that they knew our movements what we were doing and when I stepped into the Temple, the priest, the priest that eventually killed himself said that he was expecting me." She sighed. "He listed the tenets of their faiths, that they believe in a Dreamer that is between man and God and that it is the Dreamer that controls us here on Earth. He told me that if the Dreamer wished that they could make us disappear and that they are the ones that control our lives and deaths. The priest said that if we were forgotten we would be cast aside for an eternity of damnation and that the greatest thing that anyone could do is to be remembered by their dreamer so that they wouldn't disappear...then he took a knife and slit his throat."

Eliisa stepped up and rubbed her monocle against her robes before planting it firmly in on the bridge of her eye. "As you see Majesty, Your Grace, these new discoveries, we must realize just what kind of enemy we are dealing with."

"An enemy, Bishop?" Said the Queen as her eye narrowed. "You are talking about Australian Subject who have pledged ever present loyalty to this nation and to this Crown. To say enemy is a bit much."

"I am not attacking the Dragonisian population Majesty, through I would say that loyalty could be feigned. I have seen Hobart, I have seen it in pictures I will eventually be going there in person, the fragments of Old Dragonisia are stronger there than anything telling one that they are in Australia. It feels like a foreign country and the only Australian feel is that there are flags flying atop the buildings. Siana..." Eliisa turned back to her. "Tell the Queen of the Emperor."

"Emperor Vortex? Hannah drew back for a moment. "He's dead."

"Not in their eyes Highness, his figure is everywhere, even on television screens to greet visitors."

"It would appear that your visage is barely visible to our sisters and brothers to the south." Eliisa spat acid in her voice. "This is something that must change Your Highness, we cannot allow this kind of senseless killing to take place and I believe we need to have an investigation of this Cult, now that its true intentions have been brought to light."

Hannah massaged her temple for a moment, trying to grasp everything that Eliisa was telling her. "You realize Lady Eliisa, that heresy is not a crime in this nation. It may very well be in the Church, but I am a secular ruler and so long as the Dragonisians are loyal, I could give a damn about who or what they worship. However, the veneration of Vortex is quite perturbing and the charades of old Dragonisia more so. Its almost as bad as the Nords and Kyos up in former Aginor and on a few of the islands. Most of the Kyos have been migrating to New Guinea, trying to escape Australia. The division that is being created, must, and will end, if Tasmania wishes to stand in the way then that is their problem and it is a problem that will be solved."

"And as to the heresy Your Highness? You do realize that this is one of the more pressing problems causing the unrest in Brisbane and the last time I checked. Suicide was against the laws of the nation." Eliisa stood glaring.

Hannah smirked and looked down at the Bishop. "You're a brave woman Eliisa, to be talking to a Queen this way. But I admire it, I really do." She walked up to Eliisa and stared through her monocle. "You have a great destiny ahead of you for your Church, its something that I admire. I will look into this Dragon Cult, I will have information pulled and if you are indeed correct that they may be a threat to this nation then we will act on it."

"Of course Your Highness." Eliisa bowed. "Though there is one more thing that I would ask of you."

"Yes Bishop?"

"They seek to enter into the government and they may have already gained access to high levels of the Crown. The Dragon Pendants, we have to stop this plague from gaining ground. They are appearing in the churches and trying to convert people, they have had no success in the Hansa, most people are quite against their ideas of Dreamers and such. We need to stomp it while it is still in its infancy."

Hannah laid her hand on Eliisa and smiled. "If these Tasmanians would rebel against this nation, they will feel my wrath and I will be sending state observers to Tasmania and we will get to the bottom of this and stop any chance of brooding nationalism. How does that sound?"

"I am grateful Your Highness, thank you." She bowed and then looked over at the Grand Duke. "Her Grace, the Duchess, tells me that you were quite close to the late Emperor. Her Grace has had hallucinogenic experiences because of a pendant reminding her of his death, this is dangerous to the life of this state, this is the influence I am talking about. Please don't fall for his tricks Your Grace, please don't fall for the Cult's tricks. The Queendom depends on it." She looked at him with mournful eyes. "Heresy cannot exist in these high levels of the government."

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