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The Gobi Insurgency


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The TLAM forces at the Cochin forces objective were unaware that they would soon be paid a visit. A hundred and ten rebel soldiers guarded the camp which the TLAM leadership hoped would be used for further advances northwards.

The camp was five hundred metres by three hundred metres and had ten buildings inside its perimeter. The largest one housed the camp's commander and radio transmitter. Various machine gun nests housing SG-43 Goryunov Medium Machine Guns and watchtowers along the perimeter housing Mosin Nagant wielding Snipers guarded the base.

Plans had been made of building bunkers to store ammunition and food but the work was only just starting.

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The 40 helicopters of Wolf Brigade with 5 Piranhas from Lion Brigade Bravo Squad as a last minute additional deployment lifted off from Camp Juliet at 0130 and started heading South East. The non directional sound producing blades of the MH53s, Blackhawks, Bell 212s and Piranhas would be damped somewhat by the cool dense air at the bottom of the mountains. The Bell 212 scouts were in front flanked by the Piranhas. The Bell 212's thermal and optical sensors were looking for any thermal anomalies.

Soon they would approach the turn point.

Meanwhile in the skies above and to the West the Metac was taking a deep dive from its altitude of 16000 ft. In its cargo ramp the 12 assault soldiers of Fox Brigade, were already strapped inside their BMP3 which was already loaded on the Para Deployment Harness which would absorb the impact of landing and roll on to bleed the momentum. At 2000ft AGL the Metac began levelling out and started nose up lift at precisely 100 ft. The loadmaster ejected the cargo and the BMP3 fell a 100 ft. The fall was retarded by the Harness's Vectran pressure bags and it started rolling on its wheels due to the momentum. Having released the payload the pilot of the Metac yanked his controls and took a sharp turn to the right going westwards. The dust plume and the noise of low flying aircraft would further be augmented by the sound of the BMP3's engines in the night.

"Okay. Fox Toad is on ground. Fox Toad is on the ground. Fox Lead , this is Bunker Three, we see you 12 clicks east of objective, we see Fox Toad 3 clicks north of objective, aaaaaand yes, I see slight enemy activity, looks like they might be waking up soon. Over."

"Bunker Three, this is Fox Lead. We read you over. Please inform Fox Toad to commence firing on the enemy. I repeat, inform Fox Toad to fire on the enemy."

"Reading you A5, Fox Lead. Over.

'Now that was not part of the plan, Lieutenant.'

'Convey the message anyway, Private'

The Communications operator on the Bunker 3 Metac AAP raised the BMP3 and conveyed the information. Bunker Three would be the tactical communications node for this operation.

"Oooh yeah, look at those cannons fire. Ah, now when do I get to fire you, my babies" the Gunnery Sergeant looked at his console and said. Already loaders were ready to service the 105mm cannon, 40 mm cannon and 12.56 mm Gatling cannon that were being trained towards the camp.

"Fox Lead, this is Bunker Three. We are at 5K and holding, visibility is excellent, good thermal contrast. Roll them, Sir."

"Over and out, Bunker Three. Fox team, Lion Bravo, let us start taking them down."

The night would become as bright as day for a few feeble seconds for those men on guard duty who would be unfortunate enough to be awake as the 16 inch rockets fired from the Piranhas and Bell 212s incinerated them. The Piranhas now took station outside the encampment as the Bell 212s led the Blackhawks to the center of the camp. Each Blackhawk would fly straight towards the building assigned to it, hover for a bare 15 seconds to unload its complement of 12 soldiers and then hover again into the sky to support the combat operations.

The soldiers all wearing distinctive patches luminous in the thermal imagery would blow up the doors using shotguns and throw in flashbangs. This would be followed by the assault leader and a second gunner leaping in and taking out the targets. The one who had it would fire the incapacitator which would shoot out a Taser to a distance of 5 meters.

"Fox Lead, this is Bunker Three, we see 2 4x4s escaping due West. Can I engage them?"

"Take them out Bunker Three."

Bunker Three's 40 mm automatic cannon started firing at the two vehicles. The third shot hit one of the vehicles in its cabin area and the vehicle exploded. The fifth shot hit the second vehicle in its engine block killing it. Six men jumped out of it and started running away from the ruin. The gatling cannon started picking them one by one. Against the cold earth there would be no place for them to hide.


To be Cont'd.

OOC: Very sleepy, :( will continue tomorrow.

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The Guangxi Medical Expeditionary Force

Lt. Colonel Sichuan opens the tent flap as he hears the thunder of helicopter rotors in the distance. He says, "On your feet, we'll probably be having wounded to clear soon."

Doctor Peng and the rest wearily stagger out of their cots as they make their way to their operating rooms to wait for incoming wounded. They have been working around the clock in some cases to do their best to perform miracles to stabilize the wounded soldiers, civilians, and on occasion captured rebel. Doctor Peng walks past Sichuan and says, "God, I don't know how much longer we can keep this up."

"You'll keep it up as long as you need to keep it up," barks Sichuan, but doesn't mention anything about the ten or so more doctors and other extra staff soon to be arriving from Guangxi to assist the worn and tired medical staff of the GEMF.

Sichuan says nothing as he turns away and strolls off to find Captain Po. After a bit of searching he finds the Captain asleep, face down on a pile of paperwork, and shakes him awake. The Captain looks up, recognizes the Lt. Colonel, and staggers to his feet as he chokes out, "Sorry sir, I must have fell asleep."

"We all have to sleep at some point, has the guard shift been rotated yet?"

Po checks his watch and says, "About an hour ago sir."

"Good, we might be getting some wounded, I heard choppers taking off from the main base a short while ago. Get Fourth Platoon ready to go double up on our perimeter guards and to provide a squad to assist the doctors."

"They need stretcher bearers?"

"That and the docs are damn tired. They may just need someone to fetch things for them so send them all of our medics instead. Maybe the medics can take some of the rote work off of them," replies Sichuan thoughtfully.

"We have four medics sir, not enough to make a difference," replies Po.

"Four medics and eight more men who are trained paramedics serving as riflemen. Send them all and do it quickly," orders Sichuan.

"Sir, yes sir," Po responds as he wonders how Sichuan came across the information that eight of his men had been trained as paramedics on their own time.

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The team attacking the Camp Commander's house, the largest building in the camp started coming under heavy fire. Heavy caliber machine guns and RPGs were raining upon the 12 advancing soldiers and they had to stop and replan their assault.

"Fox Lead, This is Bunker Three. We detect radio activity emanating from Target Zulu Five. Do you want me to take the building out?"

"Bunker Three, this is Fox Lead. Negative on that request, I repeat Negative. We have friendlies in the area who may get affected if your 105s pounded that building. Out. Okay. Lion Bravo Lead, this is Fox Lead. Engage Target Zulu Five, take it down. Fox Lead to all units, clear away from Target Zulu Five, they are going to be attacked differently. "

As the 12 soldiers attacking the building crept away the 5 Piranhas of Lion Bravo squad crept towards the doomed building like specters of death. The first rocket fired by Lion Bravo Lead struck the antennae on the roof, destroying it. Four seconds later a volley of 4 missiles struck the 4 sides of the building, engulfing it in flames. Obstinate attempts to fire back at these death machines were further beat down by the gatling cannons firing on to the smoking building.

It was then a surprise for Lion Bravo Three when the pilot flying it suddenly saw a man jumping literally out of the earth about 200 meters ahead and point a tube towards him. There was nothing else to do, bullets would take time to reach. The massive solid state laser underneath the nose cone of the aircraft sent out a pulse of light of several million candelas for a few milliseconds. The sensory overload caused by such a massive light falling on eyes is sure to paralyze any human being, unfortunately, the trigger had already been pressed and the thermal seeking SAM leapt up towards the Piranha.

There was not much time to evade and only choices were to try to shoot it down or to lift higher so that the debris created by his destruction would not rain upon his fellow soldiers below. Lion Bravo Three opted for the latter and was doing a rapid climb up, 4 seconds after the launch of the SAM, when an explosion 30 meters to his bottom left rocked his aircraft.

"You daft fool, couldn't you have shot that rebel down? Did you have to do a suicide?"

"Well Sir, the General did say take prisoners, so...."

"Well the General also said to take care of yourself, Lion Bravo Three. Now let me do a fly by and examine you."

"Roger, Lion Bravo Lead."

"Well your incapacitator is fully shot up and there are some shrapnel damage to your nose mounted sensor module. Seems like the entire package must be replaced. Dont worry it would be ready as new by tomorrow night."

The onboard communication system had already alerted QMC that the said package needed replacing and a Metac with the replacement modules would arrive at Camp Juliet by the afternoon.

"Fox Brigade, this is Fox Lead. Collect all prisoners, let us roll out."

The prisoners were herded over to the eastern side where an MH53 was waiting to take the 22 tied up prisoners and 8 soldiers to guard them. The remaining soldiers piled up into the waiting Blackhawks with their injured. as another MH53 flew past them at that time to pick up the BMP3 as its under slung cargo.

At the final count, Fox Brigade has 5 injured in various degrees and one slightly damaged attack helicopter from the mission.

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The radio chatter of the Cochin forces' extraction was the signal to go. The order was given. "Operation Hound is a go, repeat go."

Leading the way down the main road was the entire 10th Division's compliment of one hundred and fifty T-72A MBTs. Behind them came the BMP-2 IFVs and BTR-80 APCs with some infantry walking alongside. In the distance there was distant explosions as the assorted types of artillery fired on TLAM positions ahead of the advance to protect the tanks against any anti-tank positions.

BM-21 Grad in action

Meanwhile at Camp Juliet, the 21st Air Assault Division began to load the aircraft ready to take off. Two

thousand soldiers and twenty BMD-2 AFVs would be in the first wave. The operation was timed to start at eleven thirty hours.

Further south, Mil Mi-24D (Hind D) Attack Helicopters were attacking TLAM positions in preperation for the 21st Air Assault Division's drop.


Mi-24D Hinds in action

Edited by Curristan
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The Madurastan forces didn't get it their own way. The Liberation Army of Madurastan had a surprise for in the form of SA-18 Grouse AA launchers.

One M-24 Hind pilot is caught out and hit but manages to land without injury. A TLAM propaganda video captures the moment:


This incident puts pressure on the Madurastan military to bring fighters into service to deal with the new threat.

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Meanwhile the advance had ran into difficulties. The T-72A MBTs had been found to be not sufficently armoured and twenty had been knocked out. This had been relayed back to Ashland where an order was given to upgrade them up to the B varient. The 21st Air Assault Division's drop had been put back to fifteen hundred hours to allow for the time lost.

17:00 hours

The first deployment of SS-1e Scud D and FROG-7B Short Range Ballistic Missiles had been ordered by President Jack Little as part of the operation. Two SS-1C Scud B and two FROG-7 missile launchers arrived in positions just west of Camp Juliet and began to prepare for launch.

17:15 hours

The first Ballistic Missiles ever fired by Madurastan forces were launched against TLAM positions south of Mandel-Ovoo. The two FROG-7B missile launchers fired first. Their missiles landed twelve minutes later six hundred metres off their target.

The SS-1e Scud D missile launchers fired at their targets, but also missed accidentally destroying a civilian area. Fifteen civilians were killed and thirty injured. President Little went on national television to apoligise for the deaths, but the incident gave The Liberation Army of Madurastan a propaganda tool to recruit more people to their cause.

However at eighteen hundred hours the advance broke through and charged within two miles of Mandel-Ovoo. The 21st Air Assault's drop finally began at eighteen thirty hours. They dropped in and around Mandel-Ovoo capturing the town from retreating TLAM forces.

Operation Hound was over.


Republic of Madurastan


Killed: 21

Injured: 78


Killed: 15

Injured: 56

The Liberation Army of Madurastan

Killed: 216

Injured: 64

Captured: 35

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New orders arrived:

Operation Grey Python

Offensive Mission

Objective: Two pronged attack. Cochin forces will eliminate TLAM forces in the Sevrei district and secure the district. Expect heavy resistance as that district will be strategically important to them.

Madurastan forces will attack the Bulgan District and the most western Gurvantes district to gain bases and secure the districts.

Enemy Forces: Opposition is expected to be around one thousand rebel soldiers. Intelligence suggests they will hold position and resist. Most resistance is expected in the Bulgan district as it has a main road leading to Dalanzadgad. Forces in the Sevrei district will not expect the Cochin attack.

No time limit has been imposed.

Edited by Curristan
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The Liberation Army of Madurastan forces inside Sevrei district were of considerable number. Four hundred soldiers guarded the eastern areas with one hundred and fifty in reserve around the district capital Sevrei.

Supporting them was forty small base camps housing food and ammunition. They would also have a radio transmitter each and would be sending orders from Sevrei through each one to the seconded units.

Their morale was high due to they up to now being out of the battle. They were confident that they would be victorious and they would soon be in control of the country.

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The Guangxi Medical Expeditionary Force

The medical officers of the GMEF are hard at work piecing together the shattered bodies of the wounded as they come through the doors of their operating rooms. It is bloody work but they are strong in their resolve to go about it properly. Doctor Peng strolls from operating room to operating room as he examines the work being done. Occasionally, he comments, but rarely does he personally have to lend a hand.

The doctors, nurses, and other specialists of the GMEF are some of the best Guangxi has to offer.

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The mission briefing for Operation Grey Python was conducted in a classified manner. For the successful conducting of the mission, the DLO called to the Regimental Headquarters to get some more airborne assets. The DIO coordinated launching of a S-RECO to conduct reconnaissance over Sevrei. The DOO would work with the Brigade Commanders and flesh out the details of the operation.

Day X, 0200 hours

It would be a 250 km trip for the 4th Assault Brigade. This time they would be attacking through the ground too. The Bravo squad of Tiger Brigade would also be supporting this attack. The convoy of 12 BMP3s, 10 BRDMs and 4 Axe Jeeps set off from Camp Juliet for the almost 5 hour drive to the Sevrei District. The S-RECO orbiting would give them real time intelligence on any enemy recon activity, hopefully maintaining the tactical surprise. The convoy would not be carrying any soldiers as they would come later and fresh in the 40 assault helicopters of the Wolf Brigade. The activity at the airfield is also feverish as two groups of Metacs are taking off one group flying South West towards Bogd and another group flying South East towards Khan Khongor. Both these groups of aircrafts would have to fly 330 kms to reach their destination.

Day X, 0700 hours

A few kilometers from Sevrei, the assault helicopters of Wolf Brigade disgorged the soldiers who would ride in the APCs. The APCs and the Axe jeeps with 50mm HMG and 20 mm Automatic Grenade Launchers started driving towards the first check points of Sevrei. Three Bell 212 gun ships would escort the column as the remaining helicopters would land in the grassy knoll where one of the BMP3 which is an ambulance and would serve as a field clinic. The knoll is secured by a company of soldiers and would serve as the logistics base for the attack. Already Metacs are airdropping additional ammunition and fuel to support the oncoming battle

Day X, 0730 hours

The first enemy base camp had been attacked by the machine guns of the lead BMP3 and the resulting firefight quickly suppressed by the lead BMP3 and an Axe jeep.

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Most of the TLAM soldiers in the first basecamp were cut down by the fire. Some even disobeyed their officers and ran for it before being shot down by their comrades for cowardice. The camp commandant began to reorginise the survivors ready to counter the sudden onslaught. The camp radio mast was hit by the fire which prevented it from alerting any other camp to the attack.

However even though they were under fire, the TLAM forces began their counterattack. A squad of forty began to move around the attackers left flank but were cut down by machine gun fire from the BMP-3. A squad of four carrying RPGs moved into position. They fired at the BMP-3 in pairs sending their projectiles straight at the vehicle...

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The increased resistance offered by TLAM ground down the Wolf Brigade advance. The most heavily armored BMP3s started defensive deployments while the more mobile BRDMs and AXEs started engaging the enemy in the back streets in mobile engagements. The 7.62mm twin gatling cannons and twin pods of 8, 16 inch free flight rockets of the Bell 212 Light Attack Helicopters also joined the fray, ducking between the buildings and spraying death on the TLAM rebels.

As they were gaining some ground due to their maximum firepower the BMP3s started deploying to the flanks to cover the advance. It was during one such flanking move that the enemy made a determine charge. About 40 or so rebels were now attacking the Wolf Column from the left flank. The 7.62 mm LMG on the BMP3s were joined by 50mm HMG on an AXE and the assault rifles of the dismounted Wolf Brigade assault soldiers. A Bell 212 also joined in the attack blanketing the area with three 16 inch rockets.

However as the tumult died down there suddenly appeared in the air trails of 4 RPGs streaking towards a BMP3. The BMP3 in question rapidly maneuvered itself to meet the RPGs head on, in the process injuring some assault soldiers who were standing by its side. The 7.62 mm LMG was now overtaken by the onboard computer on BMP3 and an attempt at CIWS was launched. One of the warheads was successfully destroyed, but 3 warheads struck the BMP3. The shock of the explosion jolted the soldiers inside but they were glad to know that they were still alive. The Axe jeep came by then and blanket fired the area where RPG had come from with grenades and started deploying to secure that area with a BRDM in attendance. Having the front area secured, the commander of the BMP3 went out and examined. Two RPGs had struck the most heavily armored frontal section and there was hardly a dent, however one ROG had struck the left track and it had been destroyed. Thankfully there did not seem to be any damage to the transmission. So they would have to do a combat tread replacement.

This pretty much nullified chances for advance for his platoon of 3 BMP3s and 3 BRDMs for the next 4 hours until new tracks were air dropped from the logistics camp after being brought from Camp Juliet.

A total of 6 soldiers had died and 15 wounded in the offensive so far and the dead and wounded have already been evacuated to the field hospital by a Medevac Blackhawk.

Now supported by the attack Piranhas and Bell 212s the Wolf Brigade would make a more determined push to dislodge and trample the TLAM.

OOC: Now Rp your massive onslaught which should cause me to retreat.

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"This group is nothing more than a terrorist cell, a rogue army using a convenient label to appeal to the masses. We will have nothing to do with this group."

~Communist Party of Australia

"I find myself inclined to agree with the Australians on this issue.

You shall get no support from La Isla del Encanto."

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TLAM forces had ordered reserves of two thousand soldiers into position. These would attempt to regain the ground lost.

08:00 hours

Four hundred soldiers began their attack on the Cochin forces head on to keep their attention fixed on oine spot. This was mainly an infantry charge which almost certainly meant certain death for the attackers, but it would keep the Cochin vehicles busy.

A force of nine hundred soldiers began moving into position. Unknown to the Cochin forces, seven T-55A MBTs which had been captured from a Madurastan Army Armoured Warfare Training School moved into position. They burst onto the Cochin forces left flank intending to break through, the armour concentrating their fire on the Cochin vehicles.

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Bulgan District

The start of the Madurastan offensive opened at eight hundred hours with a massive assault with oine hundred newly upgraded T-72B MBTs of the 1st Division who had recently joined the task force. TLAM forces responded by bringing reinforcements from the Tsogt-Ovoo district to plug the gap.

Heavy fighting erupted all over the northern areas as TLAM soldiers fought to hold their positions and prevent a breakthrough. By fifteen hundred hours the attack had only made little progress with only twenty miles gained for one dead and seventy wounded.

Gurvantes District

The 30th Air Assault Division began their campaign with a parachute drop of all the division's eight thousand soldiers sixty miles inside the border in the northwest part of the district. This was supplemented by the entire division's complement of fifty BMD-2 AFVs, sixty UAZ-469 4x4s and thirty 122 mm howitzer 2A18 (D-30)s arriving by land into the battle zone. They cleared TLAM forces trapped north of the LZ, capturing seventry prisoners who were immediately sent to the Committee for State Security (CSS) centre at Camp Juliet for questioning.

They then began their attack southeastwards towards Gurvantes itself. The first objective was to clear the area west of Gurvantes and take the town. The first day only an advance of twelve miles was achieved due to low cloud preventing the Madurastan Air Force from making supply drops.

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The Guangxi Medical Expeditionary Force

It was nearly dawn when the first of the TLAM sappers breached the wire. The National Policemen of the GMEF only just barely managed to spot them. Captain Po was the first to die as he launched himself headfirst at the sapper closes to him. With desperate hands he tackled the man and brought him to the ground. Not quickly enough though as the sapper's charge blew both of the men into a misty pulp.

A young Sergeant quickly racked a round into the chamber of his rifle and left off a stream of high velocity bullets that cut down two more sappers as they attempted to hurl their charges into the tents that contained dozens of wounded and medical personnel. From there on the small battle got uglier as men came face to face in the murky light of the rising sun as they struggled to be the last man standing.

Lt. Colonel Sichuan was blown out of his bed, but managed to roll to his feet. The hammer of rifle fire, the crump of satchel charges, and the howl of men trying to live and a few trying to die attacked the Lt. Colonel's ears. He reached over and picked up his carbine before he walked out into the street. His eyes adjusted quickly as he clicked the safety catch forward and pops off a burst of fire that caused the head of an approaching sapper to explode like a ripe watermelon being hit by a slegehammer.

In the tents the doctors worked quickly to pull the wounded to safety. Doctor Peng was a vision of calm as he barked crisp orders. At least he was a vision of calm right up until one of the sappers managed to brush past the National Police Officers and into the tent. Doctor Peng immediately recognized the threat and acted as he barreled into the man, connected with his shoulder, and carried himself and the sapper out the door and into the cruel grips of a violent explosion. An explosion that promptly ended both of the men's lives in a violent flash of blinding light.

Sichuan wasn't aware of this as he struggled to regain control of the GMEFs perimeter. After the fight he looked down at the Doctor's smiling face and frowned. He wanted to say something, but decided against it. Strength was what he felt the men and women of the GMEF needed the most at this moment and strength was what he was determined to give them. He spent the rest of the morning overseeing the repairs to the wire, the damaged tents, and other buildings.

From: Lt. Colonel Sichuan

To: Feng Ficai

Combat related casualties were taken in an early morning surprise attack by TLAM forces. Requesting immediate replacements for the lost medical staff and security forces. Attached are a list of the dead and wounded, please take special note of the award commendations.

-LTC Sichuan

From Feng Ficai

To: General Sichuan

You've been promoted, awards will be granted, and reinforcements are on the way. Keep your head down and don't blame yourself, its a war and these sorts of things happen.

Feng Ficai

Bang Po International Airport

A reinforced platoon of National Policemen carrying mortars, heavy machine guns, and sniper rifles hustle their way onto the plane past a group of eighteen riflemen who were selected to act as replacements for the seven dead and eleven wounded of the GMEF. With them come another thirty men and women who will act as reinforcements to relieve the burden on the overstreteched medical staff.

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The T55 tanks though not as advanced as the Cochin armor had a 100mm gun that could destroy the lightly armored Airborne Division BMP3s and BRDMs. They could also make mincemeat of the Axe jeeps. Since no armor had been expected of the enemy, the brigade was also not equipped with ATGMs. This put the Wolf brigade at a considerable disadvantage.

Observing the advance of T55s into the combat area, the Colonel commanding Wolf Brigade called up Brig. Gen. Pratap. " Sir, the situation is not good here. We would soon be engaged by T55s that the rebels have fielded here. We need support ASAP."

"Colonel, hold tight, Fox and Hyena are achieving their objectives and would soon arrive at your position. I will direct an AAP to support you and that would arrive at your position in 15 minutes. They will take care of the tanks. Meanwhile hold your ground," Brig. Gen. Pratap replied.

"Sir, yes , Sir."

The Colonel immediately devised another plan to stay alive for the next 15 minutes before the tanks reached him.

A minute later the Axe jeeps roared off towards the direction from which the tanks were seen coming from. All enemy infantry approaching the speeding jeeps were mowed down by the Axe's machine guns and the 8 assault soldiers riding in it. At an intersection in the road the soldiers dismounted and entered the alleyway by which the tanks would pass. The Axes drove away.

A Bell 212 meanwhile entered the scene and started engaging the infantry accompanying the tanks. As the tanks relentlessly approached within 25 meters of the alleyway a signal was given to the soldiers who started to lob smoke grenades into the street. Within seconds the entire street and the tanks became engulfed in a pall of smoke. The soldiers activated their thermal optics and ran to the street, each pair going to the treads of one of the tanks. The soldiers placed satchel charges to the treads and scampered off. Three of the tanks were thus wired but a sudden gust of wind blew away the smoke around the other 4 tanks. Now seeing the Cochin soldiers running around the tanks in front, these tanks started firing at them. Two Cochin soldiers died on the spot while the others managed to drag another injured soldier away from the arriving carnage. As they ran away from the tanks, they triggered the wireless detonation device and three wired tanks were made immobile.

"Wolf Lead, we need immediate Evac, we are being engaged by four T55As and we can see infantry approaching from rear. We have two KIA and one injured and we need immediate support. Over."

"Wolf Lead, this is Axe Two. I shall extract them. Over."

"Axe Two, this is Wolf Lead, be careful those 100 mm cannons can make you into a pile of scrap meta. Over."

"Roger that, Colonel. Pray for us. Over."

The Axe which had earlier cleared the scene raced back into the street that was now threatening to become a graveyard for 6 Royal Cochin Army soldiers. Seeing the approach of the jeep, the lead T55 started swiveling its turret to fire its main cannon at it. Swerving manically, the Axe finally skidded to a halt near the soldiers and counted the micro seconds until he could floor the accelerator again. The driver turned around to stare at the tank and its slowly turning turret, hoping to see the bloom of the shell that would cause his death.

The tank commander finally got the jeep in his sights and was about to press the trigger, when his life ended abruptly and violently.

The sharp crack of artillery was a welcome sound to the Cochin soldiers and the sight of the T55 turret flying up in a pillar of flames an even greater sight. As the jeep raced away to the Cochin positions, the soldiers at the back tried to crane their necks upwards hoping to take a glimpse of their savior, and amidst the welcome sounds of the 4 turboprop engines of the Metac AAP, they heard the crack of another 105 mm shell being shot.

"Wolf Lead, this is Bunker Two, did you miss me?"

"Goddamn it, Major, it is high time you showed up," the Colonel's laughing voice boomed in the Major's ears."Engage and destroy the rest of them toads."

"Damn right I will, before those Tigers managed to get another shot at them."

"Bunker Three, any sign of our brothers?"

"In a few minutes you will see the reaction of the hostiles, then you will know."

The Fox Brigade advanced from South West and the Hyena Brigade advanced from the South East towards the Wolf Brigade positions. The two brigades had been airdropped to their landing zones outside the district and had taken the diversion created by Wolf Brigade to destroy the remaining enemy bases. While the majority of the enemy had concentrated up north, the southern areas were ill defended and fell easily to the armored and airborne juggernaut crushing them. The chaos of the battle made it sure that the rebels would not be made aware of the two fresh fronts.

Soon they entered the city and tightened the noose around the rebels. Surrounded from three sides in a triangular fashion the rebels were cornered. The Metac spewed fire and death as it claimed one by one all the tanks and heavy weaponry of the rebels. The 105 mm gun was used only on the tanks, the 40mm automatic cannon did most of the remaining work as the cornered rebel soldiers were being utterly destroyed. Loud speakers on the BMP3s started blaring out instructions to those who wanted to surrender and a trickle of traumatized rebels started walking towards the Wolf Brigade position, their hands in the air. In another 30 minutes the last guns of the rebels were suppressed and Sevrei liberated.

"Well, General mission accomplished. Operation Gray Python has been completed."

"Good work Wolf Lead, Fox Lead and Hyena Lead. Hyena Brigade shall stay they until relieved by Madurastan forces and handover the prisoners to them. Wolf Brigade and Fox Brigade drive down to Camp Juliet. Let us give the remaining rebels a show of force through our flag march. Additional fuel have been landed already at the logistics camp north of Sevrei. After handing over control of Sevrei, Hyena Brigade shall drive back to Camp Juliet. Excellent work, soldiers, excellent work. All right, move out."

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With the Cochin operation complete, the 10th Division entered Sevrei district. As they approached the Cochin positions, they could see the smoke trails from the burning hulks of the T-55s which were now scrap metal. The column entered Sevrei at midday and passed through. Some infantry were tasked to hold the town while the column continued south.

The spearheads reached the northern border of the Noyon District where they halted.

Bulgan District

The following day, the 1st Division managed to secure the northern half of the district and had by one pm had secured Bulgan itself. It had then executed a general advance to the district's southern border which was achieved by nine pm.

Gurvantes District

The 30th Air Assault Division began the second day of their campaign with a dawn attack aimed at taking Gurvantes. The assault achieved total suprise which forced TLAM forces to withdraw eastwards into the Noyon District. A linkup was made with the east flank of the 10th Division which closed the trap.

All operations were suddenly halted when suddenly a powerful sandstorm hit the region which would hamper both sides for some time to come.

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The sandstorms would completely prevent any airborne operations of the Marakkar's Airborne Division and thus all helicopters, planes and UAVs have been grounded and all APCs have been covered up to insulate from dust. For the duration of the sandstorm the Third Airborne Division's soldiers would have an adhoc vacation and all reconnaissance and surveillance would have to depend on Strategic Reconnaissance Agency satellites.

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A new Operation had been devised:


[u][b][size="5"]Operation Wolf[/size][/b][/u]

[u]Offensive Mission[/u]

Objective: Two pronged attack. Cochin forces will eliminate TLAM forces in the Noyon district and secure the district. Expect heavy resistance as TLAM forces in that district will be surrounded and have no way out.

Madurastan forces will attack the Bayandalai District and Tsogt-Ovoo District securing the districts and pushing TLAM forces towards Dalanzadgad.

Enemy Forces: Opposition is expected to be around seven hundred forces in the Noyon District. Around three thousand rebel soldiers will be defending the Bayandalai District and Tsogt-Ovoo District. Intelligence suggests they will hold position and resist. Most resistance is expected in the Noyon district as the forces inside the district will be desperate to escape. They will be expecting an attack.

No time limit has been imposed.


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Major General Richard Winters began the briefing.
[i]"This is a clearing operation against TLAM forces in Noyon, the capital of the Noyon District. Target Co-Ordinates are 43° 9'48.92"N, 102° 8'10.68"E. It is a mountainous region so resupply will be disrupted as the aircraft will have to avoid some dangerouds mountain ranges.

TLAM forces around the town is expected to be heavy as this is a strategically important area. I hope that you all come back in one piece. Madurastan artillery support is available if needed.

Anything else to add Brig. Gen. Pratap?"[/i]

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