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If you read the OP carefully, it is not opposition to alliances per se, but opposition to alliances in which a nation really has no meaning.

Then you've been a part of the wrong alliance my friend.

Here's my take, and you can refute this. I'm not going to reach every post since I don't want to commit that time.

An alliance is where a single nation plays the game, presumably amongst a crowd of like-minded players. The goal is to grow your nation for success, have fun as a part of that community, all the while being safe enough (understand, safe is relative) to play the political-side of the game without any physical harm to one's self that would come from being a single cybernation.

If we tried to play the game as a nation, simply upsetting someone stronger on the forums would result in a political backlash and death, destroying any gameplay.

Now, you also have to look at the real world aspect. Alliances are simply another word for Covenants, if you've ever heard of or studied Hobbes you'd understand where I am going with this, but it is only natural for one to seek out an alliance for support in their efforts to playing this game.

Alliances are where we make mini-communities of friends to enjoy the game, you're just simply playing the wrong game if none of this appeals to you, and should stop trying to change this one and find the one which suits your wishes.

Also, the OP mentioned this -

why is one single nation not expected to succeed, unless of course said nation is a member of an alliance he did not help build?

You aren't expected to succeed because very seldomly do any manage it, I've seen a few in my time who did reasonably well, but nothing spectacular. Understand, even if you did not help build the alliance, upon joining you contribute to its overall success or demise as a member of the alliance. How you act, be it actively in improving the community, or lazily in harming the community will in fact play a significant role in the alliance.

An individual nation has far more power in this game than you give credit to them.

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so your saying that fighting for an alliance that you just joined, whom you know no one in and they use you as a tech farm is more honorable then fighting for your nation that you yourself built?

what im saying is, where is the "nations" in "cybeernations"?

I'm with you. One reason I like CSN (the alliance), is that is acknowledges "Soverign Nations" in its name.

Inside alliances, people behave as tiny cogs in a machine, or as soldiers, or diplomats, or beaurocrats, not as leaders of nations.

However, realistically, lone nations are weak and vulnerable compared to groups of nations, so it only makes sense to join an alliance for mutual defense. Ideally, one would find one that respects your relative sovereignity. There are a number of alliances like that, although they tend to get curbstomped, as your soverign actions refelct on them and may get them all killed.

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Hello planed bob,

i have some simple questions for you, which i'm sure will receive many witty remarks and a $%&@ton of flaming but i will persist

Why is it that every day here on bob that an alliances word is taken over a single nations word?

And why is it that it is not as honourable to fight for your own nation on your own then to fight an alliance with hundreds of other members who dont understand why their fighting another alliance?

why is one single nation not expected to succeed, unless of course said nation is a member of an alliance he did not help build?

Why do alliances send out mass messages to non-AA's promising them protection from raiders, but they raid themselves?

you may say that alliances are friends that help and protect each other, but then the same person may say it is foolish to sign treaties signifying friendship, isnt that the same thing? isnt an alliance just one big treaty between its members?

all this being said, why isnt "cybernations"-"cyberalliances"?

you may commence flaming, and trying to pick apart my logic with your cruel and witty remarks.....

I want to answer your question, but I'll have to state that I don't have an official answer, only my personal belief.

Why is it that every day here on bob that an alliances word is taken over a single nations word?

It's easier to convince somebody your side is the truth, because there are strength in numbers.

And why is it that it is not as honorable to fight for your own nation on your own then to fight an alliance with hundreds of other members who dont understand why their fighting another alliance?
Now I have to disagree and say that it depends on the individual's purpose and what they think of it themselves. Going "rogue" in CN is viewed very unkindly, however I hold that the most honorable thing I have ever done is stand up to the alliance WF and go rogue because I felt they were a bully.
why is one single nation not expected to succeed, unless of course said nation is a member of an alliance he did not help build?

Mazola's higher archy of needs, you need safety before you can achieve self actualization.

Why do alliances send out mass messages to non-AA's promising them protection from raiders, but they raid themselves?

If you can't beat them, join them.

you may say that alliances are friends that help and protect each other, but then the same person may say it is foolish to sign treaties signifying friendship, isnt that the same thing? isnt an alliance just one big treaty between its members?

Yes, the charter is the signed treaty, you agree to it when you join, it outlines your rights, obligations, and how you are to conduct your self with your other treaty partners.

all this being said, why isnt "cybernations"-"cyberalliances"?

When cybernations was created, I believe the color spheres were meant to be the "organizations" you belong to, not alliances, but it just evolved this way.

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all this being said, why isnt "cybernations"-"cyberalliances"?

I think cybernations is catchier, personally. I would say that the issue comes down to the alliance you join. Most of our membership stems from a forum (well, about half of it), and most of us have talked together for around 5-6 years now. We aren't really a known or even noticed alliance, but there's a tight bond of camaraderie between us. I don't understand big alliances, personally. I can't understand how they could exist on a massive scale, and still have close bonds. Then again, that's probably why our alliance remains small. At the end of the day, I'd say that the answer to your question is that nobody really wants to fight alone. If you can get help in your fight, why not do it?

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