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It was now beginning...


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Army Headquarters, near New City, Great Lakes State

A figure was sitting in front of a desk, his left leg crossed over his right knee. A cigarette was sticking out of his lips as smoke filled the air around him. In his hands lay a couple of documents. A lamp stood near him, slightly illustrating the otherwise darkened room and enabling the figure to read the documents. Raising his hand, the man lifted the cigarette off his lips, but not before taking a breath. He sighed slightly as the effects of nicotine coursed through his body, making his muscles release its tension. Shuffling one document behind the another, the figure continued to scan them.

The telephone on his desk rang, and with a grunt, the figure reached across the desk and picked it up. “Speak.” He said simply as he placed the receiver to his ears. A muffled voice emitted from the other side of the line, and after a while, a full smile broke out on the mysterious figure’s face. “That’s very good news. Inform the others that everything’s well under way. When the right time comes, we will strike and we will succeed.” With that, the man hanged up, placing the receiver back on its holding place on the desk.

Tossing the documents on the desk, the man leaned back on his chair and inhaled from his cigarette, a triumphant smile on his face. “Soon….soon…everything will go in place…” He whispered to no one in particular as he let out a breath, the cigarette smoke wafting around him.

New City, GLS

Though a good deal of New Englander troops had been withdrawn from the GLS in recent times, there was still a fairly heavy New Englander military presence in New City, and the GLS as a whole, though the New Englanders were fairly confined to their bases and barracks located somewhere in the GLS capital. They were going about their daily lives, packing and preparing to leave the GLS in accordance to the imposed deadline of March 15, 2020. However, at roll call, the soldiers were surprised and even shocked when their commandeering officers and generals gave the new orders: march on New City and take control of the city. Everywhere else, the soldiers received similar orders: take over [insert city name]. Most of the Army commanders and generals had been bribed over to the mysterious man’s side.

After the initial shock and confusion wore off, the soldiers (reluctantly) carried out their new duties. Hopefully they’d go home after all this was over. The New Englander troops prepared themselves, arming themselves with high-powered weapons and the like. Most air force commanders were on the mysterious man’s side, so attaining air superiority wasn’t an issue at all. Humvees and IFVs were at the ready for deployment at a moment's notice.

Dozens of S-22 Hawkeye transports and squadrons of fighters and interceptors (F-40s, F-50s, F/A-47s) were at the ready for action, to intercept any GLS planes and to attain air supremacy.

It was now beginning…

(OOC: New City's the first objective, other cities will be next. Besides, hope you like, HHAYD. :P)

Edited by JEDCJT
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OOC: Darn you JED, I told you to delay that until I am in a war with another nation. Plus, all of your bases are partially surrounded by my soldiers and my nation is in DEFCON 1 with all of the military still inside the nation. They would encounter serious resistance before they can march up toward New City. <_<

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OOC: Darn you JED, I told you to delay that until I am in a war with another nation. Plus, all of your bases are partially surrounded by my soldiers and my nation is in DEFCON 1 with all of the military still inside the nation. They would encounter serious resistance before they can march up toward New City. <_<

OOC: Oh, really?



Um, sorry about that. I read your and Razgriz's thread so I assumed that war had already started. Sorry about that...guess this thread can be disregarded? :o

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OOC: Oh, really?



Um, sorry about that. I read your and Razgriz's thread so I assumed that war had already started. Sorry about that...guess this thread can be disregarded? :o

OOC: Sure, edit that out before anyone sees it. My military is only preparing for invasion, by sending a fleet of decoys made up of marked cargo ships to Yuktobania to distract their military.

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It was now time. Once the long-awaited orders were given out (occupy the GLS military bases, by force if necessary, and take over New City), the tens of thousands-strong New Englander troops in their bases in and around New City marched to their respective Humvees and/or IFVs and got in. The vehicles, after some organizing and the like, finally went into motion, heading toward the bases' gates. However, as soon as they left the gates, the New Englander soldiers and officers immediately noticed GLS soldiers outside the base.

"What the...?" Sergaent Bruce Harris muttered as he stepped outside, followed by a few soldiers. He stepped toward some of the GLS soldiers. "What is the meaning of this? You know what, nevermind. You are being detained. Give up your weapons now and there will be no problems." Harris ordered, glaring at the GLS soldiers. To reinforce his order, more New Englander soldiers got out of the Humvees and trained their weapons at the GLS soldiers, ready to fire at a moment's order. The machine-gunners on top of the Humvees and in the IFVs trained their weapons at the GLS troops. Harris smiled, almost cruelly, as he knew that any shooting match between the New Englanders and the GLS soldiers would culiminate in a decisive victory for the New Englanders.

This scenario occurred in all New Englander bases across New City and the GLS. It had now begun.

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"What the...?" Sergaent Bruce Harris muttered as he stepped outside, followed by a few soldiers. He stepped toward some of the GLS soldiers. "What is the meaning of this? You know what, nevermind. You are being detained. Give up your weapons now and there will be no problems." Harris ordered, glaring at the GLS soldiers. To reinforce his order, more New Englander soldiers got out of the Humvees and trained their weapons at the GLS soldiers, ready to fire at a moment's order. The machine-gunners on top of the Humvees and in the IFVs trained their weapons at the GLS troops. Harris smiled, almost cruelly, as he knew that any shooting match between the New Englanders and the GLS soldiers would culiminate in a decisive victory for the New Englanders.

"Kay, have fun with out new toys if you want a fight." was the GLS commander's reply using a megaphone.

Almost instantly, two groups of odd looking tanks rumbled toward Sergaent Bruce while other GLS vehicles, automated turrets, and artillery guns were prepared for a fight in case if things go south.

The Rapid demolisher and Demolisher tanks, and the Rapid demolisher tanks had two alternating rows of battery powered radio activated circular saws glued to the bottom front part of them.

"Annexing Great Lakes States? Might want to think again."


At the Department of Defense:

"What?! New England had attacked us?!"




All over GLS, the soldiers refused, partially because they were confident they could hold off the attack until reinforcement comes and didn't want to be wimps. Besides, they had artillery guns, APCs, IFVs, self propelled artillery guns, mobile anti-aircraft vehicles, tanks, helicopters, and plenty of automated turrets to use. Plus, their new Demolisher and Rapid demolisher tanks can shrug off enormous amount of impacts while devastating enemy vehicles and surely the New Englanders wouldn't use carpet bombing right next to their own base.

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Classified message from President Roger to New England:

"Your military force in Great Lakes States are being hostile to our military force by demanding them to drop their weapons and surrender. Did you secretly declare war on us?"


OOC: Waiting for you to respond...

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"Kay, have fun with out new toys if you want a fight." was the GLS commander's reply using a megaphone.

Almost instantly, two groups of odd looking tanks rumbled toward Sergaent Bruce while other GLS vehicles, automated turrets, and artillery guns were prepared for a fight in case if things go south.

The Rapid demolisher and Demolisher tanks, and the Rapid demolisher tanks had two alternating rows of battery powered radio activated circular saws glued to the bottom front part of them.

"Annexing Great Lakes States? Might want to think again."

Upon seeing the Rapid Demolisher and Demolisher tanks, Harris swore, got out his pistol, fired a shot in the direction of the GLS commander, and ran back toward the Humvees. "What the heck are these things? Fire back! Fire at will!" He roared as he grabbed a sub-machine gun and started firing, not at the tanks mind you, but at the GLS soldiers so the New Englanders could focus more on the tanks.

At this order, the New Englanders unleashed a barrage of fire, their firepower blazing as a hail of lead harried through the air, hurtling toward their intended targets, hoping to do some damage. The machine-gunners on top of the Humvees and IFVs began to fire upon the GLS vehicles; the New Englander vehicles began to move backwards as to try to avoid the potential damage from the projected GLS attacks.

Meanwhile, on the ground, the soldiers began to retreat toward the gates of their base, which was thankfully nearby. One lieutenant, however, had an idea. Picking up his radio, he began barking order in it. When he put it away, he turned to a few soldiers near him. "Air support and artillery support are coming." Indeed, as he spoke these words, the personnel at the base began to haul artillery guns in the base to the 'scene of fighting'. In air bases, rogue fighters, interceptors, and now bombers lifted off into the air and flew toward the place.

However, the New Englanders had an idea. And it involved detonation charges and the willingness to take risks...

Classified message from President Roger to New England:

"Your military force in Great Lakes States are being hostile to our military force by demanding them to drop their weapons and surrender. Did you secretly declare war on us?"

OOC: Sorry. :blush:



When the message was delivered by an aide to the desk of Secretary of State Franklin Roosevelt, in his office in Boston. Upon picking up the telegram, Roosevelt had a smile as he opened it. The smile disappeared as he read it with increasing alarm. "What the (insert expletive)." He swore as he grabbed his telephone and phoned Secretary of State Robert M. Gates.

When Gates picked his phone up and replied, "Gates here", Roosevelt subjected him to a tirade. "What is the meaning of this?! I just got a message from the Great Lakes State, saying that our forces are acting hostile to them. Did you declare war on them or what?" Gates was shocked by this revelation, and not to least, from Roosevelt's tirade.

"W-what? I authorized no such thing! I'll check on it immediately." Gates said, stunned. With that, he cut the line off and immediately dialed the generals and commanders to find out what had happened. Meanwhile, Roosevelt dialed the President to inform him of what had happened. The President's reaction when he found out was anything but pleasant. Roosevelt had never heard so much expletives being muttered by the President in his life.

A message was dispatched to the GLS, penned by President Johnson himself:


"We never did such a thing. I contacted my Secretary of Defense and he never authorized such a course of action, and we're looking in this right now as I write this. Trust us when we say this: we have no reason or intentions to declare war or do such a deplorable thing. Besides, when New England declares war on a nation, it never does this secretly. It either declares war publicly or not at all."

The last two sentences of the message was clearly an attempt by President Johnson to diffuse the tense situation by injecting humor.

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Upon seeing the Rapid Demolisher and Demolisher tanks, Harris swore, got out his pistol, fired a shot in the direction of the GLS commander, and ran back toward the Humvees. "What the heck are these things? Fire back! Fire at will!" He roared as he grabbed a sub-machine gun and started firing, not at the tanks mind you, but at the GLS soldiers so the New Englanders could focus more on the tanks.

At this order, the New Englanders unleashed a barrage of fire, their firepower blazing as a hail of lead harried through the air, hurtling toward their intended targets, hoping to do some damage. The machine-gunners on top of the Humvees and IFVs began to fire upon the GLS vehicles; the New Englander vehicles began to move backwards as to try to avoid the potential damage from the projected GLS attacks.

Meanwhile, on the ground, the soldiers began to retreat toward the gates of their base, which was thankfully nearby. One lieutenant, however, had an idea. Picking up his radio, he began barking order in it. When he put it away, he turned to a few soldiers near him. "Air support and artillery support are coming." Indeed, as he spoke these words, the personnel at the base began to haul artillery guns in the base to the 'scene of fighting'. In air bases, rogue fighters, interceptors, and now bombers lifted off into the air and flew toward the place.

However, the New Englanders had an idea. And it involved detonation charges and the willingness to take risks...

"-bleep- you -bleep- tards!" the GLS commander screamed when his megaphone got shot.

The Rapid demolisher tanks' circular saws spun into life, capable of slicing enemy soldiers into ribbons. They then sped at a high 40's mph straight into the Humvees, IFVs, and New England soldiers to pancake and shred them. The Rapid demolisher tanks fired 185mm building demolition HESH shells at the base's buildings while attempting to pancake their enemy. Meanwhile, the Demolisher tanks also fired 200mm HESH shells at the base's buildings while rumbling at a mid 20's mph toward New England military's base. HE, HEAT, and AP shells were mostly ineffective against the Demolisher and Rapid demolisher tanks due to the sheer amount of shock absorbing gel they had in their armoring. They also had depleted uranium mesh, carbon nanotubes, and carbon fiber to protect themselves from AP shells. The only way of defeating them is using massive tank traps, bunker buster carpet bombing, or other types of powerful AT missiles that tanks can not fire.

The GLS soldiers took cover behind their M-1 Abram tanks as both of them returned fire. Artillery guns opened fire, using HE shells on parts of the enemy base that it will take a while for their super tanks to reach. Other GLS vehicles such as the IFV took cover behind the advancing Demolisher tanks and picked off any New England soldiers they saw twitching. Back at the New City Eastern Military Base (the closest one), F-22 and F-35C took off to stop potential enemy aircraft from gaining air superiority and to bomb them. Reinforcements started pouring out of the base to the battle area.


"We never did such a thing. I contacted my Secretary of Defense and he never authorized such a course of action, and we're looking in this right now as I write this. Trust us when we say this: we have no reason or intentions to declare war or do such a deplorable thing. Besides, when New England declares war on a nation, it never does this secretly. It either declares war publicly or not at all."

The last two sentences of the message was clearly an attempt by President Johnson to diffuse the tense situation by injecting humor.

Do something, fast, because your military in our nation had launched their attack. Plus, our media is going to get a kick out of this and attempt to attract attention.


Royal News Agency:

Just a few minutes ago, New England military in GLS had launched their attack to annex us and yet New England didn't say anything. Clearly New England was plotting on annexing us the whole time. President Roger had urged civilians to evacuate away from any military bases and New City, Detriot, and Toronto.


GLS National News:

A few minutes ago, New England military forces in GLS had attacked GLS military after being unusually hostile. No words from New England yet, but President Roger urges civilians to evacuate Detriot, New City, and Toronto and areas that are within 20 miles away from any military bases.

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"-bleep- you -bleep- tards!" the GLS commander screamed when his megaphone got shot.

The Rapid demolisher tanks' circular saws spun into life, capable of slicing enemy soldiers into ribbons. They then sped at a high 40's mph straight into the Humvees, IFVs, and New England soldiers to pancake and shred them. The Rapid demolisher tanks fired 185mm building demolition HESH shells at the base's buildings while attempting to pancake their enemy. Meanwhile, the Demolisher tanks also fired 200mm HESH shells at the base's buildings while rumbling at a mid 20's mph toward New England military's base. HE, HEAT, and AP shells were mostly ineffective against the Demolisher and Rapid demolisher tanks due to the sheer amount of shock absorbing gel they had in their armoring. They also had depleted uranium mesh, carbon nanotubes, and carbon fiber to protect themselves from AP shells.

The GLS soldiers took cover behind their M-1 Abram tanks as they returned fire. Back at the New City Eastern Military Base (the closest one), F-22 and F-35C took off to stop potential enemy aircraft from gaining air superiority and to bomb them.

When the tanks' circular saws came to life and began to slice everything in their path, as well speed up toward the Humvees and IFVs, Harris swore as much as he could. Grabbing his radio once again, Harris screamed into it, "HURRY UP! THESE TANKS ARE CUTTING UP EVERYTHING IN THE WAY! MAKE HASTE!"

The base, however, came under fire from the tanks, and some personnel who were hauling the artillery guns were wounded by the resultant sharpnel. Several soldiers were called over from the base's gates to help out, and they did so. The artillery guns were duly placed in position, just in the base's gates. The artillery crew positioned the gun toward the tanks and began to fire. Some soldiers also got some rocket launchers, the best there is, and equipped themselves. They aimed it at the approaching tanks and opened fire.

On the ground, the soldiers weaved alongside the Humvees and IFVs, firing at the GLS soldiers whenever they could. It was, to say, simply chaos as some of the Humvees and IFVs were rammed/sliced up by the Demolisher and Rapid Demolisher tanks. However, a few foolhardy soldiers decided to take a risk and to try to destroy the tanks personally...or die trying.

"Allright, I'm gonna do this." A private with a shaved head said to his friend, holding up a couple of detonation charges. He was sitting near the base's gates.

"But these saws will cut you to pieces!" His friend said as he clutched his weapon. The private smirked. "Better die tryin' than anything else. Wish me luck. Oh, and if they get me, tell my wife and daughter I love them." He began to run toward the tanks.

"Wait! I'm coming with you!" The friend shouted as he followed the private, firing in the direction of the GLS force. The private, smiling, tossed him a detonation charge. They then bolted in the direction of the GLS tanks, taking care not to get caught in the crossfire or the tank's saws.

Do something, fast, because your military in our nation had launched their attack. Plus, our media is going to get a kick out of this and attempt to attract attention.


We are doing something about that.


Gates had contacted the generals and commanders of the Armed Forces, as well as the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and inquired of what was going on (well, more like subjected them to a devastating tirade that shook the men's souls). A shocked Admiral Michael Mullen confirmed that he didn't give the orders, if any at all. It was at this that Gates realized that he, as well as New England, was dealing with a dangerous situation: they were dealing with a rogue.

However, not the one to jump to conclusions yet, Gates contacted the High Commander of the GLS (the highest level of position of the New Englander army in the GLS) to try to find out what was going on. However, the line at the High Commander was busy...

Royal News Agency:

Just a few minutes ago, New England military in GLS had launched their attack to annex us and yet New England didn't say anything. Clearly New England was plotting on annexing us the whole time. President Roger had urged civilians to evacuate out of high risk areas and New City, Detriot, and Toronto.


GLS National News:

A few minutes ago, New England military forces in GLS had attacked GLS military after being unusually hostile. No words from New England yet, but President Roger urges civilians to evacuate Detriot, New City, and Toronto and areas that are within 20 miles away from New England military bases.

In response to the GLS newspaper agencies, and after receiving information from the federal government, several New Englander news corporations, such as the New York Times and the Boston Journal, circulated newspapers around the country denying New England's involvement in the situation now unfolding in the GLS.

**Private to New England**

The HAE has your back should this backlash.


Thank you, but we didn't authorize such a thing; in fact, we had nothing to do with that. We fear that we may be dealing with a rogue (or rogues) in the military in the GLS.

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When the tanks' circular saws came to life and began to slice everything in their path, as well speed up toward the Humvees and IFVs, Harris swore as much as he could. Grabbing his radio once again, Harris screamed into it, "HURRY UP! THESE TANKS ARE CUTTING UP EVERYTHING IN THE WAY! MAKE HASTE!"

The base, however, came under fire from the tanks, and some personnel who were hauling the artillery guns were wounded by the resultant sharpnel. Several soldiers were called over from the base's gates to help out, and they did so. The artillery guns were duly placed in position, just in the base's gates. The artillery crew positioned the gun toward the tanks and began to fire. Some soldiers also got some rocket launchers, the best there is, and equipped themselves. They aimed it at the approaching tanks and opened fire.

On the ground, the soldiers weaved alongside the Humvees and IFVs, firing at the GLS soldiers whenever they could. It was, to say, simply chaos as some of the Humvees and IFVs were rammed/sliced up by the Demolisher and Rapid Demolisher tanks. However, a few foolhardy soldiers decided to take a risk and to try to destroy the tanks personally...or die trying.

"Allright, I'm gonna do this." A private with a shaved head said to his friend, holding up a couple of detonation charges. He was sitting near the base's gates.

"But these saws will cut you to pieces!" His friend said as he clutched his weapon. The private smirked. "Better die tryin' than anything else. Wish me luck. Oh, and if they get me, tell my wife and daughter I love them." He began to run toward the tanks.

"Wait! I'm coming with you!" The friend shouted as he followed the private, firing in the direction of the GLS force. The private, smiling, tossed him a detonation charge. They then bolted in the direction of the GLS tanks, taking care not to get caught in the crossfire or the tank's saws.

Light anti-armor rockets to a typical modern tank=shaking and maybe bruises

Light anti-armor rockets to a Rapid demolisher or Demolisher tanks=what rocket?

When they noticed the base's gates were shut in their face, they switched to their anti-armor depleted uranium shells and fired at the gates repeatedly, not realizing that they might hit artillery guns if those shells penetrate the gates . A few of them noticed the two seemly stupid soldiers that are running toward them and attempted to run over them.

As for the enemy's artillery guns, they slightly rattled the tanks and gave a few of the operators light bruising, but they kept on firing at the gate. When they punch enough holes into the gate, then they would attempt to ram it down and storm into the base.


OOC: I am assuming those gates lack any openings and that your artillery guns are using HE shells.

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Light anti-armor rockets to a typical modern tank=shaking and maybe bruises

Light anti-armor rockets to a Rapid demolisher or Demolisher tanks=that tickles

When they noticed the base's gates were shut in their face, they switched to their anti-armor depleted uranium shells and fired at the gates repeatedly, not realizing that they might hit artillery guns if those shells penetrate the gates. A few of them noticed the two seemly stupid soldiers that are running toward them and attempted to run over them.

OOC: Heh, noted. :lol1:


With the tanks nearing, the rocket launcher soldiers and the artillery crews had a field day, unleashing a renewed barrage at the tanks, launching shell after shell right into their tanks. Little did they know was that it would actually have little effect on the GLS tanks.


"WATCH OUT! That tank's coming for you!" The friend of the private roared as he rolled out of the way to avoid that damnable saw. The private also rolled and catapulted out of the way, landing on his feet. He and his friend ran for the first tank, toward its side.

"You arent winning this, you (insert expletive)!" The private snarled as he charged toward the tank, clutching a detonation charge.

At this time, the fighters, interceptors, and bombers were nearing the base, the pilots keeping a wary eye out for any opposition. They, however, knew that with New England's superior technology, they would blow the enemy right out of the sky.

OOC2: EDIT: You're right.

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With the tanks nearing, the rocket launcher soldiers and the artillery crews had a field day, unleashing a renewed barrage at the tanks, launching shell after shell right into their tanks. Little did they know was that it would actually have little effect on the GLS tanks.


"WATCH OUT! That tank's coming for you!" The friend of the private roared as he rolled out of the way to avoid that damnable saw. The private also rolled and catapulted out of the way, landing on his feet. He and his friend ran for the first tank, toward its side.

"You arent winning this, you (insert expletive)!" The private snarled as he charged toward the tank, clutching a detonation charge.

At this time, the fighters, interceptors, and bombers were nearing the base, the pilots keeping a wary eye out for any opposition. They, however, knew that with New England's superior technology, they would blow the enemy right out of the sky.

OOC2: EDIT: You're right.

After enough holes were punched into their gates, the Rapid demolisher tanks backed up a bit while switching to HESH shells, and then charged full speed into their Swiss cheese looking gates while firing the shells.


Radio communication between the tanks:

"We have two idiotic -bleep- running around here and they are being ninjas around us. Care to send in soldiers to kill them?"

"Let them be, or if they really pester you, go use a shotgun shell at them."

"That would be a waste of ammo, sir."

"I will send in troops after you storm into that god-bleep- base."

"Yes sir."

More Rapid demolisher tanks attempted to run over the two soldiers while firing and charging toward the base's gates.


The New England air force underestimated the amount of MIM-104 Patriot anti-aircraft vehicles that the GLS army had overall. They had a total of 4,500 in the nation (other half is oversea), along with their weaker air force. That means each GLS army units that were deployed to keep watch on the New England military bases had a little less than 100 MIM-104 Patriots, enough to buy time for reinforcements.

The GLS F-22 and MIM-104 Patriots noticed the enemy aircraft and opened fire at them, using standard active homing AA missiles (aka fire-and-forget), Revealer AA missiles and Smart AA active homing missiles. Even if the New England air force got lucky, there will be 40mm automated anti-bomb/missile turrets connected to the MIM-104 Patriots that will attempt to defend the GLS ground forces.


OOC: Info about those missiles here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=73021

I am assuming that your gates were punctured with the tanks' shells, right?

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Royal News Agency:

Just a few minutes ago, New England military in GLS had launched their attack to annex us and yet New England didn't say anything. Clearly New England was plotting on annexing us the whole time. President Roger had urged civilians to evacuate away from any military bases and New City, Detriot, and Toronto.


GLS National News:

A few minutes ago, New England military forces in GLS had attacked GLS military after being unusually hostile. No words from New England yet, but President Roger urges civilians to evacuate Detriot, New City, and Toronto and areas that are within 20 miles away from any military bases.

In response to the GLS newspaper agencies, and after receiving information from the federal government, several New Englander news corporations, such as the New York Times and the Boston Journal, circulated newspapers around the country denying New England's involvement in the situation now unfolding in the GLS.


"Heh, conflicting accounts for the loss." thought Lance as he read both the GLS and New Englander news articles. "The GLS obviously had it coming, though."



TO/À: New England


The Government of Disparu wishes to know if this attack was actually sanctioned by the New Englander Government or not. Either way, we will be willing to help you if the situation gets out of hand.



Lance Pikachurin

King of Disparu

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Classified reply:

We don't know if New England was behind this or it was simply a rouge. Thank you for your offer for help though.

OOC: HHAYD, he was addressing that Classified communique to Jed, not you. ;)

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Up in the air, the New Englander fighters and interceptors, upon seeing the homing missiles hurtle toward them, undertook complex and effective evasion techniques that were designed to minimize losses. In retaliation, the rogue F-40 Thunders, F-50 Banshees, and F/A-47 Sino Fighters unleashed missiles, of which were much more technologically advanced than the GLS’s. Illustrating New England’s aggressiveness, the rogue aircrafts flew directly at the GLS aircrafts, coming at them with fire blazing. Their intents were to inflict as many casualties as possible.

The U-8 bombers, guarded by the fighters and interceptors, proceeded to drop their payload upon the Demolisher tanks.

On the ground, the base’s defenders continued to put up resistance, but when they saw the GLS tanks began to hurtle toward them as if to ram them, they became panicked. “Do something! That tank’s about to ram the base! Get some more guns up here!” Harris shouted as he continued to fire at GLS soldiers, his soldiers supporting him. Scores of wrecked and crushed Humvees and IFVs now littered the road leading into the base.

True, the personnel and soldiers hurriedly dragged some more artillery guns. Coordinating their fire together, the artillery crews once again unleashed a renewed attack against the tanks while the rocket launchers reloaded their weapons and unleashed fire against the tanks.

Meanwhile, the two soldiers managed to evade the tanks trying to run over them, avoiding the saws and the like. The private, after a might grunt of effort, leaped into the side of a tank. Seeing his friend do the same on another tank nearby, the private nodded and grinned. He activated the detonation charge, recalibrated it, and then placed it on the side of the tank. “That’s your Christmas present, (insert expletive)!” He yelled out as he leapt from the tank, his friend doing the same.

The two soldiers ran for over behind some of the destroyed Humvees and IFVs, waiting for the explosions to happen.




TO: Disparu


The attack was never sanctioned by the New Englander government in the first place. We are investigating the situation as we speak, though we have our suspicions that it may be a rogue, or to be clear, the portion of our military in the GLS being rogue. We can't really say on this matter until we can find out more.

Besides, thank you for your concerns and we appreciate your gesture.

With regards,


Lyndon Baines Johnson


Classified to NE: we are by your side


We thank you.

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Up in the air, the New Englander fighters and interceptors, upon seeing the homing missiles hurtle toward them, undertook complex and effective evasion techniques that were designed to minimize losses. In retaliation, the rogue F-40 Thunders, F-50 Banshees, and F/A-47 Sino Fighters unleashed missiles, of which were much more technologically advanced than the GLS’s. Illustrating New England’s aggressiveness, the rogue aircrafts flew directly at the GLS aircrafts, coming at them with fire blazing. Their intents were to inflict as many casualties as possible.

The U-8 bombers, guarded by the fighters and interceptors, proceeded to drop their payload upon the Demolisher tanks.

The GLS aircraft had carbon fiber/nanotube skin covering, allowing them to shrug off shrapnel and weak explosions. Some of the GLS aircraft were hit by the missiles, but they managed to survive the impacts and flew back to their base for repairs. However, several were unlucky and were turned into fireballs.

A wall of Revealer missiles fired by the F-22 aircraft and MIM-104 Patriots screamed toward the New England fighters and exploded 30 meters in front of their faces, spraying an even larger wall of ultra sticky, pure black, waterproof, greaseproof, radio communication jamming, engine clogging/disabling, light distorting (makes everything seem wavy and distorted), stealth killer goo that is nearly impossible to avoid at high speed. Followed close by are the AA missiles and the GLS F-22 aircraft that will take advantage of the soon to be chaos and confusion. If they encounter another wave of unaffected New England aircraft, then they would fire another wave of the Revealer missiles.

The U-8 bombers came under fire by the GLS MIM-104 Patriots with Revealer missiles which attempted to explode in front of them, effectively preventing any bombers that were hit from participating in another bombing run. The 40mm anti-bomb/missile automated turrets switched into panic mode and sprayed hundreds of shells up into the sky to ignite as many bombs before they hit their targets as possible. A few of the bombs got lucky and smashed into the Demolisher tanks, but that wasn't enough to damage them.

On the ground, the base’s defenders continued to put up resistance, but when they saw the GLS tanks began to hurtle toward them as if to ram them, they became panicked. “Do something! That tank’s about to ram the base! Get some more guns up here!” Harris shouted as he continued to fire at GLS soldiers, his soldiers supporting him. Scores of wrecked and crushed Humvees and IFVs now littered the road leading into the base.

True, the personnel and soldiers hurriedly dragged some more artillery guns. Coordinating their fire together, the artillery crews once again unleashed a renewed attack against the tanks while the rocket launchers reloaded their weapons and unleashed fire against the tanks.

Meanwhile, the two soldiers managed to evade the tanks trying to run over them, avoiding the saws and the like. The private, after a might grunt of effort, leaped into the side of a tank. Seeing his friend do the same on another tank nearby, the private nodded and grinned. He activated the detonation charge, recalibrated it, and then placed it on the side of the tank. “That’s your Christmas present, (insert expletive)!” He yelled out as he leapt from the tank, his friend doing the same.

The two soldiers ran for over behind some of the destroyed Humvees and IFVs, waiting for the explosions to happen.

The tanks, still unaffected by the rockets and artillery shelling but some of them were stuck in massive craters created the artillery shelling and had to waste time to climb out. The Rapid demolisher tanks smashed into the gates at full speed. If that failed, then they would back and and smash it again.


Meanwhile, outside of the base, the two detonation charges ignited, covering their targets with smoke and rattling them. At first, it seemed like they had disabled the two tanks, but the guessing ended quickly when one of the tanks fired an incendiary shell (filled with napalm) at the suspected location of the two soldiers and both of the blacken tanks continued to rumble into the base.


OOC: HESH shells are more effective at destroying buildings than HEAT rounds since they spread their shockwaves out with soft plastic explosives and cause massive fracturing on the other side of the wall, resulting in spalling. Deadly against tanks lacking spall liners.

Your base's gates would have fractured and sprayed fragments of it away from my tanks, hitting anyone or anything in their direction. Any buildings that were hit by it would suffer severe damages and anyone inside would get hit by the fragments of the building (such as drywall, concrete, metal, and etc) flying everywhere.

By the way, those two super tanks are nearly invincible if you lack air superiority, lots of bombs/missiles to spare, or dozens of massive artillery guns focused on a few clustered tanks (which are rare since the super tank operators tend to avoid being in groups if possible). Artillery guns doesn't mean a thing to them if you have only a few firing at multiple of them and nothing else to distract them (such as your tanks, other artillery guns, clusters of soldiers, helicopters, or etc).


IC: Classified to New England from GLS:

Your military had launched their aircraft against us. We could hold out against their ground forces, but not their air force which will force our military to retreat.

What's taking so long?

Edited by HHAYD
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New City, a few hours before 2010:

It was the New Year's Eve. Fireworks, crowds of cheering people, parties, celebrations, speeches, you name it.

But there weren't any of those in New City or throughout the nation...

Streets were congested with residents trying to evacuate out of the city before the fighting gets pushed from the New England military bases into the city. Police officers were on every intersections, struggling to maintain order. Everyone was concerned about not getting their rear end shredded by stray gun fires or getting caught in another "run the gauntlet" like what happened during TUO-GLS war. That includes all of the other cities and towns. Highways were backed up miles, border checkpoints were overwhelmed to the point where it would take them over a day for refugees to leave the nation even though they opened the highways to make then one-way to ease the bruden. Airports, seaports, and train stations needed riot control police officers to maintain order. Refugee camps were already being set up by the GLS government, hoping that the New England military doesn't attempt to attack them.

There were also S.W.A.T. units, riot police officers in their typical riot body armors and shields, light anti-armor units, police helicopters and occasionally police version of M-1 Abram tanks (weaker armoring and engines than the military versions) stationed close to New England military bases. They knew they were no match against the enemy if they defeated the GLS military, but they would attempt to buy time for a counter attack from the GLS military.

In the distance, GLS Thumper battleship laid anchored in the water that Lake Michigan and Lake Huron right next to New City Eastern Military Base, prepared to shower any nearby enemy ground forces with its sheer firepower and shoot down enemy aircraft. The battleship's crew were ordered to defend the military base to their last breath since if they lose their air force, then they would be forced to abandon New City. The Mackinaw Bridge that connected Mackinaw City and New City was not only massively congested, but the military had begun placing anti-aircraft defenses on it while avoid jamming the traffic even more.

News helicopters flew around the city reporting what was occurring but they avoided the battle area in fear of being caught between the crossfire.

In response to the GLS newspaper agencies, and after receiving information from the federal government, several New Englander news corporations, such as the New York Times and the Boston Journal, circulated newspapers around the country denying New England's involvement in the situation now unfolding in the GLS.

Royal News Agency:

Bull-bleep- lies, especially with the fact that your land-hungry government hasn't even responded to the invasion. We are surprised that President Roger didn't declare war on New England yet. Maybe he should have and show you why Great Lakes States is not a "OMG! THEY ARE WEAK, TIEM TO ANNEX THEM! LULZ!"


GLS National News:

Right, and explain the 40,000 New England soldiers along with an air force that managed to escape out of your government's reach. Why don't you do something about it, RIGHT NOW?!

Edited by HHAYD
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OOC: Sorry for taking a while. RL stuff came up. <.<


The GLS aircraft had carbon fiber/nanotube skin covering, allowing them to shrug off shrapnel and weak explosions. Some of the GLS aircraft were hit by the missiles, but they managed to survive the impacts and flew back to their base for repairs. However, several were unlucky and were turned into fireballs.

A wall of Revealer missiles fired by the F-22 aircraft and MIM-104 Patriots screamed toward the New England fighters and exploded 30 meters in front of their faces, spraying an even larger wall of ultra sticky, pure black, waterproof, greaseproof, radio communication jamming, engine clogging/disabling, light distorting (makes everything seem wavy and distorted), stealth killer goo that is nearly impossible to avoid at high speed. Followed close by are the AA missiles and the GLS F-22 aircraft that will take advantage of the soon to be chaos and confusion. If they encounter another wave of unaffected New England aircraft, then they would fire another wave of the Revealer missiles.

The New Englander fighters and interceptors, however, took a series of complicated evasive maneuevers to try to avoid the missiles. However, when the missiles exploded near some New Englander aircrafts, the pilots found their vision shrouded as some black goo splashed their aircrafts. "I can't see!" A pilot screamed into his radio as his aircraft veered off-course.

Surely, chaos and confusion ensued as some fighters and several interceptors crashed into each other, creating balls of explosions (though the pilots managed to parachute out to safety), but for the large part, the New Englander interceptors, with their vastly superior technology and prowess, fired off an overwhelming salvo of missiles at the GLS aircrafts.

The U-8 bombers came under fire by the GLS MIM-104 Patriots with Revealer missiles which attempted to explode in front of them, effectively preventing any bombers that were hit from participating in another bombing run. The 40mm anti-bomb/missile automated turrets switched into panic mode and sprayed hundreds of shells up into the sky to ignite as many bombs before they hit their targets as possible. A few of the bombs got lucky and smashed into the Demolisher tanks, but that wasn't enough to damage them.

The U-8 bombers, indeed, came under attack from the GLS aircrafts, but some interceptors came to the rescue, flying right directly at the GLS aircrafts, firing missiles with the intensity. Veering around to avoid the GLS attacks, some of the bombers flew toward the ground and whenever they reached the appropriate height, they dropped their payload once again, this time calibrating the bombs to try to hit the tanks with laser precision.

The tanks, still unaffected by the rockets and artillery shelling but some of them were stuck in massive craters created the artillery shelling and had to waste time to climb out. The Rapid demolisher tanks smashed into the gates at full speed. If that failed, then they would back and and smash it again.


Meanwhile, outside of the base, the two detonation charges ignited, covering their targets with smoke and rattling them. At first, it seemed like they had disabled the two tanks, but the guessing ended quickly when one of the tanks fired an incendiary shell (filled with napalm) at the suspected location of the two soldiers and both of the blacken tanks continued to rumble into the base.

The base's gates, battered as they were, managed to hold up against the attack, but it soon became clear that it wouldn't be able to withstand another ramming attack. General Harris, inside the base, screamed for more reinforcements, that is, more artillery guns being brought to the fore. More soldiers armed with advanced rocket launchers and bazookas came in front of the base's gate, taking aim at the tanks as it hurried forward.

As for the two soldiers, their hopes were raised when the detonation charge exploded. However, it was quickly dashed when the tanks aimed a shell at their location. "GET OUT OF THE WAY! THAT SHELL IS HEADING RIGHT FOR US!" The private roared as he jumped out of the way once again, narrowly avoiding the flames that erupted on the location where he had been seconds before. His friend leaped onto front of a burned out Humvees, taking cover from the tanks.

"(insert expletive)! The charges didn't work." The private swore to himself, clearly disappointed. However, he had an idea once again. Racing to his friend's side, the private detailed his plan. When he was finished, the friend looked at the private with a perplexed expression on his face. "You sure it will work? You saw what just happened, and it didn't work!"

The private nodded, a determined expression on his face. "Yes, I'm fairly positive it will work! I just know it will!" With that, he grabbed a submachine gun and a grenade, nodded his head once, and then sped off in the direction of the battered GLS tanks. His friend followed suit. "I knew I should've not joined them..." He mumbled to himself as he looked around, avoiding any dangers along the way.

IC: Classified to New England from GLS:

Your military had launched their aircraft against us. We could hold out against their ground forces, but not their air force which will force our military to retreat.

What's taking so long?


Long? It's been a matter of days, and the reason we are taking 'so long' is because we are trying to find out what's (bleep) happening! We've been trying to contact the Head Commander in the GLS, and so far he hasn't replied yet. This confirms that we're facing a far more dangerous situation than we've expected.

Royal News Agency:

Bull-bleep- lies, especially with the fact that your land-hungry government hasn't even responded to the invasion. We are surprised that President Roger didn't declare war on New England yet. Maybe he should have and show you why Great Lakes States is not a "OMG! THEY ARE WEAK, TIEM TO ANNEX THEM! LULZ!"


GLS National News:

Right, and explain the 40,000 New England soldiers along with an air force that managed to escape out of your government's reach. Why don't you do something about it, RIGHT NOW?!

Why don't the both of you shut up? The reason New England is taking "too long" is because it is contending with a situation laced with confusion and chaos, and it's just beginning to responding to the situation. Why dont you pull up your panties and shut up? The accusation of annexation and all that crap is not helping at all, and we are beginning to think your government is paranoid. And that applies to the both of you! If New England had wanted to invade and annex the GLS, as you so eloquently put it, it would've done so with overwhelming force and be done with it quickly. And since you are yakking about annexation, I think it would be better if New England invaded and annexed the GLS!

New York Times

Edited by JEDCJT
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Long? It's been a matter of days, and the reason we are taking 'so long' is because we are trying to find out what's (bleep) happening! We've been trying to contact the Head Commander in the GLS, and so far he hasn't replied yet. This confirms that we're facing a far more dangerous situation than we've expected.


"Try contacting anyone who can contact your commander, such as a lower ranking general or something. I think your head commander is blocking you."

The New Englander fighters and interceptors, however, took a series of complicated evasive maneuevers to try to avoid the missiles. However, when the missiles exploded near some New Englander aircrafts, the pilots found their vision shrouded as some black goo splashed their aircrafts. "I can't see!" A pilot screamed into his radio as his aircraft veered off-course.

Surely, chaos and confusion ensued as some fighters and several interceptors crashed into each other, creating balls of explosions (though the pilots managed to parachute out to safety), but for the large part, the New Englander interceptors, with their vastly superior technology and prowess, fired off an overwhelming salvo of missiles at the GLS aircrafts.

The U-8 bombers, indeed, came under attack from the GLS aircrafts, but some interceptors came to the rescue, flying right directly at the GLS aircrafts, firing missiles with the intensity. Veering around to avoid the GLS attacks, some of the bombers flew toward the ground and whenever they reached the appropriate height, they dropped their payload once again, this time calibrating the bombs to try to hit the tanks with laser precision.

The GLS F-22 retaliated with another overwhelming swarm of their Revealer and Smart AA missiles while firing off their chaff and flares, attempting to evade the New England aircraft's missiles. Below ground, the MIM-104 Patriots also fired a massive wave of the Revealer and Smart AA missiles.

"WE WILL BLOT OUT THE SUN WITH OUR GOO!" a GLS fighter pilot yelled in his radio as the Revealer missiles exploded everywhere in front of the New England aircraft soon followed by a wave of Smart AA missiles. However, his aircraft was blown to bits by the enemy missiles. A large chunk of the GLS F-22 aircraft were damaged to the point where they needed to return back to base for repairs or reloading, crash landed, or exploded.

As for the U-8 bombers, again they came under fire by Revealer missiles fired by the MIM-104 Patriots ground AA vehicles. The anti-bomb/missile turrets ignited most of the bombs mid-air. Lucky for the U-8 pilots, the GLS's Demolisher tanks that took the most amount of beating were stunned...

Only for a few seconds before they resumed firing and movements.

The base's gates, battered as they were, managed to hold up against the attack, but it soon became clear that it wouldn't be able to withstand another ramming attack. General Harris, inside the base, screamed for more reinforcements, that is, more artillery guns being brought to the fore. More soldiers armed with advanced rocket launchers and bazookas came in front of the base's gate, taking aim at the tanks as it hurried forward.

As for the two soldiers, their hopes were raised when the detonation charge exploded. However, it was quickly dashed when the tanks aimed a shell at their location. "GET OUT OF THE WAY! THAT SHELL IS HEADING RIGHT FOR US!" The private roared as he jumped out of the way once again, narrowly avoiding the flames that erupted on the location where he had been seconds before. His friend leaped onto front of a burned out Humvees, taking cover from the tanks.

"(insert expletive)! The charges didn't work." The private swore to himself, clearly disappointed. However, he had an idea once again. Racing to his friend's side, the private detailed his plan. When he was finished, the friend looked at the private with a perplexed expression on his face. "You sure it will work? You saw what just happened, and it didn't work!"

The private nodded, a determined expression on his face. "Yes, I'm fairly positive it will work! I just know it will!" With that, he grabbed a submachine gun and a grenade, nodded his head once, and then sped off in the direction of the battered GLS tanks. His friend followed suit. "I knew I should've not joined them..." He mumbled to himself as he looked around, avoiding any dangers along the way.

Again and again the shells landed on the Rapid demolisher tanks, but again and again no effects other than giving the tanks' crews a harsh massage and pissing them off. They backed up again when the gate failed to crash down, and then charged into the gates again a full speed with. No way can any gates can survive a force of over 600 tons hurtling at a high 40's mph.

The Rapid demolisher tank crews were surprised when they noticed those two wanna-be ninja soldiers survived the napalm, but ignored them knowing that grenades and bullets can't hurt them.


OOC: JED, those Revealer missiles will screw up any jet engines for good by clogging them. Kinda like large birds, they are fatal to jet planes by screwing up their engines' intake fans with their gore and bones.

Edited by HHAYD
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