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Germans in Australia


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OOC: Yeah, wierd all right.

And many apologies for the long delay. :ph34r:

IC: "Sir, they're circling around too."

The strategy, after amoments decision, was not significantly changed, though a force of approximately ten men or so would revert back to their original positions, in preparation for the attack.

They were out at enough of a range that not even the Germans' fancy uniforms could yet detect them. Once they were all in position, the order came...


The bulk of the surviving members of the main force moved forward swiftly but silently--the knowledge of the Germans exactly present location (as well as their own traps) made them confident enough to believe they knew when to begin advancing more cautiously. They would attempt to drive a wedge into the encircling German forces, and hopefully push them within firing range of the base.

The flanks remained out of sight, having been given the order not to advance until the engagement was on.

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OOC: No prob


"Flanks halt. Center forces, split and move to the flanks. Keep at least 300 meters between you and the inner flank."

Instead of risking those in the flanks who were the closest to the back of the Australian camp, the troops that originally were in the center began moving to the left and right (with the exception of three, who kept watch over the front of the camp) so that those who currently were at the flanks could stay where they were and keep a watch on the area around them.

It was a slow strategy, but one that could force the enemy to try and counterattack if they were impatient. If they waited, then they would get surrounded and attacked at their weakest spot first.


Basically, my current flankers have stopped, and are ~120 meters away from the camp, just out of your sightrange.

The center group split up and is now moving to the flanks, ~300 meters and more away from your camp, to eventually move beyond the flanks and to the rear.

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OOC: Oy, you! :mad:

lol, jk.

IC: "They're doing what now? No, no need to answer that, I can see for myself, thanks," Clancy said. "Nevermind. Camp defenders, hold your positions, no matter what, unless you have to retreat. Do not, I repeat, do not leave the camp."

"Aye sir."

He began wondering if, perhaps, the Guard had could somehow see his movements as well; they seemed to be anticipating his moves to some degree. If so, this could prove--interesting at the very least.

"Flanks, begin a cautious advance. The rest of you, stop where you are."

OOC: the ten men on each flank are slowly approaching now, and the rest are just outside engagement range.

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OOC: Don't forget, my guys still have satellite-recon. They see your guys' general locations (plusminus 2 meters), if not in the same way as yours see mine. They just don't say always "I see them moving, do this and that", they just act.


"Careful on the flanks."

Some of the men prepared grenades and started going deeper into cover when not moving. Their pace had slowed to a snail's speed, mostly watching their environs and taking care about traps.

As the Australians were moving, it was unlikely they could conceal themselves easily from the thermal vision that the Amber Guard had. When preparing an ambush, it was relatively easy. But when moving?

Hardly doable, unless they wore special materials. Hopefully, this would give the Guard a deceisive advantage, making them capable of taking their enemy out just before he did the same with them.

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OOC: I'm aware of that--they aren't. But they might suspect it soon. ;)

And really, I'm just using the communication to flesh out the interaction a bit.

IC: Not yet knowing for certain that the Germans could see their movements, but beginning to suspect due to the Guard's reactions, the Australians nevertheless knew that they had the same advantage, at least in their own 'territory' here.

They had that, the defensive advantage, the advantage of numbers--and some would say they had a more advantageous positon.

While the troops out moving could probably be seen with the thermal vision, the troops inside the camp had had more time to properly conceal themselves, so if an assault eventually came, the Germans would have to rely on normal vision.

Once the flanks were closed, the order came to attack--all positions at once. They were going to ruthlessly use their numerical advantage.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OOC: Sorry, things happened. And they'll keep happening, I'm not sure I can continue this thread for a while. If you want, we'll declare a winner - or you write the rest of the engagement yourself, so we can get it over with. I still have to go against Sarah's women.


Funnily, in the same moment that the Australians opened fire, the Germans had the same idea, each having picked three targets that he'd try to take out.
They would utilize the cover they were in as best they could, keeping each other from being flanked and firing from behind cover using the gun-cams, throwing grenades to scatter enemies, et cetera.

The Austrians had some advantages, the Germans had others. Higher tech, better communication, more efficient targeting. But only the actions of them all would bring them to victory here, outnumbered as they were.
They would go down with a bang, though, fighting as hard as they could, as hard as only Germans could fight.

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  • 3 weeks later...

They might not have had the advantage of surprise, but numbers, defensive position, and momentum were theirs. In his eagerness, one unlucky Australian triggered one of their own traps, though he took a German with him before he 'died.'

In the first exchanges of this 'battle,' dozens of men on both teams were hit and removed from the game. As the sides began establishing firm lines, the superior numbers started showing their advantage, slowly pushing the Germans back toward the base. But the momentum slowed within a minute, and as the casualties mounted on both sides, it became clear that the Germans were not going to retreat within range of the Australian base.

And so the defenders took the initiative, storming out of the base to hit the Germans from the rear. It took them by surprise, for sure, but the [color="#ffa500"]Guard[/color] continued to prove their tenacity and sheer will by refusing to lay down and die. In the end, there were too many casualties, making the fighting too scattered to hold the Germans between the two halves of the pincer, and bloodied but not beaten, the [color="#ffa500"]Guard[/color] retreated.

The Crimson Shields did not have the strength of numbers to pursue them, meaning that by the end of the day, neither flag had been captured. The referees named it a draw, and both contingents returned to base to rest up and prepare for their next scenarios.

OOC: Yes, I got permission from Lynneth to do this, in the interest of actually getting this RP moving again.

Many apologies for the long delay, Lyn.

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OOC: No worries, Subtle.

It didn't suprise Wollweber - or many of the Germans, really - that this had been a draw. The Australians were used to the environment and trained every day in it, while the Germans were used to the thick forests of their homeland. Some of them had even wondered if they'd lose, but those were positively suprised when there was a draw instead.
They were foreigners on foreign soil, fighting against natives on their hometurf. That alone was a massive advantage, offsetting the technological advantage the [color="#FFA500"]Guard[/color] could bring to bear.

A day or two later, to let the man recover somewhat from the battle, he met with Valeria Sangral and Colonel Clancy.
"Well, that was that. Nice fight you and your boys gave us, Clancy. Almost thought we might just lose when you went all-out at the end." He smiles and patted the man on the shoulder. "Has been a long time since I last saw a fight like that. Well done."
He then turned his head towards the Lillian commander.
"I assume the next time it'll be us against you, right? What would you like to do, Miss Sangral?"

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Valeria leaned back on the wooden chair inside the tent and put her hands behind her head. "You assume correctly Erich and I should tell you that I think I'm in much better shape from our first little fight. So I promise you we will see each other on the battlefield again. As to what you actually want to do, I'm a pretty lenient and creative person and I like a challenge for myself, so how about you pick what little scenario we should play. My girls have been itching to get into this fight and really I've been contemplating urban fighting, open battlefields, hell we could even do some naval action if you really wanted to. But Erich." She leaned back over the table in front of her and smiled at the German. "You pick and lets have some fun with it, authors always made war romantic after all, lets give them something to write about. What do you say?"

She sat quite unprofessional compared to how she looked in the Palace, her white frock coat unbuttoned, her undershirt opened, letting a white tank-top breath. The lace of her cuffs was a bit ruffled and her blonde hair, messy down her back. Standing up from the table, Valeria walked over towards a small cabinet that the officers had brought with them and took out a bottle of whiskey throwing back a shot. "Apparently, the men couldn't finish the job without leading to a draw, I'd like to see if a woman can do war as good as a man boasts. I do enjoy these engagements." She turned to Erich and held out the bottle. "A bit of help before you decide?" She smiled and winked before walking back over to the table.

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[i]"My girls have been itching to get into this fight and really I've been contemplating urban fighting, open battlefields, hell we could even do some naval action if you really wanted to. But Erich." She leaned back over the table in front of her and smiled at the German. "You pick and lets have some fun with it, authors always made war romantic after all, lets give them something to write about. What do you say?"[/i]
"Urban it is. We're practically made for that, and it's a chance to test a new rifle we've just recently got from the R-dep. About the second part...War's not romantic, my dear. I've been in an advance against the Northerners during our short war and even that little bit wasn't the slightest bit romantic, especially if hundreds of artillery shells impact every few minutes."

[i]She sat quite unprofessional compared to how she looked in the Palace, her white frock coat unbuttoned, her undershirt opened, letting a white tank-top breath. The lace of her cuffs was a bit ruffled and her blonde hair, messy down her back. Standing up from the table, Valeria walked over towards a small cabinet that the officers had brought with them and took out a bottle of whiskey throwing back a shot. [/i]
Being a man, even at the age of 42, Wollweber did - mentally, at least - enjoy the sight of a woman showing strategic parts of herself off, or making herself look interesting. Still, he was here as soldier, and thus decided that an affair would be detrimental. Especially if his wife found out. She was a beast.

[i]"Apparently, the men couldn't finish the job without leading to a draw, I'd like to see if a woman can do war as good as a man boasts. I do enjoy these engagements." She turned to Erich and held out the bottle. "A bit of help before you decide?" She smiled and winked before walking back over to the table.[/i]
"No such help needed, milady. I haven't drunk any alcohol in almost two decades, and I don't plan on starting now. Anyways. I do hope you and the Lillian will live up to your reputation."

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[i]"Urban it is. We're practically made for that, and it's a chance to test a new rifle we've just recently got from the R-dep. About the second part...War's not romantic, my dear. I've been in an advance against the Northerners during our short war and even that little bit wasn't the slightest bit romantic, especially if hundreds of artillery shells impact every few minutes."[/i]

"Glad to hear it, we have a replication of Southern Brisbane built for urban fighting training a couple of miles down the road, probably more tens of miles actually. But no one is really counting are thy. So we'll have our little brawl there and maybe after we could talk about getting that new rifle as a trade between friends, the Queen would pay handsomely for a few new weapons for her soldiers. But you let me know and we'll talk business." She sighed when he talked about romantic war and walked over, patting him on the shoulder. "I didn't mean to insult," Valeria said with almost mournful eyes. "I seen my fair share of engagements and I was under Her Majesty's command back in the Valkyrie War, I have to look at it romantically or I can't bear to even fight. I've lost too many close friends, but if I look at war through rose colored eyes, I know they didn't die for nothing and that maybe they're in a better place." She smiled. "But I figure you already understand that, a hardened soldier like yourself." She offered the alcohol and he denied it.

[i]"No such help needed, milady. I haven't drunk any alcohol in almost two decades, and I don't plan on starting now. Anyways. I do hope you and the Lillian will live up to your reputation."[/i]

Valeria nodded and started to walk out of the tent. "Yes, well." She offered he hand to shake. "Lets hope for a fair match shall we and may the best man, or woman." She smirked. "Win." Turning on her heels, Valeria walked out into the sand of where the Amber Guard, the other Australian forces, and her Lillian Guards were stationed. One hundred women in their desert gear, the Lillians unlike most special forces around the world, did not rely on shock movement and utter power, they relied on finesse, speed, and skill. For offense, they carried with them a rapier, that was manly ceremonial, a pistol, and a sub machine gun for heavy offense attacks that they would no doubt be involved in the next few days. They were the utter Hanseatic design, the Enlightenment Age meeting the Modern age, the Baroque and Postmodernism, beauty and brawn all wrapped up into one division of soldiers. Putting her hair back in a messy ponytail Valeria cracked her knuckles and walked over to her contingent of soldiers. Dusting off her black boots she smiled out at the crowd and drew out her rapier. As soon as she did, the other Guards rose up from the ground and stood at attention, they seemed ragged, hot, a bit tired, but at the sound of the steel scrapping along the sheath, the transformation was almost instant to a military machine.


"Yes Ma'm!" They saluted quickly, their eyes forward, pony-tails, bob cuts, and long hair behind them.

"As you have no doubt already seen, our counterparts were only able to draw with the Germans, you know that this would be unacceptable to not only Her Ladyship, but Her Majesty as well. Now you know what the world says of us, a bunch of prissy !@#$%*es that could barely hold a sword. But I think that's a bit of an understatement, well besides the prissy !@#$%*es part, that I can agree with. But barely hold a sword? No, I know that each one of you has the ability to show these Germans exactly what we wanted to show their neighbors back in the Valkyrie War. Ladies, you face a formidable enemy, an enemy that is not to be underestimated, but neither are we and I want you to picture this scenario. An invasion, the Queen, Lady Sarah, our leaders, in Brisbane at the point of death and the last line of defense are, we last hundred. I want you to fight as though Australia depended on it, as if the dying breath of the Queen depended on it. You would never allow the Queen to fall, for Lady Sarah to die, do not let it happen now. Is that understood?"

"Yes Ma'm!"



"Then move! Lets go show these Germans what it means to be a Lillian Guard."

The Lillians moved like clockwork, picking up their gear and loading into trucks to take them to the replica of southern Brisbane and in their minds, what needed to seem like destiny.

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[i]"So we'll have our little brawl there and maybe after we could talk about getting that new rifle as a trade between friends, the Queen would pay handsomely for a few new weapons for her soldiers. But you let me know and we'll talk business."[/i]
"Perhaps. But I'm told you need an exosuit to fire it. Weights 32 kilograms from what I know. Heavy, but powerful like nothing you've seen."

[i]"Yes, well." She offered he hand to shake. "Lets hope for a fair match shall we and may the best man, or woman." She smirked. [/i]
Like the Kraut he is, he shakes it with a strong grip.

When the Lillian commander begun her speech, Wollweber was already on top of a Puma AFV, driving towards the coordinates provided for this battle. On the way there, he spoke little.
The [color="#FFA500"]Guard[/color] knew what they were up to, and as always, they'd work like the efficient and deadly warmachine that they came from, that being Germany.

Once at the location, the [color="#FFA500"]Guard[/color] quickly set up camp somewhat outside, pretending to be an invading force, company-strength and supported by two "tanks", that role being played by two Puma AFVs.
This was also the first time that the newly developed M-98 Witwe would be used.
2.015 meters long, with kickback that can dislocate (and potentially shatter) unprotected shoulders, a range of more than three kilometers. The ultimate anti-materiel rifle. Only two would be used, and due to their power, even with paint, the two who got them were to never fire it at the head or vulnerable bodyparts such as hands or the groin.

thus, the [color="#FFA500"]Amber Guard[/color] was almost ready in a very short span of time.

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[b]Day 1 - 6:00 am[/b]

A light dew fell over the city of Brisbane, as was common in the morning and the fresh smell of the sea blew in over the city. Australia had all but fallen to the European Coalition, however the last remnants of the Australian military and special forces had fought bravely and the Europeans had been driven to a stalemate across the continent, however that stalemate was about to be decided once and for all, over the bloody streets of Brisbane. The civilians had been evacuated long ago, but the city held the strategic right flank of the Australian line of defense against the Europeans and while the city had been contested before, no side had ever taken a clear victory. Since that time, the Europeans had moved to secure other series of the Queendom, however advanced scouts had reported one final European push to take the former capital of the Hanseatic Commonwealth and the advance had caught the Australian army completely off guard. There were no guards to defend the city and the military could not spare regulars anywhere else and they knew what they were up against. The Amber Guard, the elite force of the German Democratic Republic, the Communist Pigs. In a flash move, the Queen had directed a detachment of one hundred Lillian Guards to repulse the invaders from Brisbane, if the city could hold, the war could well turn in favor of the Australians, if it fell, then the greatest city to Oceanic culture would fall with it and along side the dreams of Australian and Hanseatic imperial dominance. These were the shoes that Commander Valeria Sangral was expected to fill and that, she thought as she looked through her binoculars across the Brisbane River, was the enemy she was up against.

She had taken a defensive position in the middle of Victoria Park Golf Course and from the hills of the course, she could see fairly well out into the city. This had been where the Great Exhibition had been years before and the Glass Palace had been turned into a fortress, her fortress, her last stand against the Germans. The key was to repulse them, but given the Germans' advanced armor and weaponry, the Lillians in turn would have to rely on more hidden defensive positions and surprise, along with drawing the Germans in to areas where they would be bunched up to the Lillians' fire. The problem was, the flanks also had to be defended as well and Brisbane was a city of bridges, the game of cat and mouse would not be a simple walk in the park.

"Commander Sangral?" Valeria put down her binoculars and looked back at the Lillian lieutenant walking up the hill towards her. "The War Council is about to begin, your presence is needed at the Command Post, Captain du Arban and Captain Augrain sent me to get you."

Valeria nodded and turned, her white coat fluttering in the breeze for a moment as she turned back out towards the city, the sun just beginning to emerge from the sea. "Excited Lieutenant?"

"Excited M'am?"

"Of course, today the Europeans get repelled from the capital." It was a note, especially since most Lillians were Hanseatic, that this battle was personal to them. This was not only a battle for the Queen and Country, but the integrity of the Lady Protector as well. "Let's get moving, I don't want to keep Commander Wollweber waiting for me. I'd like a waltz with him before the battle ends."

"A waltz with a rapier Commander?" The lieutenant smirked.

"One in the same Lieutenant. One in the same." They walked up to the Glass Palace where six Lillian Captains poured over the map of the city of Brisbane, contemplating the moves that needed to be taken to hold the positions and most definitely the city itself. As Valeria entered, the captains bowed their heads and clicked their boots. Taking her seat at the head of the table, Valeria crossed her hands and leaned back on the chair. "So, what are we looking at here? Our projected strength, what we have estimated them at and our orders from Marshal Hammond."

"Currently Commander, we have two APCs piloted by three Guards each, along with one hundred ground soldiers. The Germans, our scouts report have pretty much a number equal to ours so this will an even match."

"Even if you consider massive firepower and armor even, but I'll run with that captain. All right ladies." Said Valeria as she leaned over the map. "The Germans if they've studied our tactics at all will know full well that the Lillians are a light infantry force, I know full well that we cannot attack the Germans full out, we'll be destroyed, they probably know that as well, but even then, they still have to flush out out. Therefore, until we have the advantage I want us playing the defense. The bridges across the river will be our first choke points, I want sniper teams, machine gun teams, and spotters at every bridge across the river and the APCs at Story and William Jolly Bridge respectfully. Those are the widest bridges and give the Germans the most maneuverability to cross with a large contingent of troops. However, tell the APC commanders that if enemy armor is spotted to get the hell out, we need the APCs more than anything and we can fall back to grenade bombardment from the buildings if necessary."

"Of course Ma'm."

"Now, as to the positions of the majority of our ground forces, I want support for every APC, at least ten men, and five to ten men at every bridge that is undefended. Keep five men at Captain Cook, but the Palac Pontus is right up from there, so station ten men inside of there, the Germans will suspect that, but I don't think they'll find it very fun rooting through the Palac for a few misplaced Lillians." Valeria sighed and lifted her head. "Ladies, fluidity and speed are the keys here, we need to be able to cross the city and back as soon as possible to lay on as much fire as we can when they begin to advance. Preparing for the worse of a full out assault, we should be able to hold off for a good bit of time, but the key if we have to give out our defense positions at the bridge is to scatter through the city, then come from behind them if necessary. Tell the girls to play individual fights, they're too strong to take on all at once. Also, I want our reserves scattered behind the lines, twenty-five of the girls ready to move at a minute's notice." She nodded and reached into her pocket, fingering the injection of Raging Nostrum. "Have the R.N injections been distributed?"

"Yes Milady, they were distributed last night."

"A lot of luck it'll do against those damn exo-suits, but its worth a shot. Tell the girls that if they enter into hand to hand, use it immediately, any German casualty is a bonus at this point to even the playing field."

"Very Milady." Said one of the captains in salute. "Will that conclude our council for the day?"

"Yes. Madeline, I'll be coming with your troop towards the Palac, we'll defend those positions together, the center has to hold, ladies, keep contact, keep a sharp eye and maybe we'll just make it through this alive. If I don't see you when this is over, we'll all be in hell working on our tans or always remember who died today and hold them in your hearts." She withdrew her rapier and slammed the blade into the table. "For Queen, Country, God, and the Guard."

The other Lillian commanders did the same, taking out their own rapiers and plunging them into the wood of the table. "For Queen, Country, God, and the Guard."

"To eternity..."

Upon conclusion of the war council, the Lillian positions began to slowly creep out from the base atop the hill at Victoria Park, the APCs were to be separated, guarded each by a squadron of ten Lillians. The first moved towards William Jolly Bridge, the second towards Story Bridge. After their arrival there, the Lillians in support would send five guards out in front to act as sentries, while the other supporters would do what they could to help build defensive positions for the APCs. The bridges acting as choke points would be heavily guarded on all sides for the most part, with Lillian snipers on the flanks of the bridges looking at them from the shore lines. If the Germans attempted to cross and stuck out even a little bit, they would be targets for Lillian bullets. That was the majority of the first phase, if casualties could be inflicted by sniper fire then it would give the Lillians a brief advantage before heavy strength of the Germans could come into effect, the strategies of Genghis Khan would be necessary, a weaker force had to stay out of range of the larger force by any means possible, surprise, speed, and evasion would be the tools to victory here. But that was a girl's way, play sneaky, play unfairly, and strike and break the enemy's heart when they least expected it. Valeria had broken many hearts in her lifetime and as she strapped her SMG over her shoulder and carried a sniper rifle with both hands following her contingent out into the city, she had ever intention of breaking Erich's heart as well.


Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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[b]Day 1 - 6:00 am[/b]

The Amber guard were already pouring out of their base, moving towards wherever they were sent. Aside from the five snipers - two of which carried the M-98 Witwe - they were put into five-man fireteams. Two with a GDAR 21 rifle, one with a modified, reusable MADATOR anti-armor system, one with an MG4 and one with a MGL Mk.1 40mm. Each of the support troops had a GDAR 21 Carbine on their backs in the case of running out of ammunition or being forced to take over an assault man's task.
From the HQ came the familiar voice of their commander, Erich Wollweber.
Today is a very interesting day. For one, it is the first day ever on which I got up with my left leg first out of the bed. Were we in medieval or roman times, this would have been taken as bad omen. However, these are modern times, and we are one of the most advanced groups in the entire goddamned world. Currently, most of you probably are thinking that this'll be easy, women and all. However, these are the Lillian guard. They are the very elite of Australia, and they've frequently handed men their @#$% on a silver platter. They're to be taken seriously, so for once, I'd like you to be serious. The battle against Chrimson Shield was a game, and we showed that even with all advantages on their side, they could not win.
Gentlemen, both you and I know that the [color="#FFA500"]Amber Guard[/color] are [i]made[/i] for urban conflict. 80% of our nation's population lives in cities with more than 50,000 inhabitants, so there's a good reason for us being so good in urban warfare.
I'm not going to hold a big speech like the Australian lady did, about our greatness and home soil and whatever. But I will take the time to remind you of our creed.
[i]In war, victory.
In peace, vigilance.
In death, sacrifice. [/i]

Onwards, [color="#FFA500"]Amber Guard[/color]. Give them the hell they came for."

When he ended, a map appeared in the HUD of every guard, with objectives noted on it.
"Fireteams 1 to 5: You got your objectives. Take and hold Blue Points. Prevent crossing, report all attempts. Retreat if impossible to hold. Standard procedure otherwise.
Fireteams 6 to 12, SupTeam 1: Gather at Brown Point one. Staging area.
Fireteams 13 to 19, SupTeam 2: Brown Point two. Staging area.
Further orders once objectives achieved."


With their objectives available, the troops made their way towards them, the first five fireteams with great care, while the others let their respective APC move first, scouting for them in this way.

OOC: Edit: Forgot accounting for my 5 snipers. Edited team numbers, nothing else.

Edited by Lynneth
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Slowly as the sun crept across the sky the Lillians moved throughout the city towards their positions along the river and reserves falling behind for support in a ring fashion. Valeria knew full well that the Germans would be moving or trying to move at the same pace as her contingents, though not willing to give her troops any freedom for mistake, they were to predict that the Germans had already arrived at the bridges and were going to be crossing as the Lillians arrived. Therefore, when the Guards did arrive and found that the enemy had taken defensive positions on the other side of the Brisbane River, it was regarded as a stroke of luck and possibly some good cheer that the Lillians had been able to establish themselves on the river shoreline without having to fight for it. As per the strategy, the Lillians along the river, at Mervale Bridge, Williams Jolly Bridge, and Victoria Bridge were to entrench themselves and wait for a German advancement. Three or four Lillians from these contingents would also move up from the ground into nearby buildings to snipe from buildings, if the Germans did engage and were able to push through the first lines of defense, then they would come under fire from the buildings above.

For every Lillian position that was entrenched, there was at least one sniper on the ground as well, from here, they watched the bridges intently waiting for a cross. There was the chance that they might be able to reach across the river, if the Germans really put themselves out to be hit, but that was unlikely and the waste of shot, along with giving positions away was the last thing the Lillians wanted. For those guarding Victoria Bridge, they would also have sniper reinforcement from the nearby casino and Queen's Gardens, the bridge had ten Lillians guarding it, most armed with Sub-Machine guns, so the addition sniper fire was appreciated, however as with the western bridges, Victoria too had snipers on the ground aimed intently towards the other side, ready to repulse an advance. Fifteen had marched further south, towards the Palac Pontus, these under the direct commander of Valeria herself, she took positions in the Palac along with nine other Lillians, whist sending ahead a contingent of five to hide out through the Botanic Gardens. Here the Lillians would climb trees, push under brush, and near the river, try to submerge themselves as best as possible to blend into the environment. When the Germans did cross the bridge, or more of a matter of if they crossed, the Botanic Gardens would seem virtually unprotected, however from these vantage points, they would most definitely be able to see down onto the main roads and pick off Amber Guards as the moved forward.

On the Eastern end of the river, fifteen Lillians took positions around Story Bridge, ten digging in and hiding in buildings as an over look before the bridge filled out into the northern city. Whilst five Lillians moved towards the Wilson Overlook, from here, much like those in the Botanic Gardens would do, was to blend in and watch if and when the Germans crossed the bridge. All five women on the overlook were armed with sniper rifles and with five, a deadly volley would be able to cross the air, severely pushing the odds in the Lillians favor. Behind the lines of Sub Machine guns and APC support at the bridge, a group of five Lillians took supporting coverage in the cemetery, to cover a retreat or to reinforce the bridge if necessary. Beyond that, the Australians branched out in support blocks, to be called if the fight progressed for ill or better. Now it was time to wait and as Valeria stood at the window of the Palac Pontus, looking out over Captain Cook Bridge she smiled.

"Your move Erich."

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While the Lillian were busy disguising themselves, the [color="#FFA500"]Amber Guard[/color] arrived at their positions, the formerly bright amber uniforms now displaying [url="http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&source=hp&q=digital%20urban%20camo&aql=&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wi"]digital urban camo[/url] to enable them to conceal themselves better.
Setting up their positions was done rather quickly. The man with the MG4 simply took position 1 floor above street level, while the AT and AP personnel - carrying their explosives - took position in a floor above that to have a good view of approaching enemies. The Assault specialists, with their GDAR 21 rifles took positions on ground level, concealing themselves against the grey of buildings or pavement. This would happen on each of the five positions.

In the meantime, the two designated staging areas were being filled with troops, though not very many. 35 men and one AFV each, further objectives pending. They'd be the spear, penetrating enemy lines when the time was there. It wasn't there yet, however.
The three with DSR 50 rifles moved towards the Victoria bridge and would soon take positions. Each of them was an experienced sniper, looking at a spot and instantly seeing if it was good or not. It wouldn't be long before they had found such spots and were sitting in buildings, concealed by shadows and camouflage, looking through thermal vision filters built into their helmets. In this urban environment, it would be much easier telling an enemy from his surroundings. And like any good sniper, each of the five (in total) snipers would change their position after every two, three shots.

Elsewhere - near the Cook bridge, to be exact - the two designated 'heavy' snipers were in position. They, like the others, were using thermal vision to find targets. And when they did, it would be done quickly. A pull of the trigger, waiting a second and watching it be hit. Of course, they only aimed at non-vulnerable parts of the body, but with real ammunition, any hit could be potentially deadly. Currently, however, it was merely paintball ammo. Despite this, a hit would hurt and deliver blunt trauma and potentially take the "affected" Lillian out for minutes. It also had a psychological effect. Because it could be heard for a good two kilometers with relative ease - provided there are no obstacles - any hostile within that range would know: [i]You just lost a comrade. You could be next.[/i]
Of course, both forces were informed about these experimental rifles being issued to and used by the [color="#FFA500"]Guard[/color].

Wollweber intended to use these powerful guns to demoralize the Lillian and turn the waiting game into one which he could win with a deceisive strike into the heart of the enemy formation while they would have to hastily retreat.

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[b]Botanic Gardens [/b]

Adrienne Vernier sat as quiet as she possibly could, quiet was easy, but being comfortable was a different story entirely. There were four other Lillians around her as she sat near the edge of the Gardens, a clear eye over the Brisbane River and looking for any movement, any movement that would give her a clear shot on the Germans. She had been sitting in the great spruce for about an hour and the heat of the coming morning began to make her sweat, the moisture forming on her skin and dampening her undershirt and pants. Her right eye was wide and her left eye shut from looking through the scope and she wondered if the Germans had started to move anywhere else or if she would be in the tree the rest of the day, waiting, watching. Suddenly however there was a sound and before Adrienne could blink there was a pain that attacked her leg as hard a bullet wound. She screamed in pain and lost her balance on the branch of the spruce, the pain was too much though for her to think coherently to hold back on to the branch and could feel herself slipping, slipping, falling out of the tree and then next feeling was a pound on her back as the wind was knocked out of her. Adrienne groaned in pain, barely able to take another breath it hurt so bad. She cursed and clenched her hand. "The $%&@..." She grunted before passing out.

Through for Adrienne's misfortune, Violette Martineau, smiled. The boom was unnerving, but they were trained to handle booms, if you couldn't handle a boom, then you shouldn't be out on the battlefield to begin with and while everyone in the Botanic Gardens realized that, yes, they could be next. They also realized that the quicker they acted, the faster that they could return the favor to the Germans. As the boom echoed through Brisbane, Violette squinted her eye as best as she could. When the boom had gone off, there had been a sudden flicker of light from across the river, she had kept her scope on this light intensely looking through a small bush. Her finger on the trigger, she focused just a bit more on the light, a relaxed breath, her heart never quickening, and pulled the trigger. A shot rang out and the flicker of light disappeared, whether the shot was effective or not, that she wouldn't be able to tell. However, as soon as the light had disappeared, she made sure to slowly and silently move back out of range of the German attackers and then circle back around through the Gardens for another spot that she could fire from.

Meanwhile, as the boom was echoing across Brisbane, the defenders at Victoria and William Jolly Bridge, had finished digging in and were entrenched as best as they could possibly be, for an hours worth of work. The APC stationed at W.J Bridge had been deployed behind a few buildings, out of sight from the initial German advance, however, if they planned on pushing through, the Lillians had every intention of engaging. At Victoria Bridge, needless to say, the almost exact thing was going on, the girls had dug in, they were ready to repulse and their backup at the Casino would be able to rain fire down on the Germans' vanguard if they pushed towards Victoria first. The western side of the line, was for the most part, solid.

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[b]German HQ[/b]

"Not much movement, Sir. They've dug in pretty well."
"She really wants to play the waiting game? Very well."

[b]In the field[/b]

Klaus Walther was one of the best in his unit. Second place, to be exact, consistently. That didn't aggravate him, however. He was more patient than the number one and could wait for much longer, if needed. It made him the perfect sniper. He thought it to be an honour to be one of the first people to handle this new rifle, made specifically for the [color="#FFA500"]Amber Guard[/color], though the normal armed forces had access to it, as well.
And for once, Walther had a first. He was the first man to use the M-98 in a combat situation, even if simulated. Taking aim, slowly squeezing the trigger to not let it get out of sight and then...
The sound was loud, and the kickback incredible, if not unexpected. He knew that, without this suit, he wouldn't be able to use this arm anymore. And even then, it still hurt a bit.
He let the rifle lie where it was for a moment, rolling to the right and onto his back, massaging his shoulder a bit. Pure luck that he had decided to do that, because only moments later, he heard - and then saw - the impact of a paint pellet where he'd been but moments ago. "!@#$," he murmured, suppressing a suprised cry and took the rifle out of sight. His suit still showed heightened adrenaline and stress levels. But who wouldn't, barely avoiding being shot?
"Shouldn't have let that stay there. Damn scope."

He got up and moved to another part of the building, away from the balcony. He hoped he'd get the woman trying to take him out of the game. He took sight again, but not using the rifle to spot this time. He used a camera within the suit, which was at least capable of a 4x zoom. Not as much as the rifle, which could to 80x if needed, but still enough to spot someone from 300 to 400 meters away with relative ease. And it removed the possibility of being seen as easily, the scope only used to fix on the target and fire quickly. He radioed to his colleagues, "Switch after one. Experienced."

Elsewhere, the [color="#FFA500"]Guard[/color] snipers lay, looking for targets, as well. They were outnumbered by the Lillian snipers, but that only made it easier finding a target. There's only so many places where one could hide, even though they from now on switched positions after every shot, barely confirming whether they'd scored a hit.
For the time being, it was a duel of snipers, and the entire [color="#FFA500"]Guard[/color] knew it. That's why they used the cameras on their rifles to look for hostile movement, not showing themselves.

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Staring out one of the long windows of the Palac Pontus Valeria mused to herself looking out into the city. "So much for the myths of lightning warfare. I thought the Germans learned at Stalingrad not to get bogged down." She shook her head and walked back to the table in the middle of the ballroom of the palace, two other captains sat, their guns in their hands fingering the barrels and watching their commander begin to pace. "Have the reports changed? Is there any movement at all?"

"Not a lick Lady Sangral. The Germans are standing as still as statues."

"This annoys me to no end. But we can't move, they're probably as dug in on the other side of the river as we are here. Sniper casualties?"

"Only one so far, but that gun they had. My God it made an echo."

"It must have been that weapon Erich was telling me about before we started the battle, damn technological advantages and if he's wondering why we can't have an aggressive war." She said shaking her head. "That's the reason, because I'd be crazy to send a bunch of my girls against guys in exosuits who had go on a rampage and it goddamn wouldn't even hurt them. We're keeping fire on them right?"

"It's sporadic, but if they haven't made a move yet, then I'd say its been successful."

"Well then this is the game we'll play." Valeria walked over to the window again and ran her finger over the glass. "I wonder Erich, do you like to play chess? Shall we use up all our pawns, our castles on both sides of the board. Then what shall happen? Our knights charge and our bishops move so quickly through the streets. But he forgets." She tapped once on the glass and a huge grin crossed her face. "Queen always beats King and then..." The sound of a nearby Lillian sniper rifle flew out into the city. "...checkmate."


The sniper duel would continue and the Lillians were ordered to hold their positions and to continue to hold their positions. If the shot could be taken, a glimmer of a scope, maybe what seemed to be the movement of urban camouflage, anything that might have given the Germans away, the Lillians fired. They would fire and then as quickly as the bullet had came, their position would be changed. Of course, this also meant that to constantly change positions, especially for those that were dug in to the terrain instead of held up in buildings, the Lillian line began to shift. Not by much and they would still be able to hold and defend the crucial positions, but the lines would begin to change. Valeria knew this as well and she knew in addition to this that if the duel continued, the lines would need to be redrawn or perhaps the reserves from the back called into alleviate pressure on the front. Casualties to the enemy side were unknown, but without seeing them drop, the Lillians kept the number at zero. They were most definitely ready for a long and drawn out battle.

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Sniping is a business requiring much patience, in addition to a steady hand and a good sense of where the bullet will fly.
Each sniper of the [color="#FFA500"]Amber Guard[/color] had earned his rifle for exactly these qualities. Historically, snipers were used by armies to target officers and communications equipment or -officers or vital equipment. The [color="#FFA500"]Guard[/color], however, was not part of the army, serving as elite forces as part of the StaSi, the ministry for state security. They thus used slightly differing tactics, demoralizing the enemy and thinning their lines as well as attempting to get high-ranked enemies. Of course, this worked only when there were no counter-snipers nearby.
Thus, the first task was to eliminate enemy sharpshooters. Afterwards, the Germans would be able to more easily approach the bridges without coming under fire from precise rifles, having to fight against rapid-fire assault rifles and the like, which were more tangible, resulting in less stress and the like.

"There's no end to them. I can barely look for a target before they open fire. Luckily, they don't seem to try to aim well."
"Mhm. No chance for an old-fashioned Blitz. Not that I'd ever do that, !@#$'s outdated. BP one, come in."
"Loud 'n' clear."
"New objective. BP three."
"Trying to cross Story?"
"No. Into the Gardens."
"Am I hearing you right?"
"Yes, you are. The suits aren't good for swimming, but you can walk on the bed of the river to the other side. If that doesn't take them by suprise, nothing will."
"Uh, copy. Hey, the suits are sealed, right?"
"Completely. There shouldn't be any shorting of your equipment. If there is, we'll give R&D hell."
"Copy. Moving out."

And the group began moving on safe streets, eg hopefully none that were in sight of snipers or recon troops. Meanwhile, the snipers were to try and disable more hostiles, be it snipers or dug-in personnel. Eventually, one or two of the [color="#FFA500"]Guard[/color] marksmen would be hit, due to the sheer volume of snipers the Lillian seemed to employ.


OOC: How many snipers do you have? If I read that earlier post right, something about 30?

Edited by Lynneth
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For all purposes, it almost seemed as though the Lillians had the advantage at the moment. A lighter and quicker enemy could not risk moving out into the open, they could not risk playing traditional warfare with the Germans and as such a chorus of sniper rifles sounded through the city at nearly a constant spray, keeping the Germans pinned down. Valeria would wait, she could wait all day for the Germans to make a move and if still they refused to move, she could wait even longer. She knew full well that any real advance on her part would be destroyed and so defense was the only game the Lillians could play, unfortunately for Erich, they played defense quite well. The fighting was most intense at the Botanic Gardens, shooting across the river at moving figures that never seemed to end and then as ferocious as that sniper duel was it ended. For the Lillians holding the gardens this was a bit unnerving, Violette Martineau was the Lieutenant in change of holding the Gardens and when the fire ceased she watched the side with a weary eye.

Picking up her radio she kept one eye on the scope and connected with Celeste Taillefer, another sniper stationed near the shore of the river who was watching the bridge. "Celeste? You have anything on your end, they've be quiet for a good ten minutes or so."

"I got nothing Lieutenant. No movement as far as I can tell. I haven't even been able to tell where they're at on the other side of the river. You think they're relocating?"

"Could be. Keep an eye out on the bridge and the shore for snipers. If they try to cross, we need to hit them before they can. I don't think they're up to trying to cross now though. We have this pretty much locked down. Anyways, I'm going to let Commander Sangral know that there hasn't been any changes."

"Yes Ma'm."

A few seconds later, Violette reconnected with Valeria at the Palac Pontus, she listed pretty much the same think as she had done a half hour ago. Little movement and sporadic fire across the river. For Valeria, the same reports from all her field commanders was the last thing she wanted to here. For while she could wait, she had no real desire to do so. The Lillians had sustained a few sniper casualties, probably three or four from around the city, nothing to be majorly concerned over, this was normal. But it couldn't last forever and in the back of her mind she began to draw over thoughts on how to cross the bridges if it came to that. "But Gentlemen first Erich. Its much easier that way." She said staring out the window. "Much easier."

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"HQ to BP two."
"IFV to bridge. Draw fire, try getting some down. Stay at range. Use munitions sparingly."
"Copy. Moving onto bridge. Crew?"
"Standard. No risks."

After this short conversation, the IFV began moving towards and onto the Victoria bridge. However, it would stay relatively far away, only close enough to be seen...And to fire at enemies seen via its many cameras, be it thermal vision, normal or something entirely else. Of course, this simply was a diversion to draw Australian attention towards this bridge, to make it seem as if an assault was being planned.

In the meantime, BP one had almost finished moving to Point three, turning into BP three.
"BP three, come in."
"Get into the garden. High ground is of high importance. Attempt suprising snipers. Total of twenty to thirty estimated, according to density of shots reported. Slow advance towards their suspected HQ in Victoria Park preferred. Ultimate course up to BP three commander."
"Copy. Moving through river into garden. IFV moving to Cook bridge to create a diversion."
"Understood. Godspeed."

While the Puma moved away, the 35 [color="#FFA500"]Guardsmen[/color] moved from their hiding point towards the river, and into it. It would take less than 20 seconds, with them running as fast as possible, soon submerged under water and walking on the ground of the river to the other side. This would take more time, as walking in water was a slow process.
However, it had a great chance of taking the Lillian utterly by suprise.

Meanwhile, the Puma began driving up the Cook bridge, staying on the german side, but occasionally firing a shot or two towards the buildings occupied by the Lillian. The one on the Victoria bridge did it similarly.

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"Oh my God." Dominique D'Erlon looked through her binoculars at Victoria Bridge as the German IFV came into their sights and opened a blast onto the Lillian's dug in positions. "Get down!" She yelled over to her command across from her. "Don't make it easy for them." Shaking her head, she nodded. "Well it would appear that Commander Sangral is going to get her war after all." The Lillians kept undercover as best as possible, but in the shots fired by German armor it was natural that a few of the Guards were going to be hit, three or four from the line as Dominique could count, the rest were still dug in quite well though the problem was, that they could no longer hope to hold back against the assault of a IFV if they didn't bring their own armor down in turn. Just as well, the Germans had begun bombarding Lillian positions at the casino that was able to overlook Victoria Bridge. However, the captain of the five snipers holding the casino made sure that even after the windows had been blown by German fire to keep the girls aimed at any movement that might come up. The snipers holding the casino and the ground troops holding the areas around the bridge held and watched as the IFV bombarded them, they could only wait for a movement of the enemy, until then it was hold and at the first sign of human figures, open fire.

Meanwhile on Cook Bridge, the Lillians in the gardens watched as the German armor advanced and held their fire. As usual, it would be almost impossible with the weapons they had to actually take on a Puma, but the Germans would be foolish to send armor without troops nearby, if need be, they had grenades that they could use against the armor, but their main priority were the support troops. That was how this battle was going to be one, not by armor, but by cutting down the strength of the men on the ground. The Lillians held their positions. However, the bombardment did not fall on deaf ears as Valeria and her Command Staff took cover in the Palac Pontus from the bombardment from the armor on Cook Bridge. Ceiling rubble falling down onto the floor as the building was blasted by cannon. The other captains took cover under desks and tables, while Valeria sat in a chair with the same bottle of whiskey that she had at the camp and stared over a battle map.

"So, Erich, you're going to advance into my center eh?" She ran the map with her fingers and stopped at Story Bridge and William Jolly Bridge. "Then I shall advance on your flanks. Lynnette!"

"Yes Commander?"

"Radio the APC Commanders and those forces on Story and William Jolly. Push the APCs out towards the bridge and begin bombarding German positions, after they believe that there is some safety, begin their advance. I plan to turn Erich's flank."

"Yes Ma'm."

With the intelligence that Valeria had, she anticipated an advance from the German end and was prepared to deal with it, while bombardment began at Story and William Jolly Bridge against the German Forces, first aiming for any Guards dug in at the bridge and then buildings where Lillian snipers had been targeting most of the morning. With any luck, the bombardment would have the same effect and soften the Germans up, so when they did charge or attack, the Lillians could do so in turn.


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"Are under heavy fire. Australian APC confirmed to be at Story Bridge. Attacking our position from the other side."
"Similar situation at Blue One. Backup not required yet, expecting heavy attack soon. Will hold position as ordered."
"Understood, Blue One and Five. Brown Two, come in."
"Brown Two."
"Split up four-three. New teams Yellow. Objectives updated."
"Copy. Splitting up."
"Brown One, come in."
"Brown One here."
"Have begun emerging on the other side. Will move north towards Cathedral square. Will only engage enemy if necessary."
"Acknowledged. Final objective presumeably near Golf Course. Get there, set up an ambush, annihilate them if they retreat."

The brown team near Victoria bridge thus split into two groups. The faster, smaller one would be moving towards Story Bridge and if necessary, engage the Lillian on the large street leading to that bridge. They were three teams of five men, of similar arrangement as the defense teams near each bridge. The forces moving to the William John bridge were four such teams, thus having four reusable MATADOR systems and with this, considerable AT capabilities.
In the meantime, the forces crossing the river were almost done doing so, quickly moving north towards the buildings to avoid being spotted here in the park. This force was made of seven teams, each technically independent from the others.
The IFVs advanced somewhat, but stopped about halfway over the bridge. Well in sight, but nowhere close enough to be attacked by grenades, but even then it wasn't sure if the grenades wouldn't just roll off, seeing as the vehicles had sloped armour.

Should the Australian APCs come too close, that meaning less than 100 meters, the troops using MATADORs would open fire in an attempt to either disable or "destroy" the vehicle. With the muzzle velocity of this weapon being what it was, the crew of the APC would have only about 2 seconds to react and get away, otherwise risking getting hit by a dedicated anti-tank warhead (though in this case of course only simulated).


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"Oh damn it all!" Violette Martineau looked from the furthest vantage point in the Botanic Gardens as her eyes widened in wonder at what she was seeing. They were literally coming out of the water, like scuba divers or something out of a horror movie, this was technology that the Lillians could not even fathom and it was being used against them in full force. No wonder the shots had stopped on the other side of Cook Bridge, the Germans had been taking a morning stroll underwater. Picking up her radio, she held the transmitter button until her hand went white. "Celeste, you won't believe what I'm seeing in front of me...of course they're Germans, they came out from the water...no I'm not seeing things...no I didn't have anything to drink, just get your $@! over here and radio Commander Sangral tell her to send some help, I don't believe they've seen us. We'll tail them for as long as we can. Just get over here as fast as you can." Turning off her radio, Violette got back to her knees and slowly began to follow the last of the Germans as they emerged from the water. "You aren't that sly, I have you in my sights."

Meanwhile, hearing that the Germans had come out of the water, Valeria's contingent of seven sub machine gunners and two snipers moved out from Parliament Square and teamed up with Violette and Celeste as they began to trail the Germans as quietly as possible up towards Cathedral Square. With any luck and with the Lillians at Central Station alerted at the Germans were advancing towards them, the hope was to ensnare the Germans between the two forces, moving quietly from their behinds and in front of them.

With this sudden movement occurring and with the priority of keeping the Germans from breaking the Lillian line. Valeria immediately ordered the halt of any advance on either Story or William Jolly Bridge. However, with the APCs and Guards in position, the bombardment on the otherside of the bridge would continue, to soften up German positions, but if they could go underwater the entire plan of defense of the city perhaps needed to be rethought. Not that it was a horrible change in plans, but objectives now meant much less and eventually it would become a battle of individuals. However for as long as possible Valeria intended to keep the battle traditional.

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