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Moon Base


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I recently bought a Moon Base:

Moon Base - $50,000,000 + (3,000 * (Nation Strength - (Technology Purchased * 2))) - Reduces infrastructure cost and bills -4%. Provides +5 happiness that degrades over the life of the wonder. Expires at 600 days. Cannot build Mars wonders if you build Moon wonders. Requires Space Program.

Problem is i'm only getting a +0.21 happiness instead of the promised +5.

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I saw where you stated that. It still doesn't answer the question though. The efficiency percentage is going to dictate just how much of the 5 happiness you think is missing is actually unaccounted for. The efficiency percentage is multipled by the 5 happiness and the reduction modifier to determine the actual benefit received.

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Something than that just happend to come up at the same time that i bought the Moon Base, without my knowing and that took away +5 happiness, making the effect of the Moon Base 0.0?

Could be, but i think this is very unlikely.

Global Radiation Level possibly...?

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No event on collection?

No not on the day that i bought the wonder, i did collect again the next day because i had no happiness bonuss and tought my wonder needed some activation or something...this time i had an event.

Land area -5%, Citizen count +1%.

However i'm still well below the 25 population per mile.

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Is it possible for an admin to check this?

I just turned the moon base happiness bonus off for your nation and your nation's happiness dropped by 4.87 points.

You bought your moon base on Dec 9. That was 16 days ago.

The moon base provides +5 happiness that degrades over 600 days.

600 - 16 = 584

584 of 600 = 97.333%

97.333% of 5 = 4.87 current happiness bonus

There is something else affecting your nation that you aren't considering.

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Perhaps an event stopped? Your NS seems to have gone up

- 1 day after buying Moon Base. + 250,000 (but that may also be the wonder, I dont know if Wonders give so much NS)

- 4 days after buying Moon Base + 250,000 again... Thats the same as 1 day after buying. Something *must* have happened!

Switched trades? Bought tanks / navy / nukes?

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