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Zhukovsky appeals to the International Court of Justice

Imperator Azenquor

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BCNA News: Mrs. Zhukovsky appeals to the International Court of Justice

“The widow of the late former President Zhukovsky, who remains in exile at an undisclosed location, has filed a formal petition to the International Court of Justice. In her petition, Mrs. Zhukovsky has sought to implore the Court to undertake an ‘impartial investigation’ of the events leading up to her husband’s death. The wide ranging petition also requests that the charges against her husband that resulted in his exile be re-examined.

In her appeal, Mrs. Zhukovsky has maintained her husband’s innocence and has claimed that he had concrete evidence to prove his innocence that he planned to present to the Courts upon his return to Vauleo-Buryatia. This latest development has arisen as the government is nearing the end of its own official investigation into the events leading up to the downing of Mr. Zhukovsky’s plane.

For a quick overview of the background of the situation, we turn to our archives. Mr. Zhukovsky, formerly President of Buryatia, lead the Pan Asia Party movement. After he was found guilty and sentenced, he was offered a reduced sentence if he agreed to remaining in exile. Mr. Zhukovsky took this offer and fled with his immediate family to Promised Land.

Recently, Mr. Zhukovsky, against the express wishes of several of his advisors, announced his plans to return to Vauleo-Buryatia and to prove his innocence. The President and a few of his aides are then believed to have departed from Promised Land in a private plane headed for Vauleo-Buryatia. In accordance with the conditions of his exile, the government went on standby to arrest him upon his return to the country. His aircraft then entered restricted airspace over Yakutsk and refused to communicate with the appropriate Aviation Authorities for several minutes. At this point, the Vauleo-Buryatian military intervened and shot down the aircraft killing all on board. Immediately afterward, under normal procedures, the government launched its own investigation into the incident.

The Ministry of Justice has yet to issue a formal response to Mrs. Zhukovsky’s petition, but anonymous sources inside the Ministry have suggested that the Judiciary will simply dismiss the petition as having no binding authority, and will continue to monitor the official investigation. Several political analysts and legal analysts in Vauleo-Buryatia have dismissed the petition as nothing more than a ‘public relations ploy’ on the part of Mrs. Zhukovsky.”-Reporter


Official Petition to the International Court of Justice, World Congress

Fr: Mrs. Yulia Zhukovsky

Re: The murder of Former President Vladimir Zhukovsky of Vauleo Buryatia

To the ICJ,

A few weeks ago, an unarmed aircraft carrying my husband and a few of his advisors back to Vauleo-Buryatia was shot down by the military of Vauleo-Buryatia. This shocking act has resulted in the deaths of at least nine people and needs to be thoroughly investigated. Although my husband went into exile from Vauleo-Buryatia, he was travelling with detailed evidence that would have proved that he was innocent of all of the charges made against him.

He made the deliberate journey to Vauleo-Buryatia to present his case in person to the Courts, but is now unable to do so. It seems to be highly suspicious that his plane was downed as he was attempting to return to prove his innocence. I also feel that several government officials in Vauleo-Buryatia would have been implicated, had this evidence come to light. This indeed shines the light of suspicion on these events.

I therefore request that the International Court of Justice, of the World Congress, begin an impartial investigation into the events surrounding the downing of Mr. Zhukovsky’s plane. We also request that the ICJ investigate the original charges against my husband. I feel that the ICJ is the ideal body to carry out an impartial and untainted investigation into the events. The crimes that have occurred, and those responsible, must not be allowed to simply slip into the footnotes of history.

I sincerely look forward to your response.


Y. Zhukovsky

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"Attacks upon civilian aircraft, or indeed civilians in general, by a nation's military may only be justified by the most extreme of circumstances. To use deadly forces against an apparently harmless aircraft for being out of communication for merely 'several minutes' is an almost incomprehensibly callous decision. In the opinion of the French state, such actions amounts to prima facie murders, and recalls the atrocity committed by former Soviet forces on September 1, 1983.

"We hope that the International Court of Justice, and World Congress collectively, will set the right and just precedent."

- Government Press Release

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"Zargathia similarly believes that an impartial investigation from the World Congress would be the best course of action in this matter. Regardless of who was on board, a civilian unarmed craft had been shot down by military forces even when government officials were present at the airfield to arrest Mr. Zhukovski upon landing. Regardless of Mr. Zhukovski's state of exile, that nevertheless leaves a total of eight people of crew and aides that were also killed in what we can only call a knee-jerk reaction by the Vauleo-Buryatian military. Given the severity of both Vauleo-Buryatian actions as well as Mr. Zhukovski's implications and the position of accused individuals we have no choice but to see the impartiality of Vauleo-Buryatia as potentially compromised, and thus Zargathia will support this petition to the World Congress."

Edited by Amyante
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The Kingdom of Cochin wonders whether any ruling or investigation by the World Congress would have any bearing on the actions of Vauleo-Buryatia as Vauleo-Buryatia does not recognize World Congress. It would therefore be advisable for Mrs. Zhukovsky to seek justice through Vauleo-Buryatian judicial framework. The very attempt to involve a third party would severely mitigate against your position.

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***Public Statement from the Supreme People’s Court***

“Regarding the submission by Mrs. Zhukovsky to the International Court of Justice of the World Congress, we shall reiterate the position of the government and Constitution of Vauleo-Buryatia. The government and the Supreme People’s Court do not recognize the International Court of Justice as a Judiciary body. Accordingly this body does not have the jurisdiction in this case, or any other involving a citizen of Vauleo-Buryatia. Accordingly, we dismiss the petition send by Mrs. Zhukovsky on the grounds that the International Court of Justice has no jurisdiction in this matter. As such, should the International Court of Justice take up this petition it may conduct its investigation without the input or participation of the government of Vauleo-Buryatia. The government will therefore not provide any evidence, statements or testimony, should the World Congress decide to proceed based on Mrs. Zhukovsky’s petition.

Now, regarding the investigation into the death of Mr. Zhukovsky, the investigation is still ongoing. I cannot comment on the specifics of this case at this time, but our investigation is continuing. We have taken statements from several persons, examined the scene and the forensic evidence and have begun compiling a large report based on the events that day. During this period, we submitted a formal request to Mrs. Zhukovsky to provide any information she had regarding the case to the Court. Mrs. Zhukovsky declined to submit any information. The Court offered to accept certified copies of these documents, and even agreed to permit the documents to be submitted by a third party if Mrs. Zhukovsky did not wish to take them to Vauleo-Buryatia herself. Again, Mrs. Zhukovsky declined the offer.

The Court therefore intends to continue its investigation, and to submit further requests to Mrs. Zhukovsky to provide the evidence she speaks of to the Courts. The findings of the investigation will be made public once the Supreme People’s Court has reached a final position regarding the incident in question. We will not however defer this investigation to the International Court of Justice as they do not have jurisdiction in this case, and we do not recognize them as a judicial body."-Court Spokesperson


In another letter to the World Congress, Mrs. Zhukovsky again implored the International Court of Justice to respond to her request.

To: World Congress, International Court of Justice

Fr: Mrs. Y. Zhukovsky

Re: Petition to the ICJ

Time is of the essence in this case. I again implore the International Court of Justice to open an immediate investigation. I beg of you, please do not let this travesty go unpunished. Please do not allow this matter to simply be buried, and do not allow this case to slip through the cracks. I have faith in the World Congress, and its impartiality and ability to judge matters from the perspective of an outsider.


Y. Zhukovsky

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The International Court of Justice of the World Congress has authority to investigate anything at the request of any member state.

Prosecutions, however, are unlikely without Vauleo-Buryatia consent.

If the military of Vauleo-Buryatia, as Mrs. Zhukovsky claims, shot down a civilian airliner, those who care enough to seek truth can find who was responsible without the procedural red tape of an international organization. An unofficial inquiry could be carried out on World Congress channels, like the investigation of the November Eighth attacks attacks, can easily be conducted without the consent or cooperation Vauleo-Buryatia authorities. Cross-referencing radar transcripts and transmission recordings of countries in the region can potentially determine culpability. Answers are inevitable when evidence is combined with intensive analysis and interpretation of data, it's so easy a sixteen year-old-girl like myself can direct an extensive international taskforce casually revealing multiple state-sponsored conspiracies and cover-ups within a week.


From the office of Liska Atka, acting Generalissimo of Procinctia

Edited by Generalissimo
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“The Vauleo-Buryatian Supreme People’s Court has announced that it is nearing a conclusion of the first part of the investigation into the Zhukovsky Incident. After examining detailed evidence, and testimony from almost 45 persons, with the notable exception of Mrs. Zhukovsky, the Court has begun to write a formal report. The first part of the investigation is in regard to the downing of Mr. Zhukovsky’s plane, while the second part of the investigation is regarding the original charges against Mr. Zhukovsky.

The Supreme People’s Court is expected to issue a formal statement regarding the investigation shortly. When a reporter for the BCNA showed a member of the Court a copy of the statement issued by the Representative of the International Court of Justice, they refused to comment on it, citing that it bears no relevance to their investigation whatsoever.

The Court will continue its investigation tomorrow, and is expected to conclude it's investigation and report its findings in the next few weeks. Renowned forensic experts, and military operations specialists have been brought in to assist with the investigation and to be consulted on matters in their field of expertise.”-Reporter

***Private to Australia***

Fr: Supreme People’s Court, Vauleo-Buryatia

“That information about the possible presence of another individual was presented to the Court during the first part of our investigation into the matter. Accordingly we ask the government of Australia for their assistance in determining the identity of this person, if indeed they were on board, and how they were permitted to board an aircraft to Vauleo-Buryatia without having the appropriate visa or paperwork in order. We look forward to cooperating at the intergovernmental level to resolve the remaining questions related to this incident.”


Supreme People’s Court

***End of Private Message***

***Foreign Ministry, Vauleo-Buryatia (Private)***

A low level Diplomat brought in the message from Proctincta and showed it to the Acting Deputy Foreign Minister. After he glanced over the message a few times, he crumpled the paper and threw it into the trash.

“You see? This is why we don’t recognize other Judiciaries and Organizations like the ICJ unless there is a judicial agreement in place. They are about to investigate who shot the plane down, as if that was ever a question. The investigation is simply into why the plane was downed, where it was located at that time, who was on it, and if shooting it down was legal under Vauleo-Buryatian law. Any multicellular organism with a brain stem would clearly know that the military downed the aircraft. The question is 'were they acting contrary to orders and contrary to the law'.

And all of this based on the testimony of the widow of a convicted criminal? And one who has political ambitions at that. Absolutely ridiculous! Were we back in the days of President Khudorozkina, there'd be a case of Polonium with Mrs. Zhukovsky's name on it.”-Acting Deputy Foreign Minister

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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***Private to Supreme People’s Court, Vauleo-Buryatia***

The incident under investigation occured before the formation of Australia. The records from both the Hanseatic Commonwealth and the Republic of Promised Land are still in the process of being integrated. All I can say for sure at this time is that the individual in question was a white, adult male, and believed to be a member of the press. I will forward further information to you once I have it.

~Anthony Harlem, Grand Duke, Queendom of Australia

***End Message***

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BCNA Breaking News: Zhukovsky Investigation concluded

“Today, the Supreme People’s Court has announced the conclusion of its investigation into the downing of Former President Zhukovsky’s aircraft. The Court filed its report with the government early this morning and called a press conference this afternoon. At the conference, no questions would be accepted, but a statement was read out by the Chief Justice of the Supreme People’s Court.”-Reporter


***Supreme People’s Court***

“We have conducted an exhaustive investigation into the incident regarding the downing of Mr. Zhukovsky’s aircraft. Forensic and technological experts were consulted, and called in to testify as we dug through the mountains of evidence presented in this case. Military officials were interviewed during this process, and the Court had total jurisdiction in this case to subpoena or charge any individual. Despite repeated requests by the Supreme People’s Court, to Mrs. Zhukovsky, she failed to submit any evidence to the Court.

First it is important for us to outline exactly what happened on that day. We examined testimony from several individuals, and transcripts, radar readings and radio logs from several groups including the National Airspace Control Agency. The logs and transcripts were verified by independent authorities prior to their submission to the investigation.

We have established the following facts. On [date here] a private aircraft registered to a member of the Pan Asia Party arrived in Promised Land. Once there Former President Zhukovsky, accompanied by three aides and two PAP members, boarded the aircraft. At this point an unnamed citizen of Promised Land boarded the aircraft. This person had not acquired the required visa and entry permit for travel to Vauleo-Buryatia.

The aircraft took off from Promised Land and flew through international airspace on a course directly for the east of Vauleo-Buryatia. Upon entry into Vauleo-Buryatian airspace, the aircraft contacted the National Airspace Control Agency and identified itself. At this point, the Airspace Control Agency followed regular procedure and requested the aircraft’s flight plan and destination. The pilot of the aircraft entered Vauleo-Buryatian airspace and refused to provide a course or destination to the authorities. Several requests were made all of these requests were ignored. Fighter jets were launched to intercept the aircraft and to follow it. The Interceptors continued their efforts to contact the pilot of the aircraft.

The aircraft continued its flight across the country being closely monitored by civilian and military RADAR Installations. As the plane neared the capital, the aircraft radioed several additional warnings on regular and emergency frequencies warning the plane to comply with regulations. At this point the Interceptors broke off pursuit and returned to base, as the Capital Region Airspace began monitoring the aircraft.

At this point the pilot abruptly changed course to head over the capital city Yakutsk. The aircraft then entered Restricted Capital Airspace. Warnings were transmitted to the aircraft on both emergency and regular frequencies. These warnings were ignored. The plane dropped altitude and continued on its path. After several additional warnings were sent, the military command brought the plane down using a MANPAD positioned on a nearby building. All nine persons on board were killed.

Forensic experts managed to salvage a significant amount of the wreckage and recovered the flight data recorders of the two aircraft that match up exactly with the logs from the civil aviation authorities. These were further examined by independent experts before we concluded the investigation.

To conclude, we state that although the incident resulted in nine casualties and was unfortunate in its occurrence, the civil and military authorities followed all appropriate protocols and acted accordingly. The incident occurred due to a refusal on the part of the pilot of the aircraft to respond to several warnings upon his entry into Restricted Capital Airspace. As such, it is not possible to hold any individual criminally liable for the downing of the aircraft.

Regarding the identity of the citizen of Promised Land on the aircraft, we intend to launch another investigation in conjunction with the government of the Queendom of Australia. This will begin at a later date. We will also reopen an investigation into the original charges against Mr. Zhukovsky, if evidence is provided to suggest that he was falsely convicted.

The Supreme People’s Court will release the full text of its report once it has been reviewed by the Great People’s Khural. Regarding the investigation to be conducted by the International Court of Justice, we do not recognize them, nor their jurisdiction in this case, and will not be providing any assistance as they conduct their own investigation.

That is all.”-Chief Justice, Supreme People's Court, Vauleo-Buryatia


To: International Court of Justice

Fr: Y. Zhukovsky

"I thank you for your willingness to investigate this matter. I am certain that the report released by the Vauleo-Buryatian government is a clear attempt to cover up what actually occurred that day. There was a clear and present intention to murder my husband upon his return to Vauleo-Buryatia. There has also been a conscious attempt to destroy evidence proving my husband's innocence.

I hope that the ICJ will bring the necessary pressure to bear against the government of Vauleo-Buryatia to ensure their compliance in the investigation. May the truth be brought to light soon.


Y. Zhukovsky"

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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