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The Redemptio Summit

Michael McBride

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The city of Redemptio itself was almost on lockdown. Police in riot gear were already out in the streets, the military was on high alert, and planes flew overhead. Everything was prepared for a meeting between the leaders of the Federation, Tahoe, and Rebel Army. The meeting would take place in the Redemptio Grand Hotel, a hotel that also had secretly been reinforced and hardened against conventional and nuclear attacks. While the hotel would not stand a direct strike, it had other secrets that would keep the delegates safe.

Inside the grand ballroom, President Tom Dobbs waited, hoping this situation could be resolved without bloodshed.

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OOC: If you mean an observer as one who will sit down and shut up, and if they say anything, they will be escorted out, then yes, you may send an observer.

OOC: That was the intention. To get an unabridged version on record IC.

IC: A Dutch Foreign Affairs Officer was sent to Redemptio on behalf of the Eurasian Union.

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With the leaders of both parties now in attendance, President Dobbs stood.

"Greetings to you both and thank you for coming. Obviously you both know the situation well. Both nations are giants on their respective sides of the world, and both have their supporters. Any war between your two nations would draw in the entire world, which will lead to countless lives lost and countless more destroyed and changed forever." He turned to the representative from Tahoe.

"I fully understand your reasoning and where you are coming from Prime Minister. Foreign holdings on American soil put a sour taste in my mouth as well, and I wish to see them gone." Dobbs then turned to the representative from Rebel Army.

"And I can also understand where you are coming from, sir. You do not wish to have Tahoe to have anything to do with your land due to past actions." Turning to both of them, Dobbs smiled.

"No offense to either of you, but is your cause so important to cause war, Prime Minister? And is your connection to an Asian nation so great that you would bring war to the Americas, your homeland, sir?" Dobbs sighed and sat back down. "I am open to ideas and opinions on how we are to resolve this situation, gentleman."

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As Texas was located in the Americas, a representative silently entered the room and listened patiently.

As the Federation was still blockading Texas by sea and all travel was cut off between the Federation and Texas, this representative never made it to the room. He was arrested at the airport, transported to the border, and told to start walking.

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"No offense to either of you, but is your cause so important to cause war, Prime Minister? And is your connection to an Asian nation so great that you would bring war to the Americas, your homeland, sir?" Dobbs sighed and sat back down. "I am open to ideas and opinions on how we are to resolve this situation, gentleman."

Rafael sighed, and took a breath before he began to speak. "Here's the "thing", in our eyes, Rebel Army is not an Asian nation, or a nation of any particular continent. To us and all our kinsmen, Rebel Army is an inter-continental and multicultural nation. If it was not, we would have never joined in the first place. I could go on about how even in the "Asian" part of Rebel Army millenia-old rivalries and hatreds have been forgotten or solved, but I think you get the point. We are fans of staying part of Rebel Army, if we were not, we would have gone the way of the Sicilian League. Besides that, Ecuador has only known prosperity and progress while being part of Rebel Army, and quite frankly, we cannot separate from Rebel Army if we wanted to. Not so much due to liking it, but because over the years, we have become more economically linked with Rebel Army, especially due to the space program. If we separated, all of our Caelum facilities and investments would be moved to the Equatorial Star (province) and other parts of the RA. While we would be financially reimbursed for this, it would cause a shock to the system, which would spread throughout the whole country, even though our economy would still be rather strong." The man paused for a second, and thought. "I have a proposal that we may all support. First, Rebel Army decreases it's military presence even further, by removing all RAF assets from the country, and if needed..." Rafael bit his tongue, as he really did not wish to suggest this. "...Reduce it's active garrison present in Ecuador. While this would mean Ecuadorians would be forced to serve somewhere other than their home in peace time, if it will bring peace to the Americas, then we will have to bear this duty. Secondly, Rebel Army signs a special America-wide NAP, akin to the one the GDR has with all of Europe. This, combined with the lower army presence should further demonstrate our desire to maintain peace and stability in the Americas, and to not instigate unnecessary conflicts."

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Rafael nods. "Good to hear that we have reached an agreement. The RA shall begin pulling forces out of Ecuador immediately, including the active RAF station (in Ecuador). Though, the air force base there will not be shut down, in case it is needed during wartime, and for pilot training. The Ecuadorian garrison (which solely consists of Ecuadorians) will remain, unless reductions are requested. The NAP shall be announced as soon as it has been drafted and signed into law, which should not be too long."

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