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The Toyohara Doctrine

Elrich von Richt

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.:[ Announcement from the PDHRK - Toyohara Doctrine]:.

Within the People's Assembly as of late, discussions and debates upon the rules and merits of war have come about. Other such discussions include the fate of Haruhiist territory should it ever collapse. Rather heated debates have been held over both, with some advocating violent war measures and others much softer, and kinder war measures. Alongside the war measures, rules, and merit talks have come talks on procedures for bomb shelters, evacuations, and policy on nuclear weapons in the inevitable future. The results of these talks were a compromise, the Toyohara Doctrine. While these discussions have mostly been about war, and collapse, the talks also yielded to several other high-end subjects that were to be nailed into the Doctrine. Neutrality, and isolation have also been high-end topics in these discussions.

This doctrine outlines the following for the PDHRK:

  • Should the PDHRK ever collapse, it's territory will immediately become a Zargathian protectorate excluding Kamchatka.
  • The PDHRK does not, and will not condone/support, the use of nuclear weapons.
  • Upon the need for nuclear weapons, they will be considered a last resort option.
  • In times of war, terror bombing/fire bombing of innocent civilians is banned.
  • In times of war, minimal civilian casualties to either our state or the warring state are to be kept in mind.
  • Upon the closing of a war, the only person with the jurisdiction to attend treaty meetings is the Eternal President.
  • A program to build bomb shelters throughout the PDHRK, to the highest standards, is to be constantly maintained.
  • While we shall never be isolationist, we consider our nation decisively neutral

By establishing this doctrine, and laying out the principles within, we establish our position as a neutral country, and lay out our own set rules of war in the future. As of late we have also come to sign the Axioms of War making our position, and stance, final. Per the decision of the Eternal President, nuclear weapons policy is to never be on a first-strike basis.

Edited by Elrich von Richt
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  • Should the PDHRK ever collapse, it's territory will immediately become a Zargathian protectorate.

  • The PDHRK does not, and will not condone/support, the use of nuclear weapons.

  • Upon the need for nuclear weapons, they will be considered a last resort option.
  • In times of war, terror bombing/fire bombing of innocent civilians is banned.
  • In times of war, minimal civilian casualties to either our state or the warring state are to be kept in mind.
  • Upon the closing of a war, the only person with the jurisdiction to attend treaty meetings is the Eternal President.
  • A program to build bomb shelters throughout the PDHRK, to the highest standards, is to be constantly maintained.

  • While we shall never be isolationist, we consider our nation decisively neutral

First Point: Protectorates such as the Zhukov Doctrine, and protectorates such as the first point, are nothing more than blatant imperialism. We thought Zargathia was better than this.

Second Point: Decisively Neutral? We feel the need to discuss this a bit more... How can one be decisively neutral? You are either neutral or not, and neutrality is only a step away from joining the conflict. There is no such thing as neutrality, in today's world. Conflicts will force you to pursue a more interventionist nature, and neutrality will fade.

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To answer the 'assumptions' brought forth by Furon:

1) Zargathia is our closest, and will always be our closest ally. The reasoning for our territory coming under their protection should anything happen, is because we trust their judgement and know they'll do what's best.

2) Because we have decided to maintain, as long as we feel like it, a strictly neutral policy. We do however, uphold a standing military.

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To answer the 'assumptions' brought forth by Furon:

1) Zargathia is our closest, and will always be our closest ally. The reasoning for our territory coming under their protection should anything happen, is because we trust their judgement and know they'll do what's best.

2) Because we have decided to maintain, as long as we feel like it, a strictly neutral policy. We do however, uphold a standing military.

1) While we do not want to offend Zargathia more than we already have, as we are greatly thankful for the help with the radiation surrounding Japan, forcing the land to go to someone, even if by choice, after a nation collapses, is nothing more than imperialism, as the next nation that comes along will be nothing more than a puppet, bound by the strings that the former nation sets.

2) Then you are not neutral. Neutrality is defined as "the policy or status of a nation that does not participate in a war between other nations". Keeping a military only lessens your grip on neutrality, as it invites attacks. Not only that, but you actively participate in MDP treaties and such, and that is far from being neutral. You're in essence sending soldiers to a nation on the other side of the continent, without a viable way to reach them. Oh yes, your neutrality astounds us.

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1) No it dosen't, if culture and the past influences a people's decision, then it's natural. But if one nation collapses, the people have the ability to make their own choices in the future. Puppetry may only exist in the generations that enjoyed the reign, and the people who supported it. If they came to power in the new regime, then it could be puppetry, but otherwise no.

2) We maintain a military, but don't keep them actively armed, we just have the people on call and available. The only reason we maintain MDPs is as a barrier to protect our nation. We can protect our own nation to some extent, but if something strange and unforeseen ever happens, you need to have friends.

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1) No it dosen't, if culture and the past influences a people's decision, then it's natural. But if one nation collapses, the people have the ability to make their own choices in the future. Puppetry may only exist in the generations that enjoyed the reign, and the people who supported it. If they came to power in the new regime, then it could be puppetry, but otherwise no.

2) We maintain a military, but don't keep them actively armed, we just have the people on call and available. The only reason we maintain MDPs is as a barrier to protect our nation. We can protect our own nation to some extent, but if something strange and unforeseen ever happens, you need to have friends.

So you're saying you're only using your allies and wont return the favor?

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1) While we do not want to offend Zargathia more than we already have, as we are greatly thankful for the help with the radiation surrounding Japan, forcing the land to go to someone, even if by choice, after a nation collapses, is nothing more than imperialism, as the next nation that comes along will be nothing more than a puppet, bound by the strings that the former nation sets.

2) Then you are not neutral. Neutrality is defined as "the policy or status of a nation that does not participate in a war between other nations". Keeping a military only lessens your grip on neutrality, as it invites attacks. Not only that, but you actively participate in MDP treaties and such, and that is far from being neutral. You're in essence sending soldiers to a nation on the other side of the continent, without a viable way to reach them. Oh yes, your neutrality astounds us.

1. The closest definition of Imperialism as you describe it is thus--"the policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding colonies and dependencies." Zargathia is not seeking this, and for all we know, only learned about it along with the rest of us when the announcement was made. True imperialism can only be honestly applied to the one taking over, not the one handing over the land. Neither Zargathia, nor the PDHRK, is displaying Imperialism in this move.

2. True, they are not, strictly speaking, entirely neutral. You argue that having a military invites attack--but only of the paranoid and xenophobic. NOT having a military WILL invite an attack from those with truly imperialistic aims.

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"The Queendom of Australia is correct in its assumption that Zargathia has only learned of this announcement just now, and finds itself honored by this unexpected decision from the PDHRK government. To Furon, we simply wish to say that no offense was taken from your comments, as we are aware that the relation between Furon and the PDHRK may have led to messages being harsher than intended."

"To clarify however, the Zargathian government sees protectorates as nothing more than the right to deploy peacekeepers to the PDHRK in the (unlikely) event the nation would collapse. We would still support local governments and allow a national government to emerge naturally from the remains of the Republic, but we have no intention nor desire to install or superimpose a governmental system of our own. Our presence there would be solely to support local governments already in place, protect the peace and issue a guarantee of independance to the national government that would eventually arise. This doctrine facilitates the conversion to a protectorate swiftly and without conflict, much like how the Koreans had decided to give their land to Rebel Army some time ago."

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