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A burning city


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Thanks to the mess caused by a so called terrorist attack with a nuclear missile the Michurazian people and military who were evacuated saw their home's burn.

Sadness and anger filled their hearts and now they just want revenge, the Michurazian government is asking all allied nations to help them in this time of chaos.

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"A nation in Asia."

**In Private**

"Is that it?" James asked, pointing at a green mark at the edge of Asia.

"Naw, that's just a smudge," Donegan said.

"Move your finger. That's it."


"We found it, it was hidden under my adviser's finger when we were looking at the map"

-HRH King James I

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"We found it, it was hidden under my adviser's finger when we were looking at the map"

-HRH King James I

*** Private ***

- "Considering Michuraza's size, i don't know whether to pity or fear the paranoid person that pushed the launch button."

*** Public ***

- "Michurazan citizens are welcome in Zargathia as we take care of the radiation problem. We advise you to enter Zargathia by train however, as the area south of your nation is inhabited by a very aggressive type of Crocodile. Please do not climb over the chain link fences, as animals would eat you and that might make them sick. Thank you."

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OOC:Um this is retcooned also, so this means it never happened.

Also Sarah me and Nik both wanted to retcon this nuke attack on Michuraza so, no RP if you wanted to object to this you should of been on and confirmed it with me and Nik before we retconed it so sorry.

Edited by lutai
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OOC:Um this is retcooned also, so this means it never happened.

Also Sarah me and Nik both wanted to retcon this nuke attack on Michuraza so, no RP if you wanted to object to this you should of been on and confirmed it with me and Nik before we retconed it so sorry.

OOC: It was written down in the OOC thread and was closed before I could get the chance to tell you that these attacks were not going to be retconned. Niko made an IC move, there are IC consequences for those moves, you were hit by a nuclear attack and should RP accordingly. While the attacks were foolish and Niko may regret doing them now, that is not an excuse. However, in considering the situation, some rebuilding of your nation should be sufficient, especially considering that many people flub through nuclear devastation quite easily. No one is going to hold you to constant problems because of this attack, but some rebuilding should occur.

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I heard there is already a private international investigation in progress being conducted on unofficial channels.

Those responsible will be identified, while it might be little consolation to the victims of this violence, truth will prevail.


From the office of Liska Atka, acting Generalissimo of Procinctia

Edited by Generalissimo
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OOC: It was written down in the OOC thread and was closed before I could get the chance to tell you that these attacks were not going to be retconned. Niko made an IC move, there are IC consequences for those moves, you were hit by a nuclear attack and should RP accordingly. While the attacks were foolish and Niko may regret doing them now, that is not an excuse. However, in considering the situation, some rebuilding of your nation should be sufficient, especially considering that many people flub through nuclear devastation quite easily. No one is going to hold you to constant problems because of this attack, but some rebuilding should occur.

OOC:Oooook good enough for me.

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*** Private ***

- "Considering Michuraza's size, i don't know whether to pity or fear the paranoid person that pushed the launch button."

*** Public ***

- "Michurazan citizens are welcome in Zargathia as we take care of the radiation problem. We advise you to enter Zargathia by train however, as the area south of your nation is inhabited by a very aggressive type of Crocodile. Please do not climb over the chain link fences, as animals would eat you and that might make them sick. Thank you."

OOC:ok back to story.

(IC):Michuraza shall proceed to Zargarthian train station's the imperial family and goverment official's will take the first train to the Zargarthian capital, the Army will head to Zargarthian military bases if given permission to do so,and civilians will use the trains also.

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"We request the Michurazan Royal Family to head to Harbin, whereas the soldiers will be housed in military bases on undisclosed locations. As for the civilians, they are free to travel where they wish, but we would advise them to remain close to the cities as welfare projects are most developed there. Their personal data will be registered, after which food and emergency shelter will be arranged for them from there on. We expect no problems in terms of capacity."

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"We request the Michurazan Royal Family to head to Harbin, whereas the soldiers will be housed in military bases on undisclosed locations. As for the civilians, they are free to travel where they wish, but we would advise them to remain close to the cities as welfare projects are most developed there. Their personal data will be registered, after which food and emergency shelter will be arranged for them from there on. We expect no problems in terms of capacity."

"Good, and yet again we thank the nation of Zargarthia and their Queen his Majesty Emperor Kachiyuri is very happy that she would care for him and his people as if she was their own mother and once more we give our thanks and praises to you."

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