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Molakia Presidential Elections


Vote For President!  

27 members have voted

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These are the people who are eligible for being elected president:


Molakian Royalist Party: General Garrus Vakarian, Molakian Imperial Guard

Loyal to queen and her ideals, Garrus Vakarian promises to work closely with the Royalty while also trying to bring together several militant factions of Molakia, including the Nordic Remnant and the Church of Molakia. In terms of Domestic Affairs, he supports liberal policies (Same sex marriage, Decriminalization of certain drugs.), while in the Foreign Affairs he supports a fairly hardline stance on Facism. He will refuse to conduct buisness with any nation deemed too "Fascist".


Iron Cross Party: Lt. Sergei Frolov, Molakian Counter Terrorism

The Son of the disgraced former commander of the Molakian Army, Sergei Frolov favors a very agressive Foreign Policy against regimes that are "Too extreme for Molakia", namely Communist and fascist. He believes in more military spending at the expense of Welfare, stating that "If they are poor, let them join the Army!". His domestic policy other is rather conservative.


United Europa Party: Mob Barely, Fmr Vice President and Molakian Senator

Mob is part of the old guard of Molakian politics, having some role in goverment since the Aleutian days. He favors the formation of "European Union" of Democratic and progressive countries, saying that "Its our union. If we dont want Uberstein or Italy, we dont need to invite them." His domestic policies are fairly liberal, including decreasing the military budget ("If the United Europa comes to play, several nations put together would be good for peacekeeping and defense.") and Spending more on Aid to nations to spread goodwill. His Foreign Policy favors less sabre rattling and more talking.


Molakian National Party: Eugene Roe, Fmr. Brotherhood of Mol Archon and Molakian Special Forces Member

Being one of the few higher ranking members of the Brotherhood to support the Queen, Roe escaped legal issues. He supports a slightly more isolated role for Molakia in the Foreign Affairs area, saying that "The Queen needs to learn to stay silent. He views are supported and correct, but tact is needed." He will increase Molakia's cultural budget to peacefully spread the good side of Molakia abroad to fix her image. He also plans to speak regularly with regimes such as Italy and her allies "To promote a united europe". His overall approach to issues is moderate, favoring "Whatever helps Molakia the most".

Voting will begin at once and stop when either:

1: One side reachs a supermajority (60%+ after 3 days)

2: More than 5 days pass (Winner will be whoever has the most votes)

3: After 5 days, if all sides are close in votes, Lowest two parties will be eliminated and the Other two will have second election

Edited by Comrade
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Directed at Mob Barely:

"Why would the Republic of Finland not be allowed in your envisioned democratic union of nations? Clearly whatever you're smoking has rotted your brain, for the Republic of Finland is a very democratic and free nation."

The Republic of Finland supports none of these candidates.

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"Finland has one of the most waffled histories of Northern Europe: First you support the Nords, then you oppose them, then you want peace...You also have the taint of Uberstein, one of the most insane and potentially violent leaders of all time."

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"Finland has one of the most waffled histories of Northern Europe: First you support the Nords, then you oppose them, then you want peace...You also have the taint of Uberstein, one of the most insane and potentially violent leaders of all time."

"If I'm so crazy, why do I keep getting good polls and people saying that if they had the ability too they would re-elect me? Also, the Republic of Mariehamm was different than the Republic of Finland, those were days of being owned by a military corporation, and the Nords were the largest buyers. I took over and it changed to the Finland it is now. And a waffling of policies is the sign of a truly democratic system, as each new elected parliament shows the change in the opinion of the people." -President Uberstein.

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"If I'm so crazy, why do I keep getting good polls and people saying that if they had the ability too they would re-elect me? Also, the Republic of Mariehamm was different than the Republic of Finland, those were days of being owned by a military corporation, and the Nords were the largest buyers. I took over and it changed to the Finland it is now. And a waffling of policies is the sign of a truly democratic system, as each new elected parliament shows the change in the opinion of the people." -President Uberstein.

"People Are Stupid."

-bumper sticker sent to President Uberstein from an unknown address

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Due to the lack of return address, he never received the bumper sticker.

OOC: yay postal regulations, lol.

A random plane flew over Uberstein's current house of residence and dropped a small package addressed to Uberstein. Said package was empty, but was covered in bumper stickers.

"People Are Stupid."

-bumper stickers

Meanwhile, the sender was thinking of other ways to get it to the president.

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A random plane flew over Uberstein's current house of residence and dropped a small package addressed to Uberstein. Said package was empty, but was covered in bumper stickers.

"People Are Stupid."

-bumper stickers

Meanwhile, the sender was thinking of other ways to get it to the president.

Uberstein proceeded to have the box checked for anything dangerous, and after it was deemed clean, had it put on his mantle in the parlor. "An excellent conversation piece." was his only comment.

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Uberstein proceeded to have the box checked for anything dangerous, and after it was deemed clean, had it put on his mantle in the parlor. "An excellent conversation piece." was his only comment.

-it's why Uberstein is still president

-fine print on the bumper stickers.

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With the First Night of voting coming to an end, here are the results thus Far....

Eugene Roe is in first place, with apx 33% of the vote. Everyone else is in a 3 way tie for second place with apx 22% of the vote. In two days, if Roe can somehow achieve a supermajority, he will become president. However, there are rumors of the United Europa and Royalist parties entering a coalition. The Iron Cross Party is expected to make an offer to the MNP aswell.

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"Sir, Molakia is holding presidential elections. Here is a list of the people in the running."

DeSchaine tool the list and gave it a quick read. "Hmm... interesting group. Here's hoping Vakarian wins this. I'm not too keen on the policies of the rest. Roe seems like he could flip on an issue faster than a man holding two aces going all in. That is the makings of a puppet."

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Garrus Vakarian	[25.00%] 
Sergei Frolov   [12.50%] 
Mob Barely	[18.75%] 
Eugene Roe   [43.75%]

As you all can see, The MNP has a decent sized lead at the end of night two, with the Royalist a distant second, followed by Mob Barely and Frolov. If the %s stay the same, in 3 Days, Eugene Roe will become the President of the Kingdom of Molakia!

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As you all can see, The MNP has a decent sized lead at the end of night two, with the Royalist a distant second, followed by Mob Barely and Frolov. If the %s stay the same, in 3 Days, Eugene Roe will become the President of the Kingdom of Molakia!

"Kingdoms have presidents?"

-HRH King James I

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Molakia is a Democractic Absolute Monarchy.

The Order of Power/Succession is:


Vice Royal


Vice President

The Presidents role is to handle the relatively mundane affairs of state, while the Royalty takes care of the grand schemes.

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