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The Traitors of Aginor

Sarah Tintagyl

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Furon would be glad to rid the blight of Mandalore from the world. Perhaps a decent nation could arise within the African protectorate.

I'm sure you'd like to then have UMS and Nod destroy your nation, as well as international disapproval. Furon should really learn to control itself.

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I'm sure you'd like to then have UMS and Nod destroy your nation, as well as international disapproval. Furon should really learn to control itself.

Furon is sure that UMS and Nod would thank us if we were to eradicate your government from the world. Perhaps then they'd learn something useful to do with its population.

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Furon is sure that UMS and Nod would thank us if we were to eradicate your government from the world. Perhaps then they'd learn something useful to do with its population.

Furon is becoming increasingly insulting. This won't go unaddressed. If Furon knows what's good for it--which it doesn't seem to--it'll put a stopper on whoever is making these foolish messages.

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Furon is becoming increasingly insulting. This won't go unaddressed. If Furon knows what's good for it--which it doesn't seem to--it'll put a stopper on whoever is making these foolish messages.

A general response was given before the statement, something that the Furion representative was sure that many children used, and felt it applied accordingly: lulz.

If the Mandalorians are so interested in stopping us, please, we'll stop as soon as you destroy our nation. We'll be waiting.

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A general response was given before the statement, something that the Furion representative was sure that many children used, and felt it applied accordingly: lulz.

If the Mandalorians are so interested in stopping us, please, we'll stop as soon as you destroy our nation. We'll be waiting.

Right. We have no interest in continuing to deal with children, as Furon appears to be ruled by. Have fun playing with your toys.

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Right. We have no interest in continuing to deal with children, as Furon appears to be ruled by. Have fun playing with your toys.

Please, continue to make veiled and useless threats. Our cruise missiles will be ready to arrive whenever you wish to continue. Don't worry though - you won't have to pay shipping and handling.

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xx Private xx

NIA Headquarters - Cochin

"Hey Paul, bring more pop corns and a couple of cokes! This is getting funnier by the minute!"

Officer's in NIA's SigInt section are monitoring the back and forth communication between Furon and Mandalore through their electronic intelligence satellites.

"Who wants to bet that Furon would fire a Cruise Missile at Mandalore? Do I hear a 3:1, a 5:1? Who predicts that Furon would do a Caucasia?"

Tensions are low and these staffers enjoy all varieties of entertainment, particularly diplomatic puffer fish acts.

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xx Private xx

NIA Headquarters - Cochin

"Hey Paul, bring more pop corns and a couple of cokes! This is getting funnier by the minute!"

Officer's in NIA's SigInt section are monitoring the back and forth communication between Furon and Mandalore through their electronic intelligence satellites.

"Who wants to bet that Furon would fire a Cruise Missile at Mandalore? Do I hear a 3:1, a 5:1? Who predicts that Furon would do a Caucasia?"

Tensions are low and these staffers enjoy all varieties of entertainment, particularly diplomatic puffer fish acts.

OOC: Whoo, I now have an action named after me! :awesome:

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Rogue, Nationalist Furion soldiers have over-taken one of the missile command centers within Tokyo. The operators of the missiles were forced, at gun-point, to aim a missile at the Mandalore capital. The missile left its 'port' and streaked across the sky, heading towards Mandalore.

Loyal Furion soldiers re-took the command center, but it was too late by then.


Public Statement to Mandalore

We are deeply sorry for this ...mishap. Our soldiers are extremely nationalistic, and it seems we've let our anger for Mandalore grow too strongly. We hope that you can sincerely believe it was an accident, and we would be interested in helping to rebuild your capital.

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xx Private xx

NIA Headquarters

"Okay, so we have a missile fired. Who wants to bet that it falls on Mandalore itself and not on some other nation."

"I bet 50 rupees that the missile falls on PRC!"

"I bet 75 rupees that it will fall on Furon itself!"

"I bet 100 rupees that it will fall on Tahoe!"

"I bet 150 rupees that the missile will fall on Cochin!"

Everybody become silent for a minute and then land punches on the fourth quoter who finally croaks, "No no, I meant to say my money is on missile falling on Caucasia!! Caucasia, Caucasia, not Cochin at all!! He he he!"

Edited by king of cochin
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There been many increasingly interesting interpretation’s of Sarah’s will, so much is now justified in Lady Tintagyl’s name. It is, of course, remarkably easy to attribute anything to someone entirely absent. Without hearing it from Sarah herself it’s impossible to know for sure, if anyone thinks they know what Sarah wants they ought to ask Sarah, assuming they can find her. I have noticed, however, that whenever the need for clarification is most acute she's nowhere to be found. The absent are never without fault, nor the present without excuse.

I won’t pretend to know how Generalissimo would have approached this, nor will I claim any decision I make to be Generalissimo’s will, because I’m not Generalissimo. The current government of Hansa should put faith in their own convictions, determine their own motivation, act on their own initiative, and forge their own destiny.


From the office of Liska Atka, acting Generalissimo of Procinctia

Edited by Generalissimo
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"The actions undertaken by the current Hanseatic Commonwealth are no different from what has occured many times in the past. They have taken it upon themselves to bring an end to anarchy that has sprouted in a nation bordering them. However, unlike most nations who carry out such acts the Hanseatic Commonwealth has ties to the land in question and thus are the best candidates for restoring order and stability to the region."

"The government and people of Helzan place its full support behind the actions of the Hanseatic Commonwelth and if any nations do boycott Hanseatic trade goods we are willing to buy surplus goods to cover the downfall in income".

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Last we checked, the Fascists of Italy refused to give the Vatican to them. If we remember correctly, the Vatican is nothing more than a museum.

- "It was reinstated as the Vatican upon the inauguration of Pope Paul IV Borghese. Before the Fascists took over it had existed as well. According to our older maps from that era, the Vatican lies just outside the city of Rome, and we believe Borghese to have mentioned Rome having the closest airfield."

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Rogue, Nationalist Furion soldiers have over-taken one of the missile command centers within Tokyo. The operators of the missiles were forced, at gun-point, to aim a missile at the Mandalore capital. The missile left its 'port' and streaked across the sky, heading towards Mandalore.

Loyal Furion soldiers re-took the command center, but it was too late by then.


Public Statement to Mandalore

We are deeply sorry for this ...mishap. Our soldiers are extremely nationalistic, and it seems we've let our anger for Mandalore grow too strongly. We hope that you can sincerely believe it was an accident, and we would be interested in helping to rebuild your capital.

The missile was shot down by defenses before it could do any damage. Be glad we aren't firing cruise missiles back. This will be addressed.

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"The Commonwealth thanks our supporters in this matter. It is humorous because we didn't, or at least I didn't expect to see such negativity by the nations of the world for simply ending anarchy to a neighboring country. Furon is nothing but a hypocritical nation that seeks paint others in the wrong while expanding their own empire in Taiwan. So as you see, this is a world full of absolute hypocrisy, unfortunately there is nothing we can do to end this. Likewise, the people of Molakia are so paranoid over what goes on in Europe that they constantly bring to the foreground the use of nuclear retaliation for everything. Molakians are nothing but little children hiding behind their nuclear arsenal trying to percieve themselves of something greater than they are. To Mandalore, we scant knew your country even existed so as for you to cease to recognize us, we need not even change our maps. I appreciate the work of my allies and friends in this situation, which in all truth isn't a situation to begin with, as to those who have ceased trading and have ceased acknowledgment, we do the same. Your flamboyance is something the whole world should follow."

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The missile was shot down by defenses before it could do any damage. Be glad we aren't firing cruise missiles back. This will be addressed.

You know, we were greatly sorry for the incident. We had even gone so far as to set up a relief fund for misplaced Mandalorian citizens. Your arrogance shows your true colors.

<\Classified\Military\MISCOMM {Missile Command}>

40 additional missiles were ordered to aim at the Mandalorian capital, and known military ports and centers within Mandalore. The go-ahead was given by HIGHCOMM General, Joe Nomura. 40 missiles left their silos, and streaked across the sky towards their targets.


We are not sorry for this. We will not give your gift to someone else. We will give you a refund if you so desire.

ooc: Moving to another thread...

Edited by Biohazard
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