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The Mozambique Confederacy


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sounds good, i just have 1 final addition.

I am giving you the lands in dark blue, and claiming the ones in orange (for the sake of continuity of the territory)

if there is a problem (i dont expect there to be) feel free to interject.

Also, we hereby sign the NAP, but allow the greeks to stay on our lands, as per our treaty, as long as they like, but they will be slowly withdrawing.


President Lashir Rakshana

revised map:


Edited by thenb
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OOC: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...t&p=1924421

I did you a favor. At least notice it. :(

OOC: Aha, thank you. I do not know how I missed that. Did you write one for the Confederacy as well, or is that for me to do? I don't see a place for the Confederacy to sign it, sorry if I'm missing something.

IC: We agree to the Pact of Friendship, and hope that the Grecian Empire agrees as well.


Jobuk Wade

President of The Republic of Mozambique

Also, we accept the proposal by the Confederacy, though wish to inform them that some of the territory they additionally claimed is water.

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OOC: I did thank you, i signed it

OOC: Someone has to bring it up ICly. I'll smooth it along.

IC: A secretary entered the room and handed the Confederate, Republican, and Greek representatives a copy of an NAP. Attached was a note from the American Confederation.

Here's an NAP. You might need it.


The nations of the Grecian Empire, Confederacy of Mozambique, and the Republic of Mozambique hereby sign this pact of friendship.

Article I. Non Aggression

The Grecian Empire, Confederacy of Mozambique, and Republic of Mozambique agree to a pact of non-aggression. Neither signatory shall engage in acts of war, be they military or covert.

Article II. Free Trade (this clause can be taken out if one of you doesn't want it)

Greece, the Confederacy of Mozambique, and the Republic of Mozambique agree to lift all tariffs on trade between them.

Article III. Cancellation

Should this treaty become unnecessary or unwanted, either nation may cancel it at any time, provided they give 45 days (OOC: 3 RL days) advance notice in private to the other signatory.

Signed for the Republic of Mozambique,

Jobuk Wade

President of The Republic of Mozambique

Signed for the Grecian Empire,

King Alexandros II

Signed for the Confederacy of Mozambique,

President Lashir Rakshana

OOC: Modified it to make it 3-way.

Edited by Drakedeath
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OOC: actually, about a quarter of that narrow stretch is, the rest is land.

OOC: Ah, okay. I just wanted to make sure you knew what you were doing. :P

EDIT: And that is what I get for assuming someone would post while I was posting. Sorry for the double post.

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OOC: This ended well. And lol yes that would be odd :P


Lashir: I now call a toast. To peace, and to the Southern Africa n Region (raises his glass)

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Before we leave, the Republic would like to make a final statement.

First, we send thanks to South Africa for their hospitality and hosting of these peace talks. We also would like to thank the Confederacy of Mozambique for their cooperation during the discussions. Additional thanks are sent to the Union, who the Republic considers itself in debt to. Finally, we would like to thank the Grecian Empire for their cooperation and contributions to discussions. (OOC: Also thanks to drake for the NAP :wub:)

We hold no ill will toward any of the involved nations: in fact we consider South Africa and the Confederacy as regional allies. We hope that we can work with them to promote regional economies and security.

In conclusion, we would like to congratulate Lashir for his establishment of a nation, and we wish nothing but the best to both him and the Grecian Empire.

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** Message to the Republic **

Since we were once the same country, would you like to attend a luncheon tomorrow at Nacala Porto to discuss possible diplomatic ventures?

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The representatives from The Republic of Mozambique board a plane and return to Maputo.

**Message to the Confederacy**

I would, yes. At what time will this luncheon take place?

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No it will just be an informal luncheon with some calm discussions. I have already just cleared that up with Greece.

It will take place at noon tomorrow (OOC: you dont have to be on at that time), and transportation has been arranged.

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"Grecian forces return to their confederate bases"

OOC: really ask me to retreat from my allies homeland, is that practical?

OOC: Acceptable. I'm hard-lining IC.


"For now we will accept the withdrawal of Grecian forces. Thank you gentlemen for allowing diplomacy to work out the situation, proving it is the best method once again. Hopefully in the near future we can begin co-prosperity projects to help benefit all of our nations and put us on the charts. To the future and to new found international relations. Hail."

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