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Mars Hotspot


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If anyone wants to experiment more with the floating point offsets, here are some coordinates which may give 100% (no guarantees):



These are interesting for being extreme (either extremely close to -55 or extremely far from it). But there should be millions more that give 100%. There may be ones even farther away that give 100%, but it takes a LOT of compute time to test all the values.


(If you're just looking for coordinates that have already been tested and confirmed to give 100%, both lat=-54.99999999&lon=-87 and lat=-54.9999999&lon=-87 fit the bill.)

Edited by Luna
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19 hours ago, Xineoph said:

Decided to test 3 of them to help out.
lat=-54.9999999999999929&lon=-87 - with Mars Base gave 100%
lat=-55.0000011640180162&lon=-87 with Mars Mine gave 99%
lat=-55.0000000000000142&lon=-87 with Mars Colony gave 100%


Thanks for testing it! 


I'm seeing both your base and colony at -55.0000000000000142,-87 looking at your Mars page's source code. Are you sure you used lat=-54.9999999999999929&lon=-87 for the Base?


The really far out points like -55.0000011640180162 require the math to be done just right to work out, so they're incredibly machine specific. Like if you test the math on a processor that happens to do the exact same thing the CN server does, you can nail one of those points. It was done with -6.00000088280216559 in a previous month like I mentioned in my last post.


The closer in ones like lat=-55.0000000000000142&lon=-87 are more likely to work just cause the processor happen to randomly calculate it in a way to get exactly 0 distance between the wonder and hotspot.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 4 weeks later...

I know that I'm late to the party this month, but...


On 3/2/2024 at 6:59 PM, AgentMK said:


Mars Lat Mars Lon Probability
82 -154 100.00000%


Thanks for the coordinates!


URL segment:


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  • 4 weeks later...

Confirmed. Thanks!

A tiny-weensy little part of me was thinking this would be a clever April Fool's joke. hehe

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11 minutes ago, Rakul said:

Confirmed. Thanks!

A tiny-weensy little part of me was thinking this would be a clever April Fool's joke. hehe


Admin changed the formula for picking the moon & mars hotspots, which might as well be an April Fool's joke. The finder spreadsheet isn't working anymore.

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  • 2 weeks later...

tl;dr: There's a new tool to find the moon & mars hotspots. Here it is: https://www.cnhotspotfinder.com/ Thanks to riser for collaborating to create it. The Google sheet isn't working anymore and I don't know yet whether it will be fixable, or even worth fixing.


So the admin recently made a change to the CN server-side code for choosing the location of the moon & mars hotspots every month. This broke the spreadsheet I made as the hotspots no longer lie on the same neat line that they've always been on.


So basically we've had to fall back from only searching a narrow line of points to searching all integer coordinates across the entire sphere, for both moon & mars (and also decoupling the Moon & Mars so test points on one don't narrow down the possibilities on the other). While this in theory is possible with Google sheets, well, narrowing down 169*359 possible hotspots in a spreadsheet is pretty unwieldy. Back when we had the possibilities narrowed down to a line there were only 1218 possible hotspots which can be done with Google sheets reasonably well.


So time to use code rather than sheets. I had ChatGPT write code to search through all the possible integer coordinates and list the ones that match the points that have been tested. Look here for a post I made on that. And riser made a website using the code and hosted it. Here it is: https://www.cnhotspotfinder.com/.


Keep in mind that the Moon and Mars are now decoupled, so you can use the website for the Moon only or Mars only (or have two instances of the website open in 2 tabs if you're trying to find both). Points from one will no longer help with the other like I said.


We only have 1 month of data so far (April 2024) from after admin's change. Maybe with more months of data a pattern will emerge similar to the line from before the change. For now it may take some extra guesses to the find the hotspots each month since there is no such pattern helping us out. And of course there is a possibility that the server is just picking integer coordinates completely randomly now with no pattern in which case things will stay that way. Time will tell.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you for these details, and May hotspot confirmed.


Is there any way I can help with locating the monthly hotspots?

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2 hours ago, Rakul said:

Thank you for these details, and May hotspot confirmed.


Is there any way I can help with locating the monthly hotspots?


You can use the tool I linked to help find the hotspots: https://www.cnhotspotfinder.com/


Enter the points tested with effectiveness values (leave out the percent sign, so for example for 50% enter 50 for effectiveness). The effectiveness at last month's location is always a good start since you get that for free with no moves. Then click "Find Hotspots", grab a point from the Possible Hotspots list it generates, test it, enter it back into the finder, click "Find Hotspots" again, and repeat. Coordinating with other people helps of course, so you don't waste guesses and get more possible moves combined amongst everyone. @AgentMK has been quite active with finding the hotspots and has used the tool so is a good person to coordinate with, but there may be many others.


@AgentMK and I have been on discord chat the past few months for finding the hotspots. Maybe we can create a group discord chat or something if others want to join.

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  • 1 month later...

So, long-time martian, first-time explorer here... amidoinitrite?


I had a go at the Finder tool; tried a bunch of locations, with effectiveness up to 90%; entered the data into the Finder, and it spat out a single result


Possible Hotspots

# Lat Lon
1 -23.99999999 -118


So, if I've done it correctly, Mars Hotspot for June should be at

URL segment:



It's gonna be a week before I can move again to try. Can anyone else confirm?

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Ok, so I've received a couple of confirmation DMs from other players, but for the sake of everyone else, confirming it is indeed:

9 hours ago, Snow Dan said:

URL segment:



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