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Bad raider, no biscuit.


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Hello everyone,

Sorry, no funny statement this time. This time it is just serious business.

As a small, but very tight knit, alliance we understand that raiders see us as an easy target. Although those who have raided us have found that we will commit the most evil sin that we can.

We will fight back...hard.

Most of the time it goes well. A raider attacks, we hit back, and the raider recoils. We hold no alliance responsible for the actions of one person. In fact here in Beavis and Butthead we value individuality. We have no leader, we don't need one. We have no government, we don't need it. We just like each other and will defend each other if necessary. We don't raid, but any raider who attacks us looking for profit will find that the losses that they take are much greater then any gains that a little raid will give.

In the last couple of days though, all of the raiders that have attacked us have been in one alliance, Black. Fine then.

The alliance of Beavis and Butthead recognizes a state of war with the alliance of Black

As stated before though we view nations as individuals. We only have a beef with the nations attacking us.

Cheese Puff of Cheedle Land

BlackWulfe of Wulvesden

Zulqarnain of Zyphorious*

rtellez06 of US of T

KaiserMilch of Rheinoland*

Katskip of Bird Nest

marcus the great of The New Italy

(I will expand this list as other fronts open up)

* Some of the raiders are wearing the Roman Empire AA. Now I don't know if they are ghosts, gov. members, or just war happy yahoos...and I don't care. As one has put Black in their war declaration I’m going to lump you in with them. Another thing though if you need to call in help to deal with our little four man (well, three man, one lady) alliance, well that's just sad.

Leave us alone and we will leave you alone. Attack us and pay.



Kae Lee

King John Philos VI

Becks For Dinner

Edited by Archmage
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Well, as I understand it Dochartaigh was the one who raided; everyone else just attacked in his defense. Did you consider simply asking for peace?

Also, you declared war on our entire alliance, but you only "have beef with" the five listed above? What does that mean?

Edited by Vinzent Zeppelin
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Leaders of all alliances,

You are responsible for your men's actions. We will not waver, or falter in our resolve.

We are only four men, but let it be known that if we go down were taking as many with you as we can.

Tech raiders, we will show you no mercy. We play to win this fight and all fights to come.

Run and hide.

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Well, as I understand it Dochartaigh was the one who raided; everyone else just attacked in his defense. Did you consider simply asking for peace?

"Hello, I know that you just raided me but would you please give me peace?"

Uh no. We attack raiders.

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Also, you declared war on our entire alliance, but you only "have beef with" the five listed above? What does that mean?

The alliance of Beavis and Butthead recognizes a state of war with the alliance of Black

You guys are the ones who attacked us, we are just responding.

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Well, as I understand it Dochartaigh was the one who raided; everyone else just attacked in his defense.

New Reverie was the first of Black to tech raid us. He was honorable, understood the counter attack and peaced out.

Cheedle Land then attacked KJ for attacking New Reverie, apparently without speaking to New Reverie or checking into the situation, to which we also responded.

Then Wulvesden tech raided Becks. We responded again.

That was followed by US of T attacking in defense of the raiders, joined by some Roman Empire members.

I've never even heard of Dochartaigh.

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"Hello, I know that you just raided me but would you please give me peace?"

Uh no. We attack raiders.

Duly noted, but that basically results in an entire chain of wars of your members defending against our members defending against your members defending against our member, which results in wholesale destruction on your part, more or less.

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Duly noted, but that basically results in an entire chain of wars of your members defending against our members defending against your members defending against our member, which results in wholesale destruction on your part, more or less.

So we're just supposed to roll over and let you raid us? :blink:

Edited by Kae Lee
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