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Kotka Rapture


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Statement from Texas: We condemn the Romanov Doctrine. Threats should be eliminated by eradicating the threat, not the threatener. We will accept any refugees from Molakia.

Statement from the Catholic Church in Molakia: Thanks for virtually kicking us out.


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If it makes them happy and they arent hurting anyone else with their private lives, then who are you to tell them that its wrong? None of you are wise enough to judge them for their actions, or do you need to be reminded of what it says in your own books?

As for the Romanov Doctrine... you take away the biggest part of the threat by eliminating the one who made it in the first place.

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Sarah leaned back as she watched the broadcast. "Well, I guess madness does creep in from everywhere. I burn down a house, Anna destroys her country. Europe never truly will know peace unless it is dominated. A shame." She said throwing back the white wine in her glass and shutting the television off before going to bed.

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Upon hearing the news that Church of Molakia members were being deported to any nation that would accept them, the protests in Arctica intensified, now being partly directed at the government of Arctica, urging them to close the borders to any Church of Molakia members or their families.

Several hours later, that decision was made.

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I feel at times like this it’s important that we be completely honest with those around us. I must admit it came as quite a shock to myself when I heard of your relationship with another woman. I, being of advanced age and deeply influenced by the church, had my misconceptions, my opinion of your personal relationships has no bearing here. However in matters of international politics I believe this new approach could harm your country and the good name of your family. If it’s respect you seek I’m afraid you may only find pain and suffering. I just want to advise that a certain level of discretion could mean the difference between happiness and sorrow. Either way, on behalf of your cousins in Slavorussia we wish you the best, and may you be happy

Maria Romanov-Zagwe, Dowager Regent

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Statement from Texas: We condemn the Romanov Doctrine. Threats should be eliminated by eradicating the threat, not the threatener. We will accept any refugees from Molakia.

Statement from the Catholic Church in Molakia: Thanks for virtually kicking us out.


Statement to World: The Internal Security of the State is threatened. We have yet to publish the threats received, nor the various security issues that have arisen. You condemn us, but learn something about life in Molakia: of our Population of Three Million, 166 Thousand people are Christian. These people are generally already unhappy with the Majority Pagan population. We have spoken to non-terrorist clergy and have come to the mutual agreement that this Exodus is for the best. The Christians can practice in a place where it is more powerful, and we dont have to worry about extremist trying to kill our Queen!

Statement to the Catholic Church in Molakia: You assume we are just removing you without cause or payment. All christians, if they pass checks, are to be given a cash sum large enough to make sure you can set up a new life in comfort in any nation.

Statement to the Vatican: Vox Off. You ceased to be culturally and politically relevant after the Renaissance.

I feel at times like this it’s important that we be completely honest with those around us. I must admit it came as quite a shock to myself when I heard of your relationship with another woman. I, being of advanced age and deeply influenced by the church, had my misconceptions, my opinion of your personal relationships has no bearing here. However in matters of international politics I believe this new approach could harm your country and the good name of your family. If it’s respect you seek I’m afraid you may only find pain and suffering. I just want to advise that a certain level of discretion could mean the difference between happiness and sorrow. Either way, on behalf of your cousins in Slavorussia we wish you the best, and may you be happy

Maria Romanov-Zagwe, Dowager Regent

We did this action with heavy hearts. We did not want to do it...Truely. The amount of threats from this group....and not even just Molakia, we have gotten threats from all over the world! I need to protect my people from terrorism...and protect my love. We are giving cash packages to all families leaving our nation to help them....maybe one day they can return...but with the Nords in the North and this in the capital, Molakia is close to being destroyed from the inside.
Thanks for the best wishes, Katrina always liked you guys!

With Love,
Anna Ivanova-Romanov, Tsarina of The Kingdom of Molakia

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"Promised Land is shocked and appalled that such a bastion of freedom would take such radical action. We will gladly take in any fleeing this regime."

We did what both us and the people involved thought was best.

DeSchaine sighed as he watched the broadcast. "Well, there goes that. And they were one of the... er... less abnormal... nations."

**Public Statement**

Taeunas will take in any refugees wanting to come here. However, they will be put on a watch list. We do not condone the forceable removal of people from their homes, but we also do not abide by terrorism.

We say this to the Tsarina: This act has put you on the same level as those from Italica. You rail on about them and then turn around and act like them. Wonderful way to do diplomacy. Once upon a time, we trusted you. You were a nation of lunatics, but you were lunatics that kept your word. No longer.

Its a sad day when one such as you falls from grace.

Never compare us to facist scum again. You have no Idea what goes on in Molakia, the fear that grips the people of Kotka, the fights that rage in Karelia. Do not judge us so quickly.

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"The forceful removal of a religious group is unacceptable. People need freedom of religion, freedom of political beliefs, freedom of expression through non-violent means. The Republic of Finland declares an economic embargo on Molakia until basic freedoms are re-instated. Just because a leader loves someone does not mean their internal policies should kick out those who disagree with them. I am not supporting violent bigotry, but removing an entire demographic for the actions of few makes you no better than the terrorists." -President Uberstein.

The Gulf of Finland is closed to Molakia, and infantry stationed on the Molakian boarders are on high alert to stop any boarder crossings, with force if necessary.

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We did what both us and the people involved thought was best.

Then your people and you are as bad as those you hate. do not get us wrong--we do not now, nor have we ever, condoned terrorist attacks, but we cannot sit back and support your actions either.

Never compare us to facist scum again. You have no Idea what goes on in Molakia, the fear that grips the people of Kotka, the fights that rage in Karelia. Do not judge us so quickly.

So you are saying no other nation can possibly know what civil unrest feels like? Forgive us for being blunt, but that is supremely arrogant. The fact is, your actions DO smack of fascism, like it or not.

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"The forceful removal of a religious group is unacceptable. People need freedom of religion, freedom of political beliefs, freedom of expression through non-violent means. The Republic of Finland declares an economic embargo on Molakia until basic freedoms are re-instated. Just because a leader loves someone does not mean their internal policies should kick out those who disagree with them. I am not supporting violent bigotry, but removing an entire demographic for the actions of few makes you no better than the terrorists." -President Uberstein.

The Gulf of Finland is closed to Molakia, and infantry stationed on the Molakian boarders are on high alert to stop any boarder crossings, with force if necessary.

Kotka sits on the gulf, so unless you wish to blockade our capital or its coastline, closing this gulf is a bad idea. The Molakian Navy's two Corvettes are at general quarters. Any attempt to disrupt Molakian Shipping will be met with Force.


MNN Special Report!

Senate to begin process for Vote of No Confidence!

Cites Tsarina's Mental Instability, Extreme Stress

The Molakia Senate today has begun talks in introducing a vote of no confidence in the Tsarina and her goverment. Should the Vote get the needed 80% Majority, the Tsarina will be asked to step down. If she refuses, The Senate has Legal Authority to call for her Arrest on the Charges of Threatening the Security of the State.

When asked about this, The Tsarina had no comment.

In order to avoid this vote, the Tsarina must meet with the Senate and work out why this vote came to be. If the senate is happy with any deal made, the Vote is not leagally binding.


Imperial Palace

Private Quarters of The Tsarina

"What Have I become..." Anna says, nursing a bottle of vodka. Katrina peeks out the window, watching several soldiers walk by.

"What do you mean love?" She asks, taking the bottle away.

"They are right...I am stressed...I have sacificed Molakia's one virtue in this world, freedom...all because....Why?!" she says, breaking down. Katrina holds her Queen and talks her to sleep.

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Kotka sits on the gulf, so unless you wish to blockade our capital or its coastline, closing this gulf is a bad idea. The Molakian Navy's two Corvettes are at general quarters. Any attempt to disrupt Molakian Shipping will be met with Force.

The Gulf of Finland is Republic of Finland waters. Entering our waters is not allowed. You are only allowed 200km off of your shoreline, and then you enter Finnish waters.


Finnish stealth bombers have started anti-naval patrols over the Gulf of Finland.

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Blockades against our nation are considered acts of war. Molakian Security depends on sea shipments of goods. By cutting this off, you risk causing more conflict in our nations, namely over reasources.

Attempting to breech Finnish sovereignty is an act of war. We have the right to decide what goes through OUR waters.

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OOC: There are only a few paths though the gulf, I think my waters covers the main one out.

OOC: It's a gulf. It's a massive open end. Like a reverse peninsula. The whole thing is pretty much an exit. Plus, Comrade could be using the Baltic-White sea canal for commerce.

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Gulf of Finland

Off the shore of Molakia

Several Merchant ships, with Naval Escourt, make their way tword the middle of the gulf to receive goods from various ports in Europe. Molakian Fighters are on standby, and the corvettes Anti Missle Defenses are activated. In addition, They constantly sweep the skies for anything unusual.

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"Calling Helsinki, this is Sting-1, we have visual on Molakian ships in the Gulf."

"Verify their position, do not leave Finnish airspace, repeat, do not leave Finnish airspace. Engage only if they enter Finnish waters."

"Roger that...ships are in International Waters. Will continue tracking."

Meanwhile, non-stealth planes would start to drop floating radio-emitters, marking the edge of Finnish waters.

Edited by BaronUberstein
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