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Annexation of World Protectorate


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Such a vague and uninformed answer. Perhaps if you sent someone there to actually look over the World Protectorate you would know what was so important there.

You asked a vague question, so you got a vague answer. As stated before, it would be easier to give a more specific answer if you asked a more specific question.

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OOC: Just a note Justinian, the BZ-RK military leader that took over dranagg is a bit aggressive and full of himself :v: don't take it personally. however if you remember the RP where I killed my Prime Minister, Edward, you'd know who Catherine was and why he'd not like the Hansa :ph34r:

OOC: He'll be getting his soon. :v:

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The Citadel supports this action; the world protectorate is an organization which submits the sovereignty of people to a cartel of nations who know nothing about them. Isles within our own dominion are presently occupied by this international organization; and in our minds their presence is an illegal one. That being said we are supportive of any organization which seeks to abolish its tyranny.

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We'd like to see the nation willing to send troops to a land they know nothing about beyond that their skin will freeze in minutes, their engines seize, and their fuel will solidify.

"We have machines adapted for the cold. We are not stupid."

"Planes need less adaptation, and ships and missiles need none at all."

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"We have machines adapted for the cold. We are not stupid."

"Planes need less adaptation, and ships and missiles need none at all."

Cold does not do justice to Antarctica. Maybe that tropical paradise on the coast, but not deeper in. Cold is something that you go playing snowball fights in. Cold is something that a warm blanket keeps at bay. This is not cold. This is a climate where the only thing that stops carbon dioxide turning directly to dry ice is pressure, and where there is nothing to mark the passage of the days . Rubber and Plastics will become like glass and shatter, oil will turn into a solid block, and anyone who thinks ships can sail through the ice shelf lives in a fantasy world.

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The Citadel supports this action; the world protectorate is an organization which submits the sovereignty of people to a cartel of nations who know nothing about them. Isles within our own dominion are presently occupied by this international organization; and in our minds their presence is an illegal one. That being said we are supportive of any organization which seeks to abolish its tyranny.

You are misinformed--the world protectorate is a zone that is set aside, supposed to be free from annexation so new nations can establish themselves there.

Cold does not do justice to Antarctica. Maybe that tropical paradise on the coast, but not deeper in. Cold is something that you go playing snowball fights in. Cold is something that a warm blanket keeps at bay. This is not cold. This is a climate where the only thing that stops carbon dioxide turning directly to dry ice is pressure, and where there is nothing to mark the passage of the days . Rubber and Plastics will become like glass and shatter, oil will turn into a solid block, and anyone who thinks ships can sail through the ice shelf lives in a fantasy world.

Planes and ships are not made of plastics. Oil cannot freeze if it is being burnt and other precautions are taken. Ships do not necessarily have to be close to perform a bombardment. We are well aware of the dangers.

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Such strong talk of war from a nation that often condemns even the slightest aggressive act. Perhaps this is Promised Land's true side?

No, we are growing tired of those who ignore attempts at diplomacy. It seems the only thing most of the world respects is force.

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You are misinformed--the world protectorate is a zone that is set aside, supposed to be free from annexation so new nations can establish themselves there.

"Misinformed, perhaps it is you who is simply niave. Who administers these "world protectorates" and who "protects" them? Or does no one and it is simply anarchy? If they are indeed a protectorate of the world does that then mean the corporations of the world are given a free hand in the virtually unregulated territories; and if they aren't does that then mean that the people are denied access to manuefactured and imported goods? And when nations in power appeal to the world to divvy up parts of them, and those nations vote on the matter who is deciding the sovereignty of those people? In reality its just another international organization interfering with and exploiting regions it has no business being in.

These territories should be in the hands of regional powers who can relate to them and understand them on a cultural and historical level, or at the very least looked after and protected by them." - Allison Loraine

Edited by iamthey
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"Misinformed, perhaps it is you who is simply niave. Who administers these "world protectorates" and who "protects" them? Or does no one and it is simply anarchy? If they are indeed a protectorate of the world does that then mean the corporations of the world are given a free hand in the virtually unregulated territories; and if they aren't does that then mean that the people are denied access to manuefactured and imported goods? And when nations in power appeal to the world to divvy up parts of them, and those nations vote on the matter who is deciding the sovereignty of those people? In reality its just another international organization interfering with and exploiting regions it has no business being in.

These territories should be in the hands of regional powers who can relate to them and understand them on a cultural and historical level, or at the very least looked after and protected by them." - Allison Loraine

"Should they? No one administers these protectorates but the people who live there--and Hanseatic citizens are on the whole generally well-behaved, not possessing an anarchistic bent. In the case of no one living there, no one need administer it unless the territory is, as suggested, used for the purpose of a neutral meeting ground between warring nations to settle their differences.

And if a small group of people wish to settle there and break away from whatever nation they came from, they are always welcome to.

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"Should they? No one administers these protectorates but the people who live there--and Hanseatic citizens are on the whole generally well-behaved, not possessing an anarchistic bent. In the case of no one living there, no one need administer it unless the territory is, as suggested, used for the purpose of a neutral meeting ground between warring nations to settle their differences.

And if a small group of people wish to settle there and break away from whatever nation they came from, they are always welcome to.

"During the reign of GA full sized cities were built on most of the pacific isles. We are not talking about tiny villages or small communities; we are talking about hundreds of thousands who require an administrative bureaucracy to remain functioning. Considering the Isles are themselves sparse of food, fishing, and what little land there is needs to be farmed, industry requires resources to continue to operate, and so on and so forth. Such requires either a centrally planned economy managed by a state, or a free market sustained by the international economic system. We are talking about cities who are in many cases completely dependent on multinationals and other nations for trade. Who looks after them to prevent abuse? Who safe guards against corruption and tyranny within the territories themselves; and again who defends them from annexation? We can talk about the ideals of the program all day but at the end of the day no program is perfect; there will always be abuses. Ultimately, the people there do not hold the keys to their own sovereignty they remain dependent on the "world" for their needed resources and protection. In either case the Citadel is going to be conducting both a physical and legal investigation of the pacifican based world protectorate territories and their status." - Ryn Atrevier

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"During the reign of GA full sized cities were built on most of the pacific isles. We are not talking about tiny villages or small communities; we are talking about hundreds of thousands who require an administrative bureaucracy to remain functioning. Considering the Isles are themselves sparse of food, fishing, and what little land there is needs to be farmed, industry requires resources to continue to operate, and so on and so forth. Such requires either a centrally planned economy managed by a state, or a free market sustained by the international economic system. We are talking about cities who are in many cases completely dependent on multinationals and other nations for trade. Who looks after them to prevent abuse? Who safe guards against corruption and tyranny within the territories themselves; and again who defends them from annexation? We can talk about the ideals of the program all day but at the end of the day no program is perfect; there will always be abuses. Ultimately, the people there do not hold the keys to their own sovereignty they remain dependent on the "world" for their needed resources and protection. In either case the Citadel is going to be conducting both a physical and legal investigation of the pacifican based world protectorate territories and their status." - Ryn Atrevier

Most of these points are irrelevant anyway, if Dranaggian claims that the people there have left are true.

And we welcome your investigators into the Australian portion of the protectorate--the economy there is as strong as it was before the dissolution of the Commonwealth.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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Most of these points are irrelevant anyway, if Dranaggian claims that the people there have left are true.

And we welcome your investigators into the Australian portion of the protectorate--the economy there is as strong as it was before the dissolution of the Commonwealth.

True enough; I was talking more in reference to the general notion of the World protectorate. As for prospectful investigation, we do not have much interest in the Australian portion; as a mainland and less concentrated region you are likely right in assuming that things are as they should be. We are more fearful of potential failings and abuses in the isolated pacific isles which as stated before are easily preyed upon. Moreover having a cultural and historical connection to the isles; their peoples and lands once parties to our own nation; their welfare is our primary concern.

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