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Operation Chernorussia

Imperator Azenquor

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-Buryatian base in yellow

***Relatively classified***

The second division of Buryatian Peacekeepers stationed in Chernorussia withdraw to Buryatian territory and dismantle their bases. In keeping with the three month deadline to withdraw peacekeepers from Chernorussia, the remaining three divisions continue general patrol duty until they are ordered to hand over to their Chernorussian counterparts.

The Buryatian People's Military orders a deployment of 950 soldiers and 2 C-130 aircraft to the Military base in Chernorussia. A Buryatian Naval Destroyer is ordered to leave Buryatia and carry supplies to the base. A message is dispatched to the government of Chernorussia informing them that the second division of Peacekeepers has been ordered to withdraw.

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***On TV***

===Buryatian Base, Chernorussia===

The first division of Buryatian Naval Personnel arrive at the Buryatia Military Base and join the other military personnel already deployed. In total there are now 2,352 military personnel stationed at the base in Chernorussia. In a special ceremony to commemorate the opening of the base, the soldiers held a parade and raised the Buryatian flag.



-Buryatian Navy troops on parade

Foreign Minister Onatopp, fresh from a meeting in the joint protectorate, landed at the base to meet with the base Commanders. While there she gave the Commander of the Peacekeeping Mission to Chernorussia the Order of Lenin for his service to Buryatia.

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The Buryatian government dispatches the Foreign Minister to the Main Lobby of the base to wait for the Chernorussian leader to arrive. A message is also sent to the Haruhiist Empire requesting that they send a representative to the conference.

Big Brother walked over to the Main Lobby of the base, looking nervous in his suit and tie. It was his first appearance in person since he became leader of Chernorussia.

"I understand you wish to speak to me about the Haruhiist Empire?" he asked.

OOC: I recommend you send a PM to Elly...i doubt he'll see this.

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Big Brother is thoroughly searched by Buryatian soldiers before being shown into a dimly lit conference hall. As the lights are switched on, Buryatia's Foreign Minister, flanked by nine armed soldiers, rises from her seat at the table.

"Please take a seat"-Buryatia's Foreign Minister

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Big Brother is thoroughly searched by Buryatian soldiers before being shown into a dimly lit conference hall. As the lights are switched on, Buryatia's Foreign Minister, flanked by nine armed soldiers, rises from her seat at the table.

"Please take a seat"-Buryatia's Foreign Minister

Big Brother almost smiled. "You don't think I would actually decide to do anything that would make you need so many guards?" he sat down. "So what is it?"

Edited by Nagato the Great
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OOC: Nowhere were you informed that a representative of the Haruhiist Empire would be in attendance, therefore your representative does not know anything about the Haruhiist Representative.

IC: Buryatia's Foreign Minister was handed a dossier of files that she placed on the table in front of her. Without looking up from the table, the Foreign Minister replied:

"The soldiers are here because I have ordered them to be here and they are following procedure. The reason for their presence shall remain classified. Once the other parties arrive we can begin."

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OOC: Nowhere were you informed that a representative of the Haruhiist Empire would be in attendance, therefore your representative does not know anything about the Haruhiist Representative.

IC: Buryatia's Foreign Minister was handed a dossier of files that she placed on the table in front of her. Without looking up from the table, the Foreign Minister replied:

"The soldiers are here because I have ordered them to be here and they are following procedure. The reason for their presence shall remain classified. Once the other parties arrive we can begin."

OOC: okay, i thought that was made public.

IC: Big Brother scowled noticeably, but quickly covered it up. "I see, very well then. And what other parties will be arriving?"

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Vice-Empress Sakuya Hayashi carefully strode into this room. The invitation was clear, and all was known. The trials were going rather well, and the Chernorussian civilians were all being well-taken care of. As for what this mysterious letter was all about, she and the Empire had no clue.

She opened the door, not letting the light shine on her face, and remaining an almost completely black shadow.

"You requested my presence, neh?"

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Vice-Empress Sakuya Hayashi carefully strode into this room. The invitation was clear, and all was known. The trials were going rather well, and the Chernorussian civilians were all being well-taken care of. As for what this mysterious letter was all about, she and the Empire had no clue.

She opened the door, not letting the light shine on her face, and remaining an almost completely black shadow.

"You requested my presence, neh?"

OOC: i actually commented on the fact that since no airlines have been set up between Chernorussia and HE, there can't possibly be any civilains in HE. :/

IC: As soon as Hayashi walked in, Big Brother sneered.

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OOC: i actually commented on the fact that since no airlines have been set up between Chernorussia and HE, there can't possibly be any civilains in HE. :/

IC: As soon as Hayashi walked in, Big Brother sneered.

Upon seeing the mans reaction, Hayashi simply rolled her eyes. This was the fool who had thought to test her nation.

No matter, she'd wait for the Buryatian minister to state the purpose of this meeting, and let her know firsthand.

OOC: It dosen't need to be, invitation was sent, as such private planes are allowed. :P

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Buryatia's foreign minister greeted the Haruhiist Representative then addressed both parties:

"I believe that it is painfully obvious why we have called this conference, but instead of stating this forthright, I would like to instead pose a question to the leader of Chernorussia. Why do you think you were called to this meeting?"

While the Foreign Minister spoke two of the soldiers behind her moved to the sides of the room forming an invisible barrier between the representative of Chernorussia and the representative from the Haruhiist Empire.

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Buryatia's foreign minister greeted the Haruhiist Representative then addressed both parties:

"I believe that it is painfully obvious why we have called this conference, but instead of stating this forthright, I would like to instead pose a question to the leader of Chernorussia. Why do you think you were called to this meeting?"

While the Foreign Minister spoke two of the soldiers behind her moved to the sides of the room forming an invisible barrier between the representative of Chernorussia and the representative from the Haruhiist Empire.

"Obvious, as you said." Big brother noted the two guards. "The growing hostilities between the HE and Chernorussia."

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"We have reports of classified information from the Haruhiist Empire being mentioned by your government. How did your government get this information? Before you answer keep in mind that we will launch an investigation if we are not satisfied with your answer.

We also have information suggesting that your explanation to us, stating that your application to the AUP before our agreement was signed was a mistake. First you stated that the application was submitted without your approval, then afterward you state that you would like to apply 'again' implying responsibility for the first application. We also would like to know if your investigation has determined who, if anyone, submitted that application without the approval of your government. "-FM Onatopp

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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"We have reports of classified information from the Haruhiist Empire being mentioned by your government. How did your government get this information? Before you answer keep in mind that we will launch an investigation if we are not satisfied with your answer"-FM Onatopp

"The information we got was simply something that my Minister of Foreign Affairs--" here Big Brother glared at Hayashi, because currently his MoFA was in custody in HE for no reason--"alerted me to after hearing some strange rumours. When I brought it up in the Congress, it was obvious they were not just rumours by the response given. As for our investigation, it has just been started, thus we have not made a great deal of progress." then he turned to Hayashi and said angrily, "Remove my Minister of Foreign Affairs from custody, immediately. He has done nothing to be imprisoned."

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Buryatia's foreign minister replied:

"I strongly suggest that you do not address the representative of the Haruhiist Empire directly. Until an explanation is found as to how you obtained this information, we can only conclude that it was done through espionage. Under such circumstances, the Haruhiist Empire is within its rights to detain your officials. You admit that your government official heard rumors. It is highly suspicious that such an incident would be talked about with such details in public circles."

The two Buryatian soldiers standing at opposite ends of the table place their hands on their rifles.

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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Buryatia's foreign minister replied:

"I strongly suggest that you do not address the representative of the Haruhiist Empire directly. Until an explanation is found as to how you obtained this information, we can only conclude that it was done through espionage. Under such circumstances, the Haruhiist Empire is within its rights to detain your officials. You admit that your government official heard rumors. It is highly suspicious that such an incident would be talked about with such details in public circles."

The two Buryatian soldiers standing at opposite ends of the table place their hands on their rifles.

Big Brother stepped back. "What is this?" he glanced at the soldiesr who were now holding their rifles. "I will respond to questions, but not in such a hostile environment!"

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Buryatia's Foreign Minister glanced up then replied:

"This is not a hostile environment. We are both waiting to hear your response"

(OOC: The soldiers are not holding their rifles. They simply placed their hands on their rifles. There is a subtle difference)

OOC: okay, didn't know that.

IC: "Hmph." Big Brother continued. "I know not how my Foreign Minister heard it. Neither can he tell you, since he is at the moment in an HE prison." he sneered. "Undoubtedly they will extract the information from him, using what means i don't nkow...i would prefer," he said. "If your soldiers kindly removed their hands from their rifles."

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"I would appreciate it if you focused on the matter at hand and not on what our soldiers may or may not be doing. So you expect us to believe that you took unverified information from your Minister of Foreign Affairs and presented it to the AUP Congress as fact? That sounds highly suspicious. Is that standard procedure in the Chernorussian government?"-FM Onatopp

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"I would appreciate it if you focused on the matter at hand and not on what our soldiers may or may not be doing. So you expect us to believe that you took unverified information from your Minister of Foreign Affairs and presented it to the AUP Congress as fact? That sounds highly suspicious. Is that standard procedure in the Chernorussian government?"-FM Onatopp

"When there are armed guards around me with their hands on their rifles, i will be sure to acknowledge it. And i did not present it as fact, I asked that it be verified if it was fact or not."

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"The point remains that until your government can confirm the source of their information as being in the public domain, then it can be considered espionage. From your address to the AUP, I quote:

"Thank you." Big Brother said. "Now, i have a slight concern relating to the recent assassination attempt on Sakuya Hayashi. I have here a recently procured and quite grisly picture as well as a something of a story about the Crown Empress brutally killing her would-be assassin. You understand what may happen if a picture of it leaks into international media, even worse, with a caption saying something along the lines of "The true face of the AUP". If that happens, it will affect us all." he paused. "I hope this is not a habit of yours? Torturing and brutally murdering criminals?"

You expect us to believe that a photograph mysteriously appeared in the public domain and found its way into the possession of your Minister? That is extremely farfetched. Your tone during the conference also arouses suspicion. Is that the general manner in which Chernorsusia's government addresses the leaders of foreign nations and their representatives?"-FM Onatopp

The two soldiers simultaneously place their rifles on the ground, kneel, attach the bayonets to the rifles then return to their standing positions.

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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