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Looking for an alliance


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I'm looking for an alliance. It seems like every time i chose one, they disband. I'm interested primarily in nation growth, but am happy to defend my fellow members in case of attacks. Not as into offensive attacking, though.

I'm also looking for a not-too-big alliance that i can play an active role in and that has active members who are into the community aspect of CN. I'd like to have input (once i prove myself, of course) rather than just be a minion.

Any takers?

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Usually don't post in these things but everything you described fits Nemesis exactly.

* Moderately sized (36 nations)

* Incredibly active, nearly everyone talks on the forums and keeps up on current events.

* Periodic elections for deputy positions if you'd like to be involved in Gov.

* We give general membership a huge voice, basically anything we do from judging potential applicants, to possible treaties, to current events on Planet Bob. We fully encourage free speech and want everyone to be an active independent thinker.

Here's our forums if you're interested:


I'd also encourage reading our page in this section to see if we'd be a good fit for you:


Best of luck with whichever alliance you choose :)

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Choosing a new alliance in a tough decision to make. I have done this quite a few times and now i have found an alliance to call home. The Russian Empire is a small alliance of 21 nations and above 170K NS. We take care of our members when they are in need of something, including aid, tech deals, advise, etc. If you are interested in joining go to our forums here: The Russian Empire

Good luck on your search :D

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KoTC is a small alliance with 14 nations and about 150k ns. You can play an active role in KoTC as we have elections every two months. To my knoledge we have never launched a full-scale conflict.(One was only partial)

We are also an active alliance with several expierienced nations. And If you want to grow we have start-up aid as well as tech eals.

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Hi! I wanted to extend you the opportunity to join Tetris, as it is EXACTLY what you described.

We are small being at 20 members, but have been rapidly growing since our existence. Our government is lead by four players who have all been playing the game for 2 years or more and are extremely friendly and helpful.

We pride ourselves on our community and like to hang out, have fun, and play in our arcade. We have a solid corps of active members, and we are willing to listen and take input from any of our members.

Tetris provides a great opportunity for advancement as every government position (except for the leader) is elected every 3 months.

If you want to get involved, we are always in need to recruiters and diplomats, and regularly hold recruiting competitions.

As far as combat goes, we are a relatively isolationist alliance, signing military treaties only with alliances we consider very close friends. We only sign treaties with alliances we are willing to throw our alliance under the bus for, and know they would do the same. We are not aggressive and will not attack anyone unless they mess with us or our friends.

If you are interested in applying, please sign up here: http://z6.invisionfree.com/Tetris/index.php

For more info, please check out our wiki: http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Tetris

Also look at our recruitment thread: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=67374

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me here or in-game, or visit our IRC channel at #tetris on coldfront.

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Join the UINE we offer,

1. You get $3,000,000 when you join the UINE!

2. Every 10 days you get $3,000,000 as part of our UINdEvelopment program!

3. $300,000,000 worth of tech deals every 10 days.

4. Protection from tech raiders at all times.

5. An honest, secure and safe environment that will never cheat you.

6. Awards for being active on our forums.

7. Government jobs if you're interested in them.

8. Cheats, Tips, etc. to Cybernations.

9. A diverse community that welcomes newer and older players.

10. We are peaceful but allow you to have raids to keep up military skills.

11. A very active IRC channel! (#uine)

We hope you're interested in the UINE, if you are go to http://uine-cn.com and apply! Then set your Alliance Affiliation to "Union of Integrated National Entities"!

Also, give us a visit on out IRC Channel at #uine . If you have any questions about the UINE, just post below, or send any member of the UINE a PM, and we will gladly answer them!

We hope you will consider joining The UINE!

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you could join the huns alliance.

we are small ( 6 members)

but we are strong, we have 2 great allies taht will protect us

we also are the proud owners of a cybernations thing called "CNN" ( cyber nations news) and if you join, you will get a split in advertisment money, ( this means you could earn about 3-15 million CN money every month ) FOR DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING BESIDES JOININ AND BEING AN ACTIVE MEMBER IN THE ALLIANCE

we also have 4 government jobs that need to be filled...sooooooo

forums below, irc below, PM if interested

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