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Aeonic Imperium - Forever Powerful

Infidel Israeli

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Well this conflict started with a raid by an AI nation(cheese puff) on a UJA nation. Roo and I had made a deal that I would tell my guys to peace on UJA and we would all go on with our jolly lives. I did, and peace was offered to the UJA nation(goldielox). It was my understanding that Roo would tell his member to ACCEPT peace. Instead, goldielox declined, and sent another nation on my member. After that my member had been recieving threats from goldielox of UJA sending more nations after him. Strike one.

The last few days I've been in UJA channel, I've noticed disturbing comments. I keep seeing different UJA nations saying things like "Are we warring AI yet?" or simply "Lets war AI". Strike two.

They raided our friends at KoL. When KoL asked for peace they denied it. Strike 3

We don't take kindly to threats toward our alliance or any of our allies' alliances

Well UJA, here's your war


^War Flag


Infidel Israeli

Itsuki Sama


Cheese Puff (A.K.A. Steve)

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We will crush you, and I have some stuff for you!

[23:12] <&Roo[GOP]> I think we might declare on Aeonic Imperium tonight...

[23:03] <Itsuki-sama> cheese

[23:03] <Itsuki-sama> send peace offers

[23:03] <Abwehrchef> hi

01[23:03] > OK

[23:03] <&Roo[GOP]> shut up Mack

[23:03] <&Roo[GOP]> -_-

[23:03] <Itsuki-sama> be nice

[23:04] <Itsuki-sama> :P

[23:04] <Mack[GGA]> no!

01[23:04] > Sent

[23:04] <Itsuki-sama> AI has moar respect with those that respect his fellow man

01[23:04] > Peace sent

[23:14] <&Roo[GOP]> two nations declared on us

[23:14] <&Roo[GOP]> their leadership was aloof

01[23:14] > I sent peace

01[20:41] > they were tech raids lol

[20:42] <@SonOfHoward[VE]> o rly

[20:42] <@SonOfHoward[VE]> those were active nations

[20:42] <@SonOfHoward[VE]> so LIEZ U SAI

03[20:42] * Mack[GGAway] is now known as Mack[GGA]

01[20:44] > active nations that I can pound into dust

[20:44] <@SonOfHoward[VE]> now that's just being standoffish. I'm going to talk to your leaders

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lol logs dumpz but who cares.

Mr rebuttal(I'm not gov't btw,this is just what I've dealt with in the last 48 hours)

Strike 1:

<Itsuki-sama> so what

<Itsuki-sama> i told my ppl to peace

<Itsuki-sama> goldie refused

<SonOfHoward[VE]> meh

<Itsuki-sama> not much i can do past that point

<Itsuki-sama> the ball is in ur court

<SonOfHoward[VE]> oh goldie didn't accept?

<Cheese_Puff> Just let me and goldie fight

<Cheese_Puff> Yes

<Cheese_Puff> Where the **** is infidel

<Cheese_Puff> He has logs

<SonOfHoward[VE]> sure whatever

<Cheese_Puff> This is between me and goldie

<Cheese_Puff> And whoever attacks me

<Cheese_Puff> Ok

Getting conflicting stories from gov't. Peace could may have possibly been achieved but Goldie hasn't been around for 48 hours. I guess you didn't want to wait, but that's cool.

Strike 2.

I dunno maybe some of our members said that. Here's something from Kol's public channel.

<Cheese_Puff> > they were tech raids lol

<Cheese_Puff> <@SonOfHoward[VE]> o rly

<Cheese_Puff> <@SonOfHoward[VE]> those were active nations

<Cheese_Puff> <@SonOfHoward[VE]> so LIEZ U SAI

<Cheese_Puff> * Mack[GGAway] is now known as Mack[GGA]

<Cheese_Puff> > active nations that I can pound into dust

Pounding nations into dust? Threatening much? You're members are probably no more innocent than ours. Also is Cheese gov't or what?

Strike 3.

Peace was offered but never accepted because the Kol nation was inactive.

Edit: I thought I'd add this quote in here from the other thread as well since it is relevent and ironic at the same time.

i dont care if hes inactive he complained to me.

This IS TE! Good luck guys!! :D

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<Itsuki-sama> so what

<Itsuki-sama> i told my ppl to peace

<Itsuki-sama> goldie refused

<SonOfHoward[VE]> meh

<Itsuki-sama> not much i can do past that point

<Itsuki-sama> the ball is in ur court

my ISP screwed me over right over there :P. Goldie sent me a message yesterday:

To: Itsuki sama From: goldielax25 Date: 9/7/2009 1:33:38 PM

Subject: rogue attacker

Message: hi im wondering why 2 members of your alliance decided to declare on me last night. im planning to have a couple of my friends declare on him in return to help me out in the fight, but im just running it by you so it doesnt need to escalate further.

doesn't seem like 48 hours to me

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I stand corrected.

Edit: Just so you know I haven't talked to him in that long so I wouldn't have known he sent pm's.

Edit Edit: My original point still stands. I'm just changing the length of activity from 48 to 24. There done now.

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In the interest of full disclosure:

<Roo[GOP]>: Hi

<InfidelIsraeli|AI>: yo

<InfidelIsraeli|AI>: what can i do for ya?

<Roo[GOP]>: Is there a reason AI has declared 3 wars on us?

<Roo[GOP]>: http://tournament.cybernations.net/search_...yallexact=exact

<InfidelIsraeli|AI>: raids i guess. i'll tell em to peace

<Roo[GOP]>: I'm gunna need more than that my man

<Roo[GOP]>: two separate nations

<Roo[GOP]>: no clear reason, two separate targets

<InfidelIsraeli|AI>: there isn't foreign aid in this game. lol what? you want me to aid their SE nation?

<InfidelIsraeli|AI>: i'll talk to em

<Roo[GOP]>: Just lookin for a reason not to counter AI before update...

<InfidelIsraeli|AI>: well if they're online i can give you a reason, if not...there's nothing i can do

<Roo[GOP]>: Lemme be be honest

<Roo[GOP]>: you have two nations

<Roo[GOP]>: who have hit UJA nations in close proximity

<Roo[GOP]>: for, apparently no pother reason than, perhaps, preemptive strikes

<Roo[GOP]>: the only thing I can think of is you are planning to hit us tonight at update

<Roo[GOP]>: and these guys hit early

<InfidelIsraeli|AI>: you're trying to tell me, you think a 32 (or whatever it is now) alliance is trying to roll one of twice its size?

<Roo[GOP]>: stupider things have happened...

<Roo[GOP]>: can't think of another reason why two nations, of one alliance, would attack our guys "for AI"

<InfidelIsraeli|AI>: lol one of em was with the reason "i want money" sounds like a raid to me

<Roo[GOP]>: "For the honor of AI" ???

<InfidelIsraeli|AI>: as for the "for AI" idk what to tell ya. they're not responding to my messages

<InfidelIsraeli|AI>: i've seen weirder war reasons. couple days ago i got attacked by some random claiming he was gonna destroy our whole alliance by himself for no reason

<Roo[GOP]>: uh huh

<Roo[GOP]>: gotta be honest

<Roo[GOP]>: you need to give me reason not to send the whole UJA after AI...

<Roo[GOP]>: I smell a blitz

<InfidelIsraeli|AI>: we have cookies?

<InfidelIsraeli|AI>: you're saying you want to send the whole UJA after an alliance for a few wars? lol

<Roo[GOP]>: I'm saying I smell a blitz

<Roo[GOP]>: when two alligned nations hit us in a single day for no reason....

<Roo[GOP]>: and their leader had no explanation...

<Roo[GOP]>: I smell a blitz

<InfidelIsraeli|AI>: lol believe what you want, i obviously cant' change your mind

<Roo[GOP]>: well you've given me no reason not to...

<Roo[GOP]>: I'd like to go to bed early

<Roo[GOP]>: believe me

<Roo[GOP]>: but I need a reason to ignore the flags

<InfidelIsraeli|AI>: lol, i have no reason to give, that's what i've been saying.

<Roo[GOP]>: I'm looking for an explanation as to why two nations in your alliance would attack two guys in ours for no apparent reason...

<InfidelIsraeli|AI>: they aren't online to give an explanation. you want me to make one up for you? :P

<Roo[GOP]>: Just offering you a chance to avoid our jumpance of your alliance

<Roo[GOP]>: I'm not gunna let the UJA get hit

<Roo[GOP]>: tell me why I shouldn't see their attack as early hits in a blitz...

<Roo[GOP]>: I really don't want a war...

<InfidelIsraeli|AI>: lol, i've given you all the info i can. they aren't online. you've made up your mind and decided it was a blitz attack before you started talkign to me

<InfidelIsraeli|AI>: and have shown no sign of a desire to change it

<Roo[GOP]>: What?

<Roo[GOP]>: I'

<Roo[GOP]>: ve asked you to explain how it isn't a blitz

<InfidelIsraeli|AI>: i told you, it was probably a tech raid. I dont' know why they did what they did

<Roo[GOP]>: you've done nothing to explain why we shouldn't counter

<Roo[GOP]>: why would TWO nations from your AA hit two nations from our AA?

<Roo[GOP]>: the odds of that happening are astronomical

<InfidelIsraeli|AI>: lol, i've told you what i can. idk why two nations attacked two from yours

<Roo[GOP]>: so that's it?

<Roo[GOP]>: you dunno\

<Roo[GOP]>: that's all you can offer to explain why two of your nations hit two of ours?

<InfidelIsraeli|AI>: I've been tryingto know, they've probably been sleeping. what else are you saying i could offer?

<InfidelIsraeli|AI>: if i don't know, i don't know

<Roo[GOP]>: ok then

<Roo[GOP]>: you apparently want to say you don't know

<InfidelIsraeli|AI>: that's all I have for ya, sorry

<Roo[GOP]>: OK

<Roo[GOP]>: your choice

<InfidelIsraeli|AI>: it's really yours, but ok

<Roo[GOP]>: ok then

<Roo[GOP]>: tell me why I shouldn't suspect a blitz

<InfidelIsraeli|AI>: lol, when did this convo turn into a giant circle

<Roo[GOP]>: tell me why I shouldn't suspect a blitz

<InfidelIsraeli|AI>: ok. we've been through this. I'm not going to answer your same questions over and over again until one of us falls asleep

<Roo[GOP]>: you've yet to answer that question

<Roo[GOP]>: not once

<Roo[GOP]>: not once

<InfidelIsraeli|AI>: what? you want me to come up with an explanation for those wars that i don't have?

<Roo[GOP]>: I want you to give me a reason, any reason, as to why I shouldn't preemptively hump AI for what has happened

<InfidelIsraeli|AI>: kinky. and lol, because it's irrational, you jumped to a conclusion. Other reason, you don't want war as you said. those are just a few...

<Roo[GOP]>: What?

<Roo[GOP]>: two of your guys jumped ours

<Roo[GOP]>: I asked for a reason why to explain those jumps as anything other than pre-preemptive jumps

<InfidelIsraeli|AI>: and you jumped to the "it must be a blitz" conclusion

<Roo[GOP]>: and you said nothing...

<Roo[GOP]>: please feel free to explain

<InfidelIsraeli|AI>: here, i'll make up an explanation for you. N reeki doesn't like blonde hair, so he attacked goldie lox. cheesy puff, who also has a grudge against blonde haired women(after his girlfirend dumped him) helped n reeki out. He is also afraid of the dark, so he attacked hit the lights

<InfidelIsraeli|AI>: I can make stuf up, but it's made up then isnt it?

<Roo[GOP]>: Very well then

<Roo[GOP]>: your own doing...

<Roo[GOP]>: so there's no explanation to peace you can offer?

<Roo[GOP]>: no reason for me not to blow your alliance to hell?!

<InfidelIsraeli|AI>: obviously not, or i would have given it to you. you're slow to catch on aren't you?

<Roo[GOP]>: Wow... I'll take that as an overt threat

<Roo[GOP]>: good luck

InfidelIsraeli|AI rolls eyes

<InfidelIsraeli|AI>: don't elawyer this

<Roo[GOP]>: I asked for a reason why I shouldn't see two of your nations declaring on three of ours as an act of war

<Roo[GOP]>: and you say...?

<InfidelIsraeli|AI>: i'd like to apologize, my comment was not needed. and you asked, i answered with what i could

<Roo[GOP]>: hm?

<InfidelIsraeli|AI>: i said i'd like to apologize for the "slow" comment

<Roo[GOP]>: I don't know what that is supposed to mean...

<InfidelIsraeli|AI>: we're both confused then. oh well, nvm then haha :P

<Roo[GOP]>: I'll give you one day to iron out these issua

<Roo[GOP]>: issues*

<Roo[GOP]>: ok?>

<InfidelIsraeli|AI>: deal

<Roo[GOP]>: Ok, and if your alliance hits us tonight

<Roo[GOP]>: lord have mercy on your souls ;)

<InfidelIsraeli|AI>: him and I are tight

<InfidelIsraeli|AI>: we like this

InfidelIsraeli|AI crosses fingers

To my understanding, at least some of our guys offered peace. Those that didn't I either couldn't reach or they are/were inactive. Those that did, had peace offerings ignored and/or they were attacked anyway. Pointing the finger at the UJA, as if we started this, is in no way accurate. Several AI nations declared on UJA nations without cause or reason. They did not offer peace - at least as far as I know. I upheld my end of the bargain telling our guys to offer/accept peace ASAP as well. Declaring war on our alliance because you can't control who your alliance raids and how their raid targets respond is beyond ridiculous. don't fool yourselves into thinking you have any semblance of a moral high ground here.

That said, see you on the battlefield. The fireworks are sure to be pretty this time of year ;)

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In the interest of full disclosure:

To my understanding, at least some of our guys offered peace. Their peace offerings were ignored and/or they were attacked anyway. Pointing the finger at the UJA, as if we started this, is in no way accurate. Several AI nations declared on UJA nations without cause or reason. They did not offer peace - at least as far as I know. I upheld my end of the bargain telling our guys to offer/accept peace ASAP as well. Declaring war on our alliance ebcause you can't control who your alliance raids and how their raid targets respond is beyond ridiculous.

That said, see you on the battlefield. The fireworks are sure to be pretty this time of year ;)

As far as I know every one of my nations that raided offered peace. I am also aware one of your nations declined and another nation attacked ours. You obviously don't have the control over your alliance you think you do either do you? And if you want to justify goldielox's reaction by saying since we attacked first she was right to threaten us with multiple nation wars and send a nation after him, fine. Then I say it's right to send a few more back at ya ;)

But you're trying to say this is all because of that raid. No, it was also the constant threats i saw on your channel and in protection of KoL.

Regardless, this should be fun :)

Also, for anyone wondering, those logs were from two nights ago? something like that

Edit: did i say we had moral high-ground? I listed my reasons for war, what people think of them is entirely up to them.

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Several AI nations declared on UJA nations without cause. And because you did not like the speed or tone of our response, you've created a poor justification for alliance-wide war. We welcome the military challenge, but flatly denounce your justifications for it.

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Several AI nations declared on UJA nations without cause. And because you did not like the speed or tone of our response, you've created a poor justification for alliance-wide war. We welcome the military challenge, but flatly denounce your justifications for it.

I agree with most of what that said (besides the "poor" part) but you are entitled to your opinion. See you on the battlefield.

Edit: just erasing what's not needed

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Our nation saw one of their own being hit so they jumped to their defense.

Your reasons for war don't even ring true. The threats started with KoL claiming they were going to bring RE against us. The nations attempted to peace out and then we have 2 AI nations attacking UJA nations, one with the reason 'For the honor of AI' which is suspicious. Maybe they jumped early?

If anything we shoulda pre-empted you guys but whatever. I guess we felt we didn't have enough allies cause we're a new to TE. :P

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