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The Coronation of Darkness

Elrich von Richt

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Imperial Seal of the House of Karafuto

[ Formation of the House of Karafuto (ハウス樺太庁), Crown-Princess Sakuya Hayashi]

The Coronation of Darkness, the Beginning of a New Era, a Haruhiist lineage.


Crown-Princess Sakuya Hakashi, House of Karafuto, Haruhiist Empire

[3 Hours Earlier]

Haruhi Suzumiya, God-Empress of the Haruhiist Empire watched as the events that were about to unfold were set into motion. She had no idea what a flare the future would spark for her. She carefully watched as the artist sketched the new logo, for the House of Karafuto. The house was mysterious, and kept under wraps from the public for the most part for now. She knew that it may upset the balance, and lead some lunatics to fringe off and rebel, but she couldn't have expected what would come. As she carefully watched the ink poured, and each part carefully stenciled, it reminded her of moments from her childhood, especially elementary school. She remembered the rough, imaginative drawings kids her age, and her herself, had made back then. She even remembered fingerpainting. With these memories, came some memories of the family she had failed to relocate, and didn't know where they resided. She remembered her favorite cousin, Sakuya. Sakuya was not eccentric like Haruhi, and thought along the boundaries of reality, logic, and truth. She never seemed to strafe out the ordinary in those terms. However, Haruhi admired her because of how stern she was, and serious. Whenever something really needed to get done, she committed her best effort. She also refused to give up, once she started something. In some ways, she could be considered stubborn when it came to decisions. As the final stenciled lines were put in place, Haruhi stopped daydreaming in her head, and sighed. She could see the Japanese characters carefully put in place. It must have taken effort for these people to accomplish this.

Then, the thought popped into her head, and she realized it. This man's profession must be like his life, it must be something he really enjoyed doing. Much like she enjoyed being the Empress. However, the discussion that led to the House of Karafuto, and was kept in the dark, was for good reasoning. Haruhi lacked a real lineage. She had no Imperial Family to her name, except herself. She lacked heirs, and successors.

Of course, this was all planned into place, the House. Secretive conversations had fled back and down the corridors, from arrangements between state officials, to government higher-ups such as Kyon, even Haruhi and some of them said things on it, and planned it together. Everyone acted on mutual trust, anything done towards this formation was going to be done perfectly by those she hired. She knew them all capable. Age held no restriction, why should it now?

As the stencil was finished, the man designing it looked up at Haruhi. He smiled, and nodded. He knew that his job, and his pay depended upon his performance. Haruhi could tell by his expressions, and acts, that he was expecting feedback. Her word meant everything at the moment.

"It's lovely, I like it."

The seal was surrounded by leaves on both sides, symbolizing the peaceful intentions of the House. The Sakura, for the blossoming of this young Empire, was also included. Along with the simple characterized "House of Karafuto". Even the sun, the divine beginning of the Shinto religion, and the center point of Haruhiism alongside Haruhi, was included. As she watched the art man smirk, and have a sigh of relief, she heard a messenger tap on her door. She was suprised, because messenger usually didn't deliver news directly. Maybe it was important. As she opened the door, the messenger began to read off the announcement, carefully inscribed on parchment.

"God-Empress, it appears something most unexpected as happened. Your heir has been found."

"And where would that be, where is my heir, and who exactly do you believe it to be?"

"None other than your cousin, Sakuya Hayashi. We found her in the Kurils, she must have been living or studying here for a few years before the Empire's arrival and subsequent presence in this land."

Haruhi was shocked by these words, but quickly rebounded the emotion. Sakuya was living under a rock in the Kurils this whole time. She couldn't believe it. She tallied up numbers in her head, trying to figure out her age. Due to the calculations, she figured our Sakuya was about 5 years older than her. But, of course, it wouldn't make much difference.

"Inform our new Crown-Princess that she is to come to Haruhigrad immediately, she'll be shocked to see me. A heir it is."

The messenger hurried off, in a slight jump of excitement. Haruhi snickered behind him, Karafuto had it's secondary leader. She had plans, not anything disturbing or irrational. Sakuya would serve as her counterbalance, both as her Vice-Empress, and Regent of sorts.

[Events In-Between]

In the next few days, Haruhi and her cousin met once more. A deal was struck, much was discussed. They mainly caught up with one another, discussing what they'd done in the past 8 years or so since departing from one another's company. The talk was more mutually personal than professional, although some key things were touched up.

The House of Karafuto was officialized, and announced to the Haruhiist public.

[Current Time]

Sakuya stepped up the podium. Crown-Princess, serving as both a Vice-Empress and Regent. God this was going to take some adjustment. She'd been so used to a simple life, and a normal girl's life at that. Nothing eccentric, or out of the ordinary. She was rather suprised the Empire that she'd lived in for the past few months was run by her little niece. Of course, that made no problematic difference. She knew what Haruhi was capable of, even at the young age she was still at. However, she, being only 5 years older, wasn't really outside the young category either.

The things that differed were obvious, Haruhi never went to college. She didn't have to time to ever do so, but she was brilliant. Sakuya had spent time in a 2-year university within the Hansa, during her time away from Haruhi. She had learned everything she could need to learn about politics, and responsibility. She learned how to control her own actions, and do what was best for many. She never lacked intelligence herself, and managed to make it past the classes with little to no problem. A's to her were like finding 500 yen coins on the sidewalk.

As she prepared to speak, all eyes were upon her in the crowd. Haruhiist government officials, state officials, and citizens were here to see what this was all about. They could clearly see the House logo behind her alongside the Empire's flag. This must have raised suspicision among the crowd, as some chitter-chatter was apparent. With the last breath she had held in, she let her confidence rule supreme. She released the breath, sighed, and began to speak.

"People of the Haruhiist Empire,

I am Crown-Princess Sakuya Hayashi, your new heir to the Imperial Throne. Recently, Haruhi, my cousin, has decided to take the neccessary steps to ensure continuation of this Empire even after her own death. As such, the House of Karafuto has been founded. With this, we establish our royal lineage, and link some of our family together once more, to be united in the Imperial Family. While this may seem odd to some, Haruhi's body, like all bodies on Bob and otherwise, is mortal. Her spirit, like all others, however, is eternal although above others. I will be serving as somewhat of a Regent to my little cousin, providing advice, and making overseas trips when required, so that I can handle the trickier affairs of our Empire, diplomacy. With the formation of this house, we ensure our survival as a people, a culture, and a nation. With the formation of this, and the fact that we shall never let the kindred flame of our lineage die out, we shall forever keep this Empire alive. Eternity is the keyword, and it shall never change. As such, with these changes, I have assumed the position of Vice-Empress, governing under my little cousin, as her advisor and second-in-command, and as a regent of sorts, as mentioned. For the Haruhiist Empire, for the greater light of our societies survival, and for the remaining existence of our culture, religion, and otherwise, let this be known. I love my nation, I love those whom I rule, Japanese or otherwise. In the name of the Empire, and Haruhi, we reign!"

Fiery applause filled the room and Sakuya's speech. She had never thought herself as much of an orator, but had apparently gotten the crowd in the mood here. She felt confident, and knew her position in the future. She would protect her cousin until the end, and help her through every troubled and confused bump on the road of diplomacy, politics, and otherwise. With that finished, she sent off the invitations meant for various nations she viewed important to meeting her, understanding the new House, and otherwise. It read simply:

Dear Esteemed Leaders,

I invite you here today, to the Haruhiist Empire. Slight political changes and such have occured, and with my existence as my cousin's new second-in-command, and other details to be revealed later, a new light is shining in our Empire. Things haven't changed, things haven't reformed. Our survival, though, is now forever assured. We wish for you to meet us in Haruhigrad, to discuss some of these changes, and bring relations between our respective nations as a whole, to those whom Haruhi has not yet, and even for those she has that I haven't


Crown-Princess Sakuya Hiyashi

House of Karafuto, Regent

With that, the letters were sent out to the following nations:

Zargathia, The Citadel, Cochin, Diadochoi, Yuktobania, Annihilation, Promised Land

She hoped they would arrive, and all would go well.

OOC: If you wish to hop in on this, state so OOC'ly.

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"These events are startling indeed. Considering the speed and level of surprise they have arrived with; I cannot say that I am truly pleased or dissatisfied. None the less; Thomas Devereaux, a leading Duke in my court will attend the meetings in question."

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Upon receiving the message, Sakuya was ecstatic. One of the invited had been reached, and would send a high-ranking official to attend.

They obviously recognized the importance of the message. She sent a thank you message in return, and wished him well on his voyage. She also stated that he would be well-cared for and guarded while in the Empire.

She sighed, and got a bit bored. Haruhi did the usual, ordering Kyon to go wait at the airport. He just shrugged, and did it.

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"Queen Amyante will be present for the Coronation. Please meet us at the following location at 2 pm."

The reason for the rather odd sounding request would soon be clear. At the place mentioned, a ship could be seen anchored a short distance from the shore. At 2 pm, five people could be seen jumping overboard, starting to swim to shore, and arriving there roughly fifteen minutes later. As the divers emerged, one of them could be identified as Amyante, the other four acting as lifeguards to ensure nothing went wrong along the way. Upon seeing the Haruhiist delegation, the Zargathian Queen grinned, wringing water out of her hair before walking up to them.

- "Hey... Told ya i'd be here for the next big event if i had to get here swimming."

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Haruhi smiled. She knew Amyante wouldn't forget her promise, as they were friends. She waved for her to come over, and waited. Haruhi also sent notes to the other arrivals, stating they would all meet at the Palace shortly. As she saw Amy, she was happy again. But only slightly.

She could sense that this wasn't going to be the happiest of coronations. Something mysterious probably lurked in the waiting.

Kyon was waiting at the airport for Devereux, and Itsuki would greet Vikram at the Palace. They wouldn't see Sakuya until it was time.

"Yo, Amy! So good to see you!"

She smiled, and continued to wave.

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Demitri Petrenko, The original Deputy Prime Minister of Yuktobania will attend.

Demitri's plane quickly landed at Haruhiigrad International Airport with a group of 2 secret service agents. In order to avoid the debacle that put Prime Minister Catherine Reznov in a coma (in which she came out of it a day before the Southeastern Yuktobania Campaign.) They hoped to ensure that the city was being well protected.

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As Sakuya continued to think, she tapped her fingers against the desk she was currently sitting at. She was planning out the future, mapping out relationships, and working with the other government members every so and often to achieve the best results. She had read Nagato's organizational charts, and was satisfied. The Empire truly was in good hands with this government. Everyone was young, including herself, but they had the confidence and willpower to keep this Empire afloat, and make it survive in the harsh world of reality and politics. She thought to herself of the dispatches she'd received as of late. Haruhi reported that Amyante of Zargathia was making her way there, with her. Officials from Cochin and Yuktobania were arriving by plane, as was a representative of The Citadel.

Things were going to be very interesting within the next few days, she could tell. She began to lay out the plans for her project. The formation of an official 近衛兵 (Imperial Guard). In doing so, she assured the defense of the palace was to be kept at the optimum. Volunteers were going to be allowed, but were subject to government approval. They also would have to swear an oath of loyalty. As she awaited these newly arriving officials, she began to keep the racing thoughts in her head to a minimum.

Reports began to come in of the docking of the flight from The Citadel. Kyon had met up with Yuktobanian officials, and the limousine directing the Cochin representative had reached the front of the Palace. Oh, how short time was until actually meeting this mysterious Princess.

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Amyante wiped some sea water from her face before it had the chance to get into her eyes, and opened up a waterproof pack she had been carrying, taking out a towel to at least dry her hair. Keeping a promise was one thing, needlessly ruining a perfectly good back seat with seawater quite another.

Once she was satisfied she wasn't as soaked as she had been, she walked up to Haruhi, running her hand through her hair a couple of times to have it gain some semblance of presentability, grinning apologetically at the God-Empress for the delay as she slung the bag over her shoulders again.

- "Heh, sorry... It seemed like a good idea, but i forgot to factor in a couple of things. Do you have someplace i could change into some dry clothes?"

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Haruhi nodded affirmatively, and had the driver of the limousine that had brought her here pull out the secondary clothes she had saved. They were Haruhiist royal colors, obviously, but they were a beautiful dress combination equivalent to her own. Sakuya had turned down this pair for the Imperial black. The main colors were obviously, red and black. She had the driver walk over to her, and place them in her hand. She then held them out to Amy.

"I always thought you might live up to this promise. I've saved this for awhile."

She smiled, and chuckled a little.

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Itsuki Koizumi stood in front of the Palace, and saw the arrival of Vikram. He motioned for him to approach the steps of the Palace. He could see Vikram was like others, anxious to see the Empire's new Princess. She was a marvelous beauty, he could protest that much himself. She was quite over the normal line, hell, he'd date her, but she was royalty. Oh well, such was fate. He'd tried joking around with Kyon about that over Haruhi, long ago.

"Domo. Welcome to the Palace, Vikram, once more. The Crown-Princess is currently in her quarters, and the coronation will begin in a few hours."

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"Very well," Vikram answered. He was slightly mad at his uncle for having him run all over the world like this, but he knew there is no point in complaining. After all his life would only get worse and not better once he becomes the King. Vikram took out his laptop and studied the Naval History texts advised to him by his father.

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Amyante waited for Haruhi as she went to the car to get something. When she returned with it, she couldn't resist the urge to chuckle at seeing what Haruhi had brought.

- "What, a dress? Me? ...Oh why not, i'll humor you this time. But only if you wear one as well, deal?"

She winked at the God-Empress before zipping the pack that held the spare clothing she had brought closed again. Though she would be going through with this, she would still keep her usual shirt and jeans in reserve just in case the dress didn't fit. She was a little over six feet, most people found it hard getting her sizes right.

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Luckily for the occasion, Haruhi had checked Amyante's sizes rather silently in her sleep. She was good at being nosy, and doing things without people's consent. She chuckled a little, inside, Amy wouldn't ever know that. But the dress would fit nevertheless. As for Haruhi, she would pull out her Imperial robe and wear it once again. She rather liked how it fit, it was a beautiful dress and all. She preferred casual, obviously.

She waited to see Amy's reaction to the fact that the sizing was rather perfect. She had the limousine driver give her the dress she had chosen, as well, and quickly changed within the car, before coming back out again. She adjusted her black Tiara. Oh how hilarious this was.

"So Amy, like the dress?"

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Amyante was a little more prude than Haruhi, and as such was not intending to change into the dress right then and there. The fact that her underwear was likely wet as well would probably play a large part in her decision to prefer a more private location as well. Still, from what she could see the sizes were more or less right for her. She'd need to actually wear it to be sure, but however Haruhi had gotten her information it seemed to be accurate enough.

As the God-Empress emerged, she looked at the dress Haruhi wore, and nodded. It looked great, but she wanted to make sure she'd have a proper shower first before putting the dress on, or the salty seawater would likely ruin it later on.

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Haruhi smiled. She decided it'd be best to put a towel on the seat, and then drive to the Palace. Through such, they would arrive before the coronation began. Of course, Haruhi's eccentric mind began to stir. She wondered if Amy would ever have expected her to pull the stunt she did. Securing measurements in a foreign visitor's sleep. She chuckled, it was rather funny.

"C'mon Amy, get in!"

She sat in the limo and waited for Amy, so they could go to their obvious destination.

Itsuki directed Peterenko to the main room of the Palace, where Vikram was located. Here, were computers and decorations for the coronation. Later tonight, it would be turned into a ballroom of sorts.

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Amyante got in the car, feeling thankful that she had brought a pair of towels even though it had slipped her mind completely that once she had arrived on the shore she would still actually need to get to the Palace. After a rather uneventful drive -- for Haruhiist standards, anyway -- they arrived at the Palace, and she grabbed her things to grab a shower and slip into the dress Haruhi had bought her. With the God-Empress being the host, she felt it would be the least she could do to make up for what had inevitably been done to the limo's black leather interior.

- "Right, i'll be back in thirty minutes... No wait, better make that forty, it's been a while since i last wore a dress. Same room as last time?"

After the reply, the Zargathian Queen then disappeared into the hallway to where she knew the guest rooms would be located. She put the box with the dress in it there for safety to not let the dampness and steam from the shower ruin it, after which she walked out again, heading to the showers. Once inside she locked the door behind her and started peeling off her wetsuit and started looking forward to a nice hot shower.

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Haruhi waited for Amyante to finish her shower, and change into the dress. While she did, she played some Othello with Itsuki. She could see some of the foreigners, notably the Yuktobanian and Cochin ones, were rather silent, and just did as they were asked. They were obviously rather anxious to get this started. Maybe it was just boredom that led to the strange following of orders?

Sakuya sat back in her "office" and finished the plans, including uniform designs. She was rather talented, in a good many aspects. Something else she had talked with Haruhi, was also finished off her agenda. Haruhi wanted a TV series based on the early exploits of her SOS Brigade during High School, and the future there onward. Of course, some fantasy would be included to make it more interesting. Exaggerating the abilities of the God-Empress made sense. Her body was mortal, it held no divine or godly abilities. However, her soul was divine and pure. She had contacted filming companies, and animation groups and managed to contract the first season of the series, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. Now she waited, for the forthcoming moment.

Waiting for time to speed up was like a universal occurence in the Palace as of late.

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