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New home maybe?

The Reccesion

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I'm in TC government/member. I might be looking for a new home, I want to see some of my options. Please post some information about your alliance and some facts about them. My nation link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=285208

Some things about me:

-Very active

-Government Experience


The Reccesion.

Edit: Link

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I hope this doesn't count as 'recruiting from other alliances'. :P

Come join me in The Brotherhood, The recession.

We are young, growing and a great bunch to hang with. You could be well used over with us ;)

Also, I just like you, and wouldn't mind you coming closer. ^_^

PM me if you want.

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Join Coalition of Armed Nations

Let me guess; You wanna know why to join!

Let me ask, Why not?

We are a very fun, very nice, very cool alliance on the yellow sphere. We have alot of cool friends & even cooler protectors! We are protected by Global Republic of Armed Nation "GRAN" some of our friends are; NAU, DOA, WFF, SMF, and many more! Even though we are on the yellow team, we get all of our members Trade Circles & Tech Deals galore. We have a very exciting Academy which unlike most alliance, You won't spend most your time in. All of our government & members are cool, smart, fun, and very nice! You don't know the fun you'll have till you join!

Feel free to get more info or drop by just to hang out on our;

Forums- http://s1.zetaboards.com/cnCAN/

IRC Channel- #CAN on the ColdFront

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Ok... Your resignation thread said:

Well how can I say this, I just got hit by real life, losing someone really hurts and I will be in and out of the alliance, I don't have time to do my duty as Consul of Economics at this time, and I don't know how much time I will need to take off. I got school coming up as well and I can't mess up this year. I'll try to be around but time isn't on my side right now. I hereby resign as Consul of Economics.


The Reccesion

Whats the deal?!

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Join Global Security Alliance GSA

there are government Positions open if you are interested

Are you looking for a chance to move up the ranks fast?

Do you want to grow your nation through tech, donation and aid deals?

If you answered yes to these questions then maybe the Global Security Alliance (GSA) is for you.

The GSA is an alliance of mixed color.

We don't require our members to be on a particular team.

This allows them to trade with whomever they wish.

As of now the GSA is offer a 2 million sign on bonus.

In closing the GSA would like to wish you all the best, and we do hope you find the alliance that is right for you.

Please feel free to stop by our forums and check us out today. www.cngsa.net


OWF POST: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...0&start=100


Pres Vishtany

Prime Minister

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well you could join the huns

we are a small black team

we have 100% activity

and a matter of fact, we need a new govenor to help govern the interior of the alliance.

we are protected and have many friends in many alliances

we allow tech raiding to nations with their AA as "none"

our forums and IRC channel are all below on my sig.

so just PM me if you would like to.


genghis khan II

Great Khan of The Huns Alliance

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Join thce United Sovereign Nations

Why join USN:

We give you a chance to join trade circles

We offer tech deals to help your nation grow

We have a very great community with lots of fun

We have guides and many members will help explain them further

We have a lot of friends

No tests to become a member

With the USNPD you will be protected from rogues and tech raids

We treat everyone equally and with respect.

You can visit us at our forums cnusn.co.cc or our IRC channel #cnusn

You can also PM me if you like to here more about us.

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To TC members: As I stated above I was never going to leave, I wanted to see some other alliances that I may like to join in the future, because the stable life was getting boring.

EDIT: Well I guess I will be leaving now, since I was banned from the forums.

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So you're a ghost now?

Normally I would suggest my own alliance, but honestly, you need to change you personal policies if any serious alliance is going to be interested. TC made a good move, members that aren't loyal and are searching other options while still pretending to be in the alliance can't be put up with.

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