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Fall of the Kreig Empire


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"Zargathia is saddened to see its trade partner fall into Anarchy. The territory leased to the Krieg in Zargathia hereby reverts to Zargathian control again, and the Kriegian citizens in said territory have been given the option of either intergrating into the Zargathian community or receive a paid ticket to their former homeland."

"Also, with some sense of amusement we wish to inquire what the Scots will be planning to do with their half-finished border wall in the region."

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The Haruhiist Empire commends the fall of this tyrannic state. We hereby request the Scots send their border wall to us, which we'll use to make brown water naval ships, as well as bowie knives for the brave Scottish souls who wish to venture into Krieg and hunt down their remaining military personnel.

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