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Xaristan Annoucements

Michael McBride

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At the spot of the Legislative Building, which was currently being rebuilt, Louis Egon called a press conference. The agenda was not announced beforehand, though rumors were that something major was being announced. At the appointed time, Director Egon walked out, wearing a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up, a red tie, and black dress pants.

"Good afternoon," he spoke, laying some papers down on the podium in front on him. "I have called this press conference to address a number of issues that have recently arisen. First, on the subject of the new Xaristani protectorate. Currently, no new government has risen up in either part or all of the land. Considering our previous bad experiences with governments both in the former Ardoria and the former UAS, we will be throughly screening all who would wish to rise into power in the area. Any leaders wishing to should contact our office of foreign affairs."

"As for the war, Xaristan, as previously mentioned, was victorious. We are currently rebuilding military bases damaged in Vinson and Grancen. All Ardorian military equpiment used in the war, including the Ardorian border wall, will be destroyed in training exercises upcoming for the Xaristani military. Bombing runs will take place to destroy the border wall and assault bombers and ships will take part in the destruction of the navy. These weapons of war that were used against Xaristan shall never ben used again."

"Finally, the third part of my conference today... Xaristan will be holding elections for the position of Director in the coming months. Candidates and parties are encouraged to declare now so that candidates may be vetted and looked at, both by the people of Xaristan and the international community. I am announcing now that I will be running for the position. While speculation may occur as to why elections are going to take place now, I will not be answering those questions now. Perhaps on the campaign trail, but not here."

"That is all for now. Thank you."


Immediately after the press conference, Dexter Grif of the Red Party, L.L. Church of the Blue Party, Allison Tex of the Independent Party, and, in a suprise move, Tom Dobbs, declaring no party, all announced their candidacy. That left five candidates for the campaign.


How this is going to work:

As the international community, you can direct questions, either as a citizen of Xaristan or as your government, to a candidate. They will answer them, town hall style, at different stops on their campaigns. After a little while, there will be a debate for all candidates with the opprotunity to ask more questions, and then the election itself. This thread will be used for the town hall-style questions. So, fire away.

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In an effort to educate the public and international community more on their platforms and how each candidate differs, the Xaristani government has put together the following packet of information on each candidate.


Louis Egon

Current Poistion: Director of Xaristan

Party: Ruling


Foregin Affairs: Anti-expantionist, anti-colonialism, North American sovereignty above all. Worry more about North American affairs than anything else. Dislikes Nordic ideals and the Dragon Empire. Wary of New England and their expantionist policies. Opposed to large military or economic blocs.

Internal Affairs: Completion of Xaristani border defenses. No tourism industry. Expanded oil drilling. Expanded gold mining. Semi-open borders with heavy screening at all borders.


Tom Dobbs

Current Postion: None. Former President of the Federation of Pravus Ingruo.

Party: None.


Foreign Affairs: Anti-expantionist, anti-colonialism, North American sovereignty primary. More worldly than Egon, interested in large summits and diplomacy over war. Dislikes the Dragon Empire and European influence in North America. Interested in warmer ties between Xaristan and all North American nations, including large military and economic blocs.

Internal affairs: Completion of border defenses. No oil or gold expansion. Heavy focus on tourism and car manufacturing. Border screening, but largely open borders.


Dexter Grif

Current Position: Legislator, Leader of the Red Party

Party: Reds


Foreign Affairs: Distrusts all North American nations given the remnants of the USA that are still around. Favors treaties and relations with European and Asian nations. Against large military blocs.

Internal Affairs: Closed borders to North American nations. Expansion of oil, gold, and automobile production.


Leonard L. Church

Current Position: Legislator, Leader of the Blue Party

Party: Blue


Foreign Affairs: Closer relations with all North American nations, none with any outside of North America. Will not involve Xaristan in any conflict outside of North America. Against any expansion by foreign nations within North America. In favor of a large, North American military and economic bloc.

Internal Affairs: Open borders with a heavy focus on tourism to boost the economy.


Allison Tex

Current Position: Legislator, Leader of the Independent Party

Party: Independent


Foreign Affairs: Limited military treaties with nations from all over the world, whatever is most beneficial to the nation. Will not hesitate to use military means to protect Xaristani interests. Looking to aggressively expand Xaristan both land and influence-wise.

Internal Affairs: Massive military infrastructure in the nation. Militarize the population and make Xaristan a fortress to get in or out of.

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"To all candidates: would you all be interested into improving relations with New England, given Xaristan's condemnation of our 'expansionist policies'?"

- Department of State

Louis Egon: I would not be interested in improving relations with New England. They have consistently shown that they are only interested in gaining more land with no regard to their neighbors or the continent as a whole.

Tom Dobbs: I would be interested in sitting down at a table with New England and improving ties between our two countries. I believe that a summit between us and our mutual ally of Tahoe would be the best course of action in this matter.

Dexter Grif: Given that New England was a member nation of the USA, we would have no contact with New England. The USA was an abomination on the North American continent, and we will have no contact with anyone who was a member of that organization.

Leonard L. Church: As New England is a North American nation, I would obviously want better relations with them, per my overall policy.

Allison Tex: I would have to examine New England's strategic value to Xaristan before I would make any decision on improving relations between our two countries.

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"To Egon and Dobbs, what is your view on the Church and on moral issues, such as abortion, euthanasia, capital punishment, and stem cell research?"

Egon: The Church has no place in Xaristan. They are a corrupting influence on the world, leading people to give their hard earned money and time to something that is false. Abortion: yes. Euthanasia: yes. Capital Punishment: yes. Stem Cell Research: yes.

Dobbs: Freedom of religion is something that I hold very dear. While I don't agree with the Church, I respect people's rights to practice what it teaches. As for the moral issues: before the third trimester, only if the illness is terminal and it would be a more humane way to die rather than pain and suffering, no, life imprisonment, and yes.

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"Citizens of Dragon Empire are aghast at the dislike shown towards Dragon Empire by Xaristan. What would the candidates say regarding options for decreasing this belligerence and establishing friendly relations between our two nations" - Salu Menon, GNN.

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"What is your current position on Grøenlandia's Antarctican claim, what is your view of our nation, and if you were trapped on an island and could only bring one item, what would it be and why?"

Egon: Antartican claims are useless. Far too much money dumped into a little scrap of ice and rock. Your nation was an ally of Nordland, and therefore is not viewed favorably in my eyes. And I would bring a fully fueled airplane to fly back to inhabited space.

Dobbs: I feel that Antarctica should be left unclaimed except for international scientific research bases. As for your nation itself, I find myself neutral. And I would bring a Hamm radio, to maintain contact with the outside world.

Grif: We support your claim, along with the shape that you chose to put it in. Excellent show. I would be interested in improving relations between our two countries. As for the desert island, I would bring along a lifetime supply of Twinkies, which, while sustaining me, would also harden into a suitable boat so I could get back to inhabited land.

Church: Frivilous and stupid are two words that come to mind regarding Antarctican claims. I would have to examine your nation carefully before deciding how to proceed in terms of diplomacy. You are, by definition, a North American nation, yet have closer ties with European nations. On the desert island, I would bring a desalinization machine, so I would never run out of water.

Tex: Unless you're planning on putting a missile site in Antarctica, or a doomsday weapon that makes you a huge strategic force, I could frankly care less. As for your nation, it all depends on what your nation would offer us in terms of support, diplomatic, and military capital. As for the desert island, I would bring a gun, to shoot anything that came after me and anyone I didn't like who came to rescue me, so they could share in my misery.

"Citizens of Dragon Empire are aghast at the dislike shown towards Dragon Empire by Xaristan. What would the candidates say regarding options for decreasing this belligerence and establishing friendly relations between our two nations" - Salu Menon, GNN.

Egon: Aghast? Belligerence? Someone has been reading too many dramatic novels. There is no way that relations between our two countries will improve unless the DE stops its imperialistic romp across Asia and stops trying to meddle in North American affairs.

Dobbs: While the situation with the Dragon Empire is unfortunate, it is inevitable. Your ideals clash with ours. The clause in your charter about nations losing their soveriengty is what I find most disturbing. Xaristan, and before it Pravus Ingruo, has long championed the sovereignty of nations and fought against large conglomerates such as the Dragon Empire. As we are on two completly different ideological planes, I doubt there would be any improvement.

Grif: The CNFA has the right idea. North American nations cannot be trusted. I would be wide open to sitting down at the table with the Dragon Empire and working out our differences. There are many things that can be learned and exchanged between the Far East and the Southeast.

Church: There will be no improvement between our two nations. The Dragon Empire has controlled Asia for far too long and have now made their intent clear to control affairs in North America. We shall not have it. Any nation in North America who signs a treaty with the Dragon Empire will be cut off diplomatically from Xaristan, and sanctions will be levied against them.

Tex: Basically, the matter is this. The Dragon Empire, being on the other side of the world, offers us no strategic advantage in any conflict. Any war where we are attacked would mean that the DE would have to send troops halfway around the world, something that would take days if not weeks. Improving relations with you is simply not prudent to our interests.

"To Grif and Church: Why are you named after characters from a popular web series? And why is there no Michael J. Caboose running for this position?"

Grif: I know of this web series you speak, and they stole my name, as I am older. Why they named their character after me, I cannot tell you.

Church: My answer is the same as Mr. Grif's. However, in regards to Michael J. Caboose, he used to be the leader of the Blue Party, until his first press conference where he proclaimed "My name is Michael J. Caboose and I hate babies!" We figured that wouldn't go over with the voters so well, so we had him step down and I took his place as leader of the party. He is still a member, just not in a leadership position at the moment.

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Question to all candidates.

"The nation of Islands of Ice is new to the North American world and asks the following two questions. Firstly what are your general feelings about our nation and secondly how could we work together to stop foreign expansion on American soil? Thank you".

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Dobbs: While the situation with the Dragon Empire is unfortunate, it is inevitable. Your ideals clash with ours. The clause in your charter about nations losing their soveriengty is what I find most disturbing. Xaristan, and before it Pravus Ingruo, has long championed the sovereignty of nations and fought against large conglomerates such as the Dragon Empire. As we are on two completly different ideological planes, I doubt there would be any improvement.

"But Sir, that clause is fully voluntary! All nations that are now part of Dragon Empire has only done so voluntarily! Does not the example of PRC peacefully seceding from Dragon Empire prove that Dragon Empire does not threaten the sovereignty of any nation? Could it be that all this is a result of simple confusion which some diplomacy could solve? Would Xaristan be willing to come to talks on that basis?

Tex: Basically, the matter is this. The Dragon Empire, being on the other side of the world, offers us no strategic advantage in any conflict. Any war where we are attacked would mean that the DE would have to send troops halfway around the world, something that would take days if not weeks. Improving relations with you is simply not prudent to our interests.

"Sir, could that not be solved by Pre Positioning of equipment as DE had done in the case of erstwhile Republic of Free Somal? Though separated by the Arabian Sea Dragon Empire had deployed troops to its defense!"

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Question to all candidates.

"The nation of Islands of Ice is new to the North American world and asks the following two questions. Firstly what are your general feelings about our nation and secondly how could we work together to stop foreign expansion on American soil? Thank you".

Egon: I don't know anything about your nation, but as a new North American nation, I welcome you and would be open to relations. To stopping foreign expansion, true North American nations need to work together without a large military bloc to stop this expansion. It is crucial for every North American nation to be strong militarilly to accomplish this.

Dobbs: I, too, am unfamiliar with your nation, but welcome to North America. In terms of stopping foreign expansion, I feel that North American nations should form a North American Military Bloc that is used to discourage foreign expansion into North America and to bring all North American nations closer.

Grif: I'm unfamiliar with your nation, but frankly, I don't care. You're a North American nation, and I want nothing to do with you.

Church: I do not know much about your nation, but I would be all for beginning relations between our countries. I am also against all foreign expansion into North America and would be in favor of a large military bloc between North American nations to prevent that.

Tex: I am not familiar with your nation, however I would have to examine your nation's strategic potential before starting relations. As for stopping foreign expansion into North America, it depends on the country and the circumstances more than anything else.

Question to all candidate's from Biff's PR agent:

"What do you think of Biff, and do you think he's fit to run the CAU?"

Egon: He's crazy, and no.

Dobbs: I think that he is a little more paranoid than necessary. I have no formulated an opinion on his leadership qualifications as of yet.

Grif: Any current North American leader is unfit to lead.

Church: I would have to actually interact with the man before forming an opinion.

Tex: You nation is of no strategic importance to us, so I do not care one way or the other.

"But Sir, that clause is fully voluntary! All nations that are now part of Dragon Empire has only done so voluntarily! Does not the example of PRC peacefully seceding from Dragon Empire prove that Dragon Empire does not threaten the sovereignty of any nation? Could it be that all this is a result of simple confusion which some diplomacy could solve? Would Xaristan be willing to come to talks on that basis?

Dobbs: It does not matter to me whether it is voluntary or not. Any clause that violates a nation's sovereignty is despicable to me. As I previously said, our ideals are completly different, and thus is the reason why I doubt anything productive can come from any talks.

"Sir, could that not be solved by Pre Positioning of equipment as DE had done in the case of erstwhile Republic of Free Somal? Though separated by the Arabian Sea Dragon Empire had deployed troops to its defense!"

Tex: First of all, learn your sexes. I am a female, you unobservant twit. And foreign military equipment will never be stationed on Xaristani soil. We are a sovereign nation and will not have our sovereignty threatened by any foreign military equipment on our shores.

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What is your current stance on the Maritime Republic of J Andres, and our recent regaining of our independence? Would you be willing to open relations with J Andres? Also, how important is North American Unity and Friendship to you?

Egon: We are happy to see the Maritime Republic be granted independence in the fact that New England is finally giving land away rather than simply taking more. I would be willing to open relations. North American unity and friendship is important, but we will not sign in treaty form. Of course, there are some North American nations who are simply unreachable.

Dobbs: I remember J Andres from my first term in office, and I am ecstatic that they have returned to the international scene. If I am elected, one of my first acts will be to invite the leaders of J Andres to our country for a renewal of relations. North American Unity is important, and I believe that North American nations should sign a large military and economic bloc against European and Asian aggression and expansion into North America.

Grif: The fact that you appeared in former New England land is reason enough for me to distrust you. We would not be interested in opening relations with you, nor any North American nation.

Church: We welcome another North American nation into the world and would be more than happy to open relations with you. We also heavilly advocate a North American military bloc against foreign influence on the company.

Tex: Unfortunately, as small as you are, you present no strategic value to us. However, a North American pact would have to be examined for its strategic value before we would take any action on it.

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Although not officially endorsing any candidate through a public response, President Richard Mercton and numerous other J Andres officials have allocated for campaign donations to the maximum allowable pursuiant to Xaristan campaign laws.

President Mercton did comment on the responses of some of the candidates however:

"Ms. Tek believes that because our nation is physically small, that we are militarily weak. Although our military forces have been diminished, they are being rebuilt, and come 2019, the J Andres military will be just as strong as when J Andres spanned the eastern seaboard. The election of Ms. Tek will lead to complicated relations between our two nations. The fact that Mr. Grif distrusts all American nations leads us to wonder if he has looked at a map and realized where Xaristan is located. The election of Mr. Grif will place a strain on relations as well."

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OOC: Guys, cut it out with the "do you like our nation" questions. You should be able to tell by now if they would have a general like or dislike of your nation. Please ask things that are more substantive.

OoC: Sure.

IC: "What are the candidates' opinion on the recent conflict between Tahoe and the CFNA?" - DNN Reporter

Edited by Pikachurin
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