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WOLF Bloc and Judgement Ressurected


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So you're saying that you want to complain about JR but give up?

If you don't like us, fight us. WOLF is big, and JR is just as big. It's pretty much even. Fight us, and if you win, you get your terms.

Or you could quit and complain we're meanies. I never claimed that WOLF had ruined the game. I was happy that one day it was going to come crashing down. If we win, it's your turn to do that.

I can't link to PM's and as far as it goes, I wouldn't be bowing out if it wasn't true. Anyone want to call me a liar, that's fine. I've been 100% honest on these forums from day one. I've asked people to prove otherwise. I can't prove what I was told so I'm lying is it? Well that's fine, then. Show me where I've lied before, why don't you link that?

Until then, I won't take you seriously

As far as it goes, it's not that I don't like JR, I don't like the 60 day war with permanent ZI to any WOLF member, it's bs and everyone knows it. Even people in JR have to be thinking that it's going way to far.

So I answered you Gondor, and I answered you Sir Taefir. If either of you have anything to add, then I suggest you either call me a liar to my face right here right now, or just admit that what is already known. You hate WOLF enough to do exactly what I said in my original post

I don't blame people for that, I think it's crap, but I don't blame people for their feelings. I just think it ruined the game much more than anything WOLF ever did.

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So you're saying that you want to complain about JR but give up?

If you don't like us, fight us. WOLF is big, and JR is just as big. It's pretty much even. Fight us, and if you win, you get your terms.

Or you could quit and complain we're meanies. I never claimed that WOLF had ruined the game. I was happy that one day it was going to come crashing down. If we win, it's your turn to do that.

The claim that we are similar in size is false. You have over 200 members more then we do. I'm no complaining, I am pointing out a falsehood.

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8) Baggage shouldn’t be carried over from round to round, right?

Correct , and Wolf members are complaining about this but the truth also remains that WOLF has been carried from round to round, hence no new beginning. So if Wolf can be carried from round to round, why can’t grudges? Ideally everyone starts it new, which is why a new round begins every X days but you can’t change people can you?

Harmful and TPF – Harmful attacked TPF once I believe in round 3 (if not then 4) and it was over a dispute between Burning Glory and I. This left a bad taste in BG’s mouth as TPF was friends with Harmful. Because neither side would concede or back down (myself included) this put a strain in our relations. I have said this in private and will say this in the public now; Burning Glory is a good guy and a pretty good leader. It’s not easy to have a sanction alliance lasting 6 rounds. I do not believe then, nor do I believe now that TPF is an evil alliance. TPF to me has always been about treaties, friendships, and doing their own thing.

It was the Judgment reborn war and baggage should be carried over.

thai you make it soo hard for me to troll you :(

still, i find a way :P

seriously baggage can and should be carried over round after round, at least until the sides agree that they'd rather break someone else's !@#$ for a change. Lets face it w/o seeds of anger going from round to round what you're left with is the whole attitude of "hur hur we're going to attack you for a week and move on cause we're moral and shiz..." which makes the game stale, boring and predictable. IF baggage wasn't carried from round to round Murder Inc. would till be rolling hot and tonking who we felt like, when we felt like it. I don't complain that you guys formed a coalition to bring us down, at least not anymore, its the way things have to be. Every couple rounds the top dawg has to get knocked down. Actually The fall of MI led to the growth of a lot of alliances, which is a very good thing. But w/o people carrying grudges over the game becomes nothing more than a boring huggle fest.

Hitting the nail on the head

Nice post, Gabs

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I can't link to PM's and as far as it goes, I wouldn't be bowing out if it wasn't true. Anyone want to call me a liar, that's fine. I've been 100% honest on these forums from day one. I've asked people to prove otherwise. I can't prove what I was told so I'm lying is it? Well that's fine, then. Show me where I've lied before, why don't you link that?

Until then, I won't take you seriously

As far as it goes, it's not that I don't like JR, I don't like the 60 day war with permanent ZI to any WOLF member, it's bs and everyone knows it. Even people in JR have to be thinking that it's going way to far.

So I answered you Gondor, and I answered you Sir Taefir. If either of you have anything to add, then I suggest you either call me a liar to my face right here right now, or just admit that what is already known. You hate WOLF enough to do exactly what I said in my original post

I don't blame people for that, I think it's crap, but I don't blame people for their feelings. I just think it ruined the game much more than anything WOLF ever did.

:lol1: I must say, this was a fun read. Your perception on what is going to happen has nothing to do with your lying. You're the only one who is taking this on a personal level. You basically said that if I don't call you a liar, I can't say anything. But if I say you're a liar, I have to find a link to it, which we both know there isn't any. It's your opinion, it has nothing to do with truth. You also have failed to find a link that we will ZI any WOLF members, even if they reroll.

Do it, or I won't take you seriously. And that would be terrible. :P

The claim that we are similar in size is false. You have over 200 members more then we do. I'm no complaining, I am pointing out a falsehood.

When I last checked, the NS on individual wars was pretty even. We may have over 200 members, but they are spread over about 8 wars. And your general NS was higher. But I haven't checked since about morning so I'm probably wrong depending on who is winning.

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The claim that we are similar in size is false. You have over 200 members more then we do. I'm no complaining, I am pointing out a falsehood.

Not saying that you are !@#$%*ing about all this but wasn't the whole point of WOFL to have safety with numbers? The whole aspect of control due to controlling the nature of your engagements? Do you understand that such obviously was not a good method of going about that?

You tried to bring your own brand of control to this world and it may have worked for awhile but this world seems to be all about change and continuing to change your tactics to match an ever changing world. You tried to do the same thing over and over and it allowed others to adapt and thus overcome.

You seem to not be taking this too hard but that other guy from TPF is complaining far too much that a response was made. WOFL was a de facto threat to anyone and everyone due to what it could possibly due. Maybe you never would have projected that power upon anyone but that doesn't really matter. Alliances have to react to possibilities because if you wait to react till its a real problem for you then it is too late. It seems some of your allies are completely clueless to that reality, that is unfortunate. To expect those that now stand against you to think they are wrong in their actions due to you guys not liking the response to your taunting is just a complete failure when it comes to rationally being able to identify the entire scenario instead of just your own personal little parts in it.

Learn and adapt, or just quit as some of you are threatening to do. Take your balls and go home I guess.

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Not saying that you are !@#$%*ing about all this but wasn't the whole point of WOFL to have safety with numbers? The whole aspect of control due to controlling the nature of your engagements? Do you understand that such obviously was not a good method of going about that?

You tried to bring your own brand of control to this world and it may have worked for awhile but this world seems to be all about change and continuing to change your tactics to match an ever changing world. You tried to do the same thing over and over and it allowed others to adapt and thus overcome.

You seem to not be taking this too hard but that other guy from TPF is complaining far too much that a response was made. WOFL was a de facto threat to anyone and everyone due to what it could possibly due. Maybe you never would have projected that power upon anyone but that doesn't really matter. Alliances have to react to possibilities because if you wait to react till its a real problem for you then it is too late. It seems some of your allies are completely clueless to that reality, that is unfortunate. To expect those that now stand against you to think they are wrong in their actions due to you guys not liking the response to your taunting is just a complete failure when it comes to rationally being able to identify the entire scenario instead of just your own personal little parts in it.

Learn and adapt, or just quit as some of you are threatening to do. Take your balls and go home I guess.

I completely agree that we were too slow to adapt. The warning signs were right in front of us, and we didn't take them seriously enough. Stupid now that I look back on it. Having experienced similar things in Round 4, I should have been the first one to recognize the signs. My mistake may cost WOLF dearly.

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Man this is messed up. MHA attacked you (RE) because we had intel that you were going to attack us, we were actually trying to postpone a huge bloc war until later in the round so both sids would be able to engage in the style of fighting that characterizes TE, an all out brawl, while now our nations can barely anarchy each other. I don't really mind, you have your group and we have ours, but I know for certain that the only reason we are part of judgement is because the formation of WOLF sadly prevents us from playing in the style we desire, which is a round where every alliance is for themselves, friendships are not bound in stone and that general looseness in relations which results produces a dynamic and intense environment to play a fast-paced game of alliance vs. alliance. Only once in the last 3 rounds has MHA been attacked by a smaller alliance, maybe twice, I am not sure, but I know for sure that three times we have been attacked by coalilitions twice our size. Thats the style of play we don't like, that whole 2 and 3 against 1, or 1 and 3 against 2, or this round, 1 against 2 and 3 and 4 against 5 and 6. Harmful always supported that 1 vs 2, 2 vs 3, setting, where wars are won by skill and activity instead of who blitzes first. I don't care about all these personal feuds, they have no place in this game, the feelings two members have for each other should not decide the fate of 300 nations. WOLF, you are honorable players, who are interspersed with the same number of trolls and flamers that we are, and I am afraid that we are letting their actions dictate our policy. You formed a bloc because your style of play is to get strong friends and beat away opposistion, we are more of an individualist alliance. Our actions towards you and TPF, and everyone else, is dictated by our belief that treaties and blocs do not belong in this game, we have enough of that in standard edition. We want to win because our players are dedicated, skillful and loyal to harmful, we are not above using deceit and any weapon at our disposal, but we endeavor to keep those weapons as a last resort, like when a bloc is about to blow us to pieces. This round is probably runied for MHA, as we are now caught in a web of alliances that will strangle us all, but all I can say is that I hope that next round will be clean, honest alliance vs. alliance fighting, 1 on 1 wars that show what we are truely made of, fighting to ZI to defend our friends in the alliance.

As of NOW, all bickering is to stop, the past is the past, and may the ZI's that this war brings be the wave that clears the sands of time and leaves a blank slate for us to write on, in our own way.

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I hope that next round will be clean, honest alliance vs. alliance fighting, 1 on 1 wars that show what we are truely made of, fighting to ZI to defend our friends in the alliance.

As of NOW, all bickering is to stop, the past is the past, and may the ZI's that this war brings be the wave that clears the sands of time and leaves a blank slate for us to write on, in our own way.

That is truth in the fullest B)

May the best alliance win, and may we be as honorable as our foes.

Edited by tallah
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This seem to be getting personal war. About ZI people-that isnt right at all. Although i do want to say that to bare this in your mind. This is just for fun of game. For god's sake y'all, chill out >.<

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I salute EVERYONE on BOTH sides of the war...

I want to make this very VERY clear now...

Judgment Resurrected IS NOT HERE TO Zi ANYONE.

  • If you want out of this war you can simply change to NONE.
  • You can rejoin your alliance when this battle is finished.
  • Simple. We are not here to kick you to the curb and continue kicking you to the curb.
  • We don't tolerate this practice.
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So here we have no evidence of ZI and Frostbite's and MHA's leadership saying they don't support it.

Methinks that anyone who accuses JR with PZI policies needs to have some serious ev.

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