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Clarification of Protection


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Not much, going from this little escapade.

As stated in the OP, miraculously the nations attacked dropped their request for reps. And as I stated in the OP, don't expect for that to happen again. Ignorance, blind or not, won't be an excuse in the future.

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As stated in the OP, miraculously the nations attacked dropped their request for reps. And as I stated in the OP, don't expect for that to happen again. Ignorance, blind or not, won't be an excuse in the future.

What a shame.

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If thats the case, I encourage you to attack any member of California, The Sasori Initiative, Ninjas Will PWN You, 64 Digits, AOD Brigade, or Big Top Order (VA's personal protectorate) who don't have "protectorate" in their Bio. We'll see how that turns out for you.

you're good at this conversation thing, arent you?

Not really. If you can't be bothered to look beyond the nation bio and get slammed, that's pretty much your own damn fault.

So now its the fault of the raider for not checking: Wikia, OWF, Alliance forums, IRC? Speaking as someone whos made the mistake of raiding someone who didnt know how to spell his own AA its rather simple to put "protected by asdfghjkl" in your bio and save yourself alot of trouble of a raider who didnt go through the 45 steps you expect them to

Edited by wickedj
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you're good at this conversation thing, arent you?

So now its the fault of the raider for not checking: Wikia, OWF, Alliance forums, IRC? Speaking as someone whos made the mistake of raiding someone who didnt know how to spell his own AA its rather simple to put "protected by asdfghjkl" in your bio and save yourself alot of trouble of a raider who didnt go through the 45 steps you expect them to

Actually, yes, i'm quite good at this conversation thing.

As to your second point, um...yes. I figured we'd covered this in previous parts of this thread. if you want to be a tech raider, you need to have the know-how to do the research first. If you can't be bothered, then you will face the consequences. Very rarely will you run into a nation that will get raided and be ok with only peace. Most will demand retribution, either monetarily or militarily.

Shovel and SLCB were very fortunate. It's rather sad how cocky he's being after being given a gift such as this, but it shows his character.

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Actually, yes, i'm quite good at this conversation thing.

As to your second point, um...yes. I figured we'd covered this in previous parts of this thread. if you want to be a tech raider, you need to have the know-how to do the research first. If you can't be bothered, then you will face the consequences. Very rarely will you run into a nation that will get raided and be ok with only peace. Most will demand retribution, either monetarily or militarily.

Shovel and SLCB were very fortunate. It's rather sad how cocky he's being after being given a gift such as this, but it shows his character.

The thing that I find funny in all this is how you never refer to FOK, contacted FOK or anything of the sort, when they also raided the same people...hmmm...SLCB small alliance...FOK big alliance. I wonder...

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you're good at this conversation thing, arent you?

So now its the fault of the raider for not checking: Wikia, OWF, Alliance forums, IRC? Speaking as someone whos made the mistake of raiding someone who didnt know how to spell his own AA its rather simple to put "protected by asdfghjkl" in your bio and save yourself alot of trouble of a raider who didnt go through the 45 steps you expect them to

If you raid, the burden of the consequences is 100% on you. If the guy has big friends who attack you or make you pay reps, sucks for you. It is no one else's job to prevent you from getting in such a situation. If you aren't willing to accept the risk, don't raid.


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The thing that I find funny in all this is how you never refer to FOK, contacted FOK or anything of the sort, when they also raided the same people...hmmm...SLCB small alliance...FOK big alliance. I wonder...

Um, actually, I never named any alliance in the OP, and never referred to any alliances involved until you opened your big mouth. And I haven't mentioned FOK because they haven't come in and gloated about the raids. Unlike yourself, I wasn't out to make a scene, just a clarification. Had I wanted to make a scene, i would have provided screenshots and links to pages.

So, again, congrats on your show of character. You win!

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So now its the fault of the raider for not checking: Wikia, OWF, Alliance forums, IRC? Speaking as someone whos made the mistake of raiding someone who didnt know how to spell his own AA its rather simple to put "protected by asdfghjkl" in your bio and save yourself alot of trouble of a raider who didnt go through the 45 steps you expect them to

Since when is it the responsibility of everyone else to make things easier for the raiders by putting their treaty information in the bio? What if an alliance has several MDPs instead of a protectorate? Do they really have to put up all the treaties and keep it updated so a raiders job gets a little easier?

If you want to tech raid, take the appropriate precautions and be prepared to accept the consequences of your actions.

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Um, actually, I never named any alliance in the OP, and never referred to any alliances involved until you opened your big mouth. And I haven't mentioned FOK because they haven't come in and gloated about the raids. Unlike yourself, I wasn't out to make a scene, just a clarification. Had I wanted to make a scene, i would have provided screenshots and links to pages.

So, again, congrats on your show of character. You win!

If you'd answer all my points instead of the one that fits your agenda, that'd be great.

What's a shame is that you haven't been ZIed or even better, perma-ZIed yet.

Very honorable thing you are doing here, VA and company. Many o/'s and such.

Someone tried once, they failed. And that's cool of you to support PZI.

Edited by Shovel
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its pretty SOP to put a protectorate in your bio. if you dont and get raided thats pretty much your own fault

No it is always the responsibility of the raider who did not bother to check who is being protected.

you're good at this conversation thing, arent you?

So now its the fault of the raider for not checking: Wikia, OWF, Alliance forums, IRC? Speaking as someone whos made the mistake of raiding someone who didnt know how to spell his own AA its rather simple to put "protected by asdfghjkl" in your bio and save yourself alot of trouble of a raider who didnt go through the 45 steps you expect them to

"Making a mistake" by declaring a war on a nation in another alliance, regardless of the circumstances, still forces you to face the consequences of your actions. Ignorance is not a excuse. It was a matter of courtesy that we issued a warning. This is by far the most lenient action that could be taken and yet we still are facing comments such as this.

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If you'd answer all my points instead of the one that fits your agenda, that'd be great.

Someone tried once, they failed. And that's cool of you to support PZI.

Um, which points would those be? I'm fairly certain I answered why I didn't mention FOK...or any alliance for that matter. It wasnt my intention to point out the culprits. It was to inform and clarify to the public.

As to our communications with FOK, that's really none of your business. Unlike some, we're not afraid to stand up to anyone. We dealt with FOK, as we did with SLCB. As I said previously, the attacked nations dropped all rep requirements. It had nothing to do with the size of any of the alliances involved.

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Um, which points would those be? I'm fairly certain I answered why I didn't mention FOK...or any alliance for that matter. It wasnt my intention to point out the culprits. It was to inform and clarify to the public.

As to our communications with FOK, that's really none of your business. Unlike some, we're not afraid to stand up to anyone. We dealt with FOK, as we did with SLCB. As I said previously, the attacked nations dropped all rep requirements. It had nothing to do with the size of any of the alliances involved.

I know FOK quite well, and I am 100% sure you did not message them on IRC, or anywhere else regarding them paying reps. Yet you come hurtling into the SLCB channel demanding this and that. It seems you are scared of standing up to anyone.

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I know FOK quite well, and I am 100% sure you did not message them on IRC, or anywhere else regarding them paying reps. Yet you come hurtling into the SLCB channel demanding this and that. It seems you are scared of standing up to anyone.

Well it seems as if you're not as informed as you'd like to believe.

And as I said, I'm not here to call out an alliance who graciously accepted peace without having to give reps. You, on the other hand, are quite the opposite. Rather sad.

Edited by JWConner
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I know FOK quite well, and I am 100% sure you did not message them on IRC, or anywhere else regarding them paying reps. Yet you come hurtling into the SLCB channel demanding this and that. It seems you are scared of standing up to anyone.

Why don't you show us how its done Mr. tough guy?

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Raid one of those top alliances, and I would like to see how you deal with it when they come to your alliance demanding reps and what not. ;)

The combined forces of those demanding reps this time were much larger than my alliance. ;)

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Well, I am. So again, answer the point. :)

And as I said, you're not as informed as you'd like to believe. Fok was spoken to, and once we got word that no reps were required, it was over with.

Our issues with SLCB were over with as well, that is until you decided to chime in arrogantly in this thread. You're given quite the gift and yet still feel the need gloat. Like I said, shows great integrity.

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