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Buryatia deploys ‘strategic missiles’ to Novaya Zemlya

Imperator Azenquor

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OOC: This is CNRP I suggest you don't use any Real Life examples as they have almost no similarities to what happens here in CNRP. Seriously we have already had a mini nuclear war before you joined and no one reacted that badly to it.
OOC: This game is fully based on real life diplomacy, wars, etc, and saying its not is absouletly foolish as everyone here RP's as it was the real world, with diffrent countries and leaders.

If CNRP is not based off of real word politics then please tell me what it is based off of. Also, saying "Nothing" Is no such answer as this RP has to be played off of some sort of rules of physics, physcology, and reason.

OOC: Im going to try to clear that up, the statment I made was very arrogant/vauge OOCly. I understand that CNRP isnt fully based off of real world events, but the OOC Example I think is fitting to understand how a General situtaion like that can unfold. Person A takes a baseball bat, and pokes, and swings and intentionally misses at Person B, to provoke violence. Person B then reacts to the Hostile acts with Hostile attacks out of defense.

Is that more clear?

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OOC do not speak to me like im stupid krieg.

im far from it.

That comment was meant to me OOC but i forgot to write it in.

your overreacting too much. i bet russia and china move nukes around everywhere. but you dont get america all up in their face about it.

why dont you just stop being an arrogant dick in character and just spam another thread hmm?

christ almighty. like seriously.

This is exactly why I will no longer comment on your posts, Im sorry your letting Mixed IC/OOC statements get to you. I was new a few days ago and it happened to me as well, and got me all worked up, no need to shout obsenities and threats. When you cool down ill begin commenting again.

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OOC: Breakdown of Cole's post:

We fully support the right to move nuclear missiles but using them in an offensive stance is unacceptable.

OOC: I know your not a native speaker of English, and want to make sure you understand the diffrence between Offensive and Defensive.

Offensive is the placing, arming, and prepping of said weapons to be USED against another nation.

Defensive is the placing, arming, and upkeep of said weapons to ONLY be used in the event the nation feels threatened by an invasion, at which point last miunte prepperations are made and then launched.

I would like to point out that this kind of offensive placement of missiles in a Soviet-USA Cold war era would bring about very harsh words and would very likely lead to war if the missiles were not deprepped down to Defensive status.

I advise everyone commenting to read up on the Cuban missile crisis and the cause and effects of Offensive Nuclear Missile placements in close quarters to another country.

Misunderstanding over, all parties cool down or else they get the hose again. <_<

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OOC: Wasn't a flame actually, i thought only the statement that i wasn't a native english speaker was OOC. Regardless, that would only drop the first sentence from my post, that being the one where i mention knowing the difference. The rest of the post still applies :)


"Correction, the Slavorussian public statement called them of an offensive nature. Though we agree that nuclear weaponry is inherently offensive, that does not mean that Buryatia's purpose for deployment is actual use. Their official statement mentioned them to be placed there as a means of protection, and although we understand the Slavorussians -- and other neighboring states, for that matter -- would see this as a motion of no confidence, that is still a far cry from actually entering the launch codes and plunging a nation into nuclear holocaust. Therefore, we state that as long as no proof is given that Buryatia is actually planning to launch them, it cannot be assumed that they were put there for offensive purposes."

The Empire of Krieg recongzines our past statements as arrogant and not justified, as we are still learning from our mistakes which nearly costed the world millions of lives. However we think this can all easily be cleared up if both nations insert their remarks on the current situation.

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This is exactly why I will no longer comment on your posts, Im sorry your letting Mixed IC/OOC statements get to you. I was new a few days ago and it happened to me as well, and got me all worked up, no need to shout obsenities and threats. When you cool down ill begin commenting again.

OOC when i cool down?


im older than you in CNRP,

i dont need to cool down, but i find you patronising, and stupid as hell. referring to your IC comments.

and if idn you patronising becuase you take us all for idiots with all your daft little explanations.

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OOC when i cool down?


im older than you in CNRP,

i dont need to cool down, but i find you patronising, and stupid as hell. referring to your IC comments.

and if idn you patronising becuase you take us all for idiots with all your daft little explanations.

OOC: Seriously please stop throwing OOC threats and obscenities around, your overreacting. Take it from the guy who tryed to nuke everyone out of paranoia... relax and have fun. :)

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OOC: Seriously please stop throwing OOC threats and obscenities around, your overreacting. Take it from the guy who tryed to nuke everyone out of paranoia... relax and have fun. :)

ooc, threats?

are you smoking crack from a pipe?

where the hell have i threatened you.


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ooc, threats?

are you smoking crack from a pipe?

where the hell have i threatened you.


OOC: Ok man you obviously are upset over somthing I advise you please relax and stop insulting me after trying to smooth things over. No need to keep bombarding me with insults. Im sorry if ive offened you in any way, and strongly stress that you should NOT take my IC Emperor's statements as a direct representation of me. I act him like he is for a reason.. Ive apologized. Please relax? :D


EDIT 2: Dont want to make another comment inorder to make sure you dont feel im spamming this thread.

I dont see any threats OOCly, but there are some very hurtful OOC remarks.. once again Im sorry, can you please drop it..

Edited by Colerich Krieg
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OOC: Ok man you obviously are upset over somthing I advise you please relax and stop insulting me after trying to smooth things over. No need to keep bombarding me with insults. Im sorry if ive offened you in any way, and strongly stress that you should take my IC Emperor's statements as a direct representation of me. I act him like he is for a reason.. Ive apologized. Please relax? :D


your under the impression persistantly that im pissed with you as a person

im not

also i want to see an example of these threats cos now im curious

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OOC: Zoot Zoot either stop insulting Kreig or I will report you for flaming him. As he said you are mixing IC and OOC together. If he wants to RP an arrogant, annoying paranoid character he can but that doesn't mean he is that in real life.

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OOC: Zoot Zoot either stop insulting Kreig or I will report you for flaming him. As he said you are mixing IC and OOC together. If he wants to RP an arrogant, annoying paranoid character he can but that doesn't mean he is that in real life.

OOC: many thanks for clarrifing this, and no need to report him. I was acting exactly like that the other day, and we all learn from being idiots, and move on.

IC: The Emperor would like to report that he has lost his Anxiety medicine and will now be acting 100x more paranoid and arrogant then ever seen before >:L !!

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OOC: Yes enough of the OOC before we ruin this thread.

IC: "The Imperial Kingdom of Tasmania believes that as long as Buryatia was deploying said defenses on its own borders then theydid not need to contact any other nation as it was their own land they were moving on".

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OOC: Yes enough of the OOC before we ruin this thread.

IC: "The Imperial Kingdom of Tasmania believes that as long as Buryatia was deploying said defenses on its own borders then theydid not need to contact any other nation as it was their own land they were moving on".

The Empire fully supports this statement and once again admits its previous remarks were overly aggressive and (when he comes back online) when the Imperator clarifies simply that they are not for offensive use, that is all we are asking.

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***Official Statement from the Foreign Affairs Department, Yakutsk, Buryatia***

“As the territory of Novaya Zemlya is a recognized part of the sovereign territory of the United Kingdom of Buryatia, it is the duty of the government of Buryatia to ensure the full military security of the territory. In ensuring this military security, the government of Buryatia reserves the right to deploy any and all military equipment at our disposal anywhere within our sovereign territory.

We seek to assure the government of the Slavorussian Empire that they have absolutely nothing to worry about as a result of this deployment.

Regarding the statements from the Empire of Krieg, there will be no clarification of the purpose, location, status, type, model, or range of any of the missiles being deployed to Novaya Zemlya as we consider any such information that has not already been released to be classified. We are not required to disclose the status of our military equipment that is deployed inside our own territory, or the location of said military equipment to any other government or agent thereof. We are also not required to disclose the location of any nuclear weapons in our possession or where such weapons have been, or will be deployed.

Regarding the threat from the government of the Empire of Krieg to ‘declare war if Nuclear weapons are being placed in an Offensive nature in relation to Russia’, this statement has been noted and taken into consideration."

***Private message to the governments of the Imperial Kingdom of Tasmania and Zargathia***

“The government of Buryatia thanks you for your support regarding the situation with the Empire of Krieg. We will continue to monitor the situation carefully in order to prevent any escalation from taking place."


Buryatia's military moves to DEFCON 3

Buryatia's Navy moves to DEFCON 2

Buryatia's nuclear forces move to DEFCON 4

Buryatia's Air Forces move to DEFCON 1.5

Task Force Epsilon:

-BNS Sakha (Aircraft Carrier)

-BNS Lenin (Destroyer)

-BNS Krasnoyarsk (Destroyer)

The ships of Task Force Epsilon, which were underway several weeks ago, arrive and dock at a port in Novaya Zemlya's northeast.

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Private, and classified to the Triumvirate of Buryatia: [OOC: Or whoever's in charge these days, i think i lost track ;)]

Directly From The Desk of The God-Emperor; In My Hand, an Urgent Memorandum;

After viewing the media release on your deployment of missiles to an area easily within striking distance of our population centres, my concern is growing rapidly. Despite declaring that you will not hold yourselves responsible to any international power, and that you will not openly justify yourselves, the lack of detail in your declaration as a lone factor alarms us greatly as a nation.

Throughout the recent civil strife Buryatia has endured, The Imperium has openly and publicly endoursed and supported the junta's actions. Our people have our origins as inhabitants of land you protected. We have not forgotten the day you allowed us nationhood. I, and all I represent and control hold Buryatia in the utmost esteem, and hold nothing but respect and trust in you, and your actions, but, as a leader, concerned for the safety of my people request a modicum of transperency- I request that you eludicate to me the nature of the threat you percieve to be so great that you must comprimise the safety of my people, the nature of the the potential threat that you are presenting to us, and the region.

A matter of dire urgitude; Written and Signed in My Hand, awaiting a prompt and decisive reply;


OOC: so much ANIMOSITY here!!!!!!!! :gag:

Btw Imperator, who IS in charge in Buryatia these days? Still the junta, right? Or did you swap back to a civillian government while I wasn't looking, like a :ph34r: ? Also, any news on my little PM request, or do we have to wait for the other half of the equation to make a decision before anything's worked out? I have an idea for an RP for it that'll be interesting, and now that my HSC trials are over, I'll have more time to devote to moar CNRP ^.^ Also, how about some kind of treaty sometime? xD

Krieg- if your Emperor finds his chill pills again, and you won't be dragging me into any random wars with people, same question as before?

Edited by Imperium of Poliz
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***Official Statement from the Foreign Affairs Department, Yakutsk, Buryatia***

We seek to assure the government of the Slavorussian Empire that they have absolutely nothing to worry about as a result of this deployment.

Regarding the statements from the Empire of Krieg, there will be no clarification of the purpose, location, status, type, model, or range of any of the missiles being deployed to Novaya Zemlya as we consider any such information that has not already been released to be classified. We are not required to disclose the status of our military equipment that is deployed inside our own territory, or the location of said military equipment to any other government or agent thereof. We are also not required to disclose the location of any nuclear weapons in our possession or where such weapons have been, or will be deployed.

Regarding the threat from the government of the Empire of Krieg to ‘declare war if Nuclear weapons are being placed in an Offensive nature in relation to Russia’, this statement has been noted and taken into consideration."[/i]

" The Empire of Krieg has since apologized for our rash remarks off hand as we are still recovering mentally and physiclly from our countries admitted arrogance which nearly started World War 3. We also not that the Quoted statement in bold was all we asked and nothing more, so the statement following as unneeded.

We will continue to monitor the situation as even though we are a by nature peaceful yet arrogant at first admittedly, we fully support the concerns of the the Russian Empire. Having Nuclear weapons at anyones doorstep is not something anyone should take with a grain of salt, and we hope the Buryantian government understands and will cooperate with Russia in helping to insure that these missiles will not be used for the purpose of Indiscriminate mass destruction of said nation. "

Edited by Colerich Krieg
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OOC: The statement by Imperium of Poliz was a classified letter to my gov't, Krieg therefore you can't possibly know what is in the letter.

OOC: Sorry he had to edit his post and it came out sorta sloppy so I didnt see that part, Ill edit my post now.

EDIT: Fix'd

Edited by Colerich Krieg
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