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Soldiers of Fortune

King Kevz

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Name: Soldiers of Fortune

Biography: Soldiers of Fortune is a mercenary company who has been operating for roughly two years and has participated in a number of conflicts world wide though it has rarely done so in an aggressive combat based role. The company refuses to use the name private military company as they are not afraid to say what they truly are mercenaries. War is a costly action both in terms of money and lives and should only be used as a last resort however, when fighting needs to be done well Soldiers of Fortune offers its expertise.

Roles: Soldiers of Fortune offer a variety of roles for different situations, their services follow no fixed price and are instead worked on a contract to contract basis. The roles avaliable include bodyguarding, high priority target removal, training providers, military supervisors, armed conflict support and weapon investigation and observation.

Number of personal:

10,000 soldiers

200 pilots

10,000 support personal

20,000 civilian workers


Multiple small and heavy arms

1000 Bradley APC's

85 F-22 Raptors

50 Apache Attack Helicopters

1 Unarmed Intelligance Vessel

10 Transport Vessels

If you would like to hire the services of Soldiers of Fortune then please fill out a form using the below style and mail it to us at our headquarters in Tasmania. Our address is: 45 Kings Way, Gracemeria, GR45 7HY.


Name of Contact:

Nation applying from:

Service Required:

Brief Outline of Mission objective:

Maximum funds avaliable for service hire:

Edited by King Kevz
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Name of Contact: Vladimir Voronin

Nation applying from: Yacranai

Service Required: Elimination of Extremeists

Brief Outline of Mission objective: Russian extremeists have rebelled in Yacrania. We wish for them to be eliminated at all costs, just short of civillian life.

Maximum funds avaliable for service hire: 2,500,000 Yacranian Marks

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Name of Contact: Vladimir Voronin

Nation applying from: Yacranai

Service Required: Elimination of Extremeists

Brief Outline of Mission objective: Russian extremeists have rebelled in Yacrania. We wish for them to be eliminated at all costs, just short of civillian life.

Maximum funds avaliable for service hire: 2,500,000 Yacranian Marks

Soldiers of Fortune can provide a service of armed conflict support consisting of one thousand soldiers and fifty Bradley APC's which can be dispatched to Yacranai for 500,000 Yacranian Marks. If this is acceptable please reply saying so and what landing area you would like them to arrive at.

Edited by King Kevz
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"This message is to the head of Soldiers of Fortune."

"This is to congratulate you on a successful announcement, and a reminder that you never take a contract that will directly conflict with the interests of Promised Land or any other Australiasion Coalition member."

~Administrator Richard Anderson

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OOC: Yea that's where I got the name.

IC: Soldiers of Fortune are announcing that we are going to be increasing our total soldier numbers to 10,000 as recruitment has proven very successful and plans are in place to increase it even further at a later date.

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"Viniland normally allow private military or security companies to operate in its soil, but "Soldiers of Fortune" is not welcomed in the country since it explicitly engages in criminal activities (or at least wishes to) and thus has been outlawed. Any "Soldier of Fortune" operative found in Vinilandese soil will be arrested and trialed for belonging to a criminal organization."

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Why should anyone hire Soldiers of Fortune over more established private military companies like ClearWater International?

What advantage does the relatively untested Soldiers of Fortune have that their competitors don’t?

"We have no information on ClearWater International and have never heard of them or seen them in action. If you can provide information related to them it would be appreciated".

"Viniland normally allow private military or security companies to operate in its soil, but "Soldiers of Fortune" is not welcomed in the country since it explicitly engages in criminal activities (or at least wishes to) and thus has been outlawed. Any "Soldier of Fortune" operative found in Vinilandese soil will be arrested and trialed for belonging to a criminal organization."

"Unfortunate but understandable however, we do not engage in criminal activaties so could you please explain to us where that information came from?"

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